OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL 25 APRIL 2012 ANDREW S. HAYDON HALL 10:00 a.m. MINUTES 33 The Council of the City of Ottawa met at Andrew S. Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, on 25 April 2012 beginning at 10:00 a.m. The Mayor, Jim Watson, presided and led Council in prayer. The National Anthem was performed by St. Patrick’s Intermediate Glee Club. Announcements/Ceremonial Activities RECOGNITION – CITY BUILDER AWARD Mayor Jim Watson and Councillor David Chernushenko presented the Mayor’s City Builder Award to Ms. Diana Majury for her selfless contributions and dedication to the community. Roll Call ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT EXCEPT COUNCILLORS D. THOMPSON AND S. QADRI. Confirmation of Minutes The Minutes of the regular meeting of 11 April 2012 were confirmed. Declarations of interest including those originally arising from prior meetings No declarations were received. Communications No Communications were filed. Regrets Councillors D. Thompson (City Business) and S. Qadri advised they would be absent from the Council meeting of 25 April 2012. Motion to Introduce Reports MOTION NO. 33/1 Moved by Councillor P. Clark Seconded by Councillor M. Taylor That the report from the City Clerk and Solicitor entitled “Status Update - Council Inquiries and Motions for the Period ending 20 April 2012”; Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Reports 17A and 18; Planning Committee Report 28A; and, Transportation Committee Report 16, be received and considered; And that the Rules of Procedure be suspended to receive and consider Transit Commission Report 11, because of the urgency of the item contained in this report (specific reason set out below.) (Waiver of the Rules is being requested for Item 1 of Transit Commission Report 11 as this timeframe is required to provide Legal Services appropriate opportunity to incorporate the necessary changes into the Transit Services By-law 2007-268 before the July 1, 2012, deadline.) CARRIED REPORTS CITY CLERK AND SOLICITOR 1. STATUS UPDATE - COUNCIL INQUIRIES AND MOTIONS FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 20 APRIL 2012 RAPPORT DE SITUATION – DEMANDES DE RENSEIGNEMENTS ET MOTIONS DU CONSEIL POUR LA PÉRIODE SE TERMINANT LE 20 AVRIL 2012 REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS That Council receive this report for information. RECEIVED COMMITTEE REPORTS AGRICULTURE AND RURAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPORT 17A 1. DESIGNATION OF THE RUTHERFORD HOUSE, 4515 9TH LINE ROAD, UNDER PART IV OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT DÉSIGNATION DE LA MAISON RUTHERFORD, SITUÉE AU 4515, CHEMIN 9E LINE, EN VERTU DE LA PARTIE IV DE LA LOI SUR LE PATRIMOINE DE L’ONTARIO COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council issue a notice of intention to designate the Rutherford House, 4515 9th Line Road, under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act as per the revised Statement of Cultural Heritage Value attached as Document 3. CARRIED 2. AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF 2593 OLD CARRIAGE COURT AUTORISATION DE VENDRE LE 2593, COUR OLD CARRIAGE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council authorize the sale of 2593 Old Carriage Court. CARRIED 3. ZONING – PART OF 3149 CARP ROAD ZONAGE – PARTIE DU 3149, CHEMIN CARP COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of part of 3149 Carp Road from RC9 (Rural Commercial zone, subzone 9) to RI6 (Rural Institutional zone, Subzone 6) as shown in Document 1. CARRIED 4. ZONING – 3954 FARMVIEW ROAD ZONAGE – 3954, CHEMIN FARMVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 3954 Farmview Road from Agricultural, subzone 1 (AG1) to Agricultural, subzone 6 (AG6) as shown in Document 1. CARRIED 5. ZONING – 5215 DOWNEY ROAD ZONAGE – 5215, CHEMIN DOWNEY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 5215 Downey Road from Agricultural, subzone 2 (AG2) to Agricultural, subzone 2 with an Exception (AG2[XXXr]) as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2. CARRIED 6. ZONING – 9065 AND 9245 MARVELVILLE ROAD ZONAGE – 9065 ET 9245, CHEMIN MARVELVILLE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve an an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 9065 and 9245 Marvelville Road from Agricultural (AG1) to Agricultural, subzone 8 (AG8) and Agricultural, subzone 5 (AG5) as shown in Document 1. CARRIED 7. ZONING – 8213 FLEWELLYN ROAD ZONAGE – 8213, CHEMIN FLEWELLYN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 8213 Flewellyn Road from Rural Countryside (RU) and Mineral Extraction Subzone 2 (ME2) to Rural Residential (RR), Rural Residential Exception XXX (RR[XXXr]) and Rural Residential Exception XXY (RR[XXYr]) shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2. CARRIED 8. OTTAWA RURAL CLEAN WATER GRANTS PROGRAM – 2011 ANNUAL REPORT PROGRAMME MUNICIPAL DE SUBVENTIONS POUR L'ASSAINISSEMENT DE L'EAU EN MILIEU RURAL - RAPPORT ANNUEL 2011 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS That Council: 1. Receive the Ottawa Rural Clean Water Grants Program (ORCWGP) – 2011 Annual Report for information; and 2. Extend the urban farm pilot described herein, until December 31, 2015 to coincide with the remaining term of the ORCWGP. CARRIED 9. 