8.       ACQUISITION - 25 ESQUIMAULT avenue


Acquisition - 25, AVENUE ESQUIMAULT




Committee RecommendationS


That Council:


1.      Approve the acquisition of 25 Esquimault Avenue, described as part of Lot 70, all of Lot 71 and Block A, Plan 479669, former City of Nepean, now City of Ottawa (PIN #046960138) shown as Parcel ‘A’ on Document 1, for the amount of $2,500,000.00 plus GST from 770 Holdings Ltd. pursuant to an Agreement of Purchase and Sale that has been received;


2.      Approve the demolition of the existing structure and remediation of the site and an interim solution for the replacement of the Community Centre estimated at a cost of $1,305,000.00; and


3.      Direct staff to prepare a redevelopment proposal for the lands, which is to include a Community Centre and residential development, as outlined in this report, and report back to Council in 2008 – 09.



RecommandationS du comité


Que le Conseil :


1.      approuve l’acquisition de la propriété située au 25, avenue Esquimault, décrite comme une portion du lot 70 et tout le lot 71 et bloc A, plan 479669 , de l’ancienne Ville de Nepean, maintenant de la Ville d’Ottawa (NIP no 046960138) illustré par la parcelle « A » dans le document 1,  au montant de 2 500 000 $, TPS en sus, du 770 Holdings Ltd., conformément à une convention d’achat et de vente reçue;


2.      approuve la démolition la structure existante et de remettre en état le site et d'établir une solution intérimaire pour le remplacement du centre communautaire au coût estimé de 1 305 000 $; et


3.      demande au personnel de préparer une proposition de réaménagement des terrains, qui comprendra un Centre communautaire et un lotissement résidentiel, comme il est expliqué dans le présent rapport,  et de faire rapport au Conseil en 2008-2009.





1.   Executive Director’s (Business Transformation Services) report dated 3 April 2008 (ACS2008-BTS-RPM-0016).


2.   Extract of Draft Minutes, 15 April 2008.

Report to/Rapport au :


Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee

Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique


and Council / et au Conseil


3 April 2008 / 3 avril 2008


Submitted by/Soumis par : Stephen Finnamore, Executive Director, Business Transformation Services / Directeur exécutif, Services de transformation des activités


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Gordon MacNair, Manager, Real Estate Services

Real Property Asset Management/Gestion des actifs des biens immobiliers

(613) 580-2424 x21217, gordon.macnair@ottawa.ca


College (8)

Ref N°: ACS2008-BTS-RPM-0016








Acquisition - 25, AVENUE ESQUIMAULT





That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve:


1.      The acquisition of 25 Esquimault Avenue, described as part of Lot 70, all of Lot 71 and Block A, Plan 479669, former City of Nepean, now City of Ottawa (PIN #046960138) shown as Parcel ‘A’ on Document 1, for the amount of $2,500,000.00 plus GST from 770 Holdings Ltd. pursuant to an Agreement of Purchase and Sale that has been received;


2.      Demolition of the existing structure and remediation of the site and an interim solution for the replacement of the Community Centre estimated at a cost of $1,305,000.00; and


3.      Direct staff to prepare a redevelopment proposal for the lands, which is to include a Community Centre and residential development, as outlined in this report, and report back to Council in 2008 – 09.





Que le Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique recommande au Conseil :


1.      d’approuver l’acquisition de la propriété située au 25, avenue Esquimault, décrite comme une portion du lot 70 et tout le lot 71 et bloc A, plan 479669 , de l’ancienne Ville de Nepean, maintenant de la Ville d’Ottawa (NIP no 046960138) illustré par la parcelle « A » dans le document 1,  au montant de 2 500 000 $, TPS en sus, du 770 Holdings Ltd., conformément à une convention d’achat et de vente reçue;


2.      de démolir la structure existante et de remettre en état le site et d'établir une solution intérimaire pour le remplacement du centre communautaire au coût estimé de 1 305 000 $; et


3.      de demander au personnel de préparer une proposition de réaménagement des terrains, qui comprendra un Centre communautaire et un lotissement résidentiel, comme il est expliqué dans le présent rapport,  et de faire rapport au Conseil en 2008-2009.





The former City of Nepean occupied space at 25 Esquimault Avenue for programming and community use purposes since 1988, with the new City of Ottawa assuming Nepean’s obligations at the time of amalgamation.


