OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL 23 MAY 2012 ANDREW S. HAYDON HALL 10:00 a.m. AGENDA 35 1. Prayer 2. National Anthem (Councillor D. Thompson) 3. Announcements/Ceremonial Activities * Recognition – Mayor’s City Builder Award 4. Roll Call 5. Confirmation of Minutes Confirmation of the Minutes of the regular meeting of 9 May 2012. 6. Declarations of interest including those originally arising from prior meetings 7. Communications Responses to Inquiries: * 31-11 - Truck Route Study 8. Regrets No regrets filed to date. 9. Motion to Introduce Reports (Councillors P. Clark and M. Taylor) REPORTS OTTAWA COMMUNITY HOUSING CORPORATION 1. OTTAWA COMMUNITY HOUSING CORPORATION ANNUAL REPORT AND ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDER RAPPORT ANNUEL ET ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE ANNUELLE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DE LOGEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE D’OTTAWA REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That the 2011-2012 Ottawa Community Housing Corporation (OCHC) Annual Review be received (Document 1); 2. That the Signed Audited Financial Statements of Ottawa Community Housing Corporation (OCHC) for the year 2011 be received. (Document 2- 2011 Financial Statements); 3. That the Update re: the 2008-2011 Ottawa Community Housing Corporation (OCHC) Strategic Plan be received; 4. That the 2012-2015 Ottawa Community Housing Corporation (OCHC) Strategic Plan be received (Document 3); 5. That Ernst and Young be appointed as the Auditors of Ottawa Community Housing Corporation (OCHC) for the year 2012; and 6. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign a written resolution on behalf of the City of Ottawa as Shareholder of OCHC setting out the resolutions approved by City Council. OTTAWA BOARD OF HEALTH REPORT 4 1. OTTAWA PUBLIC HEALTH 2011 ANNUAL REPORT RAPPORT ANNUEL DE 2011 DE SANTÉ PUBLIQUE OTTAWA BOARD RECOMMENDATION That Council receive the Ottawa Public Health 2011 Annual Report for information, in accordance with the City of Ottawa Act, 1999. OTTAWA BOARD OF HEALTH REPORT 4A (IN CAMERA) 1. APPOINTMENT OF ASSOCIATE MEDICAL OFFICERS OF HEALTH – IN CAMERA - PERSONAL MATTERS ABOUT IDENTIFIABLE INDIVIDUALS. REPORTING OUT DATE: UPON COUNCIL APPROVAL NOMINATION DES MÉDECINS ADJOINTS EN SANTÉ PUBLIQUE – À HUIS CLOS – AFFAIRES PRIVÉES CONCERNANT UNE PERSONNE QUI PEUT ÊTRE IDENTIFIÉE. DATE DE COMPTE RENDU : SUR APPROBATION PAR LE CONSEIL. To Be Dealt With In Camera COMMITTEE REPORTS AGRICULTURE AND RURAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPORT 19 1. 1566 STAGECOACH: ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD DECISION LEAVE TO APPEAL TO DIVISIONAL COURT 1566, STAGECOACH : DÉCISION DE LA COMMISSION DES AFFAIRES MUNICIPALES DE L’ONTARIO AUTORISATION D’EN APPELER AUPRÈS DE LA COUR DIVISIONNAIRE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS AS AMENDED That Council: 1. Direct the City Clerk and Solicitor to immediately deliver a Notice of Abandonment of the Motion for Leave to Appeal the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board issued March 28, 2011 on Board File PL101449. 2. Direct the City Clerk and Solicitor to request that the Ontario Municipal Board amend and approve as amended, the Menu of Conditions for Draft Plan Approval, amended as follows: a. Delete condition 88, as ordered by the Board; b. Delete conditions 71 and 72 and replace them with the following: The Owner will provide a drainage easement to the municipality over the lands owned by 7657315 Canada Corporation to the point of connection with Tributaries 1 and 2 at the southern boundary of the property. The Owner will file a petition for a municipal drain under the Drainage Act over Tributaries 1 and 2 from the point of connection aforesaid to the Grey's Creek Municipal Drain 3. Direct staff to: a. forthwith confirm approval of the applicants' servicing plan, sign the application for Certificate of Approval and deliver same to the Ministry of the Environment. b. forthwith provide a draft zoning by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board; c. forthwith consent to a hearing of the Board, if it requires it, at the earliest possible date to finalize draft plan approval and re-zoning d. take all steps necessary to clear the conditions and proceed expeditiously to registration of the subdivision. THE FOLLOWING MOTION WAS REFERRED TO CITY COUNCIL: That pursuant to the Drainage Act, clause 4(1)(c), the City initiate a petition for drainage works for the benefit of Old Prescott Road in the vicinity of the eastern portion of 1566 Stagecoach Road and that staff be directed to send out the notices pursuant to the Drainage Act, clause 5(1)(b); and that a report be submitted to the next meeting of Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee to provide for the appointment of an engineer, including a requirement that a preliminary report pursuant to the Drainage Act, section 10 be submitted. 