Committee recommendationS as amended


That Council:


1.      Refuse the applications for minor variances from Sign By-law 2005-439 requesting a reduction in the setback requirements detailed in the report to secure sign permit renewals for billboard signs at the following locations:

·                    1426 Hunt Club Road

·                    1846 Bank Street (west sign)


2.      Approve a minor variance to reduce the required setback between a billboard sign and the Airport Parkway to permit issuance of a sign permit renewal for a sign at the following locations:

·                    1846 Bank Street (east sign)



RecommandationS modifiÉeS du Comité


Que le Conseil:


1.      Refuse les demandes de dérogation mineure au Règlement sur les enseignes 2005-439 visant à obtenir une réduction des marges de recul requises détaillées dans le rapport afin d’assurer le renouvellement des permis d’enseigne pour des panneaux-réclames aux endroits suivants :

·                    1426, chemin Hunt Club

·                    1846, rue Bank (enseigne ouest)


2.      Approuve une dérogation mineure afin de réduire la marge de recul requise entre un panneau-réclame et la promenade de l’Aéroport afin de permettre le renouvellement d’un permis d’enseigne pour une enseigne située à l’endroit suivant:

·                    1846, rue Bank (enseigne est)





1.      Deputy City Manager's report Planning, Transit and the Environment dated
15 February 2007 (ACS2007-PTE-BLD-0008).


2.      Extract of Draft Minutes, 24 April 2007.



Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


15 February September 20067 / le 15 février 200706


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy SchepersJohn Moser, A/Deputy City Manager/

A/Directrice municipale adjointe,

Planning, Transit and Growth Managementthe Environment/Urbanisme, Transport en commun et EnvironnementUrbanisme et Gestion de la croissance 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Sandra Garnett, Manager, Legal and Service Integration

Building Services/Direction des services du bâtiment

(613) 580-2424 x41544, Sandra.Garnett@ottawa.ca



Ref N°: ACS20067-PTEGM-BLD-0008019













That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council:


1.         Refuseapprove thea applications for minor variances from from Sign By-law 2005-439 requesting a to reducetion in the setback requirements detailed in the report to secure sign permit renewals for billboard signs at the following locations:


o       1426 Hunt Club Road

o       3105 and 3130 Conroy Road

o       1846 Bank Street (west sign)

obetween billboard signs from 150 metres to 91 metres affecting two billboard signs located at 300 Tremblay Road and 1333 Avenue L.

2.  That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council approve a minor variance from Sign By-law 2005-439 to reduce the setback requirement between three billboard signs, two located at 700 and one at 770 Hunt Club Road from 150 metres to 70 metres and 94 metres respectively.

3.  That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council approve a minor variance from By-law 2005-439 to reduce the setback requirement between two billboard signs located at 1490 and 1491 Michael Street from 150 metres to 43 metres

2.         Approve a minor variance to reduce the required setback between a billboard sign and the Airport Parkway to permit issuance of a sign permit renewal for a sign at the following location:


o       1846 Bank Street (east sign) .







Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement recommande au Conseil :


1.         de refuser les demandes de dérogation mineure au Règlement sur les enseignes 2005-439 visant à obtenir une réduction des marges de recul requises détaillées dans le rapport afin d’assurer le renouvellement des permis d’enseigne pour des panneaux-réclames aux endroits suivants :


o          1426, chemin Hunt Club

o          3105 et 3130, chemin Conroy

o          1846, rue Bank (enseigne ouest)


2.         d’approuver une dérogation mineure afin de réduire la marge de recul requise entre un panneau-réclame et la promenade de l’Aéroport afin de permettre le renouvellement d’un permis d’enseigne pour une enseigne située à l’endroit suivant :


o          1846, rue Bank (enseigne est)




By-law provisions for for billboard signs now include as permit include a expiry daten expiration date for billboard permits.  The first time limit was set at ten years with subsequent sign by-laws imposing a permit renewal requirement after five years.. 

This provision is exclusive to billboard permitsigns due to their scale, and the because of the extraordinary impact that billboards imposed on the surrounding neighbourhood.  Billboards are unique from other ground signs, in that they are not located on the premises of the business identifed and not for the purposes of way-finding that is advertising. 


