règlement général de zonage  2008-250 : appels à la commission des affaires municipales de l’ontario (TROISième rapport)




Committee recommendation as amended


(This matter is subject to Bill 51)


That Council approve the amendments recommended in Column 4 of Document 1, to resolve certain appeals to By law 2008-250, and forward a by-law incorporating the required amendments to the Ontario Municipal Board, excluding Appeal 19, which was referred back to staff.






(Cette demande est assujettie au Règlement 51)


Que le Conseil approuver les modifications recommandées dans la Colonne 4 du Document 1 afin de résoudre certains appels du Règlement 2008-250 et de transmettre un règlement incorporant les modifications requises à la Commission des affaires municipales de l’Ontario, à l’exception de l’appel 19 qui a été renvoyé au personnel.






1.                  Deputy City Manager’s report, Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability dated 27 March 2009 (ACS2009-ICS-PLA-0062).


2.         Extract of Draft Minute, 14 April 2009.


Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


March 27, 2009/le 27 mars 2009


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager

Directrice municipale adjointe,

Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability

Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités 

Contact Person/Personne ressource : Richard Kilstrom, Manager/Gestionnaire, Policy Development and Urban Design/Élaboration de la politique et conception urbaine, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance

(613) 580-2424 x22653, Richard.Kilstrom@ottawa.ca


City Wide/à l'échelle de la Ville

Ref N°: ACS2009-ICS-PLA-0062








glement général de zonage  2008-250 : appels à la commission des affaires municipales de l’ontario (TROISième rapport)





That Planning and Environment Committee recommend that Council approve the amendments recommended in Column 4 of Document 1, to resolve certain appeals to By law 2008-250, and forward a by-law incorporating the required amendments to the Ontario Municipal Board.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement recommande au Conseil d’approuver les modifications recommandées dans la Colonne 4 du Document 1 afin de résoudre certains appels du Règlement 2008-250 et de transmettre un règlement incorporant les modifications requises à la Commission des affaires municipales de l’Ontario.




On June 25, 2008 City Council adopted the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2008-250 that affects all properties within the City of Ottawa.  By-law 2008-250 replaces the 36 zoning by laws of the former municipalities that were amalgamated in 2001.  A total of 76 appeals were received, however 16 were disqualified, as the appellants had not made any submissions on the Comprehensive Zoning By-law prior to its adoption.


A first pre-hearing of the Ontario Municipal Board was held from October 20 to 23, 2008. The Ontario Municipal Board dealt with a number of matters, including a precedent making decision confirming the right of the City to determine that an appeal was invalid if no submissions were made. As well it approved the un-appealed parts of By-law 2008-250 so as to simplify administration of both former Zoning By-laws and the comprehensive Zoning By-law until all appeals to By-law 2008-250 have been dealt with. It also considered and approved a number of changes to the by-law, which were recommended by staff in an appeals report approved by City Council on October 8, 2008, in order to deal with all or part of four specific appeals. The February 25, 2009 pre-hearing of the Ontario Municipal Board was held primarily to establish hearing dates for certain appeals.




Staff are continuing to review the appeals and meet and negotiate with appellants. A number of modifications to By-law 2008-250, that are acceptable and consistent in the approaches used through the harmonization process, have been identified in order to attempt to resolve four additional appeals.  These items are outlined in Document 1, with the recommended changes indicated in Column 4.


These recommendations have been discussed with the appellants who are in agreement with the negotiated resolution. The objective is to bring the associated by-law to the next pre-hearing of the Ontario Municipal Board which is to be held on May 8, 2009.




Appellants affected by the changes noted in Documents 1 and 2 have been notified of the public meeting.




These recommendations, if carried, will allow the resolution of certain appeals presently before the Ontario Municipal Board.








Document 1      List of Changes to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for consideration by Planning and Environment Committee

Document 2      Site-specific Lands Affected Maps




Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability Department to prepare the implementing by-law and forward to City Manager’s Office, Legal Services.


Legal Services to bring forward report and by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board.





Name of Appellant and Summary of Appealed Provision/ Lands          


Reason for Appeal


Staff Position   


Proposed Amendment

Appeal # 12

Ward 1

900 Watters Road

Trim Road Land Holdings Ltd. and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation


Appellant has stated that the zoning under By-law 2008-250, LC5 [1362] (18.3),  does not reflect the previous zoning for the property and creates a legal non-conforming situation with regard to gross leaseable floor area.  In addition, appellant states that By-law 2008-250 removes “Animal care establishment”, “Restaurant, full- service” and “Small batch brewery” from the list of permitted uses.  These uses were permitted in the former zoning, CN-X1, under the former Cumberland Zoning By-law 1-84.

Staff agree that the zoning should be amended as it is anomalous.  The LC (Local Commercial) zone was applied to areas of former Cumberland that were zoned CCN (Commercial Convenience Neighbourhood).  The property at 900 Watters Road was zoned CN-X1 (Commercial Neighbourhood) and therefore should have been zoned GM (General Mixed-Use) rather than LC.

Rezone lands from LC5 [1362] H(18.3) to GM [1362] H(18.5).  Regarding exception 1362, Column II, replace LC5 [1362] H(18.3) with GM [1362] H(18.5); in Column III, Additional Land Uses Permitted, remove the uses “Animal hospital”, “Instructional facility” and “Restaurant, fast- food”, as these uses are already permitted in the GM zone.  “Animal care establishment”, “Restaurant, full-service” and “Small batch brewery”, the remaining uses requested by the appellant, are also permitted uses in the GM zone. Regarding exception 1362, amend column V, Provisions, by adding,

- minimum front yard setback: 20 m
- the minimum yard setback abutting a residential zone: 9 m
- minimum gross leasable floor area: 3,000 m2
- maximum gross leasable floor area: 10,000 m2

Appeal #19

Ward 4

499 Terry Fox Drive

Signature Centre Ltd.