In 1995, the City of Nepean entered into a 20-year lease for part of this facility.  However, as a result of environmental issues and the City’s requirement to obtain a non-disturbance clause in that initial lease agreement, a subsequent interim lease arrangement was necessary pending resolution of these issues.  However, no rent has been paid since 2001, due to a dispute between the former first mortgagee and the Canada Revenue Agency, whose claim has recently been foreclosed.  The property title is now clear of any mortgages or other liens.  The outstanding rent owing is $126,000.00.


During construction of an addition to the school, which was built by the former City of Nepean for community use purposes as part of the lease arrangement, furnace oil was discovered in the soil, which had an adverse impact on the soil and groundwater.  The City of Nepean was required to address the soil and groundwater contamination issue at the site by an Order of the Environmental Appeal Board dated 12 August 1997, and the new City has continued the required environmental work.  There are currently no public health risks associated with this contamination.


On 23 October 2002 (Report No. ACS2002-CRS-RPR-0033) Council approved a staff recommendation for the environmental cleanup of 25 Esquimault Avenue in accordance with an Order of the Environmental Appeal Board.  Council also approved the continued use of a portion of the leased premises for programming and community use purposes at this location.


The current risk management approach includes operation of a pump and treat system, quarterly groundwater monitoring as well as drinking water and indoor air monitoring in the school.  No impacts to drinking water or indoor air quality have been identified through the monitoring program.  However, the life expectancy of the current approach to reduce the mass balance of the residual petroleum hydrocarbons to the MOE site-specific criterion of 50,000 ug/L is estimated at 25 years.  The current cost to implement this risk management program is approximately $100,000.00 annually.


It now appears that the original school building on the site has reached a state of repair that makes its retention uneconomical and demolition of the building and sale of the property in the near future is likely.  In that event, the sale of the property will continue to require full environmental remediation by the City because of the MOE order.  Also, there would be no guarantee that the current owner will not seek further damages from the City or that a new owner will cooperate with the City in providing a replacement Community Centre.


The purpose of this report, therefore, is to outline an alternative to the ongoing risk management approach, which has not resolved the contamination issue at this site.  As a result, staff is recommending the acquisition of this property to bring resolution to the ongoing environmental liability.  The acquisition option also provides a potential long-term opportunity for the residents of Qualicum – Graham Park with the development of a new Community Centre.





As noted in the 23 October 2002 report to Council, there were a number of issues surrounding the question of who was responsible for the clean up of this site.  Ultimately, after some litigation and negotiation, an Order of the Environmental Appeal Board dated 12 August 1997 established that Ecole Maimonides was to supervise and manage the clean-up of the subject site and abutting properties and the City of Nepean was to pay for the clean-up, without prejudice to its right to pursue the recovery of costs from any other party in the future. 


It is important to note that this is a privately owned property, which consists of a building that is approximately 31,000 sq. ft. including the City’s community space of approximately 3,000 sq. ft.


Since the discovery of contamination, the former City of Nepean and City of Ottawa have attempted a series of remediation options, which have not resulted in satisfactory outcomes.  The challenge is that the majority of contamination is located beneath the building.


There is no prospect of recovery of costs from any other party (Ecole Maimonides went into default on its mortgage, and was foreclosed by an assignee of the first mortgagee, 770 Holdings Ltd). A default judgment was obtained against Ecole Maimonides for clean up costs, but it is a shell, with no assets.


The rationale for recommending the acquisition of 25 Esquimault Avenue is to bring resolution to the ongoing environmental liability.  This can be completed by demolishing the building and removing the majority of contamination which is located beneath the building.  As well, the acquisition option also provides a potential long-term opportunity for the residents of Qualicum – Graham Park with the development of a new Community Centre.  There is a risk that the current Community Centre lease arrangement could be terminated in the foreseeable future.


Two independent appraisals were commissioned to estimate the market value of this site. The current Zoning is – IS - Institutional School with a Proposed Zoning – IA2 – Minor Institutional permits similar institutional uses. While one appraisal considered the highest and best use of the site to be for a retirement home, which is an institutional type use, it also recognized that the site had potential for residential development with a low to medium density.  The other appraisal considered the highest and best use of the site to be a residential redevelopment likely for a single-family detached development.  A reconciliation of both appraisals based on residential redevelopment results in a market value estimate of $2,500,000.00, which assumes no environmental contamination.


The cost to demolish the existing structure is estimated at $650,000.00 while an additional $600,000.00 is required for the remediation of the site.  DST Consulting Engineers completed a demolition assessment while the remediation estimate is provided by AMEC Earth & Environmental.  Additional funds of $55,000.00 are required for the development of an interim solution for the replacement of the Community Centre.