2012 OPERATING GRANT FOR SAVOUR OTTAWA SUBVENTION DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE 2012 POUR SAVOUREZ OTTAWA COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve a one-time grant of up to $40,000 from the Rural Affairs Office operating budget, payable to Just Food to provide assistance with 2012 operating expenses for the Savour Ottawa / Savourez Ottawa program. CARRIED with Councillor S. Moffatt dissenting. AGRICULTURE AND RURAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPORT 18 1. ZONING - 4160 8TH LINE ROAD ZONAGE – 4160, CHEMIN 8TH LINE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 4160 8th Line Road from Agricultural, Subzone 2 to Agricultural, Subzone 7, as detailed in Document 1. CARRIED PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT 28A 1. FRONT – ENDING AGREEMENT – STORMWATER MANAGEMENT POND 3, TRIBUTARY ALTERATIONS AND OVERSIZED TRUNK STORM SEWERS, RIVERSIDE SOUTH COMMUNITY ENTENTE DE FINANCEMENT PRÉALABLE – BASSIN DE RÉTENTION DES EAUX PLUVIALES NO 3 ET DES ÉGOUTS PLUVIAUX SURDIMENSIONNÉS, COMMUNAUTÉ DE RIVERSIDE-SUD COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS That Council: 1. Authorize the City to enter into a Front-Ending Agreement with Riverside South Development Corporation for the design and construction of the Riverside South, Stormwater Management Pond 3, based upon the principles set forth in Document 1 and the Council Approved Front-Ending Policy in Document 2 with the final form and content of the Front-Ending Agreement being to the satisfaction of the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability and the City Solicitor; 2. Approve the expenditure of $18,472,000 plus applicable taxes and indexing for the design and construction, and land costs of Pond No. 3 from development charges collected pursuant to By-law 2009-217 subject to the execution of the Front-Ending Agreement; 3. Approve the expenditure of $1,145,000 plus applicable taxes and indexing for alterations to Tributary No. 3, $489,900 plus applicable taxes and indexing for alterations to Tributary No. 4, $396,060 plus applicable taxes and indexing for alterations to Tributary No. 7A, $861,120 plus applicable taxes and indexing for alterations to Tributary No. 7B, $1,462,800 plus applicable taxes and indexing for alterations to Tributary No. 10, and $2,760,000 plus applicable taxes and indexing for fish compensation from development charges collected pursuant to By-law 2009-217 subject to the execution of the Front-Ending Agreement; 4. Authorize the City to enter into subdivision agreements which provide for the repayment of storm sewer oversizing set at $9,877,000 plus applicable taxes in accordance with the principles set forth in Document 2; 5. Authorize the City to enter into subdivision agreements, which provide for the remuneration of land costs associated with Pond 3; and 6. Authorize the City to establish a new internal order in the amount of $35,463,880 plus applicable taxes and indexing. CARRIED 2. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONING – 3311 WOODROFFE AVENUE MODIFICATION AU PLAN OFFICIEL ET ZONAGE – 3311, AVENUE WOODROFFE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS AS AMENDED That Council: 1. Approve and adopt an amendment to Volume 2A of the Official Plan – Secondary Plan Nepean Areas 4, 5, and 6 to redesignate 3311 Woodroffe Avenue from Business Park to Business Park – Special Policy Area, as detailed in Document 2; and 2. Approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 3311 Woodroffe Avenue from DR to GM5 [XXXX] and from DR to GM9 [XXXX] as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 3, as amended by replacing Item number 1 of Document 3 with the following: 1. A new exception, GM5[xxxx], will be added to Section 239 - Urban Exceptions and will contain provisions that implement the following: a. the following uses be added to column III - Additional Land Uses Permitted of exception [xxxx]: - bank - convenience store - day care - post office - research and development centre - service and repair shop - technology industry - training centre b. the following uses be added to column IV - Land Uses Prohibited of exception [xxxx]: - bed and breakfast - hotel c. the following provisions be added to column V - Provisions of exception [xxxx]: - the total cumulative gross floor area of the following ancillary uses may not exceed 49% to a maximum of 1560 square metres: - artist studio - convenience store - personal service business - restaurant - retail