3.         ZONING - PART OF 3730 AND 3868 INNES ROAD





Committee recommendationS as amended


(This application is not subject to Bill 51)


That Council approve an amendment to the former City of Gloucester Zoning By-law to change the zoning of part of 3730 and 3868 Innes Road from Mp - Industrial Park, HMp- Holding Industrial Park and HMg - Holding Industrial General to HCc1(E'X') Holding Commercial Community Exception 'X' as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2, Details of Recommended Zoning, as amended as follows:


1.         Item 6 be replaced with the following:


“6) A garden centre or other seasonal facility is not permitted within any street or exterior side yard, but is permitted provided it is set back a minimum of 50 metres from any street or exterior lot line.”


2.         Add Item 10 as follows:


“10) Notwithstanding Section 3 or any other provisions of By-law No.333 of 1999 to the contrary, the lands zoned Cc1(E’X’) shall be considered one lot for zoning purposes, notwithstanding the lawful division thereof pursuant to the Planning Act, as amended, the Condominium Act, as amended, or any other similar legislation.”



RecommandationS modifiÉes du Comité


(Cette demande n’est pas assujettie au Règlement 51)


Que le Conseil approuve une modification au Règlement de zonage de l’ancienne Ville de Gloucester afin de changer la désignation de zonage d’une partie des 3730 et 3868, chemin Innes de Mp – Parc industriel, HMp – Parc industriel à aménagement différé et HMg – Parc industriel général à aménagement différé, à HCc1 (E'X') Zone commerciale communautaire à aménagement différé assortie d’une exception 'X', tel qu’il est indiqué dans le document 1 et expliqué en détail dans le document 2, détails du zonage recommandé, soit modifié comme suit : 


1.         que le point 6 soit remplacé par ce qui suit :


« 6) Un centre jardinier ou toute autre installation saisonnière n’est permise dans aucune rue ou cour latérale extérieure à moins qu’elle ne soit en retrait d’au moins 50 mètres de toute rue ou limite extérieure de lot. »


2.         que le point 10 soit ajouté comme suit :


« 10) Nonobstant l’article 3 ou toute autre disposition du Règlement no 333 de 1999 indiquant le contraire, les terrains portant la désignation de zonage Cc1(E’X’) seront considérés comme ne formant qu’un lot aux fins du zonage, nonobstant la division légale des terrains en vertu de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire, telle que modifiée, la Loi sur les condominiums, telle que modifiée, ou toute autre loi similaire. »





1.      Deputy City Manager's report Planning, Transit and the Environment dated 30 October 2007 (ACS2007-PTE-APR-0181).


2.      Extract of Draft Minutes, 13 November 2007.

Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


30 October 2007/ 30 octobre 2007


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager

Directrice municipale adjointe,

Planning, Transit and the Environment

Urbanisme, Transport en commun et Environnement


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Karen Currie, Manager / Gestionnaire, Development Approvals / Approbation des demandes d'aménagement

(613) 580-2424, 28310  Karen.Currie@ottawa.ca


Innes (2)

Ref N°: ACS2007-PTE-APR-0181




ZONING - Part of 3730 and 3868 Innes Road (D02-02-06-0158)




ZONAGE - partie des 3730 et 3868, chemin innes




That the  recommend Council approve an amendment to the former City of Gloucester Zoning By-law to change the zoning of part of 3730 and 3868 Innes Road from Mp - Industrial Park, HMp - Holding Industrial Park and HMg - Holding Industrial General to HCc1(E'X') Holding Commercial Community Exception 'X' as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2.




Que le Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement recommande au Conseil d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage de l’ancienne Ville de Gloucester afin de changer la désignation de zonage d’une partie des 3730 et 3868, chemin Innes de Mp – Parc industriel, HMp – Parc industriel à aménagement différé et HMg – Parc industriel général à aménagement différé, à HCc1 (E'X') Zone commerciale communautaire à aménagement différé assortie d’une exception 'X', tel qu’il est indiqué dans le document 1 et expliqué en détail dans le document 2.




The subject lands are within what is known as the Orléans Industrial Park.  The site is at the southwest corner of Innes Road and Belcourt Boulevard. 


The requested zoning applies to the northern portion of the property only.  The woodlot lands, Innes Park Woods, acquired by the City, are not included in this application.


