6.             SIGN MINOR VARIANCE - 4033-4157 RIVERSIDE DRIVE





Committee recommendation


No Committee Recommendation.



Recommandation du Comité

Aucune recommandation du Comité





1.                  Deputy City Manager's report Planning, Transit and the Environment dated 22 May 2008 (ACS2008-PTE-BLD-0021).


2.                  Extract of Draft Minutes, 10 June 2008.


Report to/Rapport au:


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


22 May 2008 / le 22 mai 2008


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager

Directrice municipale adjointe,

Planning, Transit and the Environment

Urbanisme, Transport en commun et Environnement 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Sandra Garnett, Manager, Business Integration Services,

Building Code Services Branch/Services d’intégration des activités, Direction des services du code du bâtiment (613) 580-2424 x 41544, sandra.garnett@ottawa.ca


River/Rivière (16)

Ref N°: ACS2008-PTE-BLD-0021












That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council approve the application to vary Section 173(1)(a) of By-law 2005-439 to reduce the required setback from a property line abutting a street from 2.0 metres to 0 metres and to permit a 0.8‑metre aerial encroachment over the public road allowance.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement recommande au Conseil d’approuver la demande visant à changer l’alinéa 173(1)(a) du Règlement municipal 2005-439, ce qui permettra de réduire le retrait requis de la limite d’une propriété bordant une rue de 2 mètres à 0 mètre et d’autoriser un empiétement pour travaux en hauteur de 0,8 mètre sur l’emprise du chemin public.





With the realignment of Riverside Drive between Hunt Club Road and Limebank Road, the City must relocate a number of existing billboard signs, owned by Pattison Outdoor Advertising, currently located within the new road allowance. 

To facilitate phase 1, the construction of the new intersection at River Road and Limebank Road, City Council approved a report that supported the relocation of the first billboard sign to 30 metres east of its original location.


This applicant is requesting approval to eliminate the required 2.0‑metre setback from the property line on City property and to allow an aerial encroachment of 0.8 metres over the landscaped portion of the right-of-way, to accommodate the relocation of an additional three billboard signs located on the east side of Riverside Drive between Hunt Club Road and Limebank Road on airport land (reference Document 1).




Billboard signs are permitted for a period of five years.  As a pre-requisite to issuing subsequent sign permits, proposed sign locations are scrutinized to ensure continued compliance with zoning and compatibility with existing area land uses.


In their present locations, the three billboard signs are in compliance with the by-law.  As part of the road realignment project, the City requires all obstructions be relocated or removed including the subject signs.  In this case, the space between the required 2.0‑metre setback from the property line of the new right-of-way and the 3.0 metre setback from the airport property line, is not sufficient to accommodate the signs.  Due to safety concerns for aircraft related to height and setback from the airport runway, relocating the signs farther onto the airport property is not a viable option.  However, the design plan for the new road provides a 7.0‑metre landscaped space between the signs and the road curb, void of structures and walkways.  The sidewalk is planned for the opposite side of the road allowance at this location.


If approved, the required 2.0 metre setback from the right-of-way would be reduced to 0 and the signs would project .8 metres over the landscaped space into the public right-of-way.  However, this would result in only a minor reduction in the landscaped space between the road curb and the edge of the sign face from 7.0 metres to 6.2 metres.


The signs in the proposed locations are not visible from area residential land use.  The closest residential properties are located adjacent to the Rideau River at a substantially lower elevation and setback 350 metres from Riverside Drive.


In response to the technical circulation, five were in support of the application and three opposed.  The concerns included that the scale of the signs should be reduced rather than the setback, illumination should be from the top of the signs to reduce light pollution and the signs would create visual distraction close to a major intersection, Hunt Club Road and Riverside Drive.


The Department supports the suggestion to illuminate the signs from the top as a condition of sign permit approval. 


With the significant setback from the Hunt Club Road and Riverside Drive intersection, and the 6.2 metre landscaped space between the proposed sign locations and the road surface, the reduction in the standard setback from the City right-of-way does not pose a safety concern.  For the same reasons, a reduction in the scale of the billboards is not considered necessary.


The signs as proposed provide the required safety elements and visual buffer from area land use in keeping with the intent of the by-law.  As such,  the department is recommending approval.




In response to the standard technical circulation to area residents, community groups and the ward Councillor, five response in support and three opposed to the application were received.  The concerns expressed are as follows:





Councillor McRae is aware of the application. 



o     Signs will be 6.2 metres or 20.34 feet from the travelled portion of the road.

o     Signs will be 570 metres or 1870 feet from the intersection of Hunt Club Road and Riverside Drive.

o     Signs will be illuminated from the top  




The application fee is based on cost recovery.  There is no cost to the City associated with this application. 




Document 1      Location Plan

Document 2      Survey Plan

Document 3      Sign Elevation Drawing




City Clerk's Branch, Council and Committee Services to notify the applicant, Pattison Outdoor Advertising, 5-6 Antaries Drive, Phase 1, Ottawa, ON, Attention: Mr. Frank Wilson.

LOCATION PLAN                                                                                                 DOCUMENT 1


4033, 4073 and 4157 Riverside Drive

SURVEY PLAN                                                                                                      DOCUMENT 2


SIGN ELEVATION DRAWING                                                                          DOCUMENT 3




4033-4157, promenade riverside

ACS2008-PTE-BLD-0021                                                               River/Rivière (16)


Nicholas Scott noted the visual pollution of large billboards and asked that the application not be approved.  He suggested advertisers have many means to communicate with customers and strongly urged that the scenic view along the river not be compromised.


In response to questions from the Committee, he confirmed he resides on Limebank Road.  He stated he sees the billboards when driving into his driveway.


Arlene Gregoire, Chief Building Official and Director of Building Code Services, confirmed there are a total of six billboards and three must be moved; therefore the total number of signs will be the same after the road re-alignment.  She indicated the City receives $1.5M over five years for each billboard located on City property.  She explained however that these billboards were located on private property.  Ms. Gregoire reminded Committee of the investment the company has made in the billboards and the fact the signs were located legally; however, Council can reject the application and the applicant would be required to remove the signs, rather than relocate them.


That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council approve the application to vary Section 173(1)(a) of By-law 2005-439 to reduce the required setback from a property line abutting a street from 2.0 metres to 0 metres and to permit a 0.8‑metre aerial encroachment over the public road allowance.




            YEAS (3):        S. Desroches, J. Harder, G. Hunter

            NAYS (7):       M. Bellemare, C. Doucet, D. Holmes, B. Monette, S. Qadri, P. Feltmate, P. Hume