Report to/Rapport au :


Community and Protective Services Committee

Comité des services communautaires et de protection


and Council / et au Conseil


01 May 2008 / le 01 mai 2008


Submitted by/Soumis par: Steve Kanellakos, Deputy City Manager/Directeur municipal adjoint,

Community and Protective Services/Services communautaires et de protection 



Contact Person/Personne ressource : Russell Mawby, Director


(613) 580-2424 x 44162,



Ward 1 - Orléans

Ref N°: ACS2008-CPS-HOU-00




ACTION OTTAWA 2008 – 260 Tompkins Avenue




Action Ottawa 2008 –





That the Community and Protective Services Committee recommend that Council, in accordance with the provisions of the Action Ottawa program, approve:


1.                                                                                                                                                                                           That the development proposal submitted by Cumberland Housing Corporation be recommended to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for funding under the terms of the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program (AHP);


2.That up  $350,000 City capital funds; an estimated $34,000 for grants in lieu of building permit fees; up to $16,000 for grants in lieu of school board charges; an estimated $292,000 in relief from development fees and planning fees be awarded sufficient to fund the project described in Schedule A, subject to any conditions made by the Selection committee and subject to Council enacting a Municipal Housing Project Facilities By-law for this project.


2.That upon the signing of the Provincial Contribution Agreement and confirmation of dedicated funds from the Province that the Housing Branch provide up to $50,000 in predevelopment funding from the dedicated City Capital funds in recommendation 2.


4.                                                                                                                                                                                           That Staff be directed to negotiate Municipal Housing Project Facilities Agreements with the selected proponents subject to the terms and conditions of the January 25th, 2008 Action Ottawa RFP, the Selection Committee recommendations of April 10th, 2008, the provisions of the Municipal Housing Project Facilities By-law (2005), and the limits of the City municipal capital facility contributions.


5.                                                                                                                                                                                           That, upon successful negotiation of project facilities agreements with the proponent, authorize the Director of Legal Services to proceed directly to Council to authorize the project specific Municipal Housing Project Facilities by-laws by way of placing the by-laws on the Order of the Day for enactment, within the limits set by negotiated agreements, the recommendations in this report, and the Municipal Housing Project Facilities By-law (2005). 


6.                                                                                                                                                                                           That upon passing project specific by-laws, delegate authority to the City Manager to execute the project specific Municipal Housing Project Facilities agreements. 


7.                                                                                                                                                                                           That Staff be directed to negotiate the sale of the property located at 260 Tompkins Avenue, subject to the provision of the right to first refusal to recover the property in the event of sale, and subject to the provisions of the negotiated Municipal Housing Project Facilities agreement and in accordance with the Municipal Housing Project Facilities By-law (2005) and provisions of this report.









In April 2006, the Province completed the guidelines for Wave I of the Canada/Ontario Affordable Housing Program (AHP).  Under Wave I of this program, Ottawa was allocated Federal and Provincial funding, which was expected to support the development of up to  315 units of housing.  To date, 375 new units of affordable housing have been approved for development (ACS-2002-PEO-HOU-0010, ACS2004-PEO-HOU-0003, ACS2004-PEO-HOU-0004, ACS2004-CPS-HOU-0006, ACS2005-CPS-HOU-0005, ACS2005-CPS-HOU-0009, ACS2007-CPS-HOU-0010). The 260 Tompkins project represents 16 units out of the remaining Wave I allocation.  Remaining funds will be rolled into the current Request for Proposals, utilizing the additional $xxx million received from the AHP in 2008 (ACS2008-CPS-HOU-0001).


Staff issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Tompkins site in January 2008.  The RFP was circulated to the community through the City’s website and e-mail announcement to a list of self-identified private and not-for-profit housing developers. 


A selection committee comprising representatives from planning, real estate development, and social housing evaluated the four submitted proposals in accordance with City procurement policies and Action Ottawa program guidelines. 


