rapport de rendement trimestriel présenté au conseil POUR LE 2E TRIMESTRE - AVRIL - juin 2007



Committee Recommendation


That Council receive this report for information. 



Recommandation du comité


Que le Conseil prenne connaissance du présent rapport.






For the information of Council


Pursuant to recommendation 1 of the City Manager’s report, the various Standing Committees reviewed and discussed the service areas’ performance results on the following dates:


·        Transit Committee 19 September 2007

·        Community and Protective Services Committee 20 September 2007

·        Planning and Environment Committee 25 September 2007



Pour la gouverne du Conseil


Suite à la recommandation 1 du rapport du Directeur des services municipaux, les divers comités permanents ont examiné et discuté des résultats sur le rendement des secteurs de service aux dates suivantes :


·        Comité du transport en commun - 19 septembre 2007

·        Comité des services communautaires et de protection - 20 septembre 2007

·        Comité de lurbanisme et de lenvironnement - 25 septembre 2007











1.   Executive Director's report (Business Transformation Services) dated 4 September 2007 (ACS2007-BTS-EXD-0002).


2.   Extract of Draft Minute, 2 October 2007 (follows the French version of this report, and available in English only).





1.   Rapport du Directeur exécutif, Services de transformation des activités, daté le
4 septembre 2007 (ACS2007-BTS-EXD-0002).


2.   Extrait de l’ébauche du procès-verbal, le 2 octobre 2007 (suit la version française de ce rapport, et disponible en anglais seulement).



Report to/Rapport au :


Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee

Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique


and Council / et au Conseil


4 September 2007 / le  4 septembre 2007


Submitted by/Soumis par : Stephen A. Finnamore, Executive Director, Business Transformation Services / Directeur exécutif, Services de transformation des activités  


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Stephen A. Finnamore, Executive Director

Business Transformation Services/Directeur exécutif, Services de transformation des activités

(613) 580-2424, x 28859


City Wide / À l’échelle de la ville

Ref N°: ACS2007-BTS-EXD-0002







TO COUNCIL q2 April – june 2007


rapport de rendement trimestriel présenté
au conseil POUR LE 2E TRIMESTRE– AVRIL - june 2007





1.         That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee receive the attached report and refer it for further review and discussion at the following Standing Committee meetings:

·         Transit Committee 19 September 2007

·         Community and Protective Services Committee 20 September 2007

·         Planning and Environment Committee 25 September 2007


2.         That discussion of the report takes place at the next CSEDC meeting on 2 October 2007; and


3.         That Council receive the report for information on 10 October 2007, once it has been reviewed by Standing Committees.  



RecommandationS du rapport


1.         Que le Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique reçoive le rapport ci-annexé et le renvoie pour examen et discussion aux réunions suivantes des comités permanents :

·         Comité du transport en commun -- 19 septembre 2007

·         Comité des services communautaires et de protection -- 20 septembre 2007

·         Comité de lurbanisme et de lenvironnement -- 25 septembre 2007


2.         Que le rapport fasse lobjet dune discussion à la prochaine réunion du CSODE, le 2 octobre 2007; et


3.         Que le Conseil prenne connaissance du rapport une fois que les comités permanents lauront examiné, soit le 10 octobre 2007.





In March 2006, Council received the City of Ottawa Performance Measurement and Reporting Framework (ACS2005-CMR-OCM-0003). The framework focuses Council, citizens and City management and staff on outcomes and results.  Components of the framework provide stakeholders with information about how well the City is doing compared to approved plans and on performance trends over time.


The first reporting component to be implemented within the framework was the Annual Report. In June 2006, the City of Ottawa issued its 2005 Annual Report, Making it Clear (ACS2006-CMR-OCM-0007). This was followed in June this year with the publication of the 2006 Annual Report, Planning, Performance, Progress (ACS2006-CMR-OCM-0005). These documents provide a description of the City’s progress in meeting approved goals for their respective year.


The second significant component of the framework is the City’s involvement in the Ontario Municipal Benchmarking Initiative (OMBI). Municipalities participating in OMBI exchange performance data on a number of service areas, analyze these results, and share information on best practices. In January 2007, the City of Ottawa published the report Where We Stand (ACS2006-CMR-OCM-0014), which contained explanation and analysis of Ottawa’s 2005 OMBI performance results in 21 different service areas. The City is currently working towards the release in late 2007 of a second OMBI report explaining the City’s 2006 performance.


This Quarterly Performance Report to Council Q2 (April-June 2007) provides key measures of high interest to councillors for a cross-section of branches that deliver services to the public.  It shows how the City is doing compared to its established standards or to its own performance over time.  It includes mainly certain types of performance measures:

·        Service measures (e.g. calls for service requests and call volumes)

·        Output measures (e.g. the number of food premise inspections)

·        Customer service measures (e.g. police priority 1 response times and on-time transit service performance)





Accountability is key to good governance. It involves monitoring and reporting performance as well as taking responsibility for the results achieved. The Quarterly Performance Report to Council is an important element in the City’s accountability framework.


This is the fifth Quarterly Performance Report to Council and covers the reporting period April-June 2007. It provides performance measures relating to the following specific branches:

·        Utility Services (Solid Waste)

·        Employment and Financial Assistance

·        Fire Services

·        Housing

·        Parks and Recreation

·        By-Law Services

·        Public Health

·        Ottawa Public Library

·        Planning and Infrastructure Approvals

·        Client Services & Public Information (point of service delivery strategy)





The Quarterly Performance Report to Council is a tool for providing information on City services to citizens and Council.  No specific public consultations were undertaken in the production of the report.





There are no financial implications.





Document 1:  Quarterly Performance Report to Council - Q2 - April - June 2007 (previously distributed to all members of Council and held on file with the City Clerk).




The Quarterly Performance Report to Council will be available to citizens electronically in PDF and HTML formats from our Web site (Ottawa.ca), and in printed format upon request.