That Council approve the attached by law, (Document 1) authorizing Ottawa Fire Service to participate in the Ontario Provincial Mutual Aid Agreement Program.



Recommandations modifiÉEs du comi


Que le Conseil d'approuver le règlement ci-joint (Document 1) autorisant le Service des incendies d'Ottawa à participer au Programme provincial des ententes d'assistance mutuelle.   


















1.                  Deputy City Manager, Community and Protective Services report dated 12 September 2007 (ACS2007-CPS-OFS-0003).



Report to/Rapport au :


Community and Protective Services Committee

Comité des services communautaires et de protection


and Council / et au Conseil


12 September 2007 / le 12 septembre 2007


Submitted by/Soumis par : Steve Kanellakos, Deputy City Manager/Directeur municipal adjoint,

Community and Protective Services/Services communautaires et de protection 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Rick Larabie, Fire Chief

Ottawa Fire Services/Services des incendies

(613) 580-2424 x29455, Rick.Larabie@ottawa.ca


City Wide/à l'échelle de la Ville

Ref N°: ACS2007-CPS-OFS-0003













That Community and Protective Services Committee recommend that Council approve the attached by law, (Document 1) authorizing Ottawa Fire Service to participate in the Ontario Provincial Mutual Aid Agreement Program.




Que le Comité des services communautaires et de protection recommande au Conseil d'approuver le règlement ci-joint (Document 1) autorisant le Service des incendies d'Ottawa à participer au Programme provincial des ententes d'assistance mutuelle.   




As part of Ottawa’s Fire Service delivery model, it is understood that there will be times when support from or to neighbouring municipalities may be required. Typical occasions where assistance may be required would be where loss of life or property are potentially great, and cannot be handled by the responding department using its own resources.  On such occasions an aid system referred to as “Mutual Aid” is activated between fire departments that are participants in an organized Mutual Aid Plan.


Recently the Ontario Fire Marshal’s Office has developed a standard mutual aid agreement for municipalities to use when entering into partnerships across the province of Ontario. Before Ottawa enters into the Provincial Agreement, Ottawa Fire Services is seeking Council’s endorsement to participate in the program.





Le modèle de prestation de services du Service des incendies d’Ottawa prévoit des situations où il peut s’avérer nécessaire de faire appel à l’aide de municipalités voisines et vice-versa, comme lorsque les pertes de vies ou les dommages risquent d’être élevés et que le service chargé d’intervenir ne peut faire face à la situation avec ses seules ressources. Pareilles circonstances donnent lieu à une collaboration entre des services des incendies participant à un plan d’assistance mutuelle.


Le commissaire des incendies de l’Ontario a récemment produit une entente d’assistance mutuelle normalisée à l’intention des municipalités qui forment des partenariats afin de s’offrir une telle assistance en cas de besoin. Pour que la Ville signe cette entente, il faut toutefois que le Service des incendies d’Ottawa obtienne du Conseil municipal l’autorisation de participer au programme.





As part of Ottawa’s Fire Service delivery model, it is understood that there will be times when support from or to neighbouring municipalities may be required. Typical occasions where assistance may be required would be where loss of life or property are potentially great, and cannot be handled by the responding department using its own resources.  On such occasions an aid system referred to as “Mutual Aid” is activated between fire departments that are participants in an organized Mutual Aid Plan.   Prior to amalgamation, the 9 fire departments that now make up the Ottawa Fire Services participated in the Ottawa-Carleton Mutual Aid System (OCMAS).  The fire departments within OCMAS, as well as the bordering fire services, received and provided assistance, through mutual aid, when the need arose.  This assistance was provided on a reciprocal, no charge basis. 


Given that assistance to and from these fire departments is still provided through the OCMAS based on former formal and informal agreements, there is a requirement for the Ottawa Fire Services to enter into a new comprehensive mutual aid agreement with its neighbouring fire departments. Ottawa Fire Services were pursuing the development of a by law to that end when the Fire Audit was conducted in 2006.  Through that process, the auditor confirmed the need for Fire Service to formalize their mutual aid agreements through a by law. 


