4.                   ZONING - 1777 MONTREAL ROAD






Committee recommendation


That the Council approve an amendment to the former City of Gloucester Zoning By-law to change the zoning of 1777 Montreal Road from Residential, Single Dwelling (Rs5) to Residential, Single Dwelling, exception (Rs5 (E70)) as detailed in Document 2.



Recommandation du Comité


Que le Conseil approuverune modification au Règlement de zonage de l'ancienne Ville de Gloucester en vue de changer le zonage de la propriété située au 1777, chemin Montréal, de Zone résidentielle, habitations unifamiliales (Rs5), à Zone résidentielle, habitations unifamiliales, assortie d'une exception (Rs5 (E70)), comme il est expliqué dans le document 2.




1.      Deputy City Manager's report Planning, Transit and the Environment dated 28 March 2008 (ACS2008-PTE-PLA-0077).


Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


20 March 2008/ le 20 mars 2008


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager

Directrice municipale adjointe,

Planning, Transit and the Environment

Urbanisme, Transport en commun et Environnement


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Karen Currie, Manager / Gestionnaire, Development Approvals / Approbation des demandes d'aménagement

(613) 580-2424, 28310  Karen.Currie@ottawa.ca


Beacon Hill-Cyrville (11)

Ref N°: ACS2008-PTE-PLA-0077




ZONING - 1777 Montreal road (FILE NO. D02-02-07-0125)




ZONAGE - 1777, chemin montréal




That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to the former City of Gloucester Zoning By-law to change the zoning of 1777 Montreal Road from Residential, Single Dwelling (Rs5) to Residential, Single Dwelling, exception (Rs5 (E70)) as detailed in Document 2.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement recommande au Conseil d'approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage de l'ancienne Ville de Gloucester en vue de changer le zonage de la propriété située au 1777, chemin Montréal, de Zone résidentielle, habitations unifamiliales (Rs5), à Zone résidentielle, habitations unifamiliales, assortie d'une exception (Rs5 (E70)), comme il est expliqué dans le document 2.





The subject site is located on the north side of Montreal Road, east of Beckenham Lane. The site currently contains a 724 square metre single detached dwelling, located on a 0.41-hectare lot with 70 metres of frontage along Montreal Road.

A building permit was issued in 2004 to construct a ‘diplomatic residence’. There are no external changes to the building as a result of the proposed change in use.


Surrounding land uses include a vacant residential lot to the east and residential uses immediately abutting the site to the north, south and west. Commercial uses are located in the west and southwest directions.


The site is currently serviced by municipal water and on-site septic services.


Purpose of Zoning Amendment


The applicant has submitted the subject application to change the current residential zoning to a modified residential zone in order to permit an ‘embassy’ and a modified ‘commercial school’.


A ‘commercial school’, as defined in the Zoning By-law, permits a variety of instructional services in the field of academics, arts, business, and technology for profit or gain and does not include a private school. The applicant has indicated that the ‘commercial school’ at this site would be modified to exclude a driving school and be limited to 15 students.


Existing Zoning


The site is currently zoned Residential, Single Dwelling (Rs5). This zone permits a single dwelling, diplomatic residence, and residentially related uses such as a home based business or a day nursery.


Proposed Zoning


The proposed zoning would change the existing zoning from Rs5, Residential, Single Dwelling to Rs5 (E70) – Residential, Single Dwelling, Exception (70) to permit an ‘embassy’ as a permitted use.




Official Plan


The site is designated “General Urban Area”. This designation permits the development of a full range and choice of housing types to meet the needs of residents as well as employment, retail, service, cultural, leisure, entertainment and institutional uses. The Official Plan indicates that development applications are to be reviewed in accordance with Sections 2.5.1 and 4.11. The principles outlined in Section 2.5.1 relate to design objectives when introducing new development into a developed area. Section 4.11 outlines considerations when evaluating the compatibility of a development.


In addition, the Official Plan designates this portion of Montreal Road is an Arterial Mainstreet. This designation presents an opportunity for a gradual transition to a more urban pattern of land use and supports, where appropriate, higher density employment and residential uses.

The Urban Design Guidelines for Development along Arterial Mainstreets, May 2006 also recognizes locations that present opportunities to intensify and enhance development in a manner that creates attractive pedestrian environments; contribute to vibrant new neighbourhoods and create transit-friendly places.


Embassy Use


The current Rs5 Zone permits a ‘diplomatic residence’. An ‘embassy’ may or may not contain a residential unit therefore, it may be similar in nature to a ‘diplomatic residence’ with the addition of business activity and social functions or it may contain only office uses. For either scenario, parking would be required at a rate of two spaces per dwelling unit (if provided) and one space per 20 square metres of gross floor area of office space. If a residential unit was not provided and the entire existing building was used as an embassy, 36 parking spaces would be required.