store - service and repair shop - where a drive through facility is provided in combination with an ancillary use it must be included in the maximum gross floor area set out above - Table 103 which provides a maximum parking restriction for lands situated within 600 metres of a designated transit station does not apply That there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act. CARRIED 3. ZONING – 337 SUNNYSIDE AVENUE ZONAGE – 337, AVENUE SUNNYSIDE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve an amendment to Zoning Bylaw 2008-250 to change the zoning of 337 Sunnyside Avenue from Residential Third Density Subzone Q (R3Q[487]) to Residential Fourth Density, Subzone V, Exception [xxxx] (R4V[xxxx]), as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2. CARRIED 4. ZONING – 145-151 MEADOWLANDS DRIVE ZONAGE – 145-151, PROMENADE MEADOWLANDS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 145, 147, 149 and 151 Meadowlands Drive, shown in Document 1, from Residential R1FF (Residential First Density Subzone FF) to R4Z[XXXX] SXXX (Residential Fourth Density Subzone Z, Exception zone with a Schedule, as detailed in Documents 2 and 3. CARRIED 5. ZONING – PART OF 90 WOODRIDGE CRESCENT AND PART OF 100 BAYSHORE DRIVE ZONAGE – PARTIE DU 90, CROISSANT WOODRIDGE ET PARTIE DU 100, PROMENADE BAYSHORE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of part of 90 Woodridge Crescent from R5A[1164] H(34) to R5A[XXXX] H(34) and by amending Exception [1160], and to change the zoning of part of 100 Bayshore Drive by amending Exceptions [199] and [433], all of which is to permit a temporary parking lot for a period of three years, as shown on Document 1 as detailed in Document 2. CARRIED 6. ZONING - 200 LOCKHART AVENUE ZONAGE - 200, AVENUE LOCKHART COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 200 Lockhart Avenue from Community Leisure Facility Zone (L1) to Residential Fifth Density Subzone P exception zone with a height limit of 26 metres, R5P [XXXX] H(26m) as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2. CARRIED 7. ZONING – 145 CLARIDGE DRIVE ZONAGE – 145, PROMENADE CLARIDGE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 145 Claridge Drive from Minor Institutional Zone (I1A) to Residential Third Density Zone, Subzone YY with an Exception (R3YY[XXXX]H(12)) as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2. CARRIED 8. FRONT – ENDING AGREEMENTS – TRAFFIC SIGNALS FOR BANK STREET AT ANALDEA DRIVE, NORTH INTERSECTION ENTENTES DE FINANCEMENT PRÉALABLE – FEUX DE CIRCULATION SUR LA RUE BANK À LA HAUTEUR DE LA PROMENADE ANALDEA, INTERSECTION NORD COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS That Council: 1. Authorize the City to enter into a Front-Ending Agreement with Claridge Homes (Leitrim) Inc. for the installation of traffic signals at the Bank Street and Analdea Drive north intersection as set forth in Document 2 and the Council approved Front-Ending Policy in Document 3 with the final form and content of the Front-Ending Agreement being to the satisfaction of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Infrastructure and the City Clerk and Solicitor; and 2. Approve the expenditure of $175,000 plus applicable taxes in 2018 to reimburse Claridge Homes (Leitrim) Inc. in accordance with Document 4, subject to the option for deferral of payment detailed in Document 3, for traffic signals at the Bank Street and Analdea Drive north intersection, subject to the execution of the Front-Ending Agreement. CARRIED 9. 2011 ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO THE BUILDING CODE ACT RAPPORT ANNUEL DE 2011 PRESCRIT PAR LA LOI SUR LE CODE DU BÂTIMENT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the 2011 Annual Report pursuant to the Building Code Act. CARRIED 10. BUILDING CODE SERVICES - VACANT BUILDING OFFICIAL POSITIONS SERVICES DU BÂTIMENT – POSTES VACANTS D'AGENTS DU BÂTIMENT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS That Council approve: 1. That the Building Official I position #10031455 remain open; and 2. That if any Building Official Intern, Building Official I, II, III, or Specialist position remains open (vacant) for a period greater than two years from the date that it last had an owner, or the original creation date, the position not be declared as surplus to the Corporation’s needs and that the budget allocation and FTE(s) associated with the position not be removed from the corresponding departmental budget. CARRIED 11. EXEMPTION FROM THE DEMOLITION CONTROL BY-LAW FOR THE BUILDING LOCATED AT 807 MAPLEWOOD AVENUE EXEMPTION AU RÈGLEMENT SUR LES DÉMOLITIONS POUR LA PROPRIÉTÉ SITUÉE AU 807, AVENUE MAPLEWOOD COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS That Council approve that 807 Maplewood Avenue be exempted from the requirements set out in the Demolition Control By-law in order to enable the demolition of the building immediately subject to the following