construction of at least the first two lanes of Terry Fox Drive from its present terminus at Kanata Avenue to Flamborough as a 2008 project

la réalisation, en 2008, des deux premières voies au moins de la promenade Terry-Fox depuis son point d’achèvement actuel, situé à la hauteur de l’avenue Kanata, jusqu’à la voie Flamborough

ACS2007-CCS-TRC-0011                                                           KANATA-NORTH / NORD (4)               


Councillor Wilkinson spoke in favour of her motion, providing the following reasons:

·        The Terry Fox extension has been on the transportation agenda for a decade.  The cost of the extension is 95% covered by development charges.  Development charges from Kanata are adequate but they are held in one city account.  Cities are allowed to borrow towards such a roadway and pay the interest out of development charges.

·        The Goulbourn Forced Road, which is the only way to get from Kanata North to Terry Fox South, is a narrow road through the Monk Recreation Area.  It is not appropriate for the increased volume of traffic Kanata North development will bring.

·        Since the Hazeldean Road widening is a tax-funded roadway the Terry Fox roadway project (2 lanes is the initial request) should not significantly affect the priority of this $21 million Hazeldean widening.

·        The Terry Fox roadway will provide an additional access to the Kanata North Recreation Complex.  The land has just recently been purchased for this complex.

·        For those unfamiliar with the area it is difficult to appreciate some of the accesses to the northern limit of Terry Fox Drive are only accessible via Campeau Drive and the Goulbourn Forced Road.


She noted the Kanata Chamber of Commerce Executive Committee’s support for using development charges to bring forward an initial two-lane extension of Terry Fox Drive to connect the North and South sections of this road.


The Committee also received the following correspondence in support of Councillor Wilkinson’s motion, copy of which is on file with the City Clerk:

·        E-Mail dated 31 August 2007 from Phil Sweetnam.

·        E-Mail dated 31 August 2007 from Sandra Ferguson.

·        E-Mail dated 3 September 2007 from Shelley Wilson.

·        E-Mail dated 3 September 2007 from Blair Geddes.

·        E-Mail dated 4 September 2007 from Robyn Wright-Baker & Jeff Baker

·        E-Mail dated 4 September 2007 from Eileen Mears.

·        E-Mail dated 4 September 2007 from Matt Muirhead, Director of Planning and Environment, Briarbrook-Morgan’s Grant Community Association.


Councillor Legendre asked whether placing proper signage could solve the confusion of finding the business park when getting off the Queensway at Terry Fox Drive.  He questioned the urgent need for this project and wondered if this is not jumping the queue.  Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager, Planning, Transit and the Environment Department advised that the question of road prioritization is part of the process of updating the Transportation Master Plan (TMP); this particular road was identified as a development road, which means that it would happen as development occurs.  The development has not occurred so the road is not there.  While there is some validity in the need of this project, she questioned if that was enough for it to rise to the number one priority.  She said that it is certainly not consistent with past practice, which is as development occurs, the land is dedicated, and the road is built at that time.  She noted that it was anticipated in the TMP that going from two lanes to four lanes was a priority three project, which therefore puts it off significantly in the future.  In response to further question from Councillor Legendre, Ms. Schepers advised that approving this project would change the priority of this project and would direct staff to include it in the 2008 Budget.  She believes that if Council approves this then it would become a pre-approved project.  She suggested deferring this to the budget process so that it could be considered against other priorities that might come forward at that time.


Councillor Wilkinson noted that the new adjacent proposed subdivision would have no access to Terry Fox Drive at all and that there is no road connecting to it because of the rough terrain.  She said that the need for this road is for residential and business development north of that which is already built.


Councillor Cullen also questioned where this project is on the priority list, and having heard the response from Ms. Schepers, he advised that he would put forward a motion if it is a priority to refer this to the 2008 budget process.


Councillor Bloess felt that the Councillor’s report lacked details.  He expressed concern how the land develops around that area, and wondered if there is a better and timely way of doing this, which would not impact heavily on the City.  He advised that he would support Councillor Cullen’s motion.


Councillor Wilkinson, in her closing remarks advised that she too would support Councillor Cullen’s motion.  She noted this project was in the Mayor’s Task Force as an immediate requirement and was recognized that the business park needs two accesses to the Queensway for safety reasons.  She also noted that this is also needed for getting better transit services in this part of Kanata.  There are about ten commercial and industrial building projects going on in this area right now plus another large senior centre, where the high-density housing is going.  She reiterated that this is an immediate need and urged the Committee to approve her motion.


The Committee then considered the following motion:


Moved by Councillor A. Cullen:


That Councillor Wilkinson’s item re. Construction of two lanes of Terry Fox Drive from Kanata Avenue to Flamborough be referred to the 2008 budget process.




That the Transportation Committee recommend Council approve the construction of at least the first two lanes of Terry Fox Drive from its present terminus at Kanata Avenue to Flamborough as a 2008 project.


                                                                               REFERRED TO THE 2008 BUDGET PROCESS