2.          Commemorative naming committee proposal – JÉRÉMIE J. AUDETTE SPLASH PAD”


proposition du comité sur les dénominations comméroratives « AIRE DE JETS D’EAU JÉRÉMIE-J.-AUDETTE »





That Council approve the commemorative naming of a splash pad at Portobello Park, located at 670 Aquaview Drive, as Jérémie J. Audette Splash Pad.



Recommandation DU Comité


Que le Conseil municipal approuve la proposition de nommer l’aire de jets d’eau au Parc Portobello, situé au  670, promenade Aquaview « aire de jets d’eau Jérémie-J.-Audette. »









1.                  City Clerk and Solicitor’s report dated 11 August 2011 (ACS2011-CMR-CCB-0044).



Report to/Rapport au :


Community and Protective Services Committee

Comité des services communautaires et de protection


and Council / et au Conseil


August 11, 2011 / le 11 août 2011


Submitted by/Soumis par : M. Rick O’Connor

City Clerk and Solicitor / Greffier et Chef du contentieux


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Leslie Donnelly, Deputy City Clerk/Greffière adjointe

City Clerk and Solicitor Department/Direction du greffe et Chef du contentieux

 613-580-2424 ext. 28857, Leslie.Donnelly@ottawa.ca


Cumberland (19)

Ref N°: ACS2011-CMR-CCB-0044




Commemorative naming committee proposal – JÉRÉMIE J. AUDETTE SPLASH PAD




proposition du comité sur les dénominations comméroratives « AIRE DE JETS D’EAU JÉRÉMIE-J.-AUDETTE »





That the Community and Protective Services Committee recommend Council approve the commemorative naming of a splash pad at Portobello Park, located at 670 Aquaview Drive, as Jérémie J. Audette Splash Pad.




Que le Comité des services communautaires et de protection recommande au Conseil municipal d’approuver la proposition de nommer l’aire de jets d’eau au Parc Portobello, situé au  670, promenade Aquaview « aire de jets d’eau Jérémie-J.-Audette. »





The Commemorative Naming Policy, approved by City Council on July 24, 2002, outlines the criteria and process for commemoratively naming municipal streets, parks and facilities (or parts thereof).


With respect to criteria, a commemorative name honours individuals who are (or have been) citizens of the City of Ottawa or have made a specific contribution to the City of Ottawa and:



Any member of the public or City Council may submit a name to the City for consideration.  The process is initiated through submission of a Commemorative Naming application and support material.  The policy provides a process for the nomination of the following: a name to be added to the commemorative names reserve list for future consideration; a name for a particular venue selected by the applicant; a name for a venue that is presently named.


As part of the process, the Commemorative Naming Committee (“CNC”) — consisting of applicable City staff, the Mayor and affected Members of Council — provides an initial approval based on the policy’s criteria and the information provided by the nominator.  Staff is then directed to ensure there is community support for the choice by initiating a 60-day consultation phase. Following the consultation process, the Commemorative Naming Committee reviews the public feedback and makes a final recommendation on the nomination, which is subsequently considered by the appropriate Standing Committee and City Council.





A naming application for the commemoration of Jérémie J. Audette was received from resident Sophie Lafontaine to name a splash pad at Portobello Park, located at 670 Aquaview Drive, as “Jérémie J. Audette Splash Pad.” Supporting information about Jérémie J. Audette is found in the attached Document 1.


At its meeting of 22 March 2011, the Commemorative Naming Committee reviewed the above-noted application, which was submitted under the following criteria of the Commemorative Naming Policy: The nominated name has historical significance to the community, City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario, or Canada.


At its aforementioned meeting, the Commemorative Naming Committee noted that the proposal was unlike other commemorations made under the “historical significance” criterion, which had normally been reserved for “original settlers” or long-time residents. Unlike these previous commemorations, the proposal before the Commemorative Naming Committee was to commemorate a child who had recently passed away at the age of two years. 