The subject site is approximately 15 hectares in size and consists of primarily overgrown farm land, with some trees. There is an existing cellular tower on the site along with some abandoned buildings.  The City water tower situated along the west side of Belcourt Boulevard is not part of this proposal. There is existing retail development to the east and undeveloped lands to the west and south.  Residential development that backs onto the north side of Innes Road is opposite this site.  There are also a few residential properties that front onto Innes Road and a gas bar at the corner of Innes Road and Belcourt Boulevard.  Immediately to the east of this site is an existing retail development.


Existing Zoning


The former City of Gloucester By-law zones the subject lands Mp - Industrial Park, HMP - Holding Industrial Park and HMg - Holding Industrial General.  The holding provisions are in place to recognize that much of the land in this area is not serviced.


Proposed Zoning


The requested zoning change to HCc1(E'X') Holding Commercial Community Exception 'X'  zone would ultimately permit commercial retail development for approximately 45 000 square metres of floor area once the holding provision is removed.




Official Plan


The Official Plan identifies properties fronting onto this section of Innes Road as Arterial Mainstreet.  The Arterial Mainstreet designation came into effect this year as a result of an Ontario Municipal Board settlement.  The depth of designation was identified as part of the Council consideration of the settlement and subsequently accepted by the Board.  The proposed zoning will reflect the extent of that Arterial Mainstreet designation, which included the depth of the lot along Belcourt Boulevard.

The intent of the designation is to facilitate the longer term transition of an automotive based mixed use streetscape to a more intensive main street with a mix of retail, employment, institutional and residential uses immediately adjacent to the street.  In this case the property is essentially vacant and the proposed development could be a first step towards achieving that goal.


The requested zoning permits a full range of office and retail uses. Apartments and institutional uses are also permitted as conditional uses.  This meets with the intent of the mixed use provisions of the Official Plan designation.


The balance of the lands designated as Arterial Mainstreet along Innes Road including the subject lands have been applied for, approved or built as retail development primarily in a big box format.  Efforts are being made to ensure that the development does not preclude the transition of Innes Road to include employment, residential and institutional uses in the long term.


Design Guidelines


The "Orléans Industrial Park Land Use and Design Study Urban Design Guidelines", were endorsed by Council in December 2003.  This document deals with both the development along Innes Road and the development of the employment lands to the south of Innes Road.  The design guidelines are specific to Innes Road with some of the following key guidelines.  The building setbacks are suggested to be between three to five metres from public streets with active fronts (entrances and windows) along Innes Road. The ability to redevelop and intensify the site in the future should not be limited by any current development. Parking areas are to be screened by having them ideally in rear yards or with seven metres of landscaping to reduce their prominence on the streetscape. 


The Arterial Mainstreet Design Guidelines are applicable as well.  This Guideline also seeks to have a strong building line and design features along the street, promote pedestrian and bicycle linkages, and minimize the prominence of vehicles on the streetscape.  Large Format Retail and Drive-Through Design Guidelines are also applicable to this proposed development.


The concept plan prepared by the applicant in support of this proposal does not adequately address the Design Guidelines for Large Format Retail, Arterial Mainstreet, Drive-Through nor the guidelines for Innes Road.  Those guidelines would see more building and active facades (entrances and windows) along Innes Road and Belcourt Boulevard with the parking and loading well buffered.  Pedestrian connections are shown but they should provide a better level of connection with adjacent uses and the community.


Although the development does not propose to intrude into the Urban Natural Feature of the Innes Woods that the City owns, neither does the concept plan recognize nor enhance its existence. There could be opportunities to maintain some views through to the woodlot from Innes Road as well as orient buildings to respect the location of the woodlot, instead of having the rear service areas of building abutting it.


The applicant has agreed that the various applicable design guidelines will be addressed through the site plan control approval process.  Connectivity, enhancement of the woodlot, strongly defined street edges along both Innes Road and Belcourt Boulevard and buffering of parking, loading, storage and garbage will be crucial aspects considered during that site plan process.


Details of Proposed Zoning


The requested HCc1(X) - Holding Community Commercial Exception zone will remove the maximum allowable gross leasable floor area.  This request meets with the intent of the Official Plan to encourage intensification of uses.


The height limit as currently expressed in the Cc1 zone for this site is 22 metres or around seven storeys which is consistent with the intended form of development along an Arterial Mainstreet.  The setbacks are at zero, which is also appropriate.


The draft new Zoning By-law would zone the subject property Arterial Mainstreet.  The recommended zoning will reflect the intent of the proposed zone.




