Committee recommendation


That Council approve the revisions to the Slope Stability Guidelines for Development Applications in the City of Ottawa to correct the description of organic soils in Section 2.5, and to update Section 5.6 to reflect changes in the Ontario Building Code as detailed in Documents 1.



Recommandation DU Comité


Que le Conseil approuve les révisions aux Lignes directrices sur la stabilité des pentes relativement aux demandes d’aménagement à Ottawa, afin de corriger la description des sols organiques contenue à la section 2.5 et de mettre à jour la section 5.6 pour tenir compte des modifications apportées au Code du bâtiment de l’Ontario qui est énoncée dans le document 1.





Deputy City Manager's report, Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability, dated 6 January 2012 (ACS2012-ICS-PGM-0030).


Report to/Rapport au :


Planning Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme


and Council / et au Conseil


6 January 2012 / le 6 janvier 2012


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager, Directrice

municipale adjointe, Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability, Services d'infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités


Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Richard Kilstrom, Manager/Gestionnaire,

Policy Development and Urban Design/Élaboration de la politique et conception urbaine, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance Élaboration de la politique et conception urbaine

(613) 580-2424 x22653, Richard.Kilstrom@ottawa.ca



Ref N°: ACS2012-ICS-PGM-0030




Revisions to the slope stability guidelines for development applications in the City of Ottawa








That Planning Committee recommend Council approve the revisions to the Slope Stability Guidelines for Development Applications in the City of Ottawa to correct the description of organic soils in Section 2.5, and to update Section 5.6 to reflect changes in the Ontario Building Code as detailed in Documents 1.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme recommande au Conseil d’approuver les révisions aux Lignes directrices sur la stabilité des pentes relativement aux demandes d’aménagement à Ottawa, afin de corriger la description des sols organiques contenue à la section 2.5 et de mettre à jour la section 5.6 pour tenir compte des modifications apportées au Code du bâtiment de l’Ontario qui est énoncée dans le document 1.




On November 24, 2004, City Council approved the Slope Stability Guidelines for Development Applications in the City of Ottawa. 

The Guidelines provide the development industry with directions for the preparation of slope stability assessment reports when they are required as part of the development review process.  The Guidelines provide basic background information on the soils and geology of Ottawa, as well as direction on various technical analyses and calculations to be undertaken during a slope stability assessment.


During one of the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearings held on the appeals to Official Plan Amendment No. 76 (OPA 76), a technical issue was raised regarding the Guidelines’ characterization of organic soils.  The Guidelines were not before the Board, but City staff agreed to undertake a review of the wording in Section 2.5 (Organic Soils) and to revise this section as needed to ensure its technical accuracy.


Staff also subsequently identified the need to revise Section 5.6 of the Guidelines to reflect changes in the National Building Code of Canada and in the Ontario Building Code regarding the seismic coefficient and other factors used in assessing seismic conditions and liquefaction potential.  The need for revision of Section 5.6 came as a result of discrepancies between the Guidelines and the respective Building Codes being raised as an issue during a recent Ontario Municipal Board hearing over a plan of subdivision.




The issue of organic soils was raised during the Ontario Municipal Board hearing into the City’s policies for the protection of endangered and threatened species, which was held in December 2010.  The appellant’s expert witness, a soil scientist, expressed concern with the description of organic soils in the Guidelines, arguing that it was not consistent with accepted scientific definitions, and should not be used as a basis for mapping such soils in the Official Plan.  In fact, the organic soils mapping in the Official Plan (Schedule K) is not based on the description in the Guidelines but is rather taken from mapping by the Ontario Institute of Pedology.  There is, therefore, no issue with regards to the Official Plan’s mapping of organic soils. 


However, City staff did acknowledge the witness’ comments regarding the accuracy of the Guidelines’ description of organic soils and agreed to undertake a review of Section 2.5 to address the concerns raised.  This undertaking was reported to the Planning Committee and the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee in January 2011 in the staff report ACS2011-CMR-LEG-0003.  Council received this report on February 9, 2011 and directed staff to review and report back to Planning Committee and Council on the definition of Organic Soils in the Slope Stability Guidelines in order to clarify the definition and its role in the context of the Guidelines.