The recommended proposal, from Cumberland Housing Corporation (CHC) is described in the report and in Schedule A, attached.  The project agreement will specify that the project will remain affordable for 35 years, though the non-profit structure of CHC will ensure affordability beyond the term of the project agreement.


The proposal is subject to all normal planning approvals processes, including site plan approval.  All proponents met with staff from Planning, Transit and the Environment, and a city planner participated in the project selection committee.


City capital funding for the 260 Tompkins project was committed by Council in 2004 and confirmed in 2006. 









Action Ottawa is the City’s primary program for increasing the supply of low-income affordable housing in Ottawa.  The program is designed to facilitate the development of mixed income communities that are well designed and well managed, and built on a scale that ensures integration within the neighbourhood.  There are approximately 10,000 households on the Social Housing Registry waiting list for subsidized housing.  There is a need for all household unit sizes from bachelors to four bedroom units.

This project is being funded through a partnership with the Federal and Provincial Governments under Wave I of the Canada/Ontario Affordable Housing Program.  The total allocation for the City of Ottawa under the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program (AHP) for new rental housing is 315 rental housing units ($22.05 million). Funding is not provided on a per unit basis, but is provided as a lump-sum capital investment based on a maximum of $70,000 of AHP funding per unit.


Because some housing providers were able to bring other resources to the table, the total production from the AHP in Ottawa is expected to be up to 410 units.  Table 1 outlines the status of the total allocation of 315 units.  

Table 1:  Status of project funding from AHP Wave I




#  Units


Gloucester Non-Profit



Under construction or completed

McLean Cooperative Homes

Multi-faith Housing Initiative

Quex Property Corp

Beaver Barracks



Under development

Orleans Town Centre



Final proposal pending

Tompkins Avenue

ACS2006-CPS-HOU- (Land)


Before Committee/Council

Supportive Housing



RFP Spring 2008






This report deals specifically with the Housing Branch recommendation, based on the recommendation of the Selection Committee, which met on April 10, 2008.  Please see Schedule A for the project details.





On January 25, 2008, the Housing Branch released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the development of affordable housing on the City-owned site 260 Tompkins Avenue. The 0.6 hectare site to be developed for affordable housing is a City-owned site that previously contained a decommissioned fire hall, which is now demolished.  It is located on the south side of Tompkins Avenue, east of Bourcier Drive.  Apart from the Hub Day Care located across the street, the surrounding uses are mostly single family homes.


The RFP had three key objectives:


-Primary Objective:  To achieve a maximum number of rental housing units on the site that are permanently affordable. 


-Secondary Objective:  To reduce the operating cost to the owner and/or tenant through green building technology, energy and water conservation measures, and ecological sustainability of the building site.  


-Tertiary Objective: To provide accessible and supportive housing units on the site.


Two qualifying proposals were received and reviewed by the Selection Committee, which included representatives from City and community experts in housing issues.  A representative from CMHC was present at all evaluation meetings but was not a voting member.  In addition, the Housing Branch worked with the City’s Procurement division throughout the entire process to ensure that the RFP was run in a fair and consistent manner. 


Cumberland Housing Corporation (CHC) submitted the winning proposal with a team of design and development partners, including experts in sustainable and energy efficient design and construction. The proponent was also awarded and received SEED funding from CMHC to assist in the development of their proposal.


The proposal is for a total of 16 affordable rental units in four townhouse blocks. The proposal includes supportive housing in partnership Innovative Community Support Services as well as a total of three accessible units. CHC proposes one storey townhouses along Tompkins Avenue and two storey townhouse units at the rear of lot providing generous side and rear yards to mitigate any impact of the new development on the site.  The project incorporates energy efficient as well and includes quality interior and exterior building materials as well as a partnership with VirtueCar providing a shared vehicle in a designated parking area on the site. 