conditions which shall be incorporated into a registered agreement prior to the exemption taking effect: 1. The Owner ensures the property is graded, sodded or seeded and maintained to the standards set out in the Property Standards By-law pending development; 2. The property is not used or occupied for any other interim use; and 3. The Owner submits planning applications within one year of April 24, 2012; the building permit is submitted within two years of April 24, 2012 and construction substantially completed within three years of April 24, 2012. CARRIED TRANSIT COMMISSION REPORT 11 1. OC TRANSPO FARES - 2012/2013 TARIFS D’OC TRANSPO - 2012/2013 COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS AS AMENDED That Council approve: 1. The adoption of the fares outlined in Document 1 of this report, to come into effect on July 1, 2012; 2. The application of Express fares to the current Rural Express routes, as described in this report; 3. The termination of the ECOPASS program, as described in this report; and, 4. That OC Transpo develop a supportive and flexible program with Presto for local employers who wish to subsidize and or encourage transit use by employees. MOTION NO. 33/2 Moved by Councillor D. Holmes Seconded by Councillor D. Chernushenko WHEREAS the proposed high cost of tickets removes an affordable option for residents living in poverty, and for social services agencies providing tickets for their clients; and WHEREAS staff have advised that where tickets need to remain for vulnerable groups, that they will be replaced with “vouchers” or disposable cards if feasible or warranted; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that OC Transpo work with community agencies to determine how the PRESTO system will be accessible to people on low-income; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the future, tickets will be replaced by a one-ride option, such as a disposable card, that has a price in keeping with the PRESTO rates and which social service agencies can distribute to clients. CARRIED Item 1 of Transit Commission Report 11, as amended by Motion No. 33/2 and set out in full below, was then put to Council: That Council approve: 1. The adoption of the fares outlined in Document 1 of this report, to come into effect on July 1, 2012; 2. The application of Express fares to the current Rural Express routes, as described in this report; 3. The termination of the ECOPASS program, as described in this report; 4. That OC Transpo develop a supportive and flexible program with Presto for local employers who wish to subsidize and or encourage transit use by employees; 5. That OC Transpo work with community agencies to determine how the PRESTO system will be accessible to people on low-income; and 6. That in the future, tickets will be replaced by a one-ride option, such as a disposable card, that has a price in keeping with the PRESTO rates and which social service agencies can distribute to clients. CARRIED TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT 16 1. AREA TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROJECT PRIORITY INFORMATION UPDATE MISE À JOUR DE L’INFORMATION CONCERNANT LA PRIORITÉ DES PROJETS DE GESTION DE LA CIRCULATION LOCALE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS AS AMENDED That Council: 1. Receive this Area Traffic Management Project Priority Information Update; and, 2. Remove the hold that was placed on outstanding localized Area Traffic Management Study requests; and, 3. Approve that: a. When low cost solutions cannot resolve issues brought forward by the community and that more expensive solutions such as geometric measures could potentially address these issues, that the Traffic Management and Operational Support Branch be responsible for escalating items to the status of an ATM study request; and, b. That if an operational review determines that there is no significant traffic issue on a given street, that no further review be undertaken by City staff. 4. Approve that Pagé Road between Innes and Meadowglen be added to Document 6 for future study requests. 5. Approve that Infrastructure staff review opportunities, including Section 37 of the Planning Act, to include traffic calming and management solutions as part of infrastructure planning and report back to Transportation Committee outlining costs, risks and opportunities. MOTION NO. 33/3 Moved by Councillor M. Wilkinson Seconded by Councillor P. Hume WHEREAS Recommendation 5 of Item 1 of Transportation Committee Report 16 refers to staff reporting back to the Transportation Committee; and, WHEREAS Section 37 of the Planning Act measures will likely fall within the jurisdiction of Planning Committee, while other opportunities may be within the realm of Transportation Committee to recommend; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Recommendation 5 be amended to include “and Planning Committee” to read as