The former City of Gloucester Zoning By-law requires that this form of development have a minimum parking requirement of one space for each 18.5 square metres of gross floor area.   The applicant’s concept plan shows parking at one space per 19 square metres of gross floor area.  The draft new Zoning By-law contemplates a minimum parking requirement of 3.4 spaces per 100 square metres, which equates to one space for every 29.4 square metres of floor area.  The recommended parking requirement is a minimum of one space per 29 square metres of gross floor area.


Buffering and Exterior Storage


In order to ensure that buildings and pedestrian links are focal points, the parking area, seasonal sales, loading, garbage and any other exterior storage will need to be buffered. 


The recommended zoning would require that parking lots be setback a minimum of three metres from public roads. Although the design guidelines for Innes Road would require the application of a larger landscape buffer this can be achieved through the site plan review process. Three metres of landscape buffer will be required around all other edges of the parking area as well.  In addition, 15 per cent of the total parking area will need to be landscaped with vegetation.  That 15 per cent would include the periphery landscaping, islands and rows adjacent to major pedestrian links.  The 15% would exclude the landscaping required along the street lot lines.


Accessory garden centres or seasonal storage, loading, garbage and any other exterior storage would be required to be located internally and appropriately buffered.


Servicing Issues


A Master Servicing Study has been approved for the former Gloucester portion of the Orléans Industrial Park.  According to that Study, a portion of the site would be serviced off of Innes Road with the balance connected to the south and west where the facilities have not yet been constructed. The applicant was required to submit a Servicing Study for the subject lands to identify how they could be serviced.  The proposal would see all the sanitary and water for the site serviced to the north and an interim solution established to the south for the stormwater. The Servicing Study submitted by the applicant does not adequately address how the development will be serviced in the interim and long term for sanitary and storm services. 



In order to provide the applicant with additional time to develop a satisfactory interim solution, the applicant has requested a Holding provision be placed on the zoning for the subject lands.  The Holding would be removed once the City is satisfied that the servicing is appropriate.


Traffic and Transportation Issues


The concept plan identifies that the road connections envisioned in the Master Servicing Study  and "Orléans Industrial Park Land Use and Design Study Urban Design Guidelines" occur.  The road identified, as the extension of Viseneau Road is not shown.  Staff are requiring that at minimum the Viseneau Road extension be a private connection built through the subject site to allow for both the servicing and transportation connectivity to be maintained. 

A Traffic Impact Study will be required prior to site plan approval in order to address any required roadway modifications.


Concurrent Application - Severance


The applicant has applied for and been conditionally granted a severance to allow the lands subject to this zoning request to be severed from the balance of the lands.  The current property extends south to the Hydro corridor and east to Mer Bleue Road.




The recommended zoning will meet the intent of the Arterial Mainstreet designation. In evaluating the applicant's concept plan, it is clear that the building location and street landscaping fall short of the Design Guidelines. However, the proposal does represent a significant step in achieving the intent of the Arterial Mainstreet designation under the Official Plan and these details can be more fully addressed through site plan review.  The proposed Zoning By-law allows for a broader mix of potential uses more in keeping with the designation than the previous industrial zones.  The Holding provision on the proposed Community Commercial Exception zone will ensure that the development is not premature and meets the City's requirements for servicing in this area.  Staff supports the recommended rezoning.




The site is immediately adjacent to the recently acquired Innes Park Woods, an Urban Natural Feature. The Environmental Impact Statement submitted with the zoning identifies a setback for all development including roads and pavement of five metres from the woodlot.  As the woodlot does not currently have specific zoning and the description of the appropriate lot line would vary making the imposition of a zoning setback difficult, the five metre setback will be implemented through the site plan control process.




Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy.  The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation. 


Comments from the Greenspace Alliance indicate that open space should be incorporated into the design of the site to allow for visual and physical rest areas.


The Innes Rezoning and Design Group indicated that although they support the rezoning, it should be understood that any opportunity to provide office space on this site should be encouraged and that the Innes Road Design Guidelines needed to be considered.


A Community Information Session was held on September 24, 2007 with approximately 15 people in attendance.  Concerns were expressed with the protection of the woodlot, provisions for more landscaping than other Innes Road development, excessive parking, traffic on Innes Road and nearby streets, and the timing for construction of the extension of Vanguard Drive, the Blackburn By-pass and Belcourt Boulevard.