This proposal exceeds the City’s expectations with respect to affordable housing and meets the City’s expectations for environmental sustainability.  The City’s minimum requirements were for 16 affordable units including a minimum of one accessible unit and no requirement for supportive housing.  Because of creative use of space and funds available, CHC was able to use the 16 units of funding to provide supportive units in partnership with Support Service Agency funded by MCSS and provide three fully accessible units on the site. 


CHC is well aware of the community consultation process built into the site development process and has had extensive dealings with the local community in the development of their proposal and will continue with this process through the summer. The submission proposes to start development this fall and staff are recommending that up to $50,000 in predevelopment funding be made available to assist CHC in submitting the site plan application prior to owning the land at 260 Tompkins, as the sale and transfer this may take a number of months.


The proposal is subject to all normal planning approvals processes, including site plan approval.  All proponents met with staff from Planning, Transit and the Environment, and a city planner participated in the project selection committee.


If approved by Council, this recommendation to fund CHC to build 16 affordable housing units will be submitted to the Province for review. 





The call for proposals was circulated to the community through advertisement on the City’s website, and e-mail announcement to a list of self-identified housing developers.   An information session was held on February 16, 2008 for proponents interested in submitting a proposal.  Approximately 10 people attended.     All proponents met with staff from Planning, Transit and the Environment, and a city planner participated in the project selection committee.






$391,000 is currently available in the Affordable Housing Capital Building Fund to fund this project.


Upon approval $391,000 (including fees and waiver costs plus accessibility and supportive funding to be added) will be transferred to newly created capital project CHC –260 Tompkins Avenue.





Schedule A:  Summary of City incentives for the CHC development. 


Schedule B:  Location map of the project site.





Housing Branch will notify the Province of the recommended housing project approved by Council.  Upon receiving Provincial approval, the Housing Branch will inform proponents that they may proceed with development.


Housing Branch staff will work to ensure timely implementation of all necessary funding agreements.


Legal will bring project specific Municipal Housing Facility by-laws before Council for approval.


Housing Branch and Legal Services will execute the Municipal Housing Facilities Agreements (MHFA) for the project.


The Housing Branch will flow funding to the projects according to milestones in MHFA.



Schedule A:  Summary of City incentives for the CHC development. 



City Incentives/Contribution


Capital Request


Accessible Unit Premium


Waiver of Planning Application Fees


Cash in Lieu of Building Permit Fees


Cash in Lieu of School Board Development Charges


Waiver of Development Charges


Waiver of Park Land Levy


City Owned Land






1.             ACTION OTTAWA 2008 - 260 Tompkins Avenue





Committee Recommendations


That Council, in accordance with the provisions of the Action Ottawa program, approve:


1.   That the development proposal submitted by Cumberland Housing Corporation be recommended to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for up to $1.21 million in funding under the terms of the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program (AHP);


2.   That up to $350,000 of City capital funds; an estimated $34,000 for grants in lieu of building permit fees; up to $16,000 for grants in lieu of school board charges; an estimated $292,000 in relief from development fees and planning fees and city-owned land valued at $750,000 be awarded sufficient to fund the project described in Schedule A, subject to any conditions made by the Selection Committee and subject to Council enacting a Municipal Housing Project Facilities By-law for this project;


3.   That upon the signing of the Provincial Contribution Agreement and confirmation of dedicated funds from the Province that the Housing Branch provide up to $50,000 in predevelopment funding from the dedicated City Capital funds in Recommendation 2;


4.   That staff be directed to negotiate Municipal Housing Project Facilities Agreement with the selected proponent subject to the terms and conditions of the 25 January 2008 Action Ottawa RFP, the Selection Committee recommendations of 10 April 2008, the provisions of the Municipal Housing Facilities By-law (2006-1), and the limits of the City capital contributions as outlined in Recommendation 2;


5.   That, upon successful negotiation of project facilities agreement with the proponent, authorize the Director of Legal Services to proceed directly to Council to authorize the project specific Municipal Housing Project Facilities by-law by way of placing the by-law on the Order of the Day for enactment, within the limits set by negotiated agreement, the recommendations in this report, and the Municipal Housing Facilities By-law (2006-1); and,


6.   That staff be directed to execute a purchase and sale agreement for the property located at 260 Tompkins Avenue, subject to any easements that may be required, the provision of the right to first refusal to recover the property in the event of sale, and the provisions of the negotiated Municipal Housing Facilities agreement and in accordance with the Municipal Housing Facilities By-law (2006-1) and provisions of this report.