6. CONSOLIDATION AND UPDATE OF VILLAGE PLANS: * OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT – VOLUME 2C * COMMUNITY DESIGN PLAN AMENDMENT – CARP * COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT – CONSTANCE BAY * COMMUNITY DESIGN PLAN AMENDMENT – GREELY CODIFICATION ET MISE À JOUR DES PLANS DE VILLAGE : * MODIFICATION DU PLAN OFFICIEL – VOLUME 2C * MODIFICATION DU PLAN DE CONCEPTION COMMUNAUTAIRE – CARP * MODIFICATION DU PLAN COMMUNAUTAIRE – CONSTANCE BAY * MODIFICATION DU PLAN DE CONCEPTION COMMUNAUTAIRE – GREELY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS AS AMENDED That Council: 1. Approve and adopt Official Plan Amendment XX, an amendment to Volume 2C of the Official Plan of the City of Ottawa as detailed in Document 1; 2. Approve and adopt the Carp Community Design Plan as amended as detailed in Document 2; 3. Approve and adopt the Constance Bay Community Plan as amended as detailed in Document 3; 4. Approve and adopt the Greely Community Design Plan as amended as detailed in Document 4. 5. Replace the attached Schedule C – Village Road Network, which revises the location of the north-south collector found in the updated Greely Community Design Plan (Document 3). 6. Add the following text at the end of Section 2.2 Growth Management of the revised Constance Bay Community Plan (Document 4): “When a village boundary expansion is warranted at some future date, consideration could be given to the lands located south of Constance Bay Road and east of Dunrobin Road.” 7. substitute the word “should” for the word “shall” listed in Document 2, page 12, Policy 2.3.1 (4) of the Carp Village Community Design Plan; and renumber Section “2.3.1” in Document 2, page 13 as “2.3.2” and; renumber Section “2.3.2” in Document 2, page 14 as “2.3.3”. COMMUNITY AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT 14 1. OTTAWA ARTS COURT FOUNDATION – 2012 FUNDING FONDATION DE LA COUR DES ARTS D’OTTAWA – FINANCEMENT DE 2012 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS That Council Approve: 1. That Ottawa Arts Court Foundation be granted 60 days to explore a merger with the Council for the Arts in Ottawa, and that Cultural Services assess the viability of the merger and report back at the end of August 2012 on the results; and 2. That the Ottawa Arts Court Foundation receive three final funding instalments of $15,252 on May 24, June 24 and July 24, 2012 to be used to maintain summer theatre operations serving the arts community and to sustain the organization. FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT 20A 1. 2011–2014 CITY STRATEGIC PLAN PLAN STRATÉGIQUE DE LA VILLE D’OTTAWA 2011–2014 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS That Council: 1. Approve Appendix H, attached; and 2. Consider and approve this report in its entirety following consideration by the Transit Commission and the various Standing Committees. PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT 30A 1. ZONING - 2781, 2791, 2797 BASELINE ROAD AND 2704, 2706, 2724, 2734 DRAPER AVENUE ZONAGE - 2781, 2791, 2797, CHEMIN BASELINE ET 2704, 2706, 2724, 2734, AVENUE DRAPER COMMITTEE MEETING INFORMATION Delegations: Two delegations spoke to this item; one in support, with cautions about dealing with developers, speaking on behalf of his experience with the community’s involvement. The other was a two-person delegation from Greatwise Developments Inc., the developer, also in support of the compromise offered. Debate: Approximately 30 minutes were spent in discussion on this item; staff position was augmented by Councillor Chiarelli’s amending Motion. Vote: The item was CARRIED, as amended. Position of Ward Councillor: In favour, as amended by his Motion. Position of Advisory Committee(s): Not included in report. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS AS AMENDED That Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 2781, 2791, 2797 Baseline Road 2704, 2706, 2724 and 2734 Draper Avenue from R5A[1700] S247 (Residential Fifth Density Subzone A, Exception 1700, Schedule 247 Zone) to R5A[1700] S247, 282-h (Residential Fifth Density Subzone A, Exception 1700, Schedules 247 and 282 Holding Zone) as detailed in Document 2 and shown on Documents 1, 3 and 4, as amended by the following: 1. That the residential unit count limit be subject to 3% flexibility (ie 400 units + or - 3%; ie 388 - 412 units) upon review by Planning staff and subject to the concurrence of the local Councillor; 2. That any proposed unit count beyond the 3% range of flexibility or within the 3% but which fails to gain concurrence of the Councillor will require a new Hearing; 3. That parking for any commercial use is required at the rate of 1 space for each 92.9m of gross floor area, and; 4. That parking for commercial uses is permitted on in Area B on Schedule 247. 