Appellant requests that the zoning for their property, GM [221] H(11), be amended to include the uses:

-animal care establishment

-animal hospital

-convenience store

-drive-through facility

-instructional facility

-restaurant, fast-food

-service and repair shop

-small batch brewery

Staff have agreed that, -convenience store

-instructional facility

-service and repair shop

-small batch brewery should be added as permitted uses to reflect the range of uses permitted under the former Kanata Zoning By-law 167-93. 

As By-law 167-93 did not permit a

-animal care establishment

-animal hospital

-restaurant, fast food

and the latter use was associated with a drive-through function, staff did not agree with adding these uses.

Amend Column IV, Land Uses Prohibited, of exception 221 by adding, “Convenience store”,  “Instructional facility”, “Service and repair shop” and “Small batch brewery”. 


As Column IV, Land Uses Prohibited, states that all uses are prohibited except for those uses listed, adding the above uses will have the effect of permitting them.

Appeal #21

Ward 9

15 Colonnade Road

Colonnade Developments Inc.

The appellant states Area A, that portion of the property zoned AM F(2.0) H(20) along Merivale Road, should not be subject to the height suffix H(20). 


The appellant also states that the zoning for Area B, GM [292] F (0.65) H(20), implements policies of the former Nepean Official Plan which are out of date. For this reason the appellant requests an increase in height and FSI.

Staff concur that it is appropriate for the height limits in the standard AM zone (25 metres where not abutting a residential zone) to apply to this property rather than the height suffix of 20 metres.


Regarding Area B, which is zoned GM [292] F (0.65) H(20), staff concur that changing the FSI to 1.5 would be appropriate while maintaining the height limit of 20 metres to reflect the approach used in the new Zoning By-law with respect to height and FSI in the GM (General Mixed-Use) zone.  Staff note that there is an error in Column II of exception 292 regarding the FSI.  The FSI should read, F(0.65), as shown on the zoning map, rather than F(0.4)


Further, staff have identified that the holding symbol that was included in the former Nepean zoning and is included in the wording of exception 292 was not reflected on the zoning map and should be reinstated on the entire property.

Amend the zoning of Area A from AM F(2.0) H(20) to AM [****] –h

Create and apply new exception [****],   inserting AM[****] in Column II, Applicable Zone.  In Column V, Provisions, insert, 

- uses not permitted until the “h” symbol has been removed
- the removal of the “h” symbol is conditional on:
(i) the submission of a Transportation Impact Study
(ii) an agreement between the City and the property owners regarding cost sharing and implementation of a schedule for the construction of road infrastructure improvements generated by the development of the lands as recommended by the Transportation Impact Study; and
(iii) the submission and approval of a site plan.
- minimum landscaped area: 10%
- in the case of a lot with a lot depth greater than 100 m, a minimum landscaping strip of 9 m must be provided along the Nepean Creek
- the utility easement along Colonnade Road North may be used for calculating min. lot frontage, lot area, lot coverage and front yard
- minimum front yard setback- 6 metres 


Amend the zoning of Area B from GM [292] F(0.65) H(20) to GM [292] F(1.5) H(20) –h


Regarding exception 292, delete from Column II, Applicable Zone, the following, GM [292] F(0.4) H(20)


Add to Column II, Applicable Zone, of exception 292 the following,

GM [292] F(1.5) H(20) –h


Appeal #23

Ward 8   

3685 and 3775 Richmond Road

Bells Corners Properties Ltd.

Part of the site fronting on Richmond Road should be zoned AM instead of IP1 to reflect the Arterial Mainstreet Official Plan designation of Richmond Road, as was shown in the March 2008 version of the draft zoning by-law.

Staff agree to rezone lands to AM H(22) to reflect the location on an Arterial Mainstreet and to acknowledge the height permitted under former Nepean MP Zone. Although site is deeper than other lots in area, this is a natural boundary for the AM zone as the rear property line coincides with the Stafford Road access. As well, the existing office building extends full length of the lot, so any other boundary would run through the middle of the building.

Rezone lands from IP1 to AM H(22)

Appeal #24

Ward 8


300-320 Moodie Drive


Colonnade Development Incorporated

Requesting that the use hotel not be prohibited on the lands at 300-320 Moodie Drive.

Staff concur that  Exception [1530] was created to reflect the fact that the former Nepean Zoning By-law 100-2000 did not permit a hotel along lands abutting a portion of Moodie Drive, Fitzgerald and Stafford Roads, encompassing the business park.



However, the new parent IP zone does permit the use.  Because of this permission, there is no substantive reason to prohibit a hotel on this site which fronts onto an Arterial Road.  It is recommended that exception [1530] be deleted on the affected property.

Rezone 300-320 Moodie to IP, removing the  Exception [1530] from the zoning map.




SITE-SPECIFIC LANDS AFFECTED MAPS                                                       DOCUMENT 2


Location (maps attached)

 900 Watters Road

15 Colonnade Road

3685 and 3775 Richmond Road

300-320 Moodie Drive












ACS2009-ICS-PLA-0062                                    City Wide/à l'échelle de la Ville


(This matter is subject to Bill 51)


Adam Thompson, Novatech Engineering Consultants, was present requesting that Appeal 19 be deferred.  His email dated April 9, 2009 is held on file with the City Clerk.


Moved by P. Feltmate:


THAT the consideration of Appeal 19 be referred back to staff.




That Planning and Environment Committee recommend that Council approve the amendments recommended in Column 4 of Document 1, to resolve certain appeals to By law 2008-250, and forward a by-law incorporating the required amendments to the Ontario Municipal Board, excluding Appeal 19, which was referred back to staff.

                                                                                                CARRIED as amended