Recommandations du comité


Que le Conseil approuve, conformément à ce que prévoit le programme Action Ottawa :


1.   que la proposition d’aménagement présentée par la Corporation d’habitation de Cumberland soit recommandée au ministre des Affaires municipales et du Logement pour financement, jusqu’à hauteur de 1,21 million de dollars, aux termes du Programme Canada-Ontario de logement abordable (PLA);


2.   qu’un montant pouvant atteindre 350 000 $ en fonds municipaux d’immobilisation, un montant estimé à 34 000 $ en subventions compensant les droits de permis de construire,  qu’un montant pouvant atteindre 16 000 $ en subventions compensant les redevances aux conseils scolaires et un montant estimé à 292 000 $$ sous forme d’exemption des frais d’aménagement et des biens-fonds municipaux évalués à 750 000 $ sous forme d’exemption des frais d’aménagement soient accordés pour financer le projet décrit à l’annexe A, sous réserve des conditions que pourrait imposer le comité de sélection et de l’adoption par le Conseil d’un règlement sur les ensembles de logements municipaux visant ce projet;


3.   une fois signée l’entente de contribution provinciale et confirmé le versement de fonds à affectation spéciale par la Province, que la Direction du logement consacre jusqu’à 50 000 $ à titre de financement préalable à partir des fonds municipaux spéciaux d’immobilisation dont il est question dans la recommandation 2;


4.   qu’il soit prescrit au personnel de négocier un accord de projet de logements municipaux avec le promoteur retenu, sous réserve des conditions énoncées dans la DP d’Action Ottawa du 25 janvier 2008, des recommandations formulées par le comité de sélection le 10 avril 2008, des dispositions du Règlement municipal 2006-1 sur les ensembles de logements municipaux et des limites du financement d’immobilisation par la Ville résumées dans la recommandation 2;


5.   une fois négocié l’accord de projet de logements municipaux avec le promoteur, que le directeur des Services juridiques soit autorisé à saisir directement le Conseil du texte d’un règlement sur les ensembles de logements municipaux visant ce projet particulier en l’inscrivant à l’ordre du jour des textes à voter, compte tenu des limites établies par négociation, des recommandations formulées dans le présent rapport et des dispositions du Règlement municipal 2006-1 sur les ensembles de logements municipaux;


6.   qu’il soit prescrit au personnel d’exécuter une convention d’achat et de vente pour le bien-fonds situé au 260 de l’avenue Tompkins, sous réserve des servitudes requises, du droit de préemption en cas de vente du bien-fonds et des clauses de l’accord négocié de projet de logements municipaux, et conformément au Règlement municipal 2006-1 sur les ensembles de logements municipaux et aux dispositions du présent rapport.








1.   Deputy City Manager's report (Community and Protective Services) dated 8 May  2008 (ACS2008-CPS-HOU-0007).























Schedule B:  Location map of the project site.