3. CONFIRMING ELIGIBILITY FOR THE REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT RELATED FEES FOR CHARITABLE AND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS CONFIRMATION DE L'ADMISSIBILITÉ AU PROGRAMME DE REMBOURSEMENT DES REDEVANCES D'AMÉNAGEMENT POUR LES ORGANISMES DE BIENFAISANCE OU SANS BUT LUCRATIF COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the amended listing of organizations eligible for reimbursement from the Reimbursement Program for Development-Related Fees for Charitable and Non-Profit Organizations. 4. WAIVING OF DEVELOPMENT CHARGES FOR 164 MAIN STREET RENONCIATION AUX REDEVANCES D’AMÉNAGEMENT POUR LE 164, RUE MAIN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council waive municipal development charges in the amount of $18,258.00 in respect of three apartment units, which is part of a mixed use development with no front yard parking, at 164 Main Street. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT 17 1. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT (TDM) STRATEGY STRATÉGIE DE GESTION DE LA DEMANDE EN TRANSPORT (GDT) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Strategy, including the proposed three-year action plan, as detailed in Document 1. 3. CITY OF OTTAWA TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT STRATEGY LA STRATÉGIE DE GESTION DU SYSTÈME DE TRANSPORT DE LA VILLE D’OTTAWA COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the Transportation System Management Strategy and Action Plan as attached in this report. 4. PARKING OPERATIONS, MAINTENANCE AND DEVELOPMENT BRANCH 2011 ANNUAL REPORT AND 2012 BUSINESS PLAN RAPPORT ANNUEL DE 2011 ET PLAN D’ACTIVITÉS POUR 2012 – DIRECTION DE L’EXPLOITATION ET DE L’ENTRETIEN DES STATIONNEMENTS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS That Council: 1. Receive the Parking Operations, Maintenance and Development Branch 2011 Annual Report; and, 2. Receive the Parking Operations, Maintenance and Development Branch 2012 Business Plan. 5. SOMERSET STREET WEST – INSTALLATION OF BENCHES AND REFUSE CONTAINERS RUE SOMERSET OUEST – INSTALLATION DE BANCS ET DE POUBELLES COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve up to $63,000 to provide distinctive benches and refuse containers on Somerset Street West between Booth Street and Bay Street in order to fulfill the Traditional Main Street directions contained in the Official Plan. 6. INTERPROVINCIAL BRIDGE TRUCK STUDY ÉTUDE DES PASSAGES INTERPROVINCIAUX DE CAMIONS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council reiterate its position that the proponents of the Interprovincial Crossing Study comply with Council’s July 2010 directive. 10. Bulk Consent Agenda That Council approve the Bulk Consent Agenda attached as Document 1. 11. Motion to Adopt Reports (Councillors P. Clark and M. Taylor) 12. Motions of Which Notice has been Given Previously MOTION Moved by Councillor S. Blais Seconded by Councillor M. Wilkinson WHEREAS an extension to Brian Coburn Boulevard, including an intersection with Mer Bleue Road is nearing completion of construction; and WHEREAS to open a road a by-law is required; and WHEREAS the reference plan to permit a legal description for the by-law is anticipated to be available prior to the next meeting of Council; and WHEREAS the Municipal Act permits the delegation of the authority to enact certain by-laws; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the authority to enact a by-law opening that portion of Brian Coburn Boulevard between Mer Bleue Road and Tenth Line Road be delegated to a Committee composed of the Chair, Transportation Committee and Councillor Blais and the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Committee will meet at the call of the Chair, Transportation Committee and notice of the meeting to approve the by-law be placed upon the City’s website a minimum of six hours before the meeting is to take place. 13. Notices of Motion (For Consideration at Subsequent Meeting) 14. Motion to Introduce By-laws (Councillors P. Clark and M. Taylor) First and Second Readings A by-law of the City of Ottawa to provide for a drainage works project changing the course of the existing drainage works known as the South Cyrville Municipal Drain. Three Readings a) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-514 respecting fees for sewer use. b) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and public highway and assume it for public use (Hazeldean Road). c) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2012-5 to appoint certain Municipal Law Enforcement Officers to enforce the provisions of the Sewer Use By-law. d) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-530 regulating traffic and parking on highways. e) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law 2007-268 respecting fees and changes for public transit services. f) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2004-60 