1.         1566 Stagecoach Ontario Municipal Board Decision Leave to Appeal To Divisional Court


1566, Stagecoach : décision de la commission des affaires municipales de l’Ontario autorisation d’en appeler auprès de la cour divisionnaire






That Council:


1.                  Direct the City Clerk and Solicitor to immediately deliver a Notice of Abandonment of the Motion for Leave to Appeal the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board issued March 28, 2011 on Board File PL101449.


2.                  Direct the City Clerk and Solicitor to request that the Ontario Municipal Board amend and approve as amended, the Menu of Conditions for Draft Plan Approval, amended as follows:


a.         Delete condition 88, as ordered by the Board;


b.         Delete conditions 71 and 72 and replace them with the following: The Owner will provide a drainage easement to the municipality over the lands owned by 7657315 Canada Corporation to the point of connection with Tributaries 1 and 2 at the southern boundary of the property. The Owner will file a petition for a municipal drain under the Drainage Act over Tributaries 1 and 2 from the point of connection aforesaid to the Grey's Creek Municipal Drain


3.                  Direct staff to:


a.         forthwith confirm approval of the applicants' servicing plan, sign the application for Certificate of Approval and deliver same to the Ministry of the Environment.


b.         forthwith provide a draft zoning by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board;


c.         forthwith consent to a hearing of the Board, if it requires it, at the earliest possible date to finalize draft plan approval and re-zoning


d.         take all steps necessary to clear the conditions and proceed expeditiously to registration of the subdivision.





That pursuant to the Drainage Act, clause 4(1)(c), the City initiate a petition for drainage works for the benefit of Old Prescott Road in the vicinity of the eastern portion of 1566 Stagecoach Road and that staff be directed to send out the notices pursuant to the Drainage Act, clause 5(1)(b); and that a report be submitted to the next meeting of Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee to provide for the appointment of an engineer, including a requirement that a preliminary report pursuant to the Drainage Act, section 10 be submitted.



RecommandationS MODIFIÉES DU Comité


Que le Conseil :


1.         Demande que le greffier municipal et chef du contentieux émette immédiatement un avis de désistement de motion visant l’autorisation d’en appeler de la décision de la Commission des affaires municipales de l’Ontario émise le 28 mars 2011 (dossier no PL101449).


2.         Demande que le greffier municipal et chef du contentieux demande à la Commission des affaires municipales de l’Ontario de modifier, et d’approuver tel que modifié, le menu des conditions d’approbation du plan provisoire de la manière suivante :


a.            Supprimer la condition 88, tel qu’exigé par la Commission;


b.         Supprimer les conditions 71 et 72 et les remplacer par la mention suivante : Le propriétaire accordera à la municipalité une servitude de drainage sur les terrains appartenant à 7657315 Canada Corporation, au point de jonction avec les affluents 1 et 2 situé à la limite sud de la propriété. Le propriétaire présentera, en vertu de la Loi sur le drainage, une demande de drain municipal sur les affluents 1 et 2, entre le point de jonction susmentionné et le drain municipal du ruisseau Grey.



3.         Demande que le personnel :


a.            confirme sans délai l’approbation du plan de viabilisation du requérant, signe la demande de certificat d’autorisation et la transmette au ministère de l’Environnement.


b.            fournisse sans délai à la Commission des affaires municipales de l’Ontario un règlement de zonage provisoire;


c.            consente sans délai à une audience de la Commission, si elle le demande et le plus rapidement possible, afin de finaliser l’approbation de plan provisoire et la modification de zonage;


d.         prenne toutes les mesures nécessaires pour satisfaire aux conditions et procède promptement à l’enregistrement du lotissement.




Il est par conséquent résolu que, conformément à la Loi sur le drainage, clause 4(1)(c), la Ville lancera une pétition concernant les travaux de drainage pour le chemin Old Prescott près de la partie est du 1556, chemin Stagecoach, et que le personnel sera chargé d’envoyer des avis conformément à la Loi sur le drainage, clause 5(1)(b);


Il est en outre résolu qu’un rapport sera soumis à la prochaine réunion du Comité de l’agriculture et des affaires rurales en vue de la nomination d’un ingénieur, y compris la soumission d’un rapport préliminaire en vertu de la Loi sur le drainage, article 10.






