Committee RecommendationS AS AMENDED


That Council:


1.         Develop a Poverty Reduction Strategy, in consultation with both the community and community partners, in concert with the provincial poverty reduction strategy;


2.         Direct that staff report to the appropriate Standing Committee on the framework to develop a Poverty Reduction Strategy by February 2009;


3.         Approve that the Poverty Reduction Strategy be developed in time to influence the 2010 budget.



RecommandationS modifiÉeS du Comité


Que le Conseil :


1.         élabore une stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté en consultation avec la communauté et les partenaires communautaires et en accord avec la stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté provinciale;


2.         enjoigne le personnel de faire rapport au comité permanent pertinent sur le cadre nécessaire à l’élaboration d’une stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté d’ici février 2009;


3.         approuve l’élaboration de la stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté à temps pour influencer le budget de 2010.





1.   Committee Coordinator's report, dated 4 December 2008 (ACS2008-CCS-CPS-0039).


2.   Extract of Draft Minutes, 20 November 2008.


Report to / Rapport au:


Community and Protective Services Committee

Comité des services communautaires et de protection


and Council/et au Conseil


4 December 2008 / le 4 décembre 2008


Submitted by / Soumis par: Marc Desjardins, Committee Coordinator /

Coordonnateur de comité


Contact / Personne-ressource : Councillor Alex Cullen
(613) 580-2477, Alex.Cullen@ottawa.ca


City-wide/ à l'échelle de la Ville

Ref N°:  ACS2008-CCS-CPS-0039










That Council:


1.                  Develop a Poverty Reduction Strategy, in consultation with both the community and community partners, in concert with the provincial poverty reduction strategy;


2.         Direct that staff report to the appropriate Standing Committee on the framework to develop a Poverty Reduction Strategy by February 2009;


3.         Approve that the Poverty Reduction Strategy be developed in time to influence the 2010 budget.




Que le Conseil :


1.         élabore une stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté en consultation avec la communauté et les partenaires communautaires et en accord avec la stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté provinciale;


2.         enjoigne le personnel de faire rapport au comité permanent pertinent sur le cadre nécessaire à l’élaboration d’une stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté d’ici février 2009;


3.         approuve l’élaboration de la stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté à temps pour influencer le budget de 2010.





On 20 November 2008, the Community and Protective Service Committee received a verbal report from Ms. Linda Lalonde of the Ottawa Poverty Reduction Network and as a result approved the following Motion:


That the City of Ottawa develop a Poverty Reduction Strategy, in consultation with both the community and community partners, in concert with the provincial poverty reduction strategy;


And that staff report to Community and Protective Services Committee on the framework to develop a Poverty Reduction Strategy by February 2009;


And that the Poverty Reduction Strategy be developed in time to influence the 2010 budget.





City Operations is supportive of the motion to develop a Poverty Reduction Strategy.   Given the corporate reorganization presently unfolding, the Department would propose that the framework be targeted for April 2009 instead of February 2009.  The Department is confident that the resulting Poverty Reduction Strategy can still be developed in time to influence the 2010 budget.








Document 1 -   Something Left Over at the End of the Month – Report from the Community Poverty Reduction Strategy Forum





That staff in City Operations prepare a report to be presented to the appropriate Standing Committee in February 2009.



ACS2008-CCS-CPS-0039                                 CITY WIDE / À L'ÉCHELLE DE LA VILLE


Ms. Linda Lalonde of the Ottawa Poverty Reduction Network gave a verbal presentation and spoke to the Report from the Community Poverty Reduction Strategy Forum held on June 25, 2008 in Ottawa.  The report was circulated to the Committee members for their information.


She stated that they are part of an organization that formed after the Provincial government had made a commitment in 2007 in the election campaign to prepare and deliver a poverty reduction strategy for the Province.   To her knowledge, the strategy will be released on December 5, 2008. 


