(This application is subject to Bill
and adopt an amendment to the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa to
redesignate 6746 Lakes Park Drive from General Rural Area and Rural Natural
Features to Village as detailed in Document 2;
an amendment to the Village of Greely Community Design Plan to alter the
village boundary to encompass the property situated at 6746 Lakes Park Drive as
detailed in Document 5 and shown in Document 6; and
an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of part of 6746
Lakes Park Drive from Rural Residential, Exception 704 (RR[704r]) to Village
Residential First Density Subzone E (V1E), Rural Countryside (RU) to Village
Residential First Density Subzone E (V1E) and Parks and Open Space (O1) to
Village Residential First Density Subzone E (V1E) as detailed in Document 3 and shown in Document 4.
RecommandationS du Comité
demande est assujettie au Reglement 51)
Que le Conseil :
et adopte une modification au Plan officiel de la Ville d’Ottawa afin de
changer la désignation du no 6746, promenade Lakes Park, de Zone
rurale générale et de caractéristiques naturelles à Village, comme l’explique
en détail le Document 2;
une modification au Plan de conception communautaire de Greely afin de changer
la limite du village pour qu’il englobe la propriété située au no
6746, promenade Lakes Park, comme l’explique en détail le Document 5 et comme l’illustre le
document 6.
une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 afin de changer la désignation
d’une partie du no 6746, promenade Lakes Park, de Zone résidentielle
rurale dotée d’une exception 704 (RR[704r]) à Sous-zone résidentielle de village de
densité Un E (V1E), et de Zone de parcs et d’espaces verts (O1) à Sous-zone
résidentielle de village de densité Un E (V1E), comme l’explique le Document 3
et l’illustre le Document 4.
City Manager's report Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability
dated 29 May 2009 (ACS2009-ICS-PGM-0102).
of Draft Minutes, 25 June 2009.
Report to/Rapport au :
Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee
Comité d'agriculture et des questions rurales
and Council / et au Conseil
Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/
Directrice municipale adjointe,
Infrastructure Services and Community
Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités
Contact Person/Personne-ressource :
Derrick Moodie, Manager/Gestionnaire,
Development Review-Rural services/Examen des projets d'aménagement-Services
ruraux, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance
(613) 580-2424, 15134 Derrick.Moodie@ottawa.ca
lAKES pARK DRIVE (fILE NOS. D01-01-08-0015 AND
D02-02-08-0110) |
and adopt an amendment to the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa to
redesignate 6746 Lakes Park Drive from General Rural Area and Rural Natural
Features to Village as detailed in Document 2;
an amendment to the Village of Greely Community Design Plan to alter the
village boundary to encompass the property situated at 6746 Lakes Park Drive as
detailed in Document 5 and shown in Document 6; and
an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of part of 6746
Lakes Park Drive from Rural Residential, Exception 704 (RR[704r]) to
Village Residential First Density Subzone E (V1E), Rural Countryside (RU) to
Village Residential First Density Subzone E (V1E) and Parks and Open Space (O1)
to Village Residential First Density Subzone E (V1E) as detailed in Document 3 and shown in Document
Que le Comité de recommande au Conseil :
et d’adopter une modification au Plan officiel de la Ville d’Ottawa afin de
changer la désignation du no 6746, promenade Lakes Park, de Zone
rurale générale et de caractéristiques naturelles à Village, comme l’explique
en détail le Document 2;
une modification au Plan de conception communautaire de Greely afin de changer
la limite du village pour qu’il englobe la propriété située au no
6746, promenade Lakes Park, comme l’explique en détail le Document 5 et comme l’illustre le
document 6.
une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 afin de changer la désignation
d’une partie du no 6746, promenade Lakes Park, de Zone résidentielle
rurale dotée d’une exception 704 (RR[704r]) à Sous-zone résidentielle de village de
densité Un E (V1E), et de Zone de parcs et d’espaces verts (O1) à Sous-zone
résidentielle de village de densité Un E (V1E), comme l’explique le Document 3
et l’illustre le Document 4; et
The subject site is approximately 25 hectares in size and is located adjacent to the Village of Greely. It is largely undeveloped with the exception of a stormwater management pond located on the southeast corner and three pathways. One pathway is located along the eastern edge running in a north/south direction and two are located in the southern section of the site, running in an east/west direction. The site is south of Misty Morning Lane, east of Pebble Trail Way and west of Sparkling Lake Way. This site surrounded by residential development, however a large undeveloped parcel is located immediately to the west.