Staff subsequently reviewed the content of Section 2.5 in the Guidelines.  Section 2 of the Guidelines provides an overview of Ottawa’s geology, and includes subsections with additional detail on several types of geological material present in the city.  Section 2.5 is one such subsection, addressing what are termed “organic soils” within this document.  From a soil science perspective, “organic soils” must meet specific criteria with respect to the percentage and depth of organic matter in the soil.  The Guidelines’ description of “organic soils” includes alluvium and marl, which do not meet the scientific definition of an organic soil.  The Guidelines’ use of this term is therefore overly broad and not technically correct. 

A review of this section of the Guidelines was conducted, and the new text proposed in Document 1 is recommended to clarify that the Guidelines refer to soils with organic content, rather than organic soils.  The proposed new text is provided in Document 1 with the currently approved text for comparison.


During the course of staff’s review of the Guidelines, an additional issue was noted regarding Section 5.6 of the Guidelines (Seismic Conditions and Seismic Liquefaction).  The information in the Guidelines is no longer consistent with the requirements of the current National Building Code of Canada (NBCC) and the Ontario Building Code (OBC) with respect to the seismic coefficient and other factors used in assessing seismic conditions and liquefaction potential of soils.  The information in the Guidelines was taken from previous versions of the NBCC and OBC, and had not yet been updated to reflect the changes to those documents in 2005 and 2006, respectively.  Although in most cases the new standards are already being applied by consultants in accordance with the requirements of the respective Building Codes, there was a recent Ontario Municipal Board hearing held over a plan of subdivision where the appellant’s consultant argued that the requirements of the Guidelines should take precedence.  In order to resolve this issue, a review of Section 5.6 was conducted and changes are recommended to ensure the Guidelines reflect the most current Code standards.  The proposed changes are attached as Document 2.




These Guidelines apply City-wide.  The changes to Section 2.5 do not affect how slope stability assessments are to be performed, and the changes to Section 5.6 reflect current legal requirements for such assessments.




The proposed changes to Section 2.5 were circulated to the appellants who raised the issue with the organic soils description during the OMB hearing on OPA 76.  They have reviewed and approved the revised wording.




This change is recommended in order for the Guidelines to reflect consistency with applicable legislation




There are no risk implications.




There are no direct financial implications.




There are no accessibility implications.





The changes to Section 5.6 may result in greater setback distances being applied to areas with sensitive soils.  This should reduce the potential for environmental impacts and may also contribute to the protection of natural features such as significant valleylands and watercourses.








These changes make the Guidelines more accurate and consistent with federal and provincial standards, and will also reduce the risk of environmental impacts when applied, which supports the City’s goals in the fields of service excellence and environmental stewardship.








Document 1 – Proposed changes to the Slope Stability Guidelines




The Business Support and Evaluation Unit of the Planning and Growth Management Department will revise the Slope Stability Guidelines for Development Applications in the City of Ottawa to incorporate the new text.



Proposed Changes to the Guidelines                                                                     DOCUMENT 1









2.5       Organic Soils

Organic soils are generally formed by the decomposition of vegetation, in relatively recent times, forming soils that may consist partly or almost entirely of organic matter (rather than mineral particles). Common types include topsoil, peat, and alluvium. Topsoil is generally a mineral soil (such as sand or clay) with up to about 10 percent organic matter; it is the darker upper-most soil (usually less than about 0.3 metres thick) found in most locations. Peat is generally found in “swampy” or “marshy” conditions and is formed by the accumulation and decomposition of organic matter to form a material that is almost entirely organic (i.e., no mineral soil). Alluvium is the name of soils (generally silt and sand) deposited as a dark silty “mud” along river and creek banks. A fourth organic soil type is marl, which is often present beneath peat deposits, is white or grey in colour, feels much like a soft wet clay, but is weaker and often behaves “jello-like” when shaken.