It was noted that the City owns the woodlot and a five-metre setback to it is required.  The Design Guidelines for Innes Road were reviewed along with the landscape requirements adjacent to parking areas.  Placing a zoning limit on the number of parking spaces was discussed. It was noted that Innes Road was designed and constructed to carry the volumes of traffic anticipated with the current development in Orléans. The Transportation Impact Study submitted is still under review and at the time of site plan any needed changes to Innes Road and the adjacent streets as a result of this development will be considered.  Extensions of the road network in this area can only occur when development is proposed along them.








The application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendments due to the complexity of the issues associated with proposal and the Community Information and Comment Session held.




Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      Details of Recommended Zoning

Document 3      Concept Plan




City Clerk’s Branch, Council and Committee Services to notify the owner, Emparrado Corporation, 190 Lisgar Street, Ottawa ON K2P 0C4, applicant, Douglas Kelly, Professional Corporation For Soloway Wright 427 Laurier Ave W, Suite 900, Ottawa ON K1R 7Y2, OttawaScene.com, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON  K2E 7J5, Beth Henderson, Development Manager Trinity Development Group Inc.150 Isabella Street, Suite 610Ottawa, ON Canada K1S 1V7, Nadia De Santi, FoTenn Consultants Inc., 223 McLeod St., Ottawa, ON K2P 0Z8, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning, Transit and the Environment Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.


Legal Services Branch to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.

LOCATION MAP                                                                                                  DOCUMENT 1

DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                                       DOCUMENT 2


The subject lands known as part of 3730 and 3868 Innes Road and identified on the attached plan shall be rezoned from HMp, HMg and Mp to a HCc1(E'X') Holding Commercial Community Zone with Exceptions. 


(a)   The lands zoned Cc1(E’X’) are subject to the provisions of the Cc1 zone, with the following exceptions:


1.                  All parking areas, driving aisles and stacking spaces shall be setback a minimum of 3 metres from any street lot line. A minimum landscape buffer of 3 metres is required between any parking area, driving aisle and stacking space abutting a street lot line.


2.                  The loading or unloading of materials, goods, wares or merchandise from a vehicle is not permitted within a street or exterior side yard.


3.                  The storage of garbage is not permitted within a street or exterior side yard.


4.                  Exterior storage and garden centre shall be permitted accessory uses.


5.                  Any other exterior storage must be screened with a 3 metre wide, 1.8 metre high landscaped sight obscuring buffer located internally on the site such that it is not on the street side of any of the buildings.


6.                     A garden centre or other seasonal facility is not permitted within a street or exterior side yard.


7.                  Despite paragraph 8.9.4 1)a, for the lands zoned Cc1(E”X”) with the holding symbol (H), the maximum gross floor area provision for a Commercial use does not apply.


8.                  Despite clause 8.2.1, Table 7, the parking requirements for a Shopping Centre with more than 2000 square metres of gross floor area shall be a minimum of 1 space per 29 square metres of gross floor area.


9.                  In addition to clause 8.5.1, the minimum landscape buffer for any parking area shall be 3 metres in width, and at a minimum, 15 per cent of the parking area shall be landscaped, which landscaping may include landscape buffers.



(b)        For the lands zoned Cc1(E’X’) that are subject to holding provisions denoted by the holding (H) symbol identified on Schedule A, the holding symbol may only be removed when it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning Branch that the required water, storm and sanitary services can be installed.



CONCEPT PLAN                                                                                                   DOCUMENT 3




ACS2007-PTE-APR-0181                                                                            INNES (2)


(This application is not subject to Bill 51)


Paul Croft, Delcan Corporation, was present in support of the departmental recommendation and technical amendment.


Moved by B. Monette:


That Document 2, Details of Recommended Zoning, be amended as follows:


1.         Item 6 be replaced with the following:


“6) A garden centre or other seasonal facility is not permitted within any street or exterior side yard, but is permitted provided it is set back a minimum of 50 metres from any street or exterior lot line.”


2.         Add Item 10 as follows:


“10) Notwithstanding Section 3 or any other provisions of By-law No.333 of 1999 to the contrary, the lands zoned Cc1(E’X’) shall be considered one lot for zoning purposes, notwithstanding the lawful division thereof pursuant to the Planning Act, as amended, the Condominium Act, as amended, or any other similar legislation.”




That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to the former City of Gloucester Zoning By-law to change the zoning of part of 3730 and 3868 Innes Road from Mp - Industrial Park, HMp- Holding Industrial Park and HMg - Holding Industrial General to HCc1(E'X') Holding Commercial Community Exception 'X' as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2, Details of Recommended Zoning, as amended.


                                                                                                            CARRIED as amended