Draft approval was granted for the creation of 28 rural estate lots on August 4, 2006. Registration to allow the creation of the first six lots along the eastern boundary of the subject site is pending. The remaining 22 lots have been reconfigured to accommodate 39 lots and two blocks of open space. The ability to reconfigure the lots in this fashion requires an Official Plan Amendment to bring the subject lands within the Village Boundary.
It should be noted that staff, through the five-year Official Plan Review, are proposing the redesignation to include the subject lands within the Village Boundary of Greely. This application is proceeding at the same time as the Official Plan Review due to concerns with respect to the timing of the Ministerial Approval of the Official Plan and any subsequent appeals that may follow.
The draft plan of
subdivision proposes 39 residential lots with a minimum size of 2000 square
metres. The two park/open space blocks
are proposed in the same location as the previous blocks but have been
reconfigured to accommodate the new road pattern. Three new roads are proposed
to provide access to the proposed lots: the extension of Pebble Trail Way,
Street A (intersecting with Sparkling Lake Way) and Street B, an internal road.
One walkway is proposed between Lots 9 and 10 to provide pedestrian access to Misty
Morning Lane.
Provincial Policy Statement
The Provincial Policy Statement promotes efficient development and land use patterns which sustain the financial well being of the Province and municipality over the long term. It also accommodates an appropriate range and mix of residential, employment, recreation and open space uses to meet long-term needs. The development of lands which may cause environmental or public health and safety concerns is to be avoided. Development and land use patterns that would prevent the efficient expansion of settlement areas in those areas which are adjacent or close to settlement areas should also be avoided.
The Provincial Policy Statement also indicates that the expansion of a settlement area can only be identified at the time of a comprehensive review. This review is ongoing, however, due to the requirement for Ministerial approval of the revised Official Plan, the applicant did not wish to be delayed and has therefore made an independent application to include their lands within the Village of Greely. The Comprehensive Official Plan Review is scheduled to be before Council on June 10, 2009. As this application will be considered after that date, it is the opinion of staff that the Provincial Policy Statement in this regard has been satisfied.
Official Plan
The property is designated General Rural Area with a small portion designated Rural Natural Features Area in the south east area of the site. The proposal is to amend the designation to Village which permits residential uses, subject to the available servicing.
Zoning By-law
The purpose of the Zoning By-law amendment is to permit the construction of detached dwellings accordance with the Draft Plan of Subdivision. The site is currently zoned Rural Residential, Exception 704, RR[704r] with a small portion along the west zoned Rural Countryside (RU). The RR[704r] zoning permits detached dwellings with a minimum lot size of 0.6 hectares, with an average minimum lot size of 0.8 hectares. The maximum number of lots is limited to 28 and the minimum lot width is 35 metres. The request is to amend the zoning to the Village Residential First Density, Subzone E, V1E. This would permit development with a minimum lot size of 0.2 hectares and a lot width of 30 metres. The applicant has indicated that no exceptions to the development requirements of the V1E zone provisions are required.
Village of Greely Community Design Plan
The Village of Greely Community Design Plan (CDP) was written to manage the development in Greely to preserve the village atmosphere and protect the natural environment. The current boundary results from the gradual addition of lands over time from the original communities of ‘Greely’ and ‘Greely West’. The proposal is to include the subject lands within the Village of Greely.
The proposed form of residential development is appropriate in this area. The adjacent sites contain residential development and have largely developed in the same manner as the proposed subdivision. A walkway will connect Street A with Misty Morning Lane and Lakes Park Drive, providing pedestrians and cyclists with a connection between the neighbourhoods. The extension of Pebble Trail Way and Street A will provide vehicular connection to the development, allowing for an interconnected road system. The location of the park block abuts lands intended for future park purposes as identified in the Community Design Plan.
Supporting information relating to the hydrogeological assessment has been submitted and reviewed by both the City and South Nation Conservation. The findings and conclusions indicate that the impact from the septic systems of the proposed development on the hydrogeological and watershed environment will be within acceptable limits. Further, the mutual well interference will not result in significant impacts on the groundwater quantity of the on-site and off-site wells as a result of the proposed development.
Supporting documents submitted include a Planning Rationale, an addendum to the Impact Assessment, a Geotechnical Report, an Integrated Environmental Review Statement and a Stormwater Management Report. Previously submitted information (as part of File D07-16-03-0037) consists of the Hydrogeology, Terrain Analysis and Impact Assessment, Environmental Assessment Phase 1, the Stage 1 Archaeological Study and a Tree Preservation Plan all of which remain valid. The draft plan of subdivision conditions have been updated to reflect any new recommendations of the reports and includes the requirement to update the Transportation Study to reflect the increase in the number of lots.
