4.                   street name change - richmond road (phase 2)







That in conjunction with the passage of the by-law to establish the renaming of Robertson Road and a portion of Richmond Road in the Bells Corners business area to “Lloyd Francis Boulevard”; Council enact a further by-law to change the street named Richmond Road, between the currently named Robertson Road and Eagleson Road at Richmond Village, to “Old Richmond Road”, as shown in Documents 1 and 2.





Que, parallèlement à l’adoption du règlement visant à changer le nom du chemin Robertson et d’une partie du chemin Richmond, dans la zone commerciale de Bells Corners, et à le remplacer par « boulevard Lloyd-Francis », le Conseil adopte un autre règlement visant à changer le nom de la rue appelée chemin Richmond, entre l’actuel chemin Robertson et le chemin Eagleson, dans le village de Richmond, et à le remplacer par « chemin Old Richmond », comme l’illustrent les documents 1 et 2.








1.         Deputy City Manager’s Report, Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability, dated 12 May 2011 (ACS2011-ICS-PGM-0113).


2.         Extract of Draft Minutes, 2 June 2011.


Report to/Rapport au :


Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee

Comité de l’agriculture et des affaires rurales


and Council / et au Conseil


12 May 2011 / le 12 mai 2011


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/Directrice municipale adjointe, Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability/Services d 'infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Arlene Grégoire, Director/Directrice, Building Code Services/Direction des services code du bâtiment,

Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance

(613) 580-2424 x 41425, arlene.gregoire@ottawa.ca


College (8), Rideau-Goulbourn (21), Kanata-South (23)

Ref N°: ACS2011-ICS-PGM-0113












That the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee recommend Council enact a by-law to change the street named Richmond Road, between the currently named Robertson Road and Eagleson Road at Richmond Village, to Old Richmond Road, as shown in Documents 1 and 2.





Que le Comité de l’agriculture et des affaires rurales recommande au Conseil de prendre un règlement visant à changer le nom de la rue appelée « chemin Richmond », entre l’actuel chemin Robertson et le chemin Eagleson, à la hauteur du village de Richmond, et à le remplacer par « chemin Old Richmond », comme l’illustre les documents 1 et 2.





On May 11, 2010 the Planning and Environment Committee (PEC) carried a motion brought forward by the College Ward Councillor, Rick Chiarelli. The motion instructed the Department of Planning and Growth Management to undertake the street name change process to change the name of Richmond, west of Baseline Road, to Lloyd Francis Boulevard.


On April 12, 2011, the recommendation to rename Richmond and Robertson Roads, between Baseline Road and Eagleson Road near Hazeldean Road (Phase 1), was approved by the Planning Committee. On April 13, 2011, the recommendation was carried by Council.  The report (ACS2011-ICS-PGM-0069) also discussed the next stages of the Lloyd Francis Boulevard street renaming initiative, including the subsequent necessary renaming of Richmond Road, south from the approved Lloyd Francis Boulevard to Eagleson Road, near Richmond Village. 


This report is Phase 2 of the directed street name change process, and deals with the renaming of the segments of Richmond Road between the approved Lloyd Francis Boulevard and Moodie Drive and Richmond Road between Moodie Drive and Eagleson Road.





Municipalities have an obligation to establish and maintain clear identification and provide effective wayfinding to promote public safety.


The approved street name change of Richmond Road in Bells Corners to Lloyd Francis Boulevard was Phase 1 of an initiative to improve wayfinding in this area. The recommendation to rename Richmond Road, south of Lloyd Francis Boulevard to Eagleson Road, near the Village of Richmond - which comprises approximately 14 kilometres - will help avoid any future disconnection between Richmond Road, east of Baseline Road, and the segment of Richmond Road south of the approved Lloyd Francis Boulevard.


