That Council:


1.                  Approve to permit the City to contract the services of consultants to carry out technical reviews of development applications in Barrhaven South, where necessary, to address high volumes, without being subject to the specific provision of the City's Purchasing By-law outlined in this report; and

2.                  Approve to permit the City to hire Stantec Consulting Ltd. to undertake the 2010 update to the Gloucester East Urban Community Infrastructure Servicing Study.





Que le Conseil:


1.                  Approuve de permettre à la Ville de retenir les services d’experts-conseils en vue de réaliser les examens techniques, s’il y a lieu, des demandes d’aménagement dans Barrhaven-Sud afin de faire face au nombre de demandes élevées, sans qu’elle soit soumise à la clause précise du Règlement sur les achats exposée dans le présent rapport;


2.                  Approuve de permettre à la Ville d’embaucher Stantec Consulting Ltd. afin d’entreprendre la mise à jour 2010 de l’étude des infrastructures de service de la communauté urbaine de Gloucester-Est.







1.                  Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee report dated 19 February 2010 (ACS2010-CMR-CSE-0013).


2.         Extract of Draft Minute, 2 March 2010.


Report to/Rapport au :


Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee

Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique


and Council / et au Conseil


19 February 2010 / le 19 février 2010


Submitted by/Soumis par : Councillor/Conseiller Rainer Bloess, Innes Ward/quartier and / et Councillor/Conseillère Jan Harder, Barrhaven Ward/quartier


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Rainer Bloess,
Councillor, Innes Ward / conseiller, quartier Innes

(613) 580-2472, rainer.bloess@ottawa.ca


Innes (2), Barrhaven (3)

Ref N°: ACS2010-CMR-CSE-0013













That the Corporate Services & Economic Development Committee recommend to City Council:


1.                  To permit the City to contract the services of consultants to carry out technical reviews of development applications in Barrhaven South, where necessary, to address high volumes, without being subject to the specific provision of the City's Purchasing By-law outlined in this report; and

2.                  To permit the City to hire Stantec Consulting Ltd. to undertake the 2010 update to the Gloucester East Urban Community Infrastructure Servicing Study.





Que le Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique recommande au Conseil d'approuver les mesures suivantes :


1.                  de permettre à la Ville de retenir les services d’experts-conseils en vue de réaliser les examens techniques, s’il y a lieu, des demandes d’aménagement dans Barrhaven-Sud afin de faire face au nombre de demandes élevées, sans qu’elle soit soumise à la clause précise du Règlement sur les achats exposée dans le présent rapport;


2.                  de permettre à la Ville d’embaucher Stantec Consulting Ltd. afin d’entreprendre la mise à jour 2010 de l’étude des infrastructures de service de la communauté urbaine de Gloucester-Est.





Councillor Harder’s comments

As a City we are growing by leaps and bounds.  This is not mere conjecture; it is fact in the case of Barrhaven.  Our largest developers have addressed the City with their concerns as to our ability to service their sites in a timely fashion.  Internally we question our ability to “do it all”.  This motion is strictly to confirm that should we need an outside agency to support our engineering departmental review of growth in Barrhaven.  It is not just Barrhaven, it is many communities in this City and it makes no sense to refuse outside help when the result will be reduced pressure on City sites. 


WHEREAS it is becoming increasingly difficult to find consultants that are not working for developers in some capacity, given the relatively small consulting community in Ottawa; and


WHEREAS the City occasionally utilizes the services of consultants to assist in technical peer reviews of development applications to respond to higher volumes of development applications than staff can review within specified timelines, including legislated timelines pursuant to the Planning Act; and


WHEREAS the anticipated development activity in Barrhaven South is forecast to exceed normal levels to the extent that it may be necessary for the City to utilize the services of consultants, in addition to existing staff resources, in order to carry out technical reviews of development applications; and

WHEREAS Stantec Consulting Ltd. completed the Gloucester East Urban Community Infrastructure Servicing Study Update for the City of Ottawa in 2005 that outlined the servicing requirements for the entire East Urban Community (EUC) to support the EUC Phase 1 area Community Design Plan; and


WHEREAS the Community Design Plan for the Phase 2 area of the EUC is now underway which necessitates an update to the Infrastructure Servicing Study given that the roadway layout has changed from what was considered in 2005; and


WHEREAS the City’s Purchasing By-law was amended during this term of Council such that, “No person shall provide Consulting Services or Professional Services to both the City and a private sector developer on the same or related project”; and


WHEREAS the major landholder in the Phase II area has hired Stantec Consulting Ltd. as their design engineers; and


WHEREAS, given the historical knowledge and modeling data held by Stantec Consulting Ltd., the City would benefit from a lower project cost, shorter production timeline and lower required level of effort from staff should Stantec Consulting Ltd. be hired to undertake the 2010 update;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee recommend that City Council approve that:


1.                  The City be permitted to contract the services of consultants to carry out technical reviews of development applications in Barrhaven South, where necessary, to address high volumes, without being subject to the specific provision of the City's Purchasing By-law outlined in this report; and


2.                  The City be permitted to hire Stantec Consulting Ltd. to undertake the 2010 update to the Gloucester East Urban Community Infrastructure Servicing Study.





