That Council approve the proposal to rename Hillside Park, located at 29 Larkspur Drive, as Donoghue Memorial Park.”



Recommandation DU Comité


Que le Conseil municipal approuve la proposition de renommer le Parc Hillside, situé au 29, promenade Larkspur, « Parc commémoratif Donoghue »









1.                  City Clerk and Solicitor’s report dated 21 February 2012 (ACS2012-CMR-CCB-0018).


2.                  Extract of Draft Minutes, Community and Protective Services Committee meeting of 22 March 2012.


Report to/Rapport au :


Community and Protective Services Committee

Comité des services communautaires et de protection


and Council / et au Conseil


February 21, 2012 / le 21 février 2012


Submitted by/Soumis par : M. Rick O'Connor

City Clerk and Solicitor/Greffier et Chef du contentieux 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Leslie Donnelly, Deputy Clerk / Greffière adjointe

City Clerk and Solicitor/Greffier et Chef du contentieux

(613) 580-2424 x 28857, leslie.donnelly@ottawa.ca


College / Collège (8)

Ref N°: ACS2012-CMR-CCB-0018













That the Community and Protective Services Committee recommend that Council approve the proposal to rename Hillside Park, located at 29 Larkspur Drive, as “Donoghue Memorial Park.”





Que le Comité des services communautaires et de protection de recommander à son tour au Conseil municipal d’approuver la proposition de renommer le Parc Hillside, situé au 29, promenade Larkspur, « Parc commémoratif Donoghue »





The Commemorative Naming Policy, approved by City Council on July 24, 2002, outlines the criteria and process for commemoratively naming municipal streets, parks and facilities (or parts thereof).


With respect to criteria, a commemorative name honours individuals who are (or have been) citizens of the City of Ottawa or have made a specific contribution to the City of Ottawa and:



Any member of the public or City Council may submit a name to the City for consideration.  The process is initiated through submission of a Commemorative Naming application and support material.  The policy provides a process for the nomination of the following: a name to be added to the commemorative names reserve list for future consideration; a name for a particular venue selected by the applicant; a name for a venue that is presently named.


As part of the process, the Commemorative Naming Committee—consisting of applicable City staff, the Mayor and affected Members of Council — provides an initial approval based on the policy’s criteria and the information provided by the nominator.  Staff is then directed to ensure there is community support for the choice by initiating a 60-day consultation phase. Following the consultation process, the Commemorative Naming Committee reviews the public feedback and makes a final recommendation on the nomination, which is subsequently considered by the appropriate Standing Committee and City Council.





A naming application for the commemoration of Barry Donoghue was submitted by resident Michele Giroux to rename Hillside Park, located at 29 Larkspur Drive, as Donoghue Memorial Park.


The Commemorative Naming Committee reviewed the application and endorsed the proposed name under the following criteria:  The nominated individual has provided extensive community service and has an extraordinary community service record.  Supporting information about the late Barry Donoghue is found in the attached Document 1.


Following the initial endorsement of the application, the public consultation process (outlined below) was carried out for the mandated 60-day period.  Following the consultation process, the Commemorative Naming Committee reconvened to review all comments received.  At its meeting of February 8, 2012, the Commemorative Naming Committee endorsed the naming application and directed staff to forward this recommendation to the Community and Protective Services Committee and City Council.


Membership of the Commemorative Naming Committee is as follows:










An integral part of the Commemorative Naming process is public consultation on the proposed name.  The following outlines the consultation undertaken for the Donoghue Memorial Park application:


Overview of Public Notification

The information about the public consultation period was placed on Ottawa.ca/namingottawa and the notice was circulated through a Public Service Announcement (including Twitter) on November 16, 2011.   The information remained on Ottawa.ca for 60 days and was reported by several local media agencies.


Overview of Public Feedback

By the end of day on January 16, 2012, the Clerk’s Office had received 235 responses to this proposal:


Summary of Responses





Other :



The overwhelming majority of respondents supported the proposed commemoration.  It should be noted that among the supporters were dozens of local youth, including many students from St. Paul High School. 