And while the proposal was uncommon, the Commemorative Naming Committee also noted that the applicant had demonstrated that the nominee’s death significantly touched the community, and was in that sense “historic.” The Commemorative Naming Committee also noted the proposed commemoration presented an opportunity to raise awareness about children’s water safety and, thereby, there could be a community benefit. The proposal was also supported by the Ward Councillor.  The Committee was unclear whether Council intended to exclude commemorations such as the one before it, or whether the criteria of the Commemorative Naming Policy were only intended as guidelines.  In light of the uncertainty and the considerations above, the Commemorative Naming Committee opted to conduct a 60-day public consultation on the proposal to allow residents an opportunity to provide feedback on the idea. 


Summary of Public Consultation

The public comments received during the consultation revealed that the public was overwhelmingly in support of the proposal.  In fact, staff believe the proposal to commemorate Jérémie J. Audette generated the most support of any proposal in the history of the commemorative naming program. 


The City received 400 emails and telephone calls in response to the proposal: 397 in support, 3 in opposition. In addition to the emails and telephone calls, a hard copy petition was also submitted, which included the signatures of 1,043 residents who supported the proposal. Furthermore, supporters of the application successfully used social media to reach out to residents.  At the time of writing this report, 1,338 Facebook users have supported the proposal to commemorate Jérémie.


Many residents simply said they support the initiative. However, a great deal of residents also included details and personal comments as part of their feedback. 


In reading the feedback, the Avalon community’s “family character” is apparent.  There was an overwhelming expression of empathy from other parents, some of whom noted they had young children who play at Portobello Park.  Several respondents noted they did not know the Audette family, but they nevertheless found the story of Jérémie’s death deeply saddening and personally touching. 


Many residents also expressed admiration for Jérémie’s parents.  They felt Jérémie’s parents were courageous for raising awareness about children’s water safety, in the painful wake of Jérémie’s death.  It is worth noting that demonstrating courage is a criterion for commemoration under the Commemorative Naming Policy. 


Another segment of supporters also noted the proposal commemorated a Francophone name and noted this was appropriate given the importance of Cumberland’s French-language heritage.


However, a few respondents did not support the proposal. One resident felt a pool should be named after Jérémie instead of a splash pad. Another resident opposed the proposal, expressing opposition to memorial-type commemorations. Another resident felt the nominee did not meet the City’s criteria for commemorations.


Following the consultation process, the Commemorative Naming Committee reconvened on 27 July 2011 to review all comments received.  At this time, the Commemorative Naming Committee acknowledged its responsibility to respect the community’s wishes. Accordingly, the CNC endorsed the proposal by directing staff to forward its supportive recommendation to the Community and Protective Services Committee and City Council.










An integral part of the Commemorative Naming process is public consultation on the proposed name.  The following outlines the consultation undertaken for the “Jérémie J. Audette Splash Pad” application:



The public comments received during the public consultation were overwhelmingly in support of the proposal.  In fact, staff believe the proposal to commemorate Jérémie J. Audette generated the most support of any proposal in the history of the commemorative naming program. 


The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee supported the proposal at its meetings of 24 May 2011.  Of the 400 emails and telephone responses, 397 were in support of the proposal.  In addition to the emails and telephone calls, a hard copy petition was also submitted, which included the signatures of 1,043 residents who supported the proposal. Furthermore, at the time of writing this report, 1,338 Facebook users have supported the proposal to commemorate Jérémie.





Councillor S. Blais fully supports the commemoration of Jérémie J. Audette.





There are no legal/risk management implications associated with this report.













City Clerk and Solicitor Department

Financial expenditures associated with this Commemorative Naming proposal for advertisements and the costs of purchasing a plaque and/or hosting a naming ceremony are provided through the City Clerk’s operating budget.


Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department

There are no available funds in the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department's 2011 budget for signage.





