3. ZONING 1492,
Committee recommendationS
(This matter is subject to Bill 51)
That Council approve:
An amendment
to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 1492, 1496 and 1500
Caledon Street from R1O, (Residential First Density Subzone O), to a new R1O
Exception zone (Residential First Density Subzone O Exception xxxx), as shown
in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2.
2. An amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250
to change the zoning of 1480 Alta Vista Drive from O1 (Parks and Open Space
Subzone 1), to a new O1 Exception zone (Parks and Open Space Subzone O
Exception yyyy), as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2.
DU Comité
question est assujettie au Règlement 51)
Que Conseil
approuve :
Une modification au Règlement de
zonage 2008-250 visant à faire passer la désignation de zonage des propriétés
situées aux 1492, 1496 et 1500, rue Caledon, de R1O (zone résidentielle de
densité 1, sous-zone O), à une nouvelle zone d’exception à la zone R1O (zone
résidentielle de densité 1, sous-zone O, exception xxxx), comme l’illustre le
document 1 et le précise le document 2.
Une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 visant à
faire passer la désignation de zonage de la propriété située au 1480, promenade
Alta Vista, de O1 (zone de parc et d’espace vert, sous-zone 1), à une
nouvelle zone d’exception O1 (zone de parc et d’espace vert, sous-zone O,
exception yyyy), comme l’illustre le document 1 et le précise le document 2.
City Manager's report, Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability, dated
5 February 2010 (ACS2010-ICS-PGM-0047).
Report to/Rapport au :
Planning and
Environment Committee
Comité de l'urbanisme
et de l'environnement
and Council / et au Conseil
5 February 2010 / le 5 février 2010
Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy
Schepers, Deputy City Manager/Directrice municipale adjointe,
Infrastructure Services and Community
Sustainability/Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités
Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Richard Kilstrom,
Acting Manager/Gestionnaire intérimaire, Development Review-Inner Urban
Services/Examen des projets d'aménagement-Services urbains, Planning and Growth
Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance
(613) 580-2424, 13866
D02-02-07-0119) |
ZONAGE - 1492, 1496 ET 1500, RUE CALEDON
That the Planning and Environment Committee
recommend Council approve:
1. An amendment to the Zoning By-law
2008-250 to change the zoning of 1492, 1496 and 1500 Caledon Street from R1O,
(Residential First Density Subzone O), to a new R1O Exception zone (Residential
First Density Subzone O Exception xxxx), as shown in Document 1 and as detailed
in Document 2.
2. An amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 1480
Alta Vista Drive from O1 (Parks and Open Space Subzone 1), to a new O1
Exception zone (Parks and Open Space Subzone O Exception yyyy), as shown in
Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2.
Que le Comité de recommande au Conseil d’approuver :
1. Une
modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 visant à faire passer la
désignation de zonage des propriétés situées aux 1492, 1496 et 1500, rue
Caledon, de R1O (zone résidentielle de densité 1, sous-zone O), à une nouvelle
zone d’exception à la zone R1O (zone résidentielle de densité 1, sous-zone O,
exception xxxx), comme l’illustre le document 1 et le précise le document 2.
2. Une
modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 visant à
faire passer la désignation de zonage de la propriété située au 1480, promenade
Alta Vista, de O1 (zone de parc et d’espace vert, sous-zone 1), à une
nouvelle zone d’exception O1 (zone de parc et d’espace vert, sous-zone O,
exception yyyy), comme l’illustre le document 1 et le précise le document 2.
The subject properties include 1492, 1496 and 1500 Caledon Street, which are located on the northwest corner of Alta Vista Drive and Caledon Street, just south of Industrial Avenue, and 1480 Alta Vista Drive, which is located at the southwest corner of Alta Vista Drive and Industrial Avenue, with frontage on Riverside Drive. The 1480 Alta Vista Drive property is adjacent to the north side of 1492, 1496 and 1500 Caledon Street.