Details of Proposed amendment to the Official Plan
The redesignation of the site from “General Rural Area” and “Rural Natural Features” to “Village” will allow the development proposal to be reviewed against the Village policies of the Official Plan.
Details of Zoning By-law Amendment
The proposed zoning reflects the proposed subdivision. The review of the supporting technical information indicates that the subdivision is appropriate and no changes to the development requirements of the V1E zone are required.
Portions of the site currently zoned O1 are to be rezoned to V1E in order to reflect the reconfigured portion which will be conveyed to the City as parkland dedication. As well, the current zoning boundary on the west side of the site does not follow the property boundary, therefore the portion of the property zoned RU will be rezoned to V1E so that the entire portion of the site for residential development will be appropriately zoned.
Details of Proposed Amendment to the Village of Greely Community Design Plan
The expansion of the boundary for the Village has occurred in a piecemeal fashion, through either the comprehensive review of the Official Plan or individual applications. The result has been that the Village boundary runs along the entire lengths of the north, east and south property lines of the subject site and abuts a portion of the west property line. The proposed enlargement of the Village boundary would allow the site to develop in a pattern more in keeping with the abutting development as well as cause the development to be reviewed in accordance with the Plan. The location of the proposed park abuts lands currently identified for future parks.
The portion of the site currently designated “Rural Natural Features” will not be identified as a feature in the CDP, as draft approval has already been granted for the existing storm water pond and the six lots along the eastern boundary where final approval has been requested.
Concurrent Application
The Draft Plan of Subdivision application is concurrently being reviewed. Draft conditions have been prepared which reflect the proposed subdivision and to address site specific requirements.
Pursuant to Section 69 of Zoning By-law 2008-250, the setback of 15 metres from top of bank of a watercourse and waterbody will be reflected in the draft plan of subdivision conditions. The portion of the site currently designated “Rural Natural Feature” will be redesignated “Village” and not identified as a feature in the CDP.
The proposed amendment removes the area from the rural residential zone and allows for a higher density development. This development is supported by the hydrogeological information.
Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy. The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.
The Public Hearing held with respect to the Draft Plan of Subdivision application was held on February 4, 2009. The main concern expressed was with respect to the proposed transportation network. The comments are summarized in Document 7.
Expansions are required to be considered at the time of a comprehensive review of the Official Plan. While this is a stand-alone amendment to the Official Plan, as it has also been considered as part of the comprehensive review, it satisfies this requirement.
If this matter is adopted and appealed to the Board, then it is estimated that a three to five-day hearing would result. If this amendment is refused, and the lands have also been not been redesignated in the comprehensive amendment then, in accordance with the 25 May 2009 opinion from the City Clerk and Solicitor, it is Legal Service' opinion that the Ontario Municipal Board would not have authority to add these lands to the Village of Greely.
The application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments due to amendments required to the supporting studies and staff discussion with respect to the timing of the Official Plan amendment in light of the City's review of the document.
Document 1 Location Map
Document 2 Proposed Official Plan Amendment
Document 3 Details of Recommended Zoning
Document 4 Zoning Map
Document 5 Proposed Amendment to Village of Greely Community Design Plan
Document 6 Map Amendment to Village of Greely Community Design Plan
Document 7 Consultation Details
City Clerk and Legal Services Branch, Legislative Services to notify the owner (Landriault Construction Ltd., 1152 Pegasus Cr., Greely, ON K4P 1P1), applicant (Sheila Clarke, Trow Associates Ltd., 154 Colonnade Road South, Ottawa, ON K2E 7J5), OttawaScene.com (174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON K2E 7J5), Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code: 26-76) of City Council’s decision.
Planning and Growth Management Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services and undertake the statutory notification.
Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.
Proposed Official Plan Amendment DOCUMENT 2
Official Plan Amendment No. X
Modification du Plan directeur No. X
To the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa
The Statement of Components
Introductory Statement
Details of the Amendment
Part A-THE PREAMBLE, introduces the actual Amendment, but does not constitute part of this amendment to the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa.
Part B-THE AMENDMENT, consisting of the details of the Amendment No. X of the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa
The purpose of Amendment No. X is to amend 6746 Lakes Park Drive from General Rural Area and Rural Natural Features Area to Village designation.
2.0 Location
The subject property is located at 6746 Lakes Park Drive, south of Misty Morning Lane/Lakes Park Drive, west of Sparkling Lake Way and north of South Village Drive. It is described as Part of Lots 2 & 3, Concession IV.
3.0 Basis
The Official Plan Amendment proposes to redesignate the subject lands from “General Rural Area” and “Rural Natural Features Area” to “Village” to permit development to occur in a similar manner as the surrounding neighbourhoods.