1.         Legal Counsel’s Report, dated 3 May 2012 (ACS2012-CMR-LEG-0006).


2.         Extract of Draft Minutes, Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee meeting of 10 May 2012.



Report to/Rapport au :


Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee

Comité de l'agriculture et des affaires rurales


and Council / et au Conseil


May 3, 2012

3 mai 2012


Submitted by/Soumis par :


Contact Person / Personne ressource: Matthieu Charron, Legal Counsel 2 City Clerk & Solicitor Dept

613-580-2424 ext 21897 Matthieu.Charron@ottawa.ca



Ref N°:  :ACS2012-CMR-LEG-0006 




1566 Stagecoach Ontario Municipal Board Decision

Leave to Appeal To Divisional Court




1566, Stagecoach : décision de la commission des affaires municipales de l’Ontario

autorisation d’en appeler auprès de la cour divisionnaire




That Committee recommend that City Clerk and Solicitor confirm the filing of the Notice of Motion for Leave to Appeal to the Divisional Court of the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board issued March 28, 2012, in Board Case No. PL101449.



Recommandation du rapport

Que le Comité recommande au greffier municipal et chef du contentieux de confirmer le dépôt de l’avis de motion visant l’autorisation d’en appeler auprès de la Cour divisionnaire de la décision de la Commission des affaires municipales de l’Ontario émise le 28 mars 2012 (dossier no PL101449).



This appeal relates to a proposed development at 1566 Stagecoach Road.  The Proponent is 6980848 Canada Corporation.  The Proponent applied for a Plan of Subdivision to allow for the development of 40 lots in the western portion of the property as Phase 1 of the proposed development. 


The Proponent has submitted a further Application for a Plan of Subdivision along with applications for a Zoning By-law Amendment and an Official Plan Amendment.


These would allow for a further 20 lots on the eastern portion of the property for a total of 60 lots, and for a block of land outside the Greely Village Boundary to be used for nitrate dilution.  This is the proposed Phase 2 of the development.  The proposed plan also includes 122 lots outside the village boundary which would be Phases 3 to 6.


The subject property is approximately 18.2 hectares, and the proposed 0.2 hectare lots are to be serviced by individual wells and septic systems. The Proponent appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board against the failure of the City to make a decision with respect to the original Application for Plan of Subdivision.  Subsequent to the filing of the Appeal, on June 10, 2011, Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee passed a resolution to limit the number of lots on the entire property at 1566 Stagecoach Road to 40.  The proponent also appealed from the City’s refusal or neglect to amend the zoning of 1566 Stagecoach to Village Mixed Use Rural Exceptions (VM1(617r)) from Developmental Reserve 1 (DR-1).


Before the commencement of the hearing of the Appeal before the Board, the proponent brought a motion for direction seeking the consolidation of the Appeals.  The City’s position on the Motion was that the Application for Plan of Subdivision with respect to Phase 2 was incomplete as proper pre-consultation had not taken place. The City also held the position that because an Official Plan Amendment would be required to expand the village boundary, and that a comprehensive review of the Official Plan was not yet complete, consideration of lands outside the Village Boundary was premature.  The Board ruled that the pre-consultation for both phases 1 and 2 were complete, but that it would not hear evidence with respect to land outside the Village Boundary except as it may relate to nitrate dilution. 


The main issue at the hearing before the Board was whether the development of 40 lots on the property at 1566 Stagecoach Road is appropriate, and whether more than 40 lots could be supported. If more than 40 lots can be supported, then the question to be addressed is whether it is appropriate to use a stormwater facility outside the village boundary for nitrate dilution. The Board confirmed that there would be a second phase to the hearing which would determine whether land outside the village boundary could be used for nitrate dilution.  A date has yet to be fixed for this second hearing.


