OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL 13 JULY 2011 ANDREW S. HAYDON HALL 10:00 a.m. REVISED BULK CONSENT AGENDA 16 AGRICULTURE AND RURAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPORT 9 1. LINE FENCES ACT - RURAL ISSUES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OF 21 JUNE 2011 LOI SUR LES CLÔTURES DE BORNAGE - COMITÉ CONSULTATIF SUR LES QUESTIONS RURALES, RÉUNION DU 21 JUIN 2011 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS That Council: 1. Request that the application for 3194 Diamondview Road under the Line Fences Act be referred to the Chief, By-law and Regulatory Affairs, for further review and determination on the basis of the property’s present zoning status under the City’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2008-250; and 2. Approve an amendment to Section 4 of City’s Line Fences Act By-law (By-law 2004-293) to ensure that the zoning terminology of that Section reflects the present-day zones found in the Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2008-250, as amended. 3. FLEWELLYN MUNICIPAL DRAIN MODIFICATIONS MODIFCATIONS DE DRAINAGE MUNICIPAL FLEWELLYN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (This application is subject to the provisions of Bill 51.) That Council consider the attached report pertaining to a request for modifications to drainage works under Section 78 of the Drainage Act and appoint Robinson Consultants Inc. as the Engineer of record to prepare a report in accordance with Section 10 of the Drainage Act of Ontario. 4. MONAHAN MUNICIPAL DRAIN MODIFICATIONS MODIFCATIONS DE DRAINAGE MUNICIPAL MONAHAN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council consider the attached report pertaining to a request for modifications to drainage works under Section 78 and 84 of the Drainage Act and appoint Robinson Consultants Inc. as the Engineer of record to prepare a report in accordance with Section 10 of the Drainage Act of Ontario. COMMUNITY AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT 6 1. ILLEGAL (BANDIT) TAXICABS – ADDITIONAL ENFORCEMENT POWERS TAXIS ILLÉGAUX (PIRATES) – POUVOIRS SUPPLÉMENTAIRES D’APPLICATION DES RÈGLEMENTS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS That Council direct staff to apply to the Province of Ontario for legislative amendments: 1. to allow the City of Ottawa’s municipal law enforcement officers to enforce s. 39.1 of the Highway Traffic Act in respect of the unauthorized pick-up of passengers for compensation by unlicensed taxicabs, or alternatively to seek similar enforcement powers through amendments in other legislation; and, 2. to allow the City of Ottawa’s municipal law enforcement officers to seize and impound vehicles where the owners, drivers or brokers of such vehicles have been found to be operating as unlicensed taxicabs or dispatching unlicensed taxicabs. FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT 8B 1. QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE REPORT TO COUNCIL, Q1: JANUARY 1 TO MARCH 31, 2011 RAPPORT TRIMESTRIEL SUR LE RENDEMENT PRÉSENTÉ AU CONSEIL POUR LE 1ER TRIMESTRE, DU 1ER JANVIER AU 31 MARS 2011 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council receive the report for information on July 13, 2011 once it has been reviewed by standing committees. FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT 9 1. 2010 – PURCHASING YEAR IN REVIEW 2010 – L’ANNÉE DE L’APPROVISIONNEMENT EN RÉVISION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AS AMENDED That Council receive this report and the REVISED Document 1, as information. 4. TRANSFER OF A PORTION OF 1765 TRIM ROAD TO OTTAWA COMMUNITY LANDS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (OCLDC) FOR FUTURE DISPOSAL TRANSFERT DU TITRE DE PROPRIÉTÉ D’UNE PARTIE DU 1765, CHEMIN TRIM À LA SOCIÉTÉ D'AMÉNAGEMENT DES TERRAINS COMMUNAUTAIRES D’OTTAWA COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council: 1. Declare a portion of 1765 Trim Road shown as hatched on Document “1” attached, as surplus; and 2. Authorize staff to transfer the said lands to the Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation (OCLDC) on the basis outlined in this report. PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT 12 2. APPLICATION TO ALTER 20 CRESCENT ROAD, A PROPERTY DESIGANTED UNDER PART V OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT AND LOCATED IN THE ROCKCLIFFE PARK HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT DEMANDE DE MODIFICATION DE LA PROPRIÉTÉ SITUÉE AU 20, CHEMIN CRESCENT, DÉSIGNÉE EN VERTU DE LA PARTIE V DE LA LOI SUR LE PATRIMOINE DE L’ONTARIO ET QUI SE TROUVE DANS LE DISTRICT DE CONSERVATION DU PATRIMOINE DE ROCKCLIFFE PARK COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS The Council: 1. Approve the application to construct an attached double garage in the front yard of 20 Crescent Road; 2. Approve the application to construct an addition at the rear of the building located at 20 Crescent Road as per drawings by Andre Godin Design dated April 1, 2011; and 3. Issue the heritage permit with a two-year expiry from the date of issuance. (Note: The statutory 90-day timeline for consideration of this application under the Ontario Heritage Act will expire on August 2, 2011) (Note: Approval to Alter this property under the Ontario Heritage Act must not be construed to meet the requirements for the issuance of a building permit.) 