2.5       Soils with Organic Content


The decomposition of vegetation, in relatively recent times, forms soils that may consist partly or almost entirely of organic matter (rather than only mineral particles). Common types include topsoil, peat, and alluvium. Topsoil is generally a mineral soil (such as sand or clay) with up to about 10 percent organic matter; it is the darker upper-most soil (usually less than about 0.3 metres thick) found in most undeveloped areas. Peat is generally found in “swampy” or “marshy” conditions and is formed by the accumulation and decomposition of organic matter to form a material that is almost entirely organic (i.e., no mineral soil). Alluvium is the name of soils (generally silt and sand) deposited as a dark silty “mud” along river and creek banks. A fourth type is marl, which, though not typically highly organic in composition itself, is commonly overlain by peat and is typically biologic in origin (containing numerous shells).  Marl is white or grey in colour, feels much like a soft wet clay, but is weaker and often behaves “jello-like” when shaken.




Note: This change will also necessitate corresponding revisions to the Table of Contents and to other references to this section title within the document.

(Note: highlighting indicates new text or other changes, such as the start of a new paragraph; strikeout indicates deletions).

5.6 Seismic Conditions and Seismic Liquefaction

The ground shaking that develops during an earthquake can generate both horizontal and vertical forces within a slope and reductions in soil strength which may lead to instability. It should be noted that the ground vibrations travelling up to the Earth’s surface from depth travel in waves such that, except for low slopes, the ground motion would not all be in the same direction simultaneously. In other words, although part of the slope would be pushed outwards (encouraging failure), other parts would be pushed inwards (resisting failure), as shown on Figure 21. Vertical ground motions also occur, but are generally of lesser magnitude and impact and are often not taken into consideration unless analyses indicate that the slopes are marginally stable when the horizontal earthquake forces alone are taken into consideration.

It must be recognised that a realistic assessment of the magnitude of the seismic forces and their impacts on the slope is complex and thus not practical for most projects. Simplified methods exist and are commonly used in North America, but vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. No specific methods or minimum criteria are mandated for use on projects in the Ottawa area at this time.

One common method is to carry out a separate simplified “seismic” slope stability analysis (often referred to as a pseudo-static analysis) for which a horizontal force is included, the value of which is related to a seismic coefficient, typically identified as kh, as shown on Figure 22. The magnitude of kh that should to be used in the analyses is debatable, however a typical value of half of the peak (horizontal) ground acceleration (PGA) specified in the appropriate for the design earthquake acceleration for the Ottawa area (as described in the 1995 National Building code) Code of Canada (NBCC), as referenced by the current edition of the Ontario Building Code (OBC), is typically used.  For example, for a PGA of 0.42 (as specified in the 2005 NBCC and referenced by the 2006 OBC), a kh of 0.21 would be used.  would be kh = 0.1.

[Changed to new paragraph] However, the design earthquake accelerations described in the National Building Code NBCC are typically considered to be the “firm ground” values, representing shaking forces at the surface of the bedrock or dense soil. Loose or soft soils overlying the “firm ground” may, and often do, result in a significant increase (possibly 10 to 30 percent) in the earthquake accelerations within these soils, which should be considered in selecting the design value of kh.

The analysis for seismic conditions would be carried out separately from the “static” analyses. A minimum factor of safety of 1.1 is generally required (for example, by the Los Angeles County government), although other jurisdictions require 1.0 (for example, suggested by the Southern California Earthquake Centre). The use of these seemingly low required factors of safety (relative to the 1.5 factor of safety required for “static” conditions), is based on a number of factors, namely the limited accuracy of the method, the relative infrequency and short duration of earthquakes, and that seismic slopes failures often result only in movement of the slope, rather than a more dramatic “landslide” type failure.