The Board highlighted that both parties agreed that 40 lots was appropriate for the property at 1566 Stagecoach Road.  The question of whether more than 40 lots is appropriate was put off to the second phase of the hearing.  In so finding, the Board indicated that further evidence was required with respect to the nitrate dilution calculations.  The decision of the board places the onus on the City to establish that the hydrogeological evidence clearly demonstrates that nitrate levels would exceed Ministry of the Environment Guideline D-5-4 if more than forty lots were developed, and that providing an area outside the village boundary for nitrate dilution would be clearly inappropriate. The Board’s decision at p. 11 states:


In order for the Board to support the City’s position and conclude that the property can accommodate no more than 40 lots there must be a clear finding with regard to at least one of the following two issues:


1. The hydrogeological evidence must clearly demonstrate that nitrate levels would exceed the provincial guidelines if more than forty lots were developed,


2. It must be clear that providing an area outside of the village boundary for nitrate dilution would be inappropriate.


Pursuant to the City Clerk and Solicitor’s delegated authority a Notice of Motion for Leave to Appeal was served on April 11, 2012 then filed with the Divisional Court.  A hearing of the Motion has been scheduled for June 28, 2012.  This report is to seek confirmation of Committee and Council of the seeking of leave to appeal in this matter.




The decision of the Board to require the City to clearly demonstrate its position runs contrary to the traditional requirement that the appellant or moving party clearly demonstrate the planning grounds upon which the appeal is based, as well as to clearly demonstrate compliance with any and all required policies, guidelines and legislation.  If the proponent is unable to prove its case, then the Board should dismiss the Appeal. 


It is the opinion of Legal Services, that this is a case where the City should seek leave to appeal.  While the principle of legal precedent does not strictly apply to decisions of the Ontario Municipal Board, past decisions of the Board are often cited in current cases.  Left unchallenged, this decision may be utilized in the future to advance the position that the onus of proof in Ontario Municipal Board cases falls not upon the appellant but rather the municipality.  The reversal of the onus on the Proponent to prove their case will create an untenable situation wherein the City may be required to clearly demonstrate to the Board that a proposal cannot be supported, when in fact, the Proponent should be required, both in development applications to the City, and upon appeal, to the Ontario Municipal Board, to clearly demonstrate that a proposal is safe, appropriate and in conformity with policies, guidelines and legislation. 





As this case concerns a rural subdivision and zoning, it is clearly of relevance to the rural area.  However, the effect of the onus of proof being reversed could have an impact across the City, and indeed the Province of Ontario, including urban areas.


Due to the fundamental dispute over the number of lots, no public meeting was held with respect to this subdivision.  Members of the public were entitled to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board and seek party or participant status



Comments by the Ward Councillor(s)

The applicant has filed professional engineering evidence with the City that is consistent with the Board’s decision.  In my view, the City should not be seeking leave to appeal the Board’s decision.




This legal implications are described within this report.




There are no risk implications.




Final financial implications are unknown at this time.  If the City is successful in its appeal, it would normally be awarded a portion of its legal costs.  If unsuccessful then the potential financial cost to the City is estimated at approximately $65K.







Environmental Implications


The significant concern with respect to this case is ensuring the long term viability and safety of the rural water supply.  The result of the Board’s decision, if upheld, is the responsibility of the municipality to prove that a proposed development creates a risk to health and safety rather than the onus falling upon the developer to show that it does not.



Technology Implications

There are no technology implications associated with this report.


TERm of council priorities

If the onus of proof is placed upon the City, such could lead to an increase in the level of effort required of the City to ensure that development results in healthy and safe places, an aspect of Council’s priority of ensuring Healthy and Caring Communities




Document 1 - Board Case No. PL101449, Ontario Municipal Board Decision issued March 28, 2012




The City Solicitor and Clerk’s Department will present the case for leave to appeal to Divisional Court and, if leave is granted, than present the appeal.





ACS2012-CMR-LEG-0006                                                             OSGOODE (20)




That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommend that Council adopt the Engineer’s Report dated February 2012 for a drainge project under Subsection 78 (1.1) with respect to the existing drainage works known as the South Cyrville Municipal Drain and give 1st and 2nd reading to the By-law attached as Document 2 to this report in accordance with Sections 42 and 45 of the Drainage Act of Ontario.


Vice-Chair Blais assumed the Chair as Chair Thompson wished to speak to this item.


Tim Marc, Senior Legal Counsel, Corporate Development and Environmental Law Branch, asked the Committee to support the recommendation as presented as he was concerned that if the Ontario Municipal Board decision in favour of the applicant was not appealed to Divisional Court it could create a bad precedence for the City of Ottawa and other municipalities in the Province of Ontario.


The following delegation spoke in opposition to the report recommendation:


·         Mr. Paul Webber, Solicitor at Bell Baker for the applicant


Councillor D. Thompson commented that this applicant has been before the Ontario Municipal Board 16 times and has been successful versus the City in all cases.  He feels that the report recommendation is foolish and a waste of money.