Report to/Rapport au :


Community and Protective Services Committee

Comité des services communautaires et de protection


and Council / et au Conseil


8 May 2008/ le 8 mai 2008


Submitted by/Soumis par : Steve Kanellakos, Deputy City Manager/

Directeur municipal adjoint,

Community and Protective Services/

Services communautaires et de protection 


 Contact Person/Personne ressource : Russell Mawby, Director


(613) 580-2424 x 44162,


Orléans (1)

Ref N°: ACS2008-CPS-HOU-0007




ACTION OTTAWA 2008 - 260 Tompkins Avenue




Action Ottawa 2008 - 260, AVEnue TOMPkins





That the Community and Protective Services Committee recommend Council, in accordance with the provisions of the Action Ottawa program, approve:


1.         That the development proposal submitted by Cumberland Housing Corporation be recommended to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for up to $1.21 million in funding under the terms of the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program (AHP);


2.                  That up to $350,000 of City capital funds; an estimated $34,000 for grants in lieu of building permit fees; up to $16,000 for grants in lieu of school board charges; an estimated $292,000 in relief from development fees and planning fees and city-owned land valued at $750,000 be awarded sufficient to fund the project described in Schedule A, subject to any conditions made by the Selection Committee and subject to Council enacting a Municipal Housing Project Facilities By-law for this project;


3.                  That upon the signing of the Provincial Contribution Agreement and confirmation of dedicated funds from the Province that the Housing Branch provide up to $50,000 in predevelopment funding from the dedicated City Capital funds in Recommendation 2;


4.                  That staff be directed to negotiate Municipal Housing Project Facilities Agreement with the selected proponent subject to the terms and conditions of the 25 January 2008 Action Ottawa RFP, the Selection Committee recommendations of 10 April 2008, the provisions of the Municipal Housing Facilities By-law (2006-1), and the limits of the City capital contributions as outlined in Recommendation 2;


5.         That, upon successful negotiation of project facilities agreement with the proponent, authorize the Director of Legal Services to proceed directly to Council to authorize the project specific Municipal Housing Project Facilities by-law by way of placing the by-law on the Order of the Day for enactment, within the limits set by negotiated agreement, the recommendations in this report, and the Municipal Housing Facilities By-law (2006-1); and,


6.         That staff be directed to execute a purchase and sale agreement for the property located at 260 Tompkins Avenue, subject to any easements that may be required, the provision of the right to first refusal to recover the property in the event of sale, and the provisions of the negotiated Municipal Housing Facilities agreement and in accordance with the Municipal Housing Facilities By-law (2006-1) and provisions of this report.




Que le Comité des services communautaires et de protection recommande au Conseil d’approuver, conformément à ce que prévoit le programme Action Ottawa :


1.         que la proposition d’aménagement présentée par la Corporation d’habitation de Cumberland soit recommandée au ministre des Affaires municipales et du Logement pour financement, jusqu’à hauteur de 1,21 million de dollars, aux termes du Programme Canada-Ontario de logement abordable (PLA);


2.                  qu’un montant pouvant atteindre 350 000 $ en fonds municipaux d’immobilisation, un montant estimé à 34 000 $ en subventions compensant les droits de permis de construire,  qu’un montant pouvant atteindre 16 000 $ en subventions compensant les redevances aux conseils scolaires et un montant estimé à 292 000 $$ sous forme d’exemption des frais d’aménagement et des biens-fonds municipaux évalués à 750 000 $ sous forme d’exemption des frais d’aménagement soient accordés pour financer le projet décrit à l’annexe A, sous réserve des conditions que pourrait imposer le comité de sélection et de l’adoption par le Conseil d’un règlement sur les ensembles de logements municipaux visant ce projet;


3.                  une fois signée l’entente de contribution provinciale et confirmé le versement de fonds à affectation spéciale par la Province, que la Direction du logement consacre jusqu’à 50 000 $ à titre de financement préalable à partir des fonds municipaux spéciaux d’immobilisation dont il est question dans la recommandation 2;


4.         qu’il soit prescrit au personnel de négocier un accord de projet de logements municipaux avec le promoteur retenu, sous réserve des conditions énoncées dans la DP d’Action Ottawa du 25 janvier 2008, des recommandations formulées par le comité de sélection le 10 avril 2008, des dispositions du Règlement municipal 2006-1 sur les ensembles de logements municipaux et des limites du financement d’immobilisation par la Ville résumées dans la recommandation 2;