If the factor of safety is determined as being less than 1.0 or 1.1, the permanent displacement (i.e., movement) of the slope is calculated; a maximum allowable movement of either 50 millimetres or 150 millimetres is often specified, depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the project. However the methods for evaluating these displacements, though commonly used in many seismically active areas of western North America, should only be used with caution for sites in the Ottawa area since the methods were generally developed for soils with very different properties and for earthquakes with different characteristics. The Champlain Sea clay is a very “sensitive” soil meaning that its strength reduces drastically once it’s sheared, so the displacements from a slope in the Champlain Sea clay may be much larger than would be calculated by those methods, unless that possible strength loss is considered in the calculation.

Based on the above, a minimum factor of safety of 1.1 is suggested for seismic slope stability analysis. Where the factor of safety is less than 1.1, a Limit of Hazard Lands may be determined corresponding to a factor of safety of 1.1, in the same manner as used for the ‘static’ loading cases. However more sophisticated analyses may also be justified, which might yield a more accurate assessment of the stability of the slope. Caution is urged in these circumstances. It should also be noted that a Toe Erosion Allowance need not be included in the determination of the Limit of Hazard Lands under seismic conditions, since erosion is not the trigger of the slope movement. As well, as a general guideline, an Erosion Access Allowance need also not be included since this Limit of Hazard Lands for seismic design corresponds to a post-disaster condition. The general philosophy for seismic design (due to their low frequency of occurrence) is to avoid immediate collapse and loss of life; structures are not expected to remain serviceable.

The resulting Limit of Hazard Lands determined for seismic loading conditions is then compared to the limit corresponding to ‘static’ loading conditions and the more conservative value is used.

It is important to note that the soil strength parameters that apply to the silty clay for the assessment of the factor of safety under “seismic” loading conditions are not those that apply to the more conventional “static” analyses. “Undrained “ soil strength parameters need to be used, to reflect the rapid nature of the loading, whereby the clay soil has a much higher cohesion than described previously for “static” analyses (typically between 25 and 150 kilopascals) and a friction angle of 0 degrees. However, as indicated above, some clays, in particular sensitive clays, may have a reduction in strength due to “softening” when subject to earthquake shaking.

Another very important consideration for these assessments is the potential for seismic “liquefaction” of loose sandy soils. Seismic liquefaction is a phenomenon whereby the ground vibrations from an earthquake generate high (pore) water pressures (i.e., the water pressure in the pores between the soil particles is increased above its natural level). These excess pore water pressures reduce the stresses between the soil grains and thus reduce the frictional resistance to shearing of the soil. This phenomenon leads to a temporary but dramatic reduction in the shear strength of the soil (potentially changing it to a liquid-like state) and thus, in the period immediately following an earthquake, could lead to failure of an otherwise stable slope. Even very flat slopes may experience large, permanent movements if the soils underlying these slopes liquefy.

The details for assessing the potential for seismic liquefaction are beyond the scope of this document. However, the potential should be considered wherever the slope contains “looser” sand, sand and gravel, or silt located below the highest projected groundwater level in the slope. “Loose” In this context, “looser” means a Standard Penetration Test blow count less than about 1810, as measured in a borehole. Many routine projects do not include borehole drilling and so that information would often be unavailable. Caution is urged on such occasions.

It should also be noted that there are planned changes to the design earthquake for Ottawa specified in the National Building Code. Those changes (anticipated for release in 2005, for subsequent adoption by the Ontario Building Code) would double the magnitude of the design earthquake for Ottawa. In that case, the horizontal acceleration for slope stability analyses would also double and a greater range of soils would be classified as being susceptible to seismic liquefaction.

In summary, a review of a slope stability report should identify that:

·       the factor of safety against slope instability under seismic conditions is at least 1.1;

·       a seismic coefficient of about 0.1 half of the PGA specified in the current version of the OBC (and applicable referenced version of the NBCC), or greater, was used for the analyses, and that the potential for increase in the seismic coefficient from the “firm ground” value has been taken into consideration;

·       undrained soil strength parameters were used for clay in the analyses, with consideration of the potential for decreased strength due to “softening” during the earthquake;

·       where sand or silt deposits are present, the potential for seismic liquefaction is addressed.