He presented the following motions.




Moved by: Councillor D. Thompson


That the City Clerk and Solicitor immediately deliver a Notice of Abandonment of the Motion for Leave to Appeal the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board issued March 28, 2011 on Board File PL101449.


YEAS (3):      Councillors S. Blais, S. Moffatt, D. Thompson              

NAYS (1):      Councillor E. El-Chantiry




Moved by: Councillor D. Thompson


That the City Clerk and Solicitor request the Ontario Municipal Board to amend, and approve as amended, the Menu of Conditions for Draft Plan Approval, amended as follows:


a.         Delete condition 88, as ordered by the Board;


b.         Delete conditions 71 and 72 and replace them with the following: The Owner will provide a drainage easement to the municipality over the lands owned by 7657315 Canada Corporation to the point of connection with Tributaries 1 and 2 at the southern boundary of the property. The Owner will file a petition for a municipal drain under the Drainage Act over Tributaries 1 and 2 from the point of connection aforesaid to the Grey's Creek Municipal Drain.


YEAS (3):      Councillors S. Blais, S. Moffatt, D. Thompson

NAYS (1):      Councillor E. El-Chantiry





Moved by: Councillor D. Thompson


That staff shall:


a.         forthwith confirm approval of the applicants' servicing plan, sign the application for Certificate of Approval and deliver same to the Ministry of the Environment.


b.         forthwith provide a draft zoning by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board;


c.         forthwith consent to a hearing of the Board, if it requires it, at the earliest possible date to finalize draft plan approval and re-zoning


d.         take all steps necessary to clear the conditions and proceed expeditiously to registration of the subdivision.







Moved by: Councillor D. Thompson


Be It Resolved that pursuant to the Drainage Act, clause 4(1)(c), the City initiate a petition for drainage works for the benefit of Old Prescott Road in the vicinity of the eastern portion of 1566 Stagecoach Road and that staff be directed to send out the notices pursuant to the Drainage Act, clause 5(1)(b)


Be It Further Resolved that a report be submitted to the next meeting of Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee to provide for the appointment of an engineer, including a requirement that a preliminary report pursuant to the Drainage Act, section 10 be submitted.


                                                                                                REFERRED TO CITY COUNCIL



Moved by: Councillor S. Moffat


That Councillor D. Thompson’s motion No. ARA 21/4 be referred to Council when this item is presented.




That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommend to Council:


1.            That the City Clerk and Solicitor immediately deliver a Notice of Abandonment of the Motion for Leave to Appeal the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board issued March 28, 2011 on Board File PL101449.


2.            That the City Clerk and Solicitor request the Ontario Municipal Board to amend, and approve as amended, the Menu of Conditions for Draft Plan Approval, amended as follows:


3.            Delete condition 88, as ordered by the Board;


4.            Delete conditions 71 and 72 and replace them with the following: The Owner will provide a drainage easement to the municipality over the lands owned by 7657315 Canada Corporation to the point of connection with Tributaries 1 and 2 at the southern boundary of the property. The Owner will file a petition for a municipal drain under the Drainage Act over Tributaries 1 and 2 from the point of connection aforesaid to the Grey's Creek Municipal Drain


5.            That staff shall:


a.         forthwith confirm approval of the applicants' servicing plan, sign the application for Certificate of Approval and deliver same to the Ministry of the Environment.


b.         forthwith provide a draft zoning by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board;


c.         forthwith consent to a hearing of the Board, if it requires it, at the earliest possible date to finalize draft plan approval and re-zoning


d.         take all steps necessary to clear the conditions and proceed expeditiously to registration of the subdivision.


                                                                                                            CARRIED as amended



That pursuant to the Drainage Act, clause 4(1)(c), the City initiate a petition for drainage works for the benefit of Old Prescott Road in the vicinity of the eastern portion of 1566 Stagecoach Road and that staff be directed to send out the notices pursuant to the Drainage Act, clause 5(1)(b); and that a report be submitted to the next meeting of Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee to provide for the appointment of an engineer, including a requirement that a preliminary report pursuant to the Drainage Act, section 10 be submitted.


                                                                                                REFERRED TO CITY COUNCIL