Infrastructure Services & Community Sustainability


The consulting community in Ottawa is a relatively small one. In order to continue to generate positive revenues, consultants pursue all work, and rarely choose to only work for either the City or land developers. The trend over the past few years has also seen larger consulting firms acquiring smaller firms, while other firms form partnerships and create mergers. As a consequence, the already limited pool of consultants in Ottawa, continues to become smaller. It has been and continues to be a challenge for the City to find consultants with local experience and knowledge, but who have not worked for developers. All indications are pointing to an upswing in development pressures for 2010, which will have an effect of making it increasingly more difficult to find firms with experience in the Ottawa area who have no business ties with land developers. Staff therefore, support the motion. 





This item will be advertised in the local dailies as part of the Public Meeting Advertisement on Friday preceding the Community and Protective Services Committee Meeting.





There are no significant Legal/Risk Management Implications to this report.  To the extent the two assignments will require work to be done by Professional Engineers, such Engineers are required by the following sections of the Professional Code of Conduct of the Professional Engineers of Ontario, as set out in Section 77 of Ontario Regulation 941, to disclose any conflicts of interest to the City. 





There are no financial implications with the approval of the recommendations contained in this report.


Funding for the technical reviews of development applications in Barrhaven South is available within Planning and Growth Management’s operating budget. Funding for the Gloucester East Urban Community Infrastructure Servicing Study is available within Capital Projects Planning Studies Development and Servicing Studies Development.





Staff to take appropriate action as directed by the Committee and Council.




ACS2010-CMR-CSE-0013                                                INNES (2) BARRHAVEN (3)


Clarence Dungey, representative of CUPE Local 503, indicated the union was not opposed to this and understood the rationale for it.  However, he suggested the public perception was that consultants and developers made the decisions as opposed to Councillors.  He believed clarity was important and the more clarity that was brought forward, the less confusion there would be amongst the general public.  He recommended that staff review all consulting costs from the past five years, which he believed would assist the public in understanding this issue.  He proposed a comparison of the feasibility and, if it made sense and saved money, then that should be the direction taken.  He believed this would help eliminate the perception that other people were governing the City. 


He remarked that with moving into an election year, he always heard the public commenting about staff being over-paid and suggesting that the City should be privatized.  He believed the review he had recommended would show that this did not make sense and it would put Council in a position of being able to explain this to residents. 


Chair Jellett asked staff if such analysis had already been done.  Ms. Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager of Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability, confirmed that the Director of Infrastructure Design and Construction Services and his team had done such an analysis in terms of the cost effectiveness of in-house versus the use of consultants.  She explained this had been part of a review and assessment on the City’s competitive assessment in terms of cost effective services.  She offered to revisit this but indicated the exercise was done within the last 18 months. 


Chair Jellett remarked that the results were obviously not well communicated, given that Mr. Dungey was not aware of the analysis. He suggested staff improve the communication of such information to the public.   


Councillor Harder referred to a document that had come from staff to herself and Councillor Bloess.  To put it in perspective, she explained that in her case, this had come about because she had been talking to the Chief Building Inspector about the volume of work being done in Barrhaven.  She noted that planning applications were up 30% over last year and in Barrhaven, this growth was even higher, which meant it would be many months.  As a result, there had been some discussions about how best to handle the volume of work.  She stressed the need for people who knew the lay of the land.  She referred to the small group of consultants in the industry and the fact that some had worked for the City and/or the former municipalities.  She maintained the work referenced in the current report related to small assignments; $3,500 to $7,500 each.  She felt it would not make sense to go out and tender for these small jobs.  She submitted this was a problem that could be fixed easily and provide customer services.  Further, she noted that the Planning Act required that applications be processed within legislated timeframes and this proposal would allow the City to do just that. 


Councillor Bloess noted that there were certain growth areas and work had been done in these areas already.  He reported that when he checked with City staff about the progress of work in the east urban community, he was advised that phase 1 was completed but that the City needed to get someone in to do some updates.  He advised that in this particular case, Stantec had done the original modelling and a lot of the work for phase 1.  He explained that at this point, it needed to be updated and brought into conformity.  He submitted that when Council passed a motion saying there should be no conflict between a developer and a consulting firm to do work, but that they could not work for the City at the same time, this was in reaction to one particular case.  He believed a better way needed to be found because not every case would result in controversy or conflict.  He felt that in these instances, it was a natural evolution where someone had already done the work and it did not make sense to hire an external consultant or start over again.  He thought the motion approved by Council could be followed for the remainder of the term of Council, but suggested that Ms. Schepers prepare a practical application of what Council was trying to do without requiring approval every time.


Following these exchanges, Committee voted on the recommendations.


That the Corporate Services & Economic Development Committee recommend to City Council:


1.                  Approve to permit the City to contract the services of consultants to carry out technical reviews of development applications in Barrhaven South, where necessary, to address high volumes, without being subject to the specific provision of the City's Purchasing By-law outlined in this report; and

2.                  Approve to permit the City to hire Stantec Consulting Ltd. to undertake the 2010 update to the Gloucester East Urban Community Infrastructure Servicing Study.