In keeping with Municipal Addressing By-law 2005-322 to name highways with consideration of local history, the recommended new street name “Old Richmond Road” is appropriate. This name retains the historical significance of this road and its relevance to the Village of Richmond. Richmond Road was built in the year 1818, and was a link between the Village of Richmond and the Ottawa River. The suffix 'road', as per Municipal Addressing By-law, is used to identify major through highways. Though the small segment of Richmond Road between approved Lloyd Francis and Moodie Drive is not designated as a major roadway, the balance of Richmond Road south of Moodie Drive to Eagleson Road is a major throughway, and as the objective of Phase 2 of the initiative is to improve wayfinding and address a future disconnection, the use of the suffix ‘road’ is recommended.  Also, the use of the same suffix will preserve the existing civic numbers of the affected properties.  Thus, only the name will be modified.


For Phase 2, the street name change will affect 188 civic addresses. The date of implementation is proposed for May 1, 2012, so as to allow sufficient time for owners and occupants affected by this street name change to notify their contacts. This date will coincide with the Phase 1 street name change to Lloyd Francis Boulevard. The City will notify over 100 agencies in the public and private sectors of the street name change.


It is recommended that the segment of Richmond Road, between Moodie Drive and Eagleson Road (Document 1) be renamed "Old Richmond Road" to ensure more effective wayfinding along the existing Richmond Road in the rural area. This segment is designated as an Arterial Road by the Official Plan. Along this 13 kilometre segment, land uses such as rural-residential, agriculture, environmental protection, and mineral extraction can be found.


The proposed street name change for this segment of Richmond Road will affect 131 civic addresses. In April 2011, 258 surveys were mailed to owners, occupants, and others associated with properties along this section of Richmond Road.  The survey asked for support for ‘Old Richmond Road’ and provided the option of petitioning for an alternative name. Only 12 responses were received.  Of the responses, the majority indicated support of the proposed “Old Richmond Road” street name, and no petition for an alternative name was received.


It is also recommended that the one kilometre segment of Richmond Road, between approved Lloyd Francis Boulevard and Moodie Drive (Document 2), also be renamed "Old Richmond Road" to reflect the historical significance of the Richmond Road name, while at the same time improving wayfinding in the Bells Corners area. The proposed renaming of this segment will affect 57 civic addresses. Owners and residents were provided a choice of four different possible names, including “Old Richmond Road”, which was added to the list of options as directed by the Planning Committee motion of April 12, 2011. The majority of owners and residents who responded to the survey indicated a preference for the name “Old Richmond Road”.


Staff investigated whether the portion of Moodie that parallels the original Richmond Road should be changed to clarify the wayfinding beyond Lynwood Village.  It is noted that this portion of roadway is called both Richmond Road and Moodie Drive.  That is, there appears to be two roads within the same right-of-way likely as a result of the expansion of Moodie Drive pre-amalgamation.  Deleting Moodie Drive in this section would result in further anomalies, namely a disconnection between the northbound Moodie Drive south of the intersection with Richmond Road and the portion north to Carling Avenue.  The intersection is already complex due to the fact that Moodie Drive south of the intersection with Richmond Road is a one way going north and the only way to access this segment is to drive south along Richmond Road, then east onto West Hunt Club, then north onto Moodie Drive. Having conferred with the Traffic Management and Operation Support Branch, staff are not recommending any changes to Moodie Drive.





This street name change allows for this segment of Richmond Road to be distinguished from the urban segment which extends eastward from Baseline Road to where it meets up with Wellington Street near the City’s urban core. The name ‘Old Richmond Road’ reflects the historical significance of the road, and its connection to the Village of Richmond.





Properties along Richmond Road directly affected by the recommendation received a survey requesting a response in regards to the new street name(s). Of the surveys returned, the majority indicated support for “Chemin Old Richmond Road”. Comments opposing the initiative included inconvenience to the property owner/tenant, as well as what was felt to be a disregard to the historical significance of the Richmond Road street name. Respondents also indicated that they should have been consulted with regards to the street renaming of Richmond and Robertson Roads to Lloyd Francis Boulevard, given that the street name change of these roads meant a subsequent renaming of Richmond Road south of the approved Lloyd Francis Boulevard (see Document 3 for additional details).


