1.                   Line Fences Act - Rural Issues
Advisory Committee Meeting of 21 June 2011







That Council:


1.         Request that the application for 3194 Diamondview Road under the Line Fences Act be referred to the Chief, By-law and Regulatory Affairs, for further review and determination on the basis of the property’s present zoning status under the City’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2008-250; and


2.         Approve an amendment to Section 4 of City’s Line Fences Act By-law (By-law 2004-293) to ensure that the zoning terminology of that Section reflects the present-day zones found in the Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2008-250, as amended.





Que le Conseil :


1.                  Demande de renvoyer à la gestionnaire des Services des règlements municipaux la demande relevant de la Loi sur les clôtures de bornage et concernant le bien-fonds situé au 3194, chemin Diamondview, pour un examen plus approfondi et une décision fondée sur le statut actuel du bien fonds en matière de zonage, suivant le Règlement de zonage général no 2008-250 de la Ville;


2.                  Approuve une modification à l’article 4 de la Loi sur les clôtures de bornage (Règlement municipal no 2004-293) pour faire en sorte que la terminologie relative au zonage dans cet article corresponde aux zones qui se trouvent actuellement dans le Règlement de zonage général no 2008-250, avec ses modifications.




1.         Rural Issues Advisory Committee’s Report, dated 22 June 2011 (ACS2011-CMR-ARA-0006).



Report to / Rapport au :


Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee

Comité de l'agriculture et des affaires rurales


22 June 2011 / le 22 juin 2011


Submitted by/Soumis par : Rural Issues Advisory Committee

Comité consultatif sur les questions rurales


Contact Person / Personne ressource : Christopher Zwierzchowski, Coordinator,
Rural Issues Advisory Committee / Coordonnateur, Comité consultatif sur les questions rurales

City Clerk and Solicitor’s Department / Bureau du greffier municipal et chef du contentieux

(613) 580-2424 ext/poste 21359 - Christopher.Zwierzchowski@ottawa.ca


West Carleton-March (5)

Ref N°: ACS2011-CMR-ARA-0006




Line Fences Act - Rural Issues
Advisory Committee Meeting of 21 June 2011








That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee:


1.         Request that the application for 3194 Diamondview Road under the Line Fences Act be referred to the Chief, By-law and Regulatory Affairs, for further review and determination on the basis of the property’s present zoning status under the City’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2008-250; and


2.         Recommend that Council approve an amendment to Section 4 of City’s Line Fences Act By-law (By-law 2004-293) to ensure that the zoning terminology of that Section reflects the present-day zones found in the Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2008-250, as amended.





Que le Comité de l’agriculture et des affaires rurales :


1.                  Demande de renvoyer à la gestionnaire des Services des règlements municipaux la demande relevant de la Loi sur les clôtures de bornage et concernant le bien-fonds situé au 3194, chemin Diamondview, pour un examen plus approfondi et une décision fondée sur le statut actuel du bien fonds en matière de zonage, suivant le Règlement de zonage général no 2008-250 de la Ville;


2.                  Recommande au Conseil d’approuver une modification à l’article 4 de la Loi sur les clôtures de bornage (Règlement municipal no 2004-293) pour faire en sorte que la terminologie relative au zonage dans cet article corresponde aux zones qui se trouvent actuellement dans le Règlement de zonage général no 2008-250, avec ses modifications.





At the 21 June 2011 meeting of the Rural Issues Advisory Committee, Mr. Paul Webber, Bell, Baker LLP, spoke at that meeting’s “Open Mike” session on behalf of his client regarding a property situated at 3194 Diamondview Road, referencing an application under the Line Fences Act.  Following Committee discussions, the Committee considered the following motion:


Moved by Member B. Webster:


That the Rural Issues Advisory Committee recommend that the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee:


  1. Request that the application for 3194 Diamondview Road under the Line Fences Act be referred to the Chief, By-law and Regulatory Affairs, for further review and determination on the basis of the property’s present zoning status under the City’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2008-250; and


  1. Recommend that Council approve an amendment to Section 4 of City’s Line Fences Act By-law (By-law 2004-293) to ensure that the zoning terminology of that Section reflects the present-day zones found in the Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2008-250, as amended.



The Rural Issues Advisory Committee “Carried” the above motion as presented, and requested that it be forwarded to the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee for its consideration and appropriate action at its next regular meeting.  The Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee is next scheduled to meet on 8 July 2011.





Part 1 of the Motion pertains to an application received by the City for a fence-viewing under the Line Fences Act for the property located at 3194 Diamondview Road.  Section 4 of the City’s by-law pertaining to fence-viewing (By-law 2004-293, as amended) limits the application of the Line Fences Act to those lands in Ottawa which are zoned agricultural, general rural, rural-agricultural or marginal resource.   The property at 3194 Diamondview Road is zoned Rural Institutional and therefore the Chief, By-law and Regulatory Services, who is an appointed fence viewer under the City’s By-law,  declined the application for a fence-viewing on the basis that the property was excluded under the By-law.  Information since been received regarding a re-zoning application that has been initiated for this property and therefore a review of the application has been requested. 


Part 2 of the Motion pertains to a proposal to amend Section 4 of the City’s By-law No. 2004-293. Section 4 of the By-law specifically describes those zones within the City to which the Line Fences Act will apply.  Section 4 contains zoning terminology that pre-dates the City’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law.  The proposed by-law amendment in part 2 of the motion will ensure that the zones described in Section 4 reflect the zoning terminology of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law.  





The proposed amendment to Section 4 of City’s Line Fences Act By-law (By-law 2004-293) will ensure that the zoning terminology of that Section reflects the present-day zones found in the Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2008-250 throughout the rural area.





Staff from By-law and Regulatory Services and the Planning and Growth Management Department have been consulted in respect of the motion.


Comment by By-law and Regulatory Services Branch:  The Chief, By-law and Regulatory Services has no objection to a further review of the application for a fence-viewing arbitration at this property, and will take into consideration the applicable zones of the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law and the current zoning status of this property.  The By-law and Regulatory Services Branch also does not object to an amendment of Section 4 of the City’s Fence Viewing By-law to reflect the present-day zones as they exist in the Comprehensive Zoning By-law. 


Comment by Planning and Growth Management Department:

The property is currently zoned RI8 [510r] – Rural Institutional subzone 8, rural exception 510.  A zoning by-law amendment to rezone the property to permit a detached dwelling has been applied for and is currently on hold. 

Section 4 of By-law 2004-293 currently reads,


4. The provisions of this by-law shall apply only to lands in the City zoned agricultural, general rural, rural-agricultural or marginal resource in the applicable zoning by-law of the old municipality or any successor by-law thereto.


In order to achieve the objectives in recommendation 2, the language in Section 4 of By-law 2004-293 should be amended to refer to, “rural zones in the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2008-250”.





Councillor El-Chantiry indicated that he is aware of this and has spoken with staff on this matter.  He has indicated that he will be moving a motion to refer this specific matter back to staff for consideration and to give direction to amend the by-law to ensure zoning terminology is consistent with new Comprehensive Zoning By-law.





There are no legal impediments to the adoption of the motion.





There are no direct financial implications associated with this report.





There are no implications with respect to the City’s Strategic Plan in relation to the Motion.





Upon approval of part I of the Motion by ARAC, the Chief, By-law and Regulatory Services, will conduct a further review of the application for a fence viewing for the subject property based on its current zoning status.  Upon approval of Part II of the Motion by Council, Staff from By-law and Regulatory Services together with Legal Services will prepare the appropriate amending by-law to be placed on Council’s agenda for enactment.