5.         une fois négocié l’accord de projet de logements municipaux avec le promoteur, que le directeur des Services juridiques soit autorisé à saisir directement le Conseil du texte d’un règlement sur les ensembles de logements municipaux visant ce projet particulier en l’inscrivant à l’ordre du jour des textes à voter, compte tenu des limites établies par négociation, des recommandations formulées dans le présent rapport et des dispositions du Règlement municipal 2006-1 sur les ensembles de logements municipaux;


6.         qu’il soit prescrit au personnel d’exécuter une convention d’achat et de vente pour le bien-fonds situé au 260 de l’avenue Tompkins, sous réserve des servitudes requises, du droit de préemption en cas de vente du bien-fonds et des clauses de l’accord négocié de projet de logements municipaux, et conformément au Règlement municipal 2006-1 sur les ensembles de logements municipaux et aux dispositions du présent rapport.





In April 2006, the Province completed the guidelines for Wave I of the Canada/Ontario Affordable Housing Program (AHP).  Under Wave I of this program, Ottawa was allocated $22.05 million in Federal and Provincial funding, which was expected to support the development of up to 315 units of housing.  To date, 375 new units of affordable housing have been approved for development (ACS-2002-PEO-HOU-0010, ACS2004-PEO-HOU-0003, ACS2004-PEO-HOU-0004, ACS2004-CPS-HOU-0006, ACS2005-CPS-HOU-0005, ACS2005-CPS-HOU-0009, ACS2007-CPS-HOU-0010). The 260 Tompkins project represents 16 units out of the remaining Wave I allocation.  Remaining funds will be rolled into the current Request for Proposals, utilizing the additional $12.76 million received from the AHP in 2008 (ACS2008-CPS-HOU-0001).


A selection committee comprising representatives from planning, real estate development, and social housing evaluated the four submitted proposals in accordance with City procurement policies and Action Ottawa program guidelines. 


The recommended proposal, from Cumberland Housing Corporation (CHC), is described in the report and in Schedule A, attached.  The project agreement will specify that the project will remain affordable for 35 years, though the non-profit structure of CHC will ensure affordability beyond the term of the project agreement.


The proposal is subject to all normal planning approvals processes, including site plan approval.  All proponents met with staff from Planning, Transit and the Environment, and a city planner participated in the project selection committee.


City capital funding for the 260 Tompkins project was committed by Council in 2004 and confirmed in 2006. 





En avril 2006, la Province a finalisé les lignes directrices pour la « première vague » du Programme Canada-Ontario de logement abordable (PLA), qui a mené à l’allocation de 22,05 millions de dollars en fonds fédéraux et provinciaux à la Ville d'Ottawa, montant qui devait permettre le financement de jusqu’à 315 unités de logement. Jusqu’à ce jour, 375 nouveaux logements abordables ont été approuvés (ACS-2002-PEO-HOU-0010, ACS2004-PEO-HOU-0003, ACS2004-PEO-HOU-0004, ACS2004-CPS-HOU-0006, ACS2005-CPS-HOU-0005, ACS2005-CPS-HOU-0009, ACS2007-CPS-HOU-0010). Le projet du 260 Tompkins compte pour 16 unités de logement imputables à ce qui reste de l’allocation de « première vague ». Les fonds qui restent seront affectés à l’actuelle demande de propositions, à laquelle sera aussi consacré le financement supplémentaire de 12,76 millions de dollars reçu du PLA en 2008 (ACS2008-CPS-HOU-0001).


Un comité de sélection, composé de représentant des secteurs de l’urbanisme, de l’aménagement immobilier et du logement social, a évalué les quatre propositions reçues d’après les politiques d'attribution des marchés publics de la Ville et les lignes directrices du programme Action Ottawa.