The Caledon Street properties are located in a Residential First Density Subzone, R1O. The 1492 Caledon Street lot was not originally included as part of the application, but has been added under a recent purchase agreement. The subject three Caledon Street lots are vacant while the remainder of the adjacent Caledon Street properties contain low profile single residences. The 1480 Alta Vista Drive property is owned by the City and is zoned Parks and Open Space Subzone, O1. The Alta Vista property was recently developed as the "Cancer Survivors Park" including a parking lot on the east side with access from Alta Vista Drive. The park is under a long term lease from the City to the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation. To the north across Industrial Avenue is a Canada Post mail processing facility, and to the west across Riverside Drive is vacant land. To the east across Alta Vista Drive from the park is a townhouse development, and across Alta Vista from 1492 Caledon Street, the corner lot, is a high-rise apartment building.
The purpose of the proposed rezoning of the Caledon Street properties is to permit the development of a proposed facility to be known as “Wellspring House”, being a "community health and resource centre" use, and to provide related administrative office space for the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation. The purpose of the rezoning of the park site is to facilitate provision of parking and access for “Wellspring House.”
The purposes of the R1O Residential First Density Zone include allowing for detached dwellings in areas designated as General Urban Area in the Official Plan as well as additional housing choices within detached dwelling residential areas, permitting residents to work at home, and providing for development that is compatible with existing land use patterns so that the detached dwelling, residential character of the neighbourhood is maintained or enhanced. The R1O zone allows for uses such as detached dwelling, and subject to specific provisions, bed and breakfast, diplomatic mission, and retirement home, converted. The "O" subzone sets out specific performance standards pertaining to yards, building height and lot area and dimensions.
The purposes of the Parks and Open Space Zone, O1 include permitting parks, open space and related and compatible uses to locate in areas designated as Mixed Use Centre in the Official Plan, and ensuring that the range of permitted uses and applicable regulations is in keeping with the low scale, low intensity open space nature of the land. The O1 zone permits, subject to performance provisions, community garden, environmental preserve and education area, and park uses.
The proposed rezoning of the Caledon Street properties is to permit the development of a proposed facility to be known as “Wellspring House”, which would be considered a "community health and resource centre" use under the Zoning By-law. The applicant has indicated that Wellspring House would provide supportive care for cancer patients, their families and caregivers, and provide administrative office space for the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation. The rezoning involves adding "community health and resource centre" as a permitted use in the R1O zone, and pertaining to that use, establishing minimum yards for the building containing the use, prohibiting a driveway connection to Caledon Street, and allowing all required parking spaces to be provided in the adjacent O1 Zone. The recommended rezoning also allows limited office space as an ancillary use to the community health and resource centre use in order to allow the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation administrative offices to locate in the same building.
The rezoning of the 1480 Alta Vista Drive property is to allow for parking on the property for a "community health and resource centre," and for office space ancillary to that use. It is intended that the parking lot for the Cancer Survivors Park on this property will be enlarged to be of sufficient capacity to accommodate the parking needs of Wellspring House to be located on the adjacent Caledon Street properties.
Official Plan
Strategic Approach
The Official Plan (OP) Section 2, Strategic
Approach for “Managing Growth” calls for directing growth “to the urban area
where services already exist or where they can be provided efficiently”, and
that “in the urban area (growth) will be directed to areas where it can be
accommodated in compact and mixed-use development, and served with quality
transit, walking and cycling facilities.” The Strategic Approach for “Creating
Liveable Communities” indicates that “Growth will be managed in ways
that create complete communities with a good balance of facilities and services
to meet people’s everyday needs, including schools, community facilities,
parks, a variety of housing, and places to work and shop.” The recommended rezoning will allow for the
addition of a community health and resource centre use and related
office use on serviced lands in the urban area close to a rapid transit station
in keeping with the intent with the OP Strategic Approaches for Managing Growth
and for Creating Liveable Communities.