Although the site is considered part of the Rothwell Heights community, an ‘embassy’ at this location on Montreal Road will have less impact on the neighbourhood than at a location within the community that is accessed by a local street. As there are no changes proposed to the building, the residential characteristic of this portion of Montreal Road will be maintained.  It introduces a use which may generate more activity than a single family residential use, but given the large lot size and resulting separation between buildings and the existing access to Montreal Road, the increase in activity is expected to be able to be accommodated.


The existing building contains four bedrooms, seven bathrooms, two powder rooms, a reception hall, a recreation area with separate kitchen facilities, main kitchen facilities and a 12-square metre office. The building appears to be suitable for the contemplated use. The existing carport is able to accommodate six parking spaces.


The site was not subject to a Site Plan Control agreement and the conversion to an embassy will not require site plan control approval unless the conversion generates the need for 10 additional parking spaces. It has been indicated that the parking lot is able to accommodate 50 vehicles however, in reviewing the plans submitted with the building permit, a 50-car parking lot was not indicated. While significant portions of the site have since been paved, a site plan indicating the location and configuration has not been provided to enable staff to ascertain the exact number of spaces. Nonetheless, staff are confident that sufficient space exists on site to accommodate the required parking for an embassy. Elements such as lighting and buffering are regulated in specific parts of the Zoning By-law. Lighting is to be directed away from any adjacent residential use, public highway or vehicular entrance and a 1.8-metre high sight obscuring buffer is required to screen the parking spaces from an abutting residential lot or zone.


Given the large parking facility adjacent to residential uses, a landscaping strip is recommended in addition to the required screening to ensure a minimum separation distance and to reduce the noise impact. The Commercial Neighbourhood zone, applicable to the commercial properties to the west of the subject site, requires a minimum landscaped buffer of 3.0 square metres per metre of street lot line of which eighty percent is to abut the street lot line and 5.0 square metres per metre of residential zone boundary along the residential zone.


This requirement appears to be appropriate, given the potential for large amounts of people and the resulting vehicles on site at one time.


Commercial School Use


The second component of the application is to permit a ‘commercial school’. The applicant has indicated that the school will be used for professional training sessions, such as physiotherapy or occupational therapy, with a maximum of 15 students. No modifications to the site are proposed and all instructional activity will take place within the existing building. The applicant has suggested that with a limited number of students, the impacts on the abutting residential properties are not expected to be significant. These details were provided as a result of the public’s concern of the unspecified nature of a ‘commercial school’ in the original request.


With the exception of a driving school, commercial schools do not require a license from the City. Therefore, although a commercial school with 15 students may not cause specific concerns, limitations of the school, such as the number of students on-site at a given time or total enrollment, would be difficult to monitor and enforce. Further, given the size of the existing building, 15 students appear to be an underutilization of the building. However, increasing the number of students raises the potential impacts on the abutting properties. An accessory residential use may be compatible with the commercial school, however, its appropriateness would be dependent on the hours of operation and the nature of the school and resulting enrollment and number of staff.


The vehicular traffic generated by the school can be accommodated on Montreal Road.  Montreal Road is an existing arterial and is also identified as a component of the existing and future Transit Priority Corridor. A traffic analysis is not required as it does not meet the triggers outlined in the Council approved Traffic Impact Assessment Guidelines to require a Transportation Brief. Access to the site is currently restricted to right-in/right out movement due to an existing median.


A ‘commercial school’ at this location is not in keeping with the development pattern of this portion of the Montreal Road. The site is within a residential context and although commercial development is located close to the west, this site is not contiguous to these commercial uses. The structure may continue to appear as a residential building, however, a commercial use may result in more frequent vehicle and pedestrian activity on the site beyond that which would be expected for a residential property. A school may also require service areas for loading and garbage, generating regular truck traffic. It may be difficult to locate these areas away from the abutting residential uses, given the space and maneuvering requirements of trucks.




The site is currently serviced by municipal water and an on-site sewage system. The Official Plan recognizes that some pockets of development exist on private services within the Public Service Area. Development may be permitted provided that it can be demonstrated that the development:


a)                  is proposed in a circumstance where public services are not currently technically or reasonably available;

b)                  can be adequately serviced by private individual services in accordance with Section 4.4 of the Official Plan;

c)                  will not compromise the longer-term development of the area on public services.


The sewage system permit indicates that the system was designed to accommodate a four‑bedroom residential use and diplomatic receptions.


While the Zoning By-law amendment to allow for the ‘embassy’ use does not raise servicing concerns, the ‘commercial school’ will increase the demand for servicing on a regular basis and it has not been demonstrated that the current private sewage system is adequate or that it could be upgraded to adequately service any increase in use. Information has not been provided which would indicate that further uses could be accommodated by the existing private sewage system.




