OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL 14 SEPTEMBER 2011 ANDREW S. HAYDON HALL 10:00 a.m. BULK CONSENT AGENDA 19 AGRICULTURE AND RURAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPORT 10 2. APPOINTMENTS TO THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY, RIDEAU VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY AND SOUTH NATION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY NOMINATIONS A L’OFFICE DE PROTECTION DE LA NATURE DE LA VALLEE MISSISSIPPI, A L’OFFICE DE PROTECTION DE LA NATURE DE LA VALLEE RIDEAU ET A L’OFFICE DE PROTECTION DE LA NATURE DE LA RIVIERE NATION-SUD COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS Further to deliberations of the Selection Panels, that Council approve: 1. The appointment of the following individuals to the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, with terms to expire 30 November 2014. * Ed Hand, voting member * Magda Kubasiewicz, voting member * Steve Curtis, voting member * Tom Bursey, reserve 1 * Tom Scott, reserve 2 2. The appointment of the following individuals to the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, with terms to expire 30 November 2014. * John Karau, voting member * Peter Johnson, reserve member 3. The appointment of the following individuals to the South Nation Conservation Authority, with terms to expire 30 November 2014. * Michael Brown, voting member * Murray Inch, reserve member 3. ZONING – PART OF 1212 DONALD B. MUNRO DRIVE ZONAGE - PARTIE DU 1212, PROMENADE DONALD B. MUNRO COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of part of 1212 Donald B. Munro Drive from AG (Agricultural) to AG5 (Agricultural, Subzone 5), as shown in Document 1. 4. ZONING – PART OF 6622 BANK STREET ZONAGE – PARTIE DU 6622, RUE BANK COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of a part of 6622 Bank Street from RH3[21r] to RH3[XXXr]-h and RH3[XXYr]-h, as shown on Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2. 5. ZONING – PART OF 7606 (7626) BANK STREET ZONAGE – 7606 (7626), RUE BANK COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 7606 (7626) Bank Street from AG (Agricultural) to AG5 zone (Agricultural, Subzone 5). 6. ZONING – PART OF 3039 RIVER ROAD (5210 CABIN ROAD) ZONAGE – PARTIE DU 3039, CHEMIN RIVER (5210, CHEMIN CABIN) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 3039 River Road (5210 Cabin Road) from AG2 (Agricultural, Subzone 2) to AG6 zone (Agricultural, Subzone 6). 8. COUNTRY LOTS AND VILLAGES ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HEARING - PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN MODIFICATIONS AUDIENCE DE LA COMMISSION DES AFFAIRES MUNICIPALE DE L’ONTARIO SUR LES TERRAINS RURAUX ET LES VILLAGES – CHANGEMENTS PROPOSÉS AU PLAN OFFICIEL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council endorse the modifications to Official Plan Amendment No. 76 as set out in Document 1. 9. RURAL COMMUNITY BUILDING GRANTS PROGRAM PROGRAMME DE SUBVENTIONS POUR LE RENFORCEMENT COMMUNAUTAIR EN MILIEU RURAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the City of Ottawa Rural Affairs Office “Rural Community-Building Grants Program Policy”, detailed as Document 1. FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT 11 1. E-MAIL RETENTION REVIEW EXAMEN RELATIF À LA CONSERVATION DES COURRIELS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council receive this report for information. 2. GRANTING NETWORK ACCESS TO NON-STANDARD DEVICES ACCÈS AU RÉSEAU AUTORISÉ POUR LES APPAREILS HORS NORMES COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council receive this report for information. Document 1 1