Mixed-Use Centre
The subject property and all the adjacent lands are designated Mixed-Use Centre on Schedule B of the Official Plan. Section 3.6.2, Mixed-Use Centres of the OP indicates that "Mixed-Use Centres will ultimately develop as 'good places' in their own right as components of complete neighbourhoods" and that they "should contain development that is both locally and regionally oriented. Where a concentration of single-use activity occurs, the interface with the surrounding community should be improved through such means as the addition of community-serving uses and improved physical linkages." The recommended rezoning will permit development of Wellspring House, which will contribute towards enhancing a "good place" that will serve the greater community and foster increased linkage to the adjacent Cancer Survivors Park, which is also an Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation (ORCF) project.
Mixed-Use Centres Policy 2 indicates that they "should be characterized by a broad variety of uses in accordance with policy 6a," and that, "the City will encourage transit-supportive land uses, such as offices, ….. hospitals, large institutional buildings, community recreation and leisure centres, ….. and mixed-use development containing combinations of the foregoing." The recommended rezoning to permit a "community health and resource centre" and office space ancillary to that use is consistent with the intent of Policy 2, in terms of the additional permitted uses and the increased potential for transit use.
Policy 7 states that "Mixed-Use Centres will optimize the use of land through provisions for compact mixed-use development" and that "the zoning by-law ….. will:
a. Allow for a mix of uses within a building or in adjacent buildings;
b. Enable the employment targets of this Plan to be achieved …..;
f. Establish maximum limits for the provision of on-site parking for development within 600 metres of a rapid-transit station, in addition to minimum requirements (which may be waived), recognizing that the minimum and maximum may vary in response to the contextual influence of the geographic location …..;
g. Provide for the potential for shared parking arrangements among uses that peak at different time periods …..; and
j. Ensure that an appropriate transition between the Mixed-Use Centre and any surrounding General Urban Area occurs within the Mixed-Use Centre."
The recommended rezoning upholds the intent of Policy 7 by allowing the mix of "community health and resource centre" and ancillary "office" uses, which will also help fulfill the 2031 employment targets for the Mixed-Use Centre. The recommended parking provisions are in keeping with policies for development within 600 metres of a transit station and recognize potential peak demand variations between the park and the proposed development. The proposal also helps establish a transition to the lower profile and intensity development in the General Urban Area located a block to the south, from the more intense uses of the Mixed Use Centre.
Policy 8 indicates that "Mixed-Use Centres will enhance opportunities for walking, cycling and transit and in particular:
a. Will have regard for the provisions of Section 4.3 regarding the potential to reduce parking requirements …..;
e. Where parking lots exist, it is encouraged that the land use(s) they serve be intensified."
The parking provisions of the recommended zoning address the proximity to transit and will facilitate more intensive use of the existing parking lot serving the park, while establishing a limit on the total allowed parking.
Policy 9 states that "Mixed-Use Centres will provide opportunities, when possible, for a variety of activities by:
a. Establishing usable areas of public space that support and encourage informal social activity, recreation and civic gatherings;
b. Incorporating community facilities such as schools, libraries, day care centres and leisure facilities that will encourage people to remain for extended periods of time."
The recommended rezoning will facilitate development of a "community health and resource centre" that will encourage more use of the adjacent public park space, encourage social growth and activity and offer services for the overall community, in keeping with the intent of Policy 9.
Policy 10 directs the City to "demonstrate its commitment to development within Mixed-Use Centres," by considering "them to be priority locations for considering:
a. New or relocated municipal buildings and facilities which serve the public, or for leasing space for functions ….;
f. The use of techniques such as increased height and density provisions …;
i. Exploring partnerships between the public and private sectors."
The recommended rezoning will allow for more intense use of the land through development of a facility that services the public through the sharing of park land owned by the City with a lease to a private organization, the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation.
