2.                   Appointments to the mississippi valley conservation authority, rideau valley conservation authority and south nation conservation authority


nominations à l’office de protection de la nature de la vallée mississippi, à l’office de protection de la nature de la vallée rideau et à l’office de protection de la nature de la rivière NATION-sud





That Council approve:


1.                  The appointment of the following individuals to the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, with terms to expire 30 November 2014.

·         Ed Hand, voting member

·         Magda Kubasiewicz, voting member

·         Steve Curtis, voting member

·         Tom Bursey, reserve 1

·         Tom Scott, reserve 2


2.                  The appointment of the following individuals to the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, with terms to expire 30 November 2014.

·         John Karau, voting member

·         Peter Johnson, reserve member


3.                  The appointment of the following individuals to the South Nation Conservation Authority, with terms to expire 30 November 2014.

·         Michael Brown, voting member

·         Murray Inch, reserve member





Que le Conseil approuve ce qui suit :


1.                  La nomination des personnes suivantes à l’Office de protection de la nature de la vallée Rideau, pour un mandat expirant le 30 novembre 2014 :

·         Ed Hand, membre votant

·         Magda Kubasiewicz, membre votant

·         Steve Curtis, membre votant

·         Tom Bursey, 1er membre suppléant

·         Tom Scott, 2e membre suppléant


2.                  La nomination des personnes suivantes à l’Office de protection de la nature de la vallée Mississippi, pour un mandat expirant le 30 novembre 2014 :

·         John Karau, membre votant

·         Peter Johnson, membre suppléant


3.                  La nomination des personnes suivantes à l’Office de protection de la nature de la rivière Nation-Sud, pour un mandat expirant le 30 novembre 2014 :

·         Michael Brown, membre votant

·         Murray Inch, membre suppléant


























1.         Selection Panels’ Report, Mississippi Valley, Rideau Valley and South Nation Conservation Authorities, dated 25 August 2011 (ACS2011-CMR-CCB-0073).



Report to/Rapport au :


Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee

Comité de l’agriculture et des affaires rurales




25 August 2011 / le 25 août 2011


Submitted by / Soumis par :  Selection Panels, Mississippi Valley,
Rideau Valley and South Nation Conservation Authorities

Jurys de sélection, offices de protection de la nature de la vallée Mississippi,
de la vallée Rideau et de la rivière Nation-Sud


Contact / Personne-ressource : Caitlin Salter MacDonald, Coordinator / coordonnatrice

Legislative Services/ services législatifs

613-580-2424 x28136, Caitlin.Salter-MacDonald@ottawa.ca


City Wide / A l’échelle de ville


Ref N°: ACS2011-CMR-CCB-0073   




APPOINTMENTS TO THE mississippi valley conservation authority, rideau valley conservation authority and SOUTH NATION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY



nominations à l’office de protection de la nature de la vallée mississippi, à l’office de protection de la nature de la vallée rideau et à l’office de protection de la nature de la rivière NATION-sud





Further to deliberations of the Selection Panels, that the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommend Council approve:


1.      The appointment of the following individuals to the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, with terms to expire 30 November 2014.

·         Ed Hand, voting member

·         Magda Kubasiewicz, voting member

·         Steve Curtis, voting member

·         Tom Bursey, reserve 1

·         Tom Scott, reserve 2


2.      The appointment of the following individuals to the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, with terms to expire 30 November 2014.

·         John Karau, voting member

·         Peter Johnson, reserve member




3.      The appointment of the following individuals to the South Nation Conservation Authority, with terms to expire 30 November 2014.

·         Michael Brown, voting member

·         Murray Inch, reserve member





Par suite des délibérations des jurys de sélection, que le Comité de l’agriculture et des affaires rurales recommande au Conseil d’approuver ce qui suit :


1.                  La nomination des personnes suivantes à l’Office de protection de la nature de la vallée Rideau, pour un mandat expirant le 30 novembre 2014 :

·         Ed Hand, membre votant

·         Magda Kubasiewicz, membre votant

·         Steve Curtis, membre votant

·         Tom Bursey, 1er membre suppléant

·         Tom Scott, 2e membre suppléant


2.                  La nomination des personnes suivantes à l’Office de protection de la nature de la vallée Mississippi, pour un mandat expirant le 30 novembre 2014 :

·         John Karau, membre votant

·         Peter Johnson, membre suppléant


3.                  La nomination des personnes suivantes à l’Office de protection de la nature de la rivière Nation-Sud, pour un mandat expirant le 30 novembre 2014 :

·         Michael Brown, membre votant

·         Murray Inch, membre suppléant





The Council-approved Appointment Policy for Citizen Members of City Advisory Committees, Boards, Commissions, Task Forces and Authorities, approved by City Council on 6 December 2006, outlines the process and requirements for recruiting citizen members to the City’s advisory committees and boards, as well as external boards, commissions and authorities for which members are required.


Advertisements for membership on various City of Ottawa advisory committees and boards were placed in the Ottawa Citizen, the Ottawa Sun, Le Droit, as well as various community newspapers beginning January 21, 2011.  In addition, ads were posted on the City website, at all City facilities, and were sent to a number of organizations and associations with a potential interest. The application deadline was Friday, February 4, 2011.





Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority


The Selection Panel for the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority was comprised of Councillors El-Chantiry and Wilkinson.  Their recommendations to Council for the appointment of one voting member and one reserve member to the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority are listed as Recommendation 1.


Rideau Valley Conservation Authority


The Selection Panel for the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority was comprised of Councillors Taylor and Moffatt.  Their recommendations to Council for the appointment of three voting members and two reserve members to the Rideau Valley Authority are listed as Recommendation 2.


South Nation Conservation Authority


The Selection Panel for the South Nation Conservation Authority was comprised of Councillors Thompson and Blais.  Their recommendations to Council for the appointment of one voting member and one reserve members to the South Nation are listed as Recommendation 3.


The role of the reserve members is outlined in the Appointment Policy where they will be appointed should a vacancy occur.  The Policy also directs that the reserve list be maintained until the next advertisement for vacancies.





See above regarding the recruitment process for members.





There are no financial implications associated with this report.





There are legal implications associated with this report.





Attachment 1     Résumés of recommended members (on file with the City Clerk).





Legislative Services Branch, City Clerk and Solicitor Department, will notify all applicants upon approval by City Council.