The requested rezoning for an ‘embassy’ is an appropriate use of the existing site, however, a ‘commercial school’ is not appropriate as it has not been demonstrated that the private services are sufficient to accommodate the proposal, the 15‑student limitation would be difficult to enforce and the operating characteristics of a commercial school is not compatible with the context of the residential development in this area.




Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy. The City received 13 written submissions regarding this application. One letter was received in support of the amendments and two expressed no comment or concerns. The remainder of the letters expressed concern with a commercial school and its incompatibility with residential uses due to the nature of the use and resulting traffic and noise. Four of these also raised the same concerns regarding the embassy use. A summary and discussion of the concerns is provided in Document 3.


The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.








This application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendment applications as further details of the proposed 'commercial school' were provided as a result of the public comments.




Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      Details of Recommended Zoning

Document 3      Consultation Details




City Clerk’s Branch, Council and Committee Services to notify the owner/applicant, (Nasrin Rohani, 1777 Montreal Road, Ottawa, ON  K1J 6N1), OttawaScene.com, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON  K2E 7J5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning, Transit and the Environment Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.


Legal Services Branch to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.

LOCATION MAP                                                                                                  DOCUMENT 1


DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                                       DOCUMENT 2


1.       Map 1C of the Gloucester Zoning By-law will be amended by changing the zoning for 1777 Montreal Road from Residential, Single Dwelling (“Rs5”) to Residential, Single Dwelling Exception (70) (“Rs5 (E70)”) as shown on Document 1.


2.       A new exception, Rs5 (E70), will be added to Section 6.18-Exceptions to Urban Residential Zones to include the following special provisions:


Further use permitted: embassy


Minimum landscape requirements for an embassy use:

a)             3.0m2 per metre of street lot line of which 80% shall abut the said street lot line;

b)             5.0m2 per metre of interior lot line and back lot line which shall abut the said lot line.



CONSULTATION DETAILS                                                                                DOCUMENT 3




Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law amendments. 



Concerns related to a ‘commercial school’ use are summarized as follows:


1)             Commercial use is inconsistent with the current and historical use of the properties in the area and will impact on the quality of life in the residential neighbourhood. The gradual commercialization and erosion of the residential nature of this portion of Montreal Road was raised.


2)             The increase in traffic generation, the impact of cars parking on Beckenham Lane or Cedar Road and effect of traffic flow on Montreal Road. It was felt that these would decrease the visibility on the local streets, decrease the safety for residents and pedestrians, increase the noise and produce congestion on the existing street network.


3)             The increase in trespassing, noise and litter on abutting residential properties given the limited fencing between the properties.


4)             Concern that snow clearing of large parking lot will not include snow removal and that the snow will be pushed towards the property lines, causing the melting snow in the spring to run off on the adjacent properties which are at a lower elevation.


5)             Concern for intrusive lighting on adjacent residential properties.


One letter specifically stated an objection to an ‘embassy’ due to the impact of the potential increase in vehicular traffic and littering on the abutting residential property. Three residents stated support for this use but subject to restrictions such as restricting the use to the existing building and not permitting extensions to the parking lot.


One letter of support for both additional uses was received and two expressed no concerns or comments.




The City is recommending refusal of the amendment to permit a ‘commercial school’, however, in response to the specific concerns outlined above, the following is provided:


1)             The applicant proposed a limit of 15 students and indicated the ‘commercial school’ would be within the existing building. With no changes to the building, the existing streetscape would be preserved. The operating characteristics of a ‘commercial school’ are not in keeping with a residential use and are not supported.


2)             Parking is to be provided in accordance with the Zoning By-law at a rate of one space per 25 square metres of gross floor area. Sidewalks are located on both sides of Montreal Road. Traffic will be minimal and does not meet the triggers to warrant a traffic analysis based upon the limited extent of this proposal. The existing road network can accommodate the expected traffic.


3)             Specific fencing and buffering recommended for the embassy use.


4)             Adequate snow clearing is to be provided and not to impact on abutting properties. 


5)             Lighting subject to Section 3.22 of the Zoning By-law.





Councillor Bellemare noted that driving schools are prohibited from operating on streets in the Beacon Hill North/Rothwell Heights area bounded by Montreal Road to the north, Rockcliffe Parkway to the south, Shefford Road to the west and Blair Road to the east.



Rothwell Heights Property Owners’ Association

A ‘commercial school’ may risk permitting a use that is beyond what may be appropriate for this property. Specific concerns include an increase level of activity, traffic generated (with the accompanying noise, glare from headlight and parking on the residential streets). The Association does not support the zoning amendment to permit a ‘commercial school’, however, suggest possible provisions that will address their concerns and maintain the intent of the primary residential use. These include restricting the hours of operation, restricting the number of employees and students, reducing the number of on-site parking spaces, prohibiting expansions to the existing buildings, providing for a landscaping buffer and requiring fixed waste storage facilities.