Policy 11 states that "Existing developments in Mixed-Use Centres that do not exhibit the characteristics planned for such areas shall be encouraged to redevelop over time in a manner that is more compact, dense, and transit-oriented. For such developments, the use of flexible zoning controls, reduced parking requirements, and other incentives may be considered on a case-by-case basis to assist in facilitating redevelopment that better meets the objectives for Mixed-Use Centres." The proposed re-zoning maintains the intent of Policy 11 by encouraging the use of vacant land within 600 metres of a transit station and applying a flexible parking strategy of sharing parking between highly related uses.
The Official Plan policies of Subsection 4.4 Water and Wastewater Servicing require adequate services for new development. The property is adequately served by water, and storm and sanitary sewer lines to facilitate the potential development afforded by the recommended rezoning.
The development associated with the recommended re-zoning is anticipated to generate a minor increase in traffic on Alta Vista Drive, which is designated as a Major Collector Roadway. The recommended zoning provisions will force all access to parking for the proposed development to use only Alta Vista Drive. The rezoning is also in keeping with Official Plan objectives for development within 600 metres of a transit station.
The proposed zoning amendment is considered to be in keeping with the intent of the policies of the Official Plan and the Department is of the opinion that the application merits approval.
Zoning By-law
The details of the recommended zoning amendment, as set out in Documents 1 and 2 implement the changes required to allow for the requested community health and resource centre, and office uses ancillary to a community health and resource centre in the R1O zone and the related parking provisions in the adjacent O1 zone.
Concurrent Application
A formal application for Site Plan Control Approval is required for the Wellspring House proposal to be developed, and the application submission is anticipated prior to City Council consideration of this rezoning application.
Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy. There were concerns raised about the original rezoning application and these are summarized and addressed in Document 3.
Councillor Peter Hume is aware of the application and the staff recommendations.
Should this report be adopted and the matter appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board, it is anticipated that a two day hearing would result that could be accommodated within staff resources.
Should the report be refused, reasons will have to be provided. Subject to the content of these reasons, it is anticipated that a three day hearing would result. An outside planner would need to be retained at an estimated cost of $25,000 to $30,000.
The recommended rezoning is in keeping with the City Strategic Plan, Service Priorities. The proposed added uses and zoning provision revisions support Service Priorities for Transportation, for a Sustainable, Healthy and Active City, and for Planning and Growth Management. The added use facilitates efficient use of existing transportation and services infrastructure through land use planning. The zoning changes are in keeping with the policy of being proactive in meeting the public health needs of Ottawa residents. The recommended zoning provisions will foster a development that respects the existing urban fabric and neighbourhood form, and is conducive to growth that integrates seamlessly with the established community.
The application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendments due to the complexity of the issues associated with access limitations and the applicant's reassessment and modification of their proposal.
Document 1 Location Map
Document 2 Details of Recommended Zoning
Document 3 Consultation Details
Document 4 Conceptual
Site Plan
City Clerk and Solicitor Department, Legislative Services to notify the Owner, Applicant, OttawaScene.com, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON K2E 7J5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code: 26-76) of City Council’s decision.
Planning and Growth Management to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services and undertake the statutory notification.
Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.
Changes to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2008-250
1492, 1496 and 1500 Caledon Street
1. Rezone the land from R1O, Residential First Density Subzone O, to a new R1O exception zone.
2. Add a new exception, to Section 239 Urban Exceptions including the following:
a. community health and resource centre is permitted
b. office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre is permitted
c. the maximum gross floor area of community health and resource centre and ancillary uses is 1150 square metres, including all basement areas
d. the maximum gross floor area of office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre is 350 square metres
e. all required parking for community health and resource centre and office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre may be located in the adjacent park at 1480 Alta Vista Drive on lands zoned Parks and Open Space Subzone, O1[yyyy].
f. driveways and aisles leading to parking provided for a community health and resource centre and office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre may be located on the adjacent park at 1480 Alta Vista Drive on lands zoned Parks and Open Space Subzone, O1[yyyy] and section 100 (1) (c) does not apply.