The four (4) residents who opposed the proposal stated that they did not know Mr. Donoghue and preferred preserving the park’s current name.


It should be further noted that, on September 9, 2010 (prior to the formal public consultation), the Ward Councillor participated in a community event at Hillside Park to gather support for the renaming.  Dozens of residents from the community attended this event and signed a petition of support of the commemoration of Barry Donoghue.





Councillor Chiarelli supports this proposal.




There are no legal impediments to the implementation of the recommendation in this report.




There are no legal implications associated with this report.








There are no accessibility impacts associated with this report.








City Clerk and Solicitor Department

City Clerk and Solicitor Department financial expenditures associated with this Commemorative Naming proposal for advertisements and the costs of purchasing a plaque and/or hosting a naming ceremony are provided through the City Clerk’s operating budget.


Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department

Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department There are available funds in the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department’s 2012 operating budget for park signage.




Document 1 – Donoghue Memorial Park Commemorative Naming Public Notice (English and French)




Following Council approval of the Donoghue Memorial Park Commemorative Naming proposal, staff will work with the Ward Councillor to coordinate a ceremonial event to unveil a plaque. 



Commemorative Naming Proposal - Donoghue Memorial Park

In 2002, Ottawa City Council implemented the Commemorative Naming Program in order to pay an official tribute to persons who have displayed excellence, courage or who have provided exceptional services to residents of the City of Ottawa, Ontario or Canada. This program provides the City with an opportunity to honour the contributions and devotions of these people by naming a street, a park or a facility in Ottawa after them.

In response to a request received by residents through the Commemorative Naming Program, the City is proposing that the Hillside Park at 29 Larkspur Drive be renamed the Donoghue Memorial Park. A summary of the application received by the City is found below:

Barry Donoghue was a proud, active resident of the Bells Corners and the City of Ottawa community. He was known as a person who never sought formal recognition for his community service, but rather one who got involved because he believed that it was what a member of a community does - whatever it takes to make the community stronger.

Mr. Donoghue was the father of two boys and a small business owner for many years at the Rideau Center, Billings Bridge and Bayshore Shopping Centre. Later in his career, he started a playground structure installation business.

His community service was broad ranging; he was active in the school, church, business and sports community and service clubs. He also campaigned for a number of local charities. In 2004, Mr. Donoghue donated his time to install playground structures for the Our Lady of Peace School Council and many of his playground installations can be found throughout the City of Ottawa. He was an active member Parish Council who served on the Finance Committee, volunteered for events and supported capital renewal for St Martin de Porres Church Parish. Mr. Donoghue was involved as assistant hockey coach. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus, the local Boy Scouts organization and canvassed for the Kidney Foundation of Canada, the Canadian Cancer Society and the Canadian National Institute for the Blind.

The City of Ottawa has been asked to recognize the important contributions Barry Donoghue has made to the Ottawa community. If you would like to make any comments regarding this proposal or obtain further information, please contact:

Tyler Cox, Policy and Projects Coordinator
City Clerk and Solicitor Department
Ottawa City Hall
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 1J1
Tel.: 613-580-2424, extension 15636
Fax: 613-580-2416
E-mail: namingottawa@ottawa.ca

Comments on this proposal must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on Monday, January 16, 2012.

Proposition d'un nom commémoratif - parc commémoratif Donoghue


En 2002, le Conseil municipal d’Ottawa a mis en œuvre le programme de noms commémoratifs pour rendre hommage à ceux et celles qui ont fait montre d’excellence ou de courage ou encore qui ont fourni des services exceptionnels aux résidents de la Ville d’Ottawa, de l’Ontario ou du Canada. Ce programme donne à la Ville l’occasion de souligner leurs contributions et leurs œuvres en nommant une rue, un parc ou une installation de la ville en leur honneur.


