ACS2007-PTE-POL-0051                                                                        KANATA NORTH (4)               


The Committee received a PowerPoint presentation regarding the aforementioned report from Steven Stoddard, Senior Project Engineer, Planning, Transit and the Environment.  He was accompanied by Andrew Harkness, P.Eng., Morrison Hershfield Limited consulting engineers.


Councillor Legendre expressed frustration and disappointment with the plan.  He felt it is not a pedestrian friendly plan at all and articulated that he would not support it.


Councillor Cullen questioned the layout of the road and Mr. Stoddard informed that there are two lanes of traffic in each direction (four lanes total) with a dividing median.  Mr. Stoddard also confirmed for the Councillor that there would be pedestrian operated signals at Terry Fox and Campeau.  The Councillor questioned there would be a pedestrian island with a pedestrian operated signal in the middle of the 10-lane intersection.  Mr. Stoddard advised that although that level of detail had not been presented, it is a feasible design detail that staff could look at should Committee and Council so desire.  Councillor Cullen voiced concern about the need for pedestrian refuges at large, busy intersections such as this one, and proposed to move a motion that such be included at this intersection.  Ms. Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager, Planning, Transit and the Environment acquiesced that staff would take Councillor Cullen’s motion as direction.


The Committee then approved the following direction to staff.


Moved by Councillor A. Cullen:


That staff be directed to ensure that there are pedestrian refuges (including pedestrian signals) on the medians at the Terry Fox (Kanata Avenue) and Campeau Drive intersection.




Councillor Doucet expressed similar sentiments as Councillor Legendre. 


Councillor Wilkinson emphasized that Kanata has a great amount of bicycle paths and much green space in many parking lots.  She felt that people who oppose this plan should inspect the area closer before taking such a standpoint.


That Transportation Committee recommend Council:


1.         Approve the results of the Campeau Drive Environmental Assessment and its recommended plan, as shown in Document 1.


2.         Direct staff to prepare the Environmental Study Report for the Campeau Drive Environmental Assessment and post it for the 30-day public review period, in accordance with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.


3.         Direct staff to expand the Campeau Drive (Terry Fox Drive to Kanata Avenue) project (903195) in the Capital Budget Forecast 2008-2016 to include Didsbury Road to Terry Fox Drive.


4.         Direct staff to ensure that there are pedestrian refuges (including pedestrian signals) on the medians at the Terry Fox (Kanata Avenue) and Campeau Drive intersection.


                                                                                                                        CARRIED as amended

Councillors C. Doucet and J. Legendre dissented.