g. driveway connection to Caledon Street leading to parking provided for community health and resource centre or for office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre is not permitted
h. the minimum front yard for a community health and resource centre and office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre is 4.0 metres
i. the minimum interior side yard for a community health and resource centre and office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre is 3.0 metres
j. the minimum corner side yard for a community health and resource centre and an office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre is 6.0 metres
k. the minimum rear yard for a community health and resource centre and an office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre is 8.0 metres
1480 Alta Vista Drive
3. Rezone the land from Parks and Open Space, O1 to a new O1 exception zone.
4. Add a new exception, to Section 239 Urban Exceptions including the following:
a. a driveway and aisle is permitted to serve a community health and resource centre and for office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre located at 1492, 1496 and 1500 Caledon Street,
b. parking provided for a community health and resource centre and for office, ancillary to a community health and resource centre on the abutting lands zoned R1O[xxxx] is permitted in the new O1 exception zone, and the following restrictions apply:
- a maximum of 40 parking spaces are permitted, of which ten parking spaces are required for a park
Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law amendments. Two public meetings were also held in the community.
The following summarizes comments provided by the public and the staff responses to the issues raised:
Comments In Support
Based on the original proposal there were four responses in favour of the application.
1. Comment: The project is supportable provided community concerns are met.
Response: The primary community concern regarding access to Caledon Street has been overcome by the recent acquisition of the lot at the corner of Alta Vista Drive and Caledon Street, allowing for movement of the proposed building and all access to Caledon Street to be restricted as per the provisions of the rezoning.
2. Comment: This is a worthwhile proposal and the location is good immediately beside the Cancer Survivors Park. The addition of the new facility will make the park less of a hang-out.
Response: The proposed rezoning will facilitate well-integrated use of a park and community health and resource centre, which is targeted at the same primary user group, resulting in more effective potential benefit from both facilities.
Comments Opposed
Based on the original proposal there were 35 responses opposed to the application.
1. Comment: The proposal will generate too much traffic and over-flow parking on Caledon Street and Dale Street, which are quiet residential streets where children can play and people walk safely on the road. The traffic projections for the new facility are suspect. There should be no access or drop-off from Caledon Street, it should all be from Alta Vista Drive only, through the adjacent park; only pedestrian access from Caledon. Access to the parking lot for the Cancer Survivors Park is badly located. The median on Alta Vista opposite Caledon should be opened so the traffic doesn’t have to go all around Caledon to make left turns. It would be unsafe to break the median on Alta Vista. Access from the driveway onto Caledon should be left-out only. The parking restrictions on Caledon must be retained. How will the community know what restrictions will be established? The existing access design is awkward. There should be no traffic calming or blocking island just west of the proposed new Centre on Caledon. How is it guaranteed that the parking in the park will not be all used by Park and Ride users or the nearby workers or apartment residents. There should be assurance that the effect on the intersection of Alta Vista and Industrial, which is already very busy, will be addressed. If the corner lot cannot be purchased it should be expropriated to accommodate parking, which could be moved from the park.
Response: Since the original rezoning application and initial public consultation, including a special open house, the Ottawa Regional Cancer Federation has been successful in acquiring the property at 1492 Caledon Street being the lot at the corner of Caledon Street and Alta Vista Drive. The addition of the corner lot facilitates moving the proposed building to the corner, minimizing visual intrusion into the neighbourhood, and allowing all vehicular access to Caledon Street for the Wellspring House to be prohibited as per the provisions of the rezoning. No changes will be required to the Caledon Street - Alta Vista drive intersection, nor parking restrictions on Caledon Street. Control and enforcement of parking lot use will be at the discretion of the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation, and any physical control measures required will be determined in conjunction with the related Site Plan approval process for development of the building. The access to the parking lot for the Cancer Survivors Park is in keeping with the City’s Private Approach By-law, and has not been shown to be problematic. The projected traffic generation from the proposed Wellspring House would have minimal effect on peak period traffic at the Alta Vista Drive and Industrial Avenue intersection.
