2006 Audit Recommendations  -  Status Tracking 
  Document 3
  Audit:  Employment and Financial Assistance - Comprehensive Audit  (Lead:  Steve Kanellakos)        
  Audit Recommendation Management Response  Budget Implications 2008 or Beyond Related Council Motions Status Update / Comments  
    Audit Management Response Action Required Based on DCM Implementation Plan   Management Timelines    (Q1- Q4) ($$ if known)   (Status, risks, issues regarding implementation, etc)
8 Use a consistent approach during the 3-month probationary period for new hires to ensure that new hires are adequately and consistently mentored, monitored and assessed by Supervisors. Management agrees with the recommendation. 

By the end of Q 4 2007, the Branch will deliver clear messaging about expectations, and will develop and implement tools to ensure that an assessment of new staff is done consistently.  This will include a how to use the newly completed code of conduct companion guide that assists managers and supervisors in explaining in very clear terms how the code of conduct applies to EFA.
In addition to promoting use of existing corporate tools for orienting new staff about standards and expectations, the following are specific actions planned:    8.1 Review existing EFA orientation materials and approaches to determine best practices, and develop one approach and set of tools/materials to be used by EFA supervisors with new hires (e.g., a companion guide for the Code of Conduct);                                          8.2 As Phase 2 of the Performance Management Program, communicate clearer expectations, and provide tools & support materials to supervisors on how to monitor newly hired staff’s performance in order to ensure a consistent approach to mentoring, monitoring and assessing new hires.
Q4 2007     8.1 Currently gathering materials, recommendations to promote consistency to proceed to EFA MGT by Q1 2008.

8.2 - COMPLETE - See 3.1

16 Develop an exit interview process to collect data on clients terminating OW due to employment to identify which employment programs and initiatives are leading to desired outcomes.  Management agrees with recommendation.

Over the past year, the Branch has piloted a termination checklist and process (includes contacting participants who have likely exited for employment reasons) in two of its four sites with favourable results.  Therefore EFA will introduce this termination approach consistently across the Branch in Q3 2007.The Branch also has other mechanisms such as outcome measures by program, an employment readiness tool and questionnaires/surveys.  This composite approach to gathering data all contribute to the identification of which employment programs and initiatives are successful.
16.1 Implement and continuously improve OW case closure processes (e.g., termination checklist, and job retention processes which includes gathering information from OW clients who exit for employment reasons).                                          16.2 Continue to define outcome measures and reporting by Programs/Services in order to evaluate effectiveness and to improve program/service planning. Q3-Q4 2007 to Q2 2008 or later     16.1 COMPLETE - Termination workers in place in all 4 sites. 

16.2 Although EFA continues to participate in the joint provincial/municipal outcome measures workgroup, EFA is dependent on the Province finalizing its measures anticipated in Q2 2008.

17 Link the new outcome-based measures to the City’s Quarterly Performance Report. Management agrees with the recommendation. 

The Ministry of Community and Social Services introduced performance-based funding in the early 2000’s by setting targets related to clients participating in employment-related activities (i.e. job search, training and education, employment placements, community placements).  Since 2002 the EFA Branch has consistently met its targets as contracted between the City and the Province in the yearly Ontario Works Service Plan.  Between 2006 and the end of 2007, the Province will be finalizing new measures and reports that will be employment outcome based. One aspect of finalizing these measures, is improving the integrity of the reports as this was tabled as an issue.  As a result the Province has created a joint Data Integrity Workgroup that is working on improving the reports.  As these measures (pertaining to approximately 22,000 participants improving in the areas of earnings, employment and employability), are released in 2007, EFA will build them into the various reporting documents including the City’s Quarterly Performance Report.
17.1 Throughout 2007, continue work with the Province to finalize new measures and reports that will be employment outcome based, including addressing/resolving data integrity issues and business application gaps and requirements to support reporting.  As these measures (pertaining to approximately 22,000 participants improving in the areas of earnings, employment and employability), are released in 2007, EFA will build them into the various reporting documents including the City’s Quarterly Performance Report. Q4 2007 - Q2 2008 or later     17.1 Once final approval and sign off of the outcomes is received by the Province, EFA will introduce relevant measures to quarterly performance reporting.