La proposition retenue, celle de la Corporation d’habitation de Cumberland (CHC), est décrite dans le rapport et dans l’annexe A. L’accord sur le projet précisera que les logements devront demeurer abordables pendant 35 ans, bien que la structure à but non lucratif de la CHC garantisse leur abordabilité au-delà de la durée de l’accord.


La proposition sera sujette à tous les processus habituels d’approbation des demandes d’aménagement, y compris la réglementation du plan d'implantation. Tous les promoteurs-constructeurs ont rencontré des représentants du Service de l'urbanisme, du transport en commun et de l'environnement, et un urbaniste de la Ville a siégé au comité de sélection du projet.


Les fonds municipaux d’immobilisation pour le projet du 260 Tompkins ont été engagés par le Conseil en 2004, puis confirmés en 2006.





Action Ottawa is the City’s primary program for increasing the supply of low-income affordable housing in Ottawa.  The program is designed to facilitate the development of mixed income communities that are well designed and well managed, and built on a scale that ensures integration within the neighbourhood.  There are approximately 10,000 households on the Social Housing Registry waiting list for subsidized housing.  There is a need for all household unit sizes from bachelors to four and five bedroom units.


This project is being funded through a partnership with the Federal and Provincial Governments under Wave I of the Canada/Ontario Affordable Housing Program.  The total allocation for the City of Ottawa under the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program (AHP) for new rental housing is 315 rental housing units ($22.05 million). Funding is not provided on a per unit basis, but is provided as a lump-sum capital investment based on an average of $70,000 of AHP funding per unit. Because some housing providers were able to bring other resources to the table, the total production from the AHP in Ottawa is expected to be up to 410 units.  Table 1 outlines the status of the total allocation of the original 315 units. 


Table 1:  Status of project funding from AHP Wave I




#  Units


Gloucester Non-Profit



Under construction or completed

McLean Cooperative Homes

Multi-faith Housing Initiative

Quex Property Corp

Beaver Barracks



Under development

Orleans Town Centre



Final proposal pending

Tompkins Avenue

ACS2006-CPS-HOU- (Land)


Before Committee/Council

Supportive Housing

RFP in Progress


RFP Spring 2008






This report deals specifically with the Housing Branch recommendation, based on the recommendation of the Selection Committee, which met on April 10, 2008.  Please see Schedule A for the project details.





On January 25, 2008, the Housing Branch released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the development of affordable housing on the City-owned site, 260 Tompkins Avenue. The 0.6-hectare site to be developed for affordable housing previously contained a decommissioned fire hall, which is now demolished.  The site was recently appraised at $750,000.  Under the terms of the Action Ottawa program, and subject to Council approval, this land is being offered to the successful proponent for $1.00.  The City retains the right in perpetuity to purchase the land for $1.00 should the proponent choose to sell the land for any use other than affordable housing in keeping with the Municipal Housing Facilities Agreement. 

The site is located on the south side of Tompkins Avenue, east of Bourcier Drive.  Apart from the Hub Day Care located across the street and the school located to the south, the surrounding uses are mostly single-detached homes.


The RFP had three key objectives:


-        Primary Objective:  To achieve a maximum number of rental housing units on the site that are permanently affordable. 


-        Secondary Objective:  To reduce the operating cost to the owner and/or tenant through green building technology, energy and water conservation measures, and ecological sustainability of the building site.  


-        Tertiary Objective: To provide accessible and supportive housing units on the site.


Two qualifying proposals were received and reviewed by the Selection Committee, which included representatives from City and community experts in housing issues.  A representative from CMHC was present at all evaluation meetings but was not a voting member.  In addition, the Housing Branch worked with the City’s Procurement division throughout the entire process to ensure that the RFP was run in a fair and consistent manner. 


Cumberland Housing Corporation (CHC) submitted the winning proposal with a team of design and development partners, including experts in sustainable and energy efficient design and construction. The proponent was also awarded and received SEED funding from CMHC to assist in the development of their proposal.