It is noted that the College Ward Councillor and members of his office did consult with residents along Richmond Road in Lynwood Village in 2010 and again in March 2011.  Residents were offered three names:  St. Jude, Heroic and Parish.  The majority had indicated support for St. Jude as a new name that would provide for a unique identity and improved wayfinding.  With the fourth option provided, the majority of respondents have indicated their preference for “Old Richmond Road”.  Councillor Chiarelli also met with the Churches, both school boards and the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre in March 2011.





Councillor Moffatt provided the following response:


“Due to the circumstances brought forward by Phase 1 of this report, creating the necessity of changing the Richmond Road name, I am in full support of the name change to Old Richmond Road.  This preserves the Duke of Richmond name as a part of our heritage and provides a minimal impact on the residents of Rideau-Goulbourn.”


Councillor Hubley has indicated support for the proposed renaming to Old Richmond Road.


Councillor Chiarelli is aware of the proposed name change.





There are no legal implications associated with this report.










In accordance with Council approval (ACS2011-ICS-PGM-0069 Street Name Change – Richmond Road), account 906286 Richmond Road Renaming Initiative was established, with $49,000 from the 2011 Provision for Unforeseen and One-time Expenditures. Funding for Phase 2 of the Richmond Road renaming initiative is available from within the established budget.





There are no technology implications.





The recommendations are consistent with Objective 1 of the Transportation Priority of the City Strategic Plan in that they alleviate problem areas of safety, provide connections for the efficient movement of goods, and connect communities.





Document 1 – Location Map, Richmond Road between Moodie Drive and Eagleson Road, near Richmond Village

Document 2 – Location Map, Richmond Road between Robertson Road and Moodie Drive, near Lynwood Community

Document 3 – Public Consultation Details





City Manager’s Office, City Clerk and Solicitor’s Department, Deputy City Solicitor’s Branch to draft and process the necessary by-law amendment for Council approval.


Department of Planning and Growth Management will notify those directly affected by the street name change including primary public and private sector agencies.


City Operations Portfolio, Public Works Department, Roads and Traffic Operations and Maintenance Branch, on request by the Building Code Services Branch, to fabricate and install the street signage.


LOCATION MAP                                                                                                  DOCUMENT 1

Location Map – Proposed Street Name Change from Richmond Road (between Moodie Drive and Eagleson Road) to Old Richmond Road




MOODIE DRIVE) TO OLD RICHMOND ROAD                                                                         


PUBLIC CONSULTATION DETAILS                                                                                       


Notification and Consultation


Preliminary consultation was conducted in December 2010 by Rideau-Goulbourn Ward Councillor who met with residents on Richmond Road, between Moodie Drive and Eagleson Road, to discuss the proposed street name change. College Ward Councillor also met with residents, representatives of the churches and school boards located on the segment street north of Moodie, and the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre in March 2011 to generate interest for a preferred street name.


Following the Planning Committee motion of April 12, 2011, surveys were mailed to owners and occupants of properties on Richmond Road, between approved Lloyd Francis Boulevard and Eagleson Road. Of these, 258 surveys were circulated to owners and occupants of properties between Moodie Drive and  Eagleson Road; and 326 surveys were circulated to owners and occupants of properties between the approved Lloyd Francis Boulevard and Moodie Drive. Also included in the circulation were those associated with properties on Richmond Road, who themselves do not reside on this road, but are considered to have a direct interest in the matter.


The survey for those properties on Richmond Road between the approved Lloyd Francis Boulevard and Moodie Drive, contained a choice between the names of Heroic, Parish, St. Jude, and Old Richmond Road. The mailout also included more detailed diagrams of the proposed options.


With respect to the survey for the properties on Richmond Road between Moodie Drive and Eagleson Road, it simply solicited feedback on the suggested “Old Richmond Road” name per the Planning Committee motion.  Surveys were also sent to local community and historical groups.