to appoint Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in accordance with private property parking enforcement. g) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and public highway and assume it for public use (Greenbank Road). h) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to close an untravelled road allowance located in the Geographic Township of Gloucester, City of Ottawa. i) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish the Urban Transit Area within the City of Ottawa and to repeal By-law No. 2009-395 and By-law No. 2005-529. j) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish the Rural Transit Areas within the City of Ottawa and to repeal By-law No. 2009-409. k) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish the Kanata North Hydro Service Area within the City of Ottawa. l) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish the tax ratios for the taxation year 2012. m) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to levy taxes for the year 2012. n) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to levy taxes for the year 2012 for police services. o) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to levy taxes for the year 2012 for the City of Ottawa’s share of the costs of the conservation authorities. p) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish a special levy for community and recreational services within the service area known as the Canterbury Community Centre Expansion Area for the year 2012. q) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish a special levy for underground hydro lines along Kanata Avenue within the service area known as the Kanata North Hydro Service Area for the year 2012. r) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish a special levy for fire protection and prevention in the rural service area for the year 2012. s) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish a special levy for fire protection and prevention in the urban service area for the year 2012. t) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish a special levy for public transportation within the Rural Transit Service Areas for the year 2012. u) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish a special levy for public transportation within the service area known as the Urban Transit Area for the year 2012. v) A by-law of the City of Ottawa respecting the calculation of the amount of taxes for municipal and school purposes payable in respect of property in the commercial classes, industrial classes or multi-residential property class for 2012. w) A by-law of the City of Ottawa respecting property subclass tax reductions for the year 2012. x) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish a percentage by which tax decreases are limited for 2012 for properties in the commercial, industrial and multi-residential property classes. y) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-500 respecting the sewer service rate. z) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to levy a special charge in respect of the Business Improvement Areas in the City of Ottawa and to provide for the collection of these special charges for the year 2012. aa) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to impose, levy and collect a rate for the purposes of The Sparks Street Mall Management Board with respect to the Sparks Street Mall for the year 2012. bb) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2007-476 regarding exemption from taxation for veterans’ organizations. cc) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to correct technical anomalies and make minor corrections. dd) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of lands known municipally as 2781, 2791 and 2797 Baseline Road and 2704, 2724 and 2734 Draper Avenue. ee) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa to introduce policies for drive-through facilities in Village Cores. ff) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of lands known municipally as 1045 Spruce Ridge Road. gg) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of lands known municipally as 1614 and 1624 Thomas Argue Road. hh) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa to adopt the Consolidated Villages Secondary Plan. ii) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and public highway and assume it for public use (Cedarhill Drive). jj) A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate certain lands at 53 Young Street as being exempt from Part Lot Control and to repeal By-law No. 2012-25. 15. Confirmation By-law (Councillors P. Clark and M. Taylor) 16. Inquiries 17. Adjournment (Councillors P. Clark and M. Taylor) Simultaneous interpretation of these proceedings is available. Please speak to the attendant at reception. 16 OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 35 23 MAY 2012