2. Comment: The proposed building is out of scale with the existing low profile buildings on the street and should be limited to two storeys with lawn in front and the orientation should be from the park. The building area is too large and should be reduced – no more than 2000 sq. ft. per lot. This is not a house it is a community centre; it is like a small low rise apartment building. The look of the building is important.
Response: The addition of the corner lot facilitates moving the proposed building to the corner, minimizing visual intrusion into the neighbourhood. The design of the building will be considered through the related Site Plan approval process, with the objective of maximizing compatibility with the surrounding area. The zoning provisions for a maximum building height of 8.0 metres that currently apply along Caledon Street will continue to apply to the proposed Wellspring House building. Allowing for a larger building area along Alta Vista Drive, a Major Collector roadway is in keeping with the Official Plan policies for lands under the a Mixed Use Centre designation.
3. Comment: The extent of use of the building in terms of number of staff, clients, and hours of operation is not clear enough and may disrupt the neighbourhood at night or weekends. There should be no fund raising activities at the “House”.
Response: The Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation (ORCF) has provided an updated estimate of fully operational projected use of the proposed Wellspring House, indicating a full-time staff of 20, up to five part-time staff, about 10 occasional volunteers and 10 to 20 clients per hour at full operation, with operation hours of 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Monday to Friday, and 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Saturdays. The ORCF estimates that special events 10 to 12 times a year may draw 50 to 75 visitors. The orientation of the related development proposal to the park and proposed parking provisions, in combination with rapid transit access within 600 metres of the property are considered adequate to address the projected use of the facility.
4. Comment: The project is at the wrong location, and should be by the General Hospital, in the park at Alta Vista and Industrial, or across in the half vacant commercial plaza, or distributed around the City. The proposal will decrease the value of nearby properties. When the Cancer Survivor Park was introduced there was no mention of a proposed “Wellness House”. Our area should not be rezoned ever. We would welcome three new families at the end of our street on the three lots. We will never know the people that come to the large busy house.
Response: Allowing for the proposed community health and resource centre use and ancillary office along Alta Vista Drive, a Major Collector roadway is in keeping with the Official Plan policies for lands under the a Mixed Use Centre designation. There is no evidence of a negative impact on property values due to proposed rezoning. Detached dwellings will remain permitted uses under the recommended rezoning.
5. Comment: What happens if the project fails; what would follow on the property and in the building? The parking lot in the Cancer Survivors Park has already been expanded from 10 to 21 spaces, specifically for the Cancer Wellness House, thus encroaching on designated parkland, toward which $227,305.00 of cash-in-lieu of parkland funds were donated. It was inappropriate to pour concrete prior to the public consultation.
Response: The provisions of the Zoning By-law apply to the property regardless of the ownership of the land and thus the same rights and limitations would apply if the ORCF project failed. The proposed rezoning will facilitate well integrated use of a park and the community health and resource centre, which targeted the same primary user group, resulting in more effective benefit from the use of both facilities, and thus more effective use of all sources of funding. Enlarging the parking lot for the park while construction was underway was considered more cost effective, but had no bearing on the land use planning evaluation leading to the rezoning recommendation contained in this report.
6. Comment: They should acquire or swap for the adjacent lot at the corner of Alta Vista and Caledon Street. This development will make the vacant lot at the corner less attractive for residential development.
Response: The vacant lot at the corner of Alta Vista and Caledon Street has been acquired by the ORCF and is now included in the subject rezoning recommendation.
May 29, 2008, and February 8, 2010 - PUBLIC MEETING COMMENTS
The comments gleaned from a public open house, arranged by Councillor Hume, held on the evening of May 29, 2008, are reflected and addressed in the summary of public comments and the staff responses provided above. Another public open house was also planned for February 8, 2010, but the scheduling requirements for submission of this report to the Planning and Environment Committee meeting of February 23, 2010 precluded the opportunity to reflect the results of that meeting in this report. Deadlines to start construction attached to the recent allocation of Infrastructure Funding to the related development project, the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation’s “Wellspring House” have made it important to have this application be considered as expeditiously as possible.