OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL 8 FEBRUARY 2012 ANDREW S. HAYDON HALL 10:00 a.m. BULK CONSENT AGENDA 29 COMMUNITY AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT 11A 1. MANAGEMENT OF HYDRANTS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY GESTION DES BORNES-FONTAINES SUR LES PROPRIÉTÉS PRIVÉES COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the management of hydrants on private property as described in this report. 3. MUNICIPAL CAPITAL FACILITIES AGREEMENTS – COMMUNITY MUSEUM ENTENTES RELATIVES AUX INSTALLATIONS D’IMMOBILISATIONS MUNICIPALES – MUSÉE COMMUNAUTAIRE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS That Council: 1. Declare that the City-owned property at 16 Rowley Avenue (Nepean Museum) is for cultural purposes and for public use; 2. Designate the City-owned property used for the community museum located at 16 Rowley Avenue (Nepean Museum) as a Municipal Capital Facility for cultural purposes and exempt the property from taxes for municipal or school purposes, as permitted under section 110 of the Municipal Act, 2001 and as defined in Ontario Regulation 603/06 as amended and that this designation be implemented by a municipal capital facilities agreement and associated by-law, drafts of which are described in documents 1 and 2. 3. Authorize the Deputy City Manager, City Operations, to finalize and execute a Municipal Capital Facilities Agreement for the premises at 16 Rowley Avenue. PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT 23 2. COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW 2008-250: ANOMALIES AND MINOR CORRECTIONS - FIRST QUARTER 2012 RÈGLEMENT DE ZONAGE GÉNÉRAL 2008-250: ANOMALIES ET CORRECTIONS MINEURES – PREMIER TRIMESTRE DE 2012 AGRICULTURE AND RURAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the amendments recommended in Column III of Documents 2 and 3 to correct anomalies in Zoning By-law 2008-250. PLANNING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the amendments recommended in Column III of Documents 1 and 3 to correct anomalies in Zoning By-law 2008-250. 3. DEMOLITION CONTROL – 405 TWEEDSMUIR AVENUE RESUME DE LA PROPOSITION DE REGLEMENT DE DEMOLITION – 405, AVENUE TWEEDSMUIR COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS That Council approve demolition of a three-unit converted dwelling at 405 Tweedsmuir Avenue subject to the following conditions: 1. Until the time of construction of the replacement building, the Owner shall seed/sod and maintain the property as open space, not use the property for other interim uses, and maintain the property in accordance with the Property Standards By-law; 2. A replacement building for 405 Tweedsmuir Avenue be substantially completed within two years from the date of this approval and in default thereof, the City Clerk and Solicitor shall enter on the collectors roll the sum of $10,000.00 for each dwelling unit contained in the residential property demolished; 3. The Owner enters into an agreement with the City including the forgoing conditions and pay all the costs associated with the registration of the said agreement. At such time as a building permit is issued to redevelop the site and the replacement building is in place, the agreement will become null and void and will be released upon request by the Owner. The Owner shall pay all costs associated with the registration of the release from this agreement; and 4. The approval of this agreement is null and void if provisions of Condition 3 have not been fulfilled within six months of the date of approval. 4. FRONT – ENDING AGREEMENT – INTERSECTION MODIFICATIONS – STRANDHERD DRIVE AT JOCKVALE ROAD AND CEDARVIEW ROAD AT JOCKVALE ROAD ENTENTE INITIALE – MODIFICATION DE CARREFOUR – PROMENADE STRANDHERD ET CHEMIN JOCKVALE, ET CHEMIN CEDARVIEW ET CHEMIN JOCKVALE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS That Council : 1. Authorize the City to enter into a Front-Ending Agreement with Claridge Homes (Cedarview) Inc. for the design and construction of the intersection of Strandherd Drive at Jockvale Road and a roundabout at Cedarview Road and Jockvale Road, based upon the Front-Ending principles set forth in Document 2 and the Council approved Front-Ending Policy in Document 3, with the final form and content of the Front-Ending Agreement being to the satisfaction of the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability and the City Clerk and Solicitor; and 2. Approve the expenditure of $1,500,000 plus applicable taxes in 2014 for the reimbursement to Claridge Homes (Cedarview) Inc. in accordance with Document 4, subject to the option for deferral of payment in Document 3, for the design and construction at the intersection at Strandherd Drive and Jockvale Road ($900,000) and a roundabout at Cedarview Road and Jockvale Road ($600,000) subject to the execution of the Front-Ending Agreement. 5. REVISIONS TO THE SLOPE STABILITY GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS IN THE CITY OF OTTAWA RÉVISION DES LIGNES DIRECTRICES SUR LA STABILITÉ DES PENTES RELATIVEMENT AUX DEMANDES D'AMÉNAGEMENT À OTTAWA COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the revisions to the Slope Stability Guidelines for Development Applications in the City of Ottawa to correct the description of organic soils in Section 2.5, and to update Section 5.6 to reflect changes in the Ontario Building Code as detailed in Documents 1. Document 1 1