The future redevelopment scenario would envision a portion of the land being retained for a Community Centre with the balance being sold to defray part of the acquisition costs.  Until a new community structure is built on site, staff will explore options of providing an interim solution such as providing a portable on site.


Table 1 summarizes the cost to acquire and develop the site.


Table 1

Acquisition & Redevelopment

Acquisition Cost

  (3.5 acres)

$ 2,500,000.00


Demolition Cost

 (bldg is 30,900 sq.ft.)

$   650,000.00


Remediation Costs


$   600,000.00


Temporary relocation of community centre

$     55,000.00

*Construction of New     Community Centre

 (3,000 sq.ft.)

$ 1,000,000.00


Restore property tax base

($   575,000.00)

**Potential Resale Value (3.0 acres)


Outstanding payment of rent

$   126,000.00




* This assumes a basic design with details to be finalized through the public consultation process as part of the redevelopment proposal

**This assumes that 0.50 acres of the original 3.5 acres would be retained to offset the requirement for a new Community Centre while the balance of the land would be redeveloped for low / medium density housing.


The acquisition proposal allows the City to have control of the environment liability, avoid potential litigation, build a new Community Centre, and direct the future development of the site.


Legal Services will be providing the legal background and opinion to support the recommendations in this Report by way of a confidential Report.   




It is anticipated that once the site is remediated the site could be redeveloped with the concurrence of the MOE.




The Ward Councillor and the Qualicum - Graham Park Community Association have been consulted about this matter.  Real Property Asset Management (RPAM) also consulted with Parks and Recreation and Legal Services staff for the preparation of this report.




Funds for the acquisition and subsequent demolition of the site are available from within the existing capital budget for the Real Property Asset Management, Real Estate Division environmental remediation program.


Any costs associated with the redevelopment of the site will be identified in a future report to City Council.




Document 1 – Site Plan illustrating location of 25 Esquimault Avenue




Following Council’s approval, the Real Property Asset Management, Legal Services and Surveys Branches will finalize this transaction.


RPAM will also make the necessary arrangements to demolish the structure after closing and will follow up with remediating the site.


A redevelopment plan will be developed by RPAM in consultation with the Parks and Recreation Branch along with consultation with the Qualicum - Graham Park Community Association.





Acquisition - 25, AVENUE ESQUIMAULT

ACS2008-BTS-RPM-0016                                city-wide / À l’Échelle de la ville


Councillor McRae asked how the City had gotten into a position where it was being compelled to buy this property without other options.  Mr. R. O’Connor, City Solicitor, suggested such questions could be answered in closed session.


Responding to questions from Councillor McRae, Mr. B. Robinson, Director of Real Property Asset Management, confirmed that the proposed acquisition price for the property was $2.5M plus GST.  With respect to the redevelopment proposal, Mr. G. MacNair, Manager of Real Estate Services, confirmed that the intention was to look at a form of redevelopment on approximately 3 acres of the land, which would have low to medium density residential.  He indicated staff had done some preliminary consultation with the community in this regard and had committed to working with the community on a go-forward basis.


Councillor Wilkinson wondered why the estimated remediation costs were not being deducted from the proposed purchase price.  Mr. MacNair re-iterated that the appraised value was $2.5M, indicated the current owner was not liable with respect to the environmental remediation and suggested that more information on this issue could be provided to members in closed session. 


Moved by Councillor P. Hume


That the meeting of the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee move In Camera pursuant to Sections 13(1)(a), (c) and (f) of the Procedure By-law, being the security of the property of the City, a proposed or pending acquisition of land for the purposes of the City, and the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.




Upon resuming in open session, Committee voted on the report recommendations.


That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve:


1.   The acquisition of 25 Esquimault Avenue described as part of Lot 70, all of Lot 71 and Block A, Plan 479669, former City of Nepean, now City of Ottawa (PIN #046960138) shown as Parcel ‘A’ on Document 1 for the amount of $2,500,000.00 plus GST from 770 Holdings Ltd. pursuant to an Agreement of Purchase and Sale that has been received;


2.   Demolition of the existing structure and remediation of the site and an interim solution for the replacement of the Community Centre estimated at a cost of $1,305,000.00;


3.   Direct staff to prepare a redevelopment proposal for the lands, which is to include a Community Centre and residential development, as outlined in this report, and report back to Council in 2008 – 09.