Document 1 – “Jérémie J. Audette Splash” Pad Commemorative Naming Public Notice (English and French)

Document 2 - Location Plan – Proposed “Jérémie J. Audette Splash Pad” at Portobello Park





Following Council approval of the “Jérémie J. Audette Splash Pad” Commemorative Naming proposal, staff will work with the Ward Councillor to coordinate a ceremonial event to unveil a plaque. 




Commemorative Naming Proposal –

Jérémie J. Audette Splash Pad


In 2002, City Council created the Commemorative Naming Program as a means to formally recognize individuals who demonstrate excellence, courage or exceptional service to the citizens of Ottawa, the Province of Ontario, or Canada.  This program provides the opportunity for the contribution and dedication of these individuals to be honoured through the naming of municipal streets, parks and facilities and parts thereof.


Further to an application received under the Commemorative Naming Program, the City is considering a proposal to name the new splash pad at Portobello Park, located at 670 Aquaview Drive, as “Jérémie J. Audette Splash Pad.” 


Jérémie J. Audette was two years old when he passed away suddenly on July 28th 2010 in a backyard pool in Orléans.  His tragic passing resonated throughout the community and across Canada.  Jérémie’s death serves as a reminder of vulnerability of children and the importance of practicing water safety while enjoying aquatic activities.   


To honour the significant impact of Jérémie’s death on the community and to raise awareness about children’s water safety, the City of Ottawa has been asked to name the new splash pad at Portobello Park as “Jérémie J. Audette Splash Pad.” 


If you would like to provide comment on this proposal or require any further information, please contact:


Tyler Cox, Policy & Projects Coordinator

City Clerk & Solicitor Department

Ottawa City Hall

110 Laurier Avenue West

Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1

Tel: 613-580-2424 ext. 15636

Fax: 613-580-2416

Email: namingottawa@ottawa.ca


Comments on this proposal must be received by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, June 20, 2011.



Proposition de nom commémoratif –

« aire de jets d’eau Jérémie-J.-Audette »


En 2002, le Conseil municipal a mis en place le programme de noms commémoratifs dans le but d’officiellement rendre hommage à des personnes qui ont fait preuve d’excellence, de courage ou qui ont rendu des services exceptionnels aux résidents de la Ville d’Ottawa, de l’Ontario ou du Canada. Ce programme donne l’occasion à la Ville d’honorer la contribution et le dévouement de ces gens en attribuant leur nom à une rue, à un parc ou à une installation d’Ottawa.


En réponse à une demande reçue dans le cadre du programme de noms commémoratifs, la Ville mène une consultation publique sur la proposition de nommer « aire de jets d’eau Jérémie-J.-Audette » l'aire de jets d’eau du parc Portobello, situé au 670, promenade Aquaview.


Jérémie J. Audette était âgé de deux ans lorsqu'il s'est noyé le 28 juillet 2010 dans une piscine privée à Orléans. Cette mort tragique a eu un grand retentissement dans la communauté et partout au Canada. Le décès de Jérémie est un rappel de la vulnérabilité des enfants et de l'importance de la sécurité aquatique dans la pratique des activités aquatiques.


La Ville d'Ottawa a été invitée à souligner les répercussions importantes du décès de Jérémie sur la communauté et à faire prendre conscience de la sécurité nautique des enfants en nommant « aire de jets d’eau Jérémie-J.-Audette » la nouvelle aire de jets d’eau au parc Portobello.


Si vous souhaitez formuler des commentaires sur cette proposition ou obtenir de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec :


Tyler Cox, coordonnateur, Politiques et Projets

Service du greffe et du contentieux

Hôtel de ville d'Ottawa

110, avenue Laurier Ouest

Ottawa (Ontario), K1P 1J1

Tél. : 613-580-2424, poste 15636

Téléc.: 613-580-2416

Courriel : namingottawa@ottawa.ca


Les commentaires sur cette proposition doivent nous parvenir au plus tard le lundi 20 juin 2011, à 16 h 30.



Location Plan – Proposed Jérémie J. Audette Splash Pad at Portobello Park