follows: That Infrastructure staff review opportunities, including Section 37 of the Planning Act, to include traffic calming and management solutions as part of infrastructure planning and report back to Transportation Committee and Planning Committee outlining costs, risks and opportunities. CARRIED Item 1 of Transportation Committee Report 16, as amended by Motion No. 33/3 and set out in full below, was then put to Council: That Council: 1. Receive this Area Traffic Management Project Priority Information Update; and, 2. Remove the hold that was placed on outstanding localized Area Traffic Management Study requests; and, 3. Approve that: a. When low cost solutions cannot resolve issues brought forward by the community and that more expensive solutions such as geometric measures could potentially address these issues, that the Traffic Management and Operational Support Branch be responsible for escalating items to the status of an ATM study request; and, b. That if an operational review determines that there is no significant traffic issue on a given street, that no further review be undertaken by City staff. 4. Approve that Pagé Road between Innes and Meadowglen be added to Document 6 for future study requests. 5. Approve that Infrastructure staff review opportunities, including Section 37 of the Planning Act, to include traffic calming and management solutions as part of infrastructure planning and report back to Transportation Committee and Planning Committee outlining costs, risks and opportunities. CARRIED 2. WAIVER OF PATIO ENCROACHMENT FEES DURING CONSTRUCTION RENONCIATION AUX FRAIS DE PERMIS D’EMPIÉTEMENT POUR TERRASS EXTÉRIEURE DURANT LES TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council delegate authority to the General Manager of Planning and Growth Management to waive outdoor patio encroachments fees during road reconstruction. CARRIED 3. COMMEMORATIVE NAMING COMMITTEE PROPOSAL – HARRY ALLEN BRIDGE PROPOSITION DU COMITÉ SUR LES DÉNOMINATIONS COMMÉRORATIVES – PONT HARRY-ALLEN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the proposal to name the St. Joseph Bridge over Greens Creek the “Harry Allen Bridge.” CARRIED Motion to Adopt Reports MOTION NO. 33/4 Moved by Councillor P. Clark Seconded by Councillor M. Taylor That the report from the City Clerk and Solicitor entitled “Status Update - Council Inquiries and Motions for the Period ending 20 April 2012”; Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Reports 17A and 18; Planning Committee Report 28A; Transit Commission Report 11; and, Transportation Committee Report 16, be received and adopted as amended. CARRIED Motions Requiring Suspension of the Rules of Procedure MOTION NO. 33/5 Moved by Councillor E. El-Chantiry Seconded by Councillor S. Moffatt That the Rules of Procedure be waived, due to an error in the calculation for the Carp Road Corridor Business Improvement Area in the 2012 Budgets and Special Levies for Business Improvement Areas and Sparks Street Mall Authority report approved at Council on April 11, 2012, to consider the following technical amendment: WHEREAS the 2012 Budgets and Special Levies for Business Improvement Areas and Sparks Street Mall Authority report showed the Carp Road Corridor Business Improvement Area (BIA) budget of $100,000 financed entirely through levy; and WHERAS the actual financing for the Carp BIA is $85,000 levy and $15,000 contribution from reserve; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the financing for the Carp Road Corridor Business Improvement Area be revised to be $85,000 levy and $15,000 contribution from reserve. CARRIED MOTION NO. 33/6 Moved by Councillor J. Harder Seconded by Councillor M. McRae That the Rules of Procedure be waived, due to the immediacy of the timelines of the VIA Rail announcement, to consider the following motion: WHEREAS in June 2011 City staff learned that VIA would be making upgrades to its signal system, including modifications to the advanced pre-emption system for the Fallowfield Road and Southwest Transitway/Fallowfield Crossing; and   WHEREAS on June 28, 2011, City staff sent VIA a letter indicating concerns regarding the potential safety implications the proposed modifications would have to the traffic signal’s operation during train movements as well as the City’s need for prior notice with respect to when such modifications would begin and end and what measures VIA would be taking to ensure safe traffic operations while the system was disabled, modified and tested; and   WHEREAS on June 30, 2011, VIA replied to the City and indicated that it would be completing the work in two phases between August and mid-fall 2011 and that as soon as they have “a complete design, we will communicate with you to organize a design review”; and   WHEREAS on April 10, 2012, VIA wrote to the City to advise that , “in reference to [the] letter sent to you last June 30, 2011 ... we are finishing our signal work related to crossing approach length and timing for both Woodroffe and Fallowfield road crossings.  