The Ontario Fire Marshal’s Office has developed a standard mutual aid agreement for municipalities to use when entering into partnerships across the province of Ontario and as such Ottawa Fire Services is recommending that Ottawa participate in their standard program.   The by-law confirming Ottawa’s participation in the standard mutual aid agreement is attached as Document 1, and a copy of the standard agreement is attached as Document 2.  The attached agreement does not include appendices A through O, which include operational details and personal information, but a copy of the full document is on file with the City Clerk’s office.

Before Ottawa enters into the Provincial Agreement, Ottawa Fire Services is seeking Council’s endorsement to participate in the program.






Mutual aid is defined as a program to provide and receive assistance in the case of major emergency in a municipality, community or area.  An example of a case where a member of OCMAS required assistance from other fire departments occurred in 1999 when a large brush fire occurred in the former West Carleton area.  This incident lasted 13 days and required the assistance of 42 fire departments from across the province.


Purpose of the Provincial Mutual Aid Program


The purpose of the Provincial Mutual Aid Program is to:

§         Promote adequate and coordinated efforts to minimize loss of life and property damage to the environment through efficient utilization of fire and other resources in the event of a mutual aid activation during times of natural or man-made emergencies;

§         Provide the organizational framework necessary to effectively manage mutual aid resources within a unified incident management system.


Conversations with the mutual aid coordinators for the neighbouring districts of Prescott-Russell, Leeds-Grenville, Lanark and Renfrew County indicate that all neighbouring districts are participating in the provincial program and have already obtained approval from their respective municipal councils to participate in this program.


Benefits of Mutual Aid

Planning for and ensuring sufficient staff and equipment are available for rare circumstances would be cost prohibitive and undesirable.  By employing mutual aid agreements, fire departments can receive and provide services to and from neighbouring municipalities during unusual circumstances.


When a large protracted incident occurs, the City may be challenged to continue normal emergency operations while providing staffing and resources to mitigate the incident.   Participation in the Provincial Mutual Aid Program affords the City access to a multitude of resources, some of which are too specialized for one department to own in large quantities.  For example, in the event of multiple calls within the non-watered areas of the City, neighbouring districts could fulfill the requirements needed to maintain the Underwriters rating for the Superior Tanker Shuttle service by supplying tanker trucks.  Finally, the experience-base of the Ottawa Fire Services will benefit through both cross-training with an exposure to the operations and resources of neighbouring fire departments.




Reciprocal mutual aid agreements are a standard part of Fire Service delivery in the Province of Ontario.  As such, the mutual aid agreements currently in place, formally and informally, for the City of Ottawa should be formalized through the attached by law (Document 1). 








There are no financial implications associated with this report.





Document 1 – By-law authorizing participation in the Ontario Provincial Mutual Aid Agreement Program


Document 2 – Provincial Mutual and Automatic Aid Plan and Program (Previously distributed)

A copy is held on file with the City Clerk.




The Community and Protective Services Department will implement any direction received from Council.

Document 1


BY-LAW NO. 2007-


                        A by-law of the City of Ottawa to authorize participation of the Ottawa Fire Service in the County of Ottawa Mutual Aid Plan and Program.


                        The Council of the City of Ottawa enacts as follows:


1.                     The Ottawa Fire Service is authorized to leave the limits of the municipality or fire area at the discretion of the Fire Chief or designate and under the direction of the County Fire Co-ordinator to respond to calls for assistance from other fire departments authorized to participate in the County of Ottawa Mutual Aid Plan and Program on a reciprocal basis.


2.                     If the provisions of this by-law conflict with the provisions of other authorized fire protections agreements, the provisions of this by-law shall prevail.




                        ENACTED AND PASSED this    day of           , 2007





                                    CITY CLERK                         MAYOR


BY-LAW NO. 2007 -





                                                A by-law of the City of Ottawa to authorize

                                                participation of the Ottawa Fire Service in the

                                                County of Ottawa Mutual Aid Plan and Program.




                                                Enacted by City Council at its meeting




                                                LEGAL SERVICES


                                                AMP:ec  -


                                                COUNCIL AUTHORITY:

                                                City Council –

                                                Report  ,  Item