5. ZONING – PART OF 3718 AND PART OF 3772 GREENBANK ROAD ZONAGE – PARTIE DU 3718 ET DU 3772, CHEMIN GREENBANK COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (This matter is Subject to Bill 51) That Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of Part of 3718 and Part of 3772 Greenbank Road from DR (Development Reserve) to R3YY[XXXX] Sxxx (Residential Third Density Subzone YY Exception XXXX, Schedule xxx), I1A/R3YY[XXXX]Sxxx (Minor Institutional Subzone A/Residential Third Density Subzone YY Exception XXXX Schedule xxx) and O1 (Parks and Open Space Zone) to allow a residential subdivision, as shown in Documents 1 and 2 and as detailed in Document 3. 8. PERMANENT SIGNS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY BY-LAW 2005-439 - PROPOSED DIGITAL WALL SIGN - 2685 IRIS STREET RÈGLEMENT 2005-439 RÉGISSANT LES ENSEIGNES PERMANENTES SUR DES PROPRIÉTÉS PRIVÉES - ENSEIGNE MURALE NUMÉRIQUE PROJETÉE - 2685, RUE IRIS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS That Council: 1. Approve a waiver of Sections 95, 96 and 106 of the Permanent Signs on Private Property By-law 2005-439 (as amended) to allow a sign permit to be issued for a digital message centre as a wall sign on the IKEA building located at 2685 Iris Street, as shown on Documents 2 and 3, subject to the conditions outlined in this report; and 2. Delegate authority to the Director of Building Code Services to include this digital sign in the pilot project for digital billboard signs. 10. CLOSURE OF STATEWOOD DRIVE AT TERRY FOX DRIVE FERMETURE DE LA PROMENADE STATEWOOD À L'ANGLE DE LA PROMENADE TERRY-FOX. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council direct staff to initiate the procedure to formally close Statewood Drive at Terry Fox Drive. PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT 13 2. REQUEST TO ADD THE SILO VINETTE, LOCATED AT 241 CENTRUM BOULEVARD IN ORLÉANS, TO THE HERITAGE REGISTER DEMANDE D’AJOUT DU SILO VINETTE, SITUÉ AU 241, BOULEVARD CENTRUM À ORLÉANS, AU REGISTRE DU PATRIMOINE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve that the Silo Vinette, located at 241 Centrum Boulevard in Orléans, be added to the Heritage Register. 3. ZONING – 1024 AND 1026 OLD MONTRÉAL ROAD ZONAGE – 1024 ET 1026, CHEMIN OLD MONTRÉAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (This matter is Subject to Bill 51) That Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 1024 and 1026 Old Montreal Road from DR (Development Reserve) to R4Z [XXXX] (Residential Fourth Density Subzone Z Exception), O1 [XXXY] (Parks and Open Space Exception) and EP (Environment Protection Zone) and from EP (Environmental Protection) to R4Z [XXXX] (Residential Fourth Density Subzone Z Exception) and O1 [XXXY] (Parks and Open Space Exception) as shown in Document 2 and as detailed in Document 3. 4. ZONING – 6048-6060 RENAUD ROAD ZONAGE – 6048-6060, CHEMIN RENAUD COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (This matter is Subject to Bill 51) That Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 6048-6060 Renaud Road from DR – Development Reserve to R3VV[xxxx] - Residential Third Density Subzone VV exception xxxx, and O1 - Parks and Open Space Zone as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2. 5. ZONING – 556 WELLINGTON STREET ZONAGE – 556, RUE WELLINGTON COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of a part of 556 Wellington Street from the current Open Space exception zone (O1[430]H12.2S94) to a new Open Space exception zone O1[xxxx] H12.2 S94 as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT 8 1. CYCLING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROGRAMME D'AMÉLIORATION DE LA SÉCURITÉ À VÉLO COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the Cycling Safety Improvement Program as outlined in this report, and the safety evaluation methodology as outlined in Documents 1 and 2, subject to approval as part of the Draft Term of Council 2011 – 2014 priorities and $80,000 capital funding and $120,000 operating program costs, including one FTE, in the 2012 budget, and that the Draft Term of Council 2011 – 2014 priorities report be amended to reflect the annual operating costs of this program. Document 1 1