The proposal conforms to Section 3.7.1 of the Official Plan, which outlines the policies relating to development in Villages.
By amending the Official Plan, the Village of Greely Community Design Plan (CDP) will also apply to these lands. However, an update of the CDP as a result of this change will not be carried out until the document is updated in a comprehensive manner.
The amendment to the designation and zoning of the subject property is appropriate. The proposed amendments would allow development to develop in accordance with the draft plan of subdivision. Documents in support of the subdivision have been reviewed and no technical issues were raised which would cause the development to be inappropriate.
2.0 Details of Amendment
Schedule A of the Official Plan will be amended by redesignating 6746 Lakes Park Drive from “General Rural Area” and “Rural Natural Features Area” to “Village” as shown in the attached Schedule 1.
3.0 Implementation
Implementation of this Amendment of the Official Plan shall be in accordance with the respective policies of the Official Plan.
Schedule 1
1. The Zoning Map of By-law 2008-250 will be amended by changing the zoning for 6746 Lakes Park Drive from RR[704r] to V1E, RU to V1E, and O1 to V1E as shown in Document 4.
Proposed Amendment to Village of Greely
Community Design Plan DOCUMENT 5
1. Schedule A of the Village of Greely Community Design Plan is amended to include the subject lands within the Village boundary with the land uses as shown on Document 6.
Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments. One public meeting, the statutory public meeting related to the Draft Plan of Subdivision application was held on February 4, 2009 which was attended by approximately 15 people. A number of written submissions were made as a result of both the public meeting and the notice of application.
A petition was also filed with the City, expressing objections to the subdivision design and road network. This petition was signed by approximately 107 residents.
1. The majority of the comments related to the proposed roads and the resulting traffic volume on the abutting lands. Of particular concern was the previous decision not to extend Lakes Park Drive/Misty Morning Lane into the subject property as a vehicular access.
2. Concerns were raised by a specific resident concerning the reconfiguration of Street A and the impact on their property from the light and noise of vehicles travelling on Street A.
1. Pebble Trail will be extended as part of the development of this subdivision. The resulting vehicular access will therefore be provided through Pebble Trail and Sparkling Lake Way. The increase in traffic as a result of 45 residential dwellings is able to be accommodated by the existing road network. An addendum to the Traffic Impact Statement is required prior to the final approval of the Plan of Subdivision.
2. A condition will be included in the Draft Plan of Subdivision requiring a landscaped buffer along Block A in order to mitigate the effects of traffic traveling southbound on Street A.
South Village Owners’ Association
1. The Owners’ Association expressed concerns with the subdivision and the resulting traffic. Specific concerns respect to safety of pedestrians and cyclists.
2. Concerns were also expressed with respect to the consultation process and the notification.
1. In accordance with the Community Design Plan, only collector roads require sidewalks. Local roads are designed with a 20.0-metre right-of-way and do not incorporate a sidewalk.
2. Public notice was given pursuant to City Policy. Notice of the applications was sent by regular mail to all landowners within 120-metre radius of the subject property, signage posted on the property and notice of the statutory public meeting with respect to the draft plan of subdivision was provided to landowners within 120-metre radius of the subject property.
ACS2009-ICS-PGM-0102 OSGOODE (20)
(This application is subject to Bill
Wendy Tse, Planner II and Charles Warnock,
Program Manager, Development Review Process for Rural East provided a
PowerPoint presentation, which is held on file with the City Clerk.
Ms. Tse spoke to the proposed amendments to
the Official Plan that would designate the property at 6746 Lakes Park
Drive. Accordingly, the designation
would amend the Village of Greely Community Design Plan to encompass the
subject property and zone the specific areas of the sub-division to V1E in the
comprehensive zoning by-law.
Councillor Thompson described this area as an
empty space in the middle of the neighbourhood just outside the village
boundaries. Originally, he added that
it was an application for a country state sub-division but in keeping with the
rest of the community, it has now changed to village size lots.
In response to a question by Chair Jellett,
Mr. Warnock noted that a traffic study was conducted.
Jason Hergert, resident and representative of
the South Village Owners’ Association explained that he spent the last couple of years in bettering people’s
lives in the third world by doing clinical research on human health for the
betterment of elders and veterans. He
referred to the proposal and said he felt betrayed, explaining that there has
been a complete avoidance of engagement of consultation. Staff agreed to provide him with traffic
plans; however for unknown reasons, they were not supplied, therefore, he was
unable to provide comments on this development. He emphasized that the report was inaccurate, given that it does
not represent an accurate reflection of the residents. He noted that this development was going to
have an impact on the community, as there are no sidewalks along the roads,
only ditches, which makes it dangerous for pedestrians. Although the community is only partially
built, he noted that there are over 100 children who constantly walk to the
central community centre.