The proposal is for a total of 16 affordable rental units in four townhouse blocks. The proposal includes supportive housing in partnership Innovative Community Support Services as well as a total of three accessible units. CHC proposes one-storey townhouses along Tompkins Avenue and two storey townhouse units at the rear of lot providing generous side and rear yards to mitigate any impact of the new development on the site toward adjacent neighbours.  The project incorporates energy efficiency, includes quality interior and exterior building materials and a partnership with Vrtucar providing a shared vehicle in a designated parking area on the site. 


This proposal exceeds the City’s expectations with respect to affordable housing and meets the City’s expectations for environmental sustainability.  The City’s minimum requirements were for 16 affordable units including a minimum of one accessible unit and no requirement for supportive housing, although supportive housing was indicated as a preference.  Because of creative use of space and funds available, CHC was able to use the 16 units of funding to provide supportive units in partnership with Support Service Agency funded by the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS) and provide three fully accessible units on the site.  Rents in these units will be charged at Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) shelter allowance rates.  The total AHP allocation to CHC will be $1.2 million.


CHC is well aware of the community consultation process built into the site development process and had illustrated extensive dealings with the local community in the development of their proposal and will continue with this process throughout the summer. The submission proposes to start development this fall and staff are recommending that up to $50,000 in predevelopment funding be made available to assist CHC in submitting the site plan application prior to owning the land at 260 Tompkins, as the sale and transfer may take a number of months.


The proposal is subject to all normal planning approvals processes, including site plan approval.  Sale of the land is subject to any necessary easements that may be required, City retention of the right of first refusal to recover the property in the event of a sale, and subject to the provisions of the Municipal Housing Facilities Agreement. All proponents met with staff from Planning, Transit and the Environment, and a city planner participated in the project selection committee.


If approved by Council, this recommendation to fund CHC to build 16 affordable housing units will be submitted to the Province for review. 





The call for proposals was circulated to the community through advertisement on the City’s website, and e-mail announcement to a list of self-identified housing developers.   An information session was held on February 16, 2008 for proponents interested in submitting a proposal.  Approximately 10 people attended.     All proponents met with staff from Planning, Transit and the Environment, and a city planner participated in the project selection committee.





Capital spending authority to support the Cumberland Housing Corporation project in the amount of $400,000, as identified in recommendation 2 above, is currently available for transfer from the Affordable Housing Capital Building Fund project (901001) to the newly created capital project CHC - 260 Tompkins Avenue (904467).


The amount of $400,000 includes the proposed capital grant funding and proposed grants in-lieu of (a) building permit fees and (b) school board development charges, and excludes the estimated $292,000 in relief from development fees and planning fees.  Sale of this site for $1.00 reduces the net annual proceeds from disposal of city assets by the appraised amount, or $750,000.





This report supports the City Strategic Direction - Priority E. Sustainable Healthy and Active City - Objective 12: Continue work to achieve the annual development of 500 housing units affordable to people earning low income. The objective is to close the gap in the affordable and appropriate housing supply.





Schedule A:  Summary of City incentives for the CHC development. 


Schedule B:  Location map of the project site.





Housing Branch will notify the Province of the recommended housing project approved by Council.  Upon receiving Provincial approval, the Housing Branch will inform proponents that they may proceed with development.


Housing Branch staff will work to ensure timely implementation of all necessary funding agreements.


Legal will bring project specific Municipal Housing Facility by-laws before Council for approval.


Housing Branch and Legal Services will execute the Municipal Housing Facilities Agreements (MHFA) for the project.


The Housing Branch will flow funding to the projects according to milestones in MHFA.




Summary of City incentives for the CHC development


City Incentives/Contribution


Capital Request


Accessible Unit Premium


Waiver of Planning Application Fees


Cash in Lieu of Building Permit Fees


Cash in Lieu of School Board Development Charges


Waiver of Development Charges


Waiver of Park Land Levy


City Owned Land























Location map of the project site.