Faisant écho à une demande de plusieurs résidents présentée par le biais du programme de noms commémoratifs, la Ville propose de renommer le parc Hillside situé au 29, promenade Larkspur « parc commémoratif Donoghue ». Voici un résumé de la demande reçue par la Ville.


Barry Donoghue était un résident fier et actif du secteur Bells Corners et de la communauté de la Ville d’Ottawa. On reconnaît en lui un homme qui n'a jamais cherché les marques de reconnaissance formelle, un homme qui s'impliquait dans la vie communautaire parce que, pour lui, un bon citoyen se devait de renforcer la collectivité en prenant les moyens nécessaires.


M. Donoghue était père de deux garçons et, pendant de nombreuses années, propriétaire d’une petite entreprise au Centre Rideau, au centre commercial Billings Bridge et au centre commercial Bayshore. Plus tard au cours de sa carrière, il a lancé une entreprise d’installation de structures de jeux.


Ses services envers la communauté étaient très diversifiés. Il s’impliquait dans le milieu scolaire, paroissial, des affaires, la communauté sportive et les clubs philanthropiques. Il a aussi fait campagne pour plusieurs organismes de bienfaisance locaux. En 2004, M. Donoghue a consacré son temps à l’installation de structures de jeux pour le conseil d’école Our Lady of Peace; d’ailleurs, on peut trouver un grand nombre de ses installations dans toute la ville d’Ottawa. C’était un membre actif de la fabrique qui siégeait au Comité des finances, se portait bénévole lors d’événements et soutenait la réfection de l’église paroissiale St. Martin de Porres. M. Donoghue était entraîneur adjoint de hockey. Il était membre des Chevaliers de Colomb, de l’organisme local des scouts et militait en faveur de la Fondation canadienne du rein, de la Société canadienne du cancer et de l’Institut national canadien pour les aveugles.

On a demandé à la Ville d’Ottawa de reconnaître l’importance des contributions de Barry Donoghue à la communauté locale d’Ottawa en rebaptisant « parc commémoratif Donoghue » le parc Hillside situé au 29, promenade Larkspur.


Pour faire part de vos commentaires ou obtenir de plus amples renseignements à ce sujet, veuillez communiquer avec :

Tyler Cox, coordonnateur de politiques et projets
Bureau du greffier municipal et chef du contentieux
Hôtel de ville d’Ottawa
110, avenue Laurier Ouest
Ottawa (Ontario) K1P 1J1
Tél. : 613-580-2424, poste 15636
Téléc. : 613-580-2416
Courriel :


Les commentaires sur cette proposition doivent être reçus avant 16 h 30, le lundi 16 janvier 2012.




ACS2012-CMR-CCB-0018                                                       COLLEGE / COLLÈGe


Councillor Chiarelli, ward Councillor for this item gave a brief summary on Mr. Donoghue and stated why the importance of naming this park after him.  He introduced a large delegation of students who wished to speak in favour of this naming.


The Committee heard from the following delegations:


1)      Michele Giroux, Executive Officer (Corporate Services), Ottawa-Carleton School Board

2)      Ross Walker, Grade 8 student

3)      Donald Smith

4)      Genna George, Student, St. Paul Catholic High School

5)      Megan Damini, Student, St. Paul Catholic High School

6)      Jessie Duong, Student, St. Paul Catholic High School

7)      Maura LaRue, Student, St. Paul Catholic High School

8)      Jacob Dupuis, Student, St. Paul Catholic High School

9)      Sean Hodges, Student

10)  Seamus McIntyre, Student, St. Paul Catholic High School

11)  Sameen Waseg, Student, Bell High School


The recommendation CARRIED on a division of 6 YEAS to 0 NAYS as follows:


YEAS (6):       Councillors E. El-Chantiry, R. Chiarelli, M. Fleury, K. Hobbs, D. Holmes,

                        M. Taylor

NAYS (0):     





That the Community and Protective Services Committee recommend that Council approve the proposal to rename Hillside Park, located at 29 Larkspur Drive, as Donoghue Memorial Park”.