We expect to start running the Express Trains, at track permissible speed of 100 mph, soon after April 15”; and   WHEREAS regulations under the federal Railway Safety Act mandate that 60 days notice must be given for such proposed modifications; and   WHEREAS neither the statutory notice nor the earlier promise from VIA staff to further consult with the City on this matter have been met.   THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council request that the Mayor write to the Federal Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities and the City Manager write to the President and Chief Executive Officer of VIA Rail indicating the City’s view that there has been a lack of required notice and consultation and requesting the implementation of the new service be delayed until such notice and consultation has occurred; and   BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City Clerk and Solicitor be directed to monitor this matter and undertake whatever legal measures are necessary, including a complaint to the Canada Transportation Agency, to safeguard the City’s interests in this matter. CARRIED Motion to Introduce By-laws Three Readings MOTION NO. 33/7 Moved by Councillor P. Clark Seconded by Councillor M. Taylor That the following by-laws be enacted and passed: 2012-115 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and public highway and assume them for public use (McManus Avenue). 2012-116 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to change the name of portions of Richmond Road a municipal highway in the City of Ottawa (Old Richmond Road). 2012-117 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to change the name of portions of Richmond Road a municipal highway in the City of Ottawa (Robertson Road). 2012-118 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate certain lands at 3334, 3336, 3338, 3340, 3342, 3344, 3346, 3348, 3352, 3354, 3356, 3358, 3360, 3362, 3364, 3366 and 3368 Woodroffe Avenue as being exempt from Part Lot Control. 2012-119 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2001-148 to correct a typographical error. 2012-120 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of lands known municipally as 145 Claridge Drive. 2012-121 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2004-60 to appoint Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in accordance with private property parking enforcement. 2012-122 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to remove the holding symbol from the properties known municipally as 224 Lyon Street North and 324, 326 and 328 Gloucester Street. 2012-123 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of lands known municipally as 3311 Woodroffe Avenue. 2012-124 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa to change the designation of part of 3311 Woodroffe Avenue. 2012-125 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of lands known municipally as part of 3149 Carp Road. 2012-126 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of lands known municipally as 9065 and 9245 Marvelville Road. 2012-127 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of lands known municipally as 145, 147, 149 and 151 Meadowlands Drive. 2012-128 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of lands known municipally as 3954 Farmview Road. 2012-129 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of lands known municipally as 8213 Flewellyn Road. 2012-130 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of part of the lands known municipally as 5215 Downey Road. 2012-131 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of lands known municipally as 200 Lockhart Avenue. 2012-132 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of part of the lands known municipally as 90 Woodridge Crescent and 100 Bayshore Drive. 2012-133 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of lands known municipally as 337 Sunnyside Avenue. 2012-134 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate the Capital Wire Cloth Factory, 7 Hinton Avenue, Ottawa to be of cultural heritage value or interest. 2012-135 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-513 respecting sewer connection charges. 2012-136 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and public highway and assume them for public use (Saddleridge Drive, Felicity Crescent and Gossamer Street.) CARRIED Confirmation By-law MOTION NO. 33/8 Moved by Councillor P. Clark Seconded by Councillor M. Taylor THAT By-law 2012-137 to confirm the proceedings of Council be enacted and passed. CARRIED Inquiries From Councillor S. Desroches concerning bond companies. Adjournment Council adjourned the meeting at 11:10 a.m. CITY CLERK MAYOR 24 OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 33 25 APRIL 2012