Consultation Feedback


The table below summarizes the results of the two surveys:


Table 1 - Survey: Richmond Road between Lloyd Francis Boulevard and Moodie Drive

Number of Responses Recieved



Chemin Old Richmond Road


Avenue St. Jude Avenue


Avenue Parish Avenue


Avenue Heroic Avenue


Opposed to name change





Table 2 - Survey: Richmond Road between Moodie Drive and Eagleson Road

Number of Responses Recieved



Chemin Old Richmond Road


Opposed to name change




Both surveys presented the option of petitioning for an additional  name not included in this list. One alternative, ‘Heaven’s Gate’ was suggested for the segment of Richmond Road between approved Lloyd Francis Boulevard and Moodie Drive, but was not proposed in the form of a petition.  The Historical Society of Ottawa opposses the street name change based on Richmond Road’s connection to early Ottawa and ByTown.


            street name change - richmond road (phase 2

changement de nom de rues - chemin richmond (phase 2)

ACS2011-ICS-PGM-0113                                                                                             COLLEGE (8)





That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommend Council enact a by-law to change the street named Richmond Road, between the currently named Robertson Road and Eagleson Road at Richmond Village, to Old Richmond Road, as shown in Documents 1 and 2.


The following delegations expressed their concerns regarding the report:


Councillor Peter Clark (Rideau-Rockcliffe Ward 13);

Mr. Peter Mirsky, behalf of Bell Mews;

Mr. Craig MacAulay;

Ms. Betty Watson;

Ms. Margaret Lodge;

Ms. Copeland (request to speak withdrawn);

Mr. W.M. “Bill” Tupper; and,

Mr. David Jeanes, Heritage Ottawa.


Councillor Clark asked that this report be tabled for consideration at the next Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee meeting to allow for additional consultation prior to its approval. 


Correspondence related to this matter was also received from the following and is held on file with the City Clerk:


Ms. Linda Macpherson;

Ms. Bev Davidson and Mr. George Lynch;

Mr. John Lozinski, Verico Lozinski Mortgage Corp.;

Ms. Fran Harrington, President, Lynwood Village/Bells Corners Community Assoc.;

Mr. Kilby Anderson;

Mr. Brian Law;

Ms. Alice Kozkulab;

Mr. John and Ms. Gillan Mann;

Mr. Trevor Klassen;

Ms. Sharon Navin;

Mr. Roberto Mirabelli, President, Kiwanis Club of Nepean;

Mr. Bachar Dauroo, Owner, VideoFlicks, Bell’s Corners.

In consultation with Planning and Legal staff, Councillor Qadri moved the following to clarify the intent of the report recommendation:




Moved by Councillor S. Qadri:


WHEREAS the recommendation contained in report number ACS2011-ICS-PGM-0113 to change the street name of Richmond Road south of the business area, being the portion of Richmond Road running through Lynwood Village to Moodie Drive and from Moodie Drive to Eagleson Road at the entrance of the Village of Richmond to “Old Richmond Road”, referred to as Phase 2 is to take effect May 1, 2012;


AND WHEREAS City Council on April 13, 2011 approved the street name change of Robertson Road and a portion of Richmond Road in the Bells Corners business area to “Lloyd Francis Boulevard”;


BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that in conjunction with the passage of the by-law to establish the renaming of Robertson Road and a portion of Richmond Road in the Bells Corners business area to “Lloyd Francis Boulevard”; that the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommend Council enact a further by-law to change the street named Richmond Road, between the currently named Robertson Road and Eagleson Road at Richmond Village, to “Old Richmond Road”, as shown in Documents 1 and 2.




Following Committee discussion, the report recommendations, as amended by Motion ARA 8/3 and set out below, were then put to Committee:


That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommend that in conjunction with the passage of the by-law to establish the renaming of Robertson Road and a portion of Richmond Road in the Bells Corners business area to “Lloyd Francis Boulevard”; Council enact a further by-law to change the street named Richmond Road, between the currently named Robertson Road and Eagleson Road at Richmond Village, to “Old Richmond Road”, as shown in Documents 1 and 2.


                                                                                                CARRIED as amended