Mr. Hergert noted his two interrelated
concerns, which are traffic and health and safety. He explained that there would be approximately a 50 per cent
increase of traffic in the community.
Additionally, the street planning creates an affective straight and
narrow road from Stagecoach Road to Old Prescott.
This part of the city is growing very quickly
and intensively and as the community increases, it is expected that cars will
speed this road known as Pebble Trail.
It is also a health and safety issue for the children and residents of
the community.
In a series of questions from Councillor
Hunter, Mr. Hergert explained that Pebble Trail is the connection to South
Village, which will increase traffic and become a safety issue for pedestrians
and residents of the community. With
respect of the lot size, it is consistent with the communities in the
Councillor Hunter noted that Sunset Lakes
community appeared before Committee approximately three years ago regarding a
similar situation and the issue resulted in ending the street with a
Mr. Warnock clarified that the turning circle
shown in Document 6 of the report is temporary with the intention that the road
would connect to Sparkling Lake. In
response to a question by Chair Jellett, Mr. Warnock noted that West Beach Road
would connect to Pebble Trail as part of the development of the
sub-division. He added that as part of
Phase 1, there are six lots on the north side of the sub-division that are
going for registration and the road connecting to Sparkling Lakes will also be
Councillor Thompson appreciated the delegates
concerns, although did not agree with suggesting that people from Stagecoach
will go to Pebble Trail, through the sub-division to Old Prescott Road. He added that there was some confusion
regarding traffic at the consultation meeting.
Staff also felt that not all traffic would go through Sparkling Lake to
Old Prescott, presuming that it will be split up to Pebble Trail and Stagecoach
Mr. Warnock highlighted that the traffic
studies were presented with this application and the electronic version is
available on the city’s website, noting that it would be updated accordingly
once the sub-division is complete.
Councillor Thompson asked if there was
confirmation from the traffic study as to the amount of traffic from Pebble
Trail to South Village. Mr. Warnock
informed Committee that the exact numbers were not available.
Councillor Thompson sympathized with Mr.
Hergert concerning the safety of pedestrians and offered work with staff in
finding a way to install a stop sign or a type of mechanism to slow down the
traffic on Pebble Trail. He noted that
the Village of Greely was built in segments and had the proposed sub-division
been developed primarily and South Village later, perhaps the infrastructure
would have been constructed differently.
Chair Jellett requested clarification on the
public notification and consultation process on this particular file. Mr. Warnock advised that public
notice was given pursuant to City Policy.
He noted that staff were never
approached for a meeting, adding that they are accommodating when the public
requests information on a specific file.
Electronic versions of the studies are also posted on the city’s
Councillor El-Chantiry questioned if
emergency services provided comments on the report. Ms. Tse indicated that emergency staff were circulated on the
Official Plan and zoning by-law amendments as well as the draft plan of
subdivision and noted they had no concerns.
In a follow up question by the Councillor, Ms. Tse further explained
that it is not normally noted in the report when a reviewing agency has no
comment, although offered to do so if that was a direction of committee. John Moser, General Manager of Planning and
Growth Management assured Committee that staff view emergency services as the
broad organization and if concerns are raised, then they are noted and
addressed within the report. Councillor
El-Chantiry questioned why certain reports indicate whether there are concerns or
not from emergency services. Mr. Moser
clarified that all comments are included in site plan reports, which is a
slightly different process than regular staff reports.
Chair Jellett asked if Phil Kinsman was in
attendance as he had called previous to the meeting, requesting to speak but no
one responded.
That the Agricultural and Rural
Affairs Committee recommend Council:
Approve and adopt an amendment to the Official Plan for
the City of Ottawa to redesignate 6746 Lakes Park Drive from General Rural Area
and Rural Natural Features to Village as detailed in Document 2;
Approve an amendment to the Village of Greely Community
Design Plan to alter the village boundary to encompass the property situated at
6746 Lakes Park Drive as detailed in Document 5 and shown in Document 6; and
Approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to
change the zoning of part of 6746 Lakes Park Drive from Rural Residential,
Exception 704 (RR[704r]) to Village Residential First Density Subzone E (V1E),
Rural Countryside (RU) to Village Residential First Density Subzone E (V1E) and
Parks and Open Space (O1) to Village Residential First Density Subzone E (V1E)
as detailed in Document 3 and shown in Document 4.