The organization is looking at ways to bring low-income people into the process of developing the strategy.  They strongly feel that poverty is not a low-income issue but a community issue.  The forum held in June had a wide variety of people and agencies with the result being the report before the Councillors.  They hope that at budget time in a couple of weeks they will take into consideration some of the recommendations made in the report.  In 2009 they will return to the Committee with a more detailed list of long-term and short-term goals. 


Councillor Cullen thanked Ms. Lalonde for the recommendations.  He noted that some of the points involve the City as well as the Provincial and Federal governments.  He will bring forth a motion later to reflect the action to be taken by the City.


Councillor Feltmate asked if staff have a response coming forward based on the report before them.


Mr. Steve Kanellakos, Deputy City Manager, City Operations stated that they did not and they have asked Ms. Lalonde to go back to the Poverty Issues Advisory Committee as part of the process before returning to CPSC.  He stated that with the realignment of City Departments the Social Services group would deal with those sections of the report for which the City is responsible.  He also noted that the 4 communities selected in the following item on the agenda have approximately 30% of the poverty rate and will be engaging people in those neighbourhoods.  He believes the best way of dealing with this issue is targeting neighbourhoods and this should have an impact on the services being delivered.


Councillor Feltmate stated that this was targeting approximately 40,000 people out of 900,000 and there is poverty across the City not just the 4 neighbourhoods so when does the City look at the broader perspective and not just those 4 neighbourhoods.

Mr. Kanellakos said that the City still has a broad range of programming and initiatives in all the areas; housing, transit, recreation and social services and Danielle Massé, General Manager of Social Services has started looking at what policies work for the broader population being served and where the gaps are.  He states that his preference is to target where a difference can be made and not try to “boil the ocean”.  There are challenges in many areas brought forth in the report and they are being examined.


Helen Lenthall, concerned citizen, and joint vice-chair of the Accessibility Advisory Committee stated that she has worked with the City for a number of years on various issues and committees.  She is declared disabled and chaired a forum in 2007 on Disability and Accessibility.  She wanted to point out that as a disabled person, low-income and poverty strikes closer to home.  As an example she said that she found herself with .12 cents in the bank close to Christmas time and no money for groceries or medication.  The issue of low-income and poverty causes stress and depression and further increases problems with poverty. It is a vicious cycle.  She feels that poverty is dealt with in a top down manner, which causes distrust. 


Councillor Cullen asks what does Ms. Lenthall suggest be done with regards to the recommendations made at the forum.


Ms. Lenthall stated that there is a fragmentation with regards to the advisory committees and they are not heard effectively by the management of the City or by Councillors. 


Councillor Cullen stated that his take on Ms. Lenthall’s comments was that City Hall has to change its culture with regards to the victims of poverty whether by income or illness and link in those groups dealing with these issues and how the City responds to their needs.  The Community Development Framework is important but the City needs to develop a poverty reduction strategy.


Councillor Holmes asked staff if the strategy would take into account the 2010 budget.  Policy discussions must take into consideration the budget since it seems that the City is cutting many items that relate to people in poverty.


Mr. Kanellakos stated that many of the recommendations of the June forum are not municipally owned and the few things that are, the City cannot afford or has not been able to deal with.  It must remembered that anything influencing a 2010 budget will be scrutinized according to the financial priorities of Council.


Moved by Councillor Cullen


That the City of Ottawa develop a Poverty Reduction Strategy, in consultation with both the community and community partners, in concert with the provincial poverty reduction strategy;


And that staff report to Community and Protective Services Committee on the framework to develop a Poverty Reduction Strategy by February 2009;


And that the Poverty Reduction Strategy be developed in time to influence the 2010 budget.



That the Community and Protective Services Committee:


1.                  Receive a verbal presentation on the above-noted subject.


2.         Direct staff to develop a Poverty Reduction Strategy, in consultation with both the community and community partners, in concert with the provincial poverty reduction strategy;


3.         That staff report to the appropriate Standing Committee on the framework to develop a Poverty Reduction Strategy by February 2009;


4.         That the Poverty Reduction Strategy be developed in time to influence the 2010 budget.


                                                                                                CARRIED as amended