These “third party” signs are typically larger than other ground signs and therefore and therefore ththeir placement is limited to open spaces where land is zoned for commercial and or industrial use.  Often these signs are installed as an interim use until development is viable.  Over timeT, however, the environment in which the billboard is located will located changes and, and without the time limitation,, the municipality would not have has the no authority to revisit the approval to confirm whether the sign is and possibly require the removal of signs that are stillno longer compatible with the objectives of the Official Plan, the zoning and the changed land use.area.


The billboard signs identified herein are part of the first generation of time -sensitive billboard sign permits that have expired and renewal has been requested.  These specific billboard applications are for billboards that originally complied with the by-law requirements or required and were granted a minor variance, but where the billboard no longer meets the requirements of the new Sign By-law of the current by-law.




The current conditions relating to each billboard sign and the rationale for the recommendation is provided below.   




Recommendation 1




Location: - 1426300 Hunt Club RoadTremblay Road and 1333 Avenue L


There existing are two existing billboard signs located on the south side of Hunt Club Road between Bank Street and Albion Road was approved under sign permit for a term of ten years near the intersection of Tremblay Road and at the south end of Avenue L, both facing Belfast Road (see Document. 1).   AtWhen installationed in 1996, the signs complied with the provisions of the former City of Ottawa Signs By-law 311-90, installed on vacant land, beyond 91 metres of any adjacent billboard sign.,  In 2001, a Committee of Adjustment decision permitted the establishment of the existing used car business operated from a temporary building.  A ground sign to identify the business was installed subsequently.  The ground sign is located within 4.76 metres of the billboard sign (see Documents 2 and 3a.).  The required setback between a billboard and a ground sign is 15 metres. having a spatial separation between the signs of 91 metres.  The by-law currently requires a separation of 150 metres.  Thus, if the signs are to be permitted for another 5 year term, a minor variance is required.


The signs are located on property is zoned IGL (industrial), thereby designated designated under the Sign By-law as a District 4 zone that permits billboard signage.  Area land use includes retail commercial and industrial and office uses to the east, west and south.  However, on the north side of Hunt Club Road, directly opposite the billboard sign, a large area of land has been rezoned for construction of 123 semi and detached homes, that are now under development.  With this residential development to the north, the billboard will have a negative visual impact on the new homes and is no longer compliant with the intent of the By-law.

, the Queensway to the north and residential development to the east.  Between the subject properties and rear yards of the residential properties on the east side of Belfast Road, there is a hydro corridor that creates a substantial setback, well in excess of the 30 metre setback requirement.  These homes have been in existence since the early 1950’s and have a significant amount of mature vegetation both in the rear yards and along the corridor such that visibility of the signs from the residential uses is limited.  Commercial development in the area is progressing based on the intent of the Zoning By-law and consistent with land use that existed when the signs were installed.


One response was received from the commercial sector objecting to the scale of the signs and the reduction from the required 150 metre separation.  The concerned party indicated that the intent of the requirement for a spatial separation was to minimize the visual presence and impact on the neighbourhood and environment. 


Since the issuance of the original sign permits, there has not been a significant change in land use, zoning or the related objectives of the Official Plan.  No planning concerns were identified.  Given the nature of the commercial environment and the lack of visibility to the residential land use, the billboards are considered appropriate in their present location and at a scale compatible with similar billboard structures in other general commercial areas.



Section 167 of the By-law requires a 300metre separation from a residential zone, and therefore the billboard in this location will provide only 100 metres of separation.


Given the billboard does not achieve either the required setback to the adjacent sign or the required setback to residential use in a residential zone, tThe Department is  satisfied that the proposal is consistent with the purpose and intent of the by-law and recommends the approval of the application be rejected. to reduce the spatial separation from 150 metres to 91 metres is recommended.



(b) - Recommendation 2


Location:  700 and 770 Hunt Club Road3105 and 3130 Conroy Road


There are four existing three existing billboard signs adjacent to Conroy Road located south of Walkley Road and north of Johnston Road.  Two of the signs are located within a CN railway corridor: one on the east; and one on the west sides of Conroy Road, both signs are the subject of this application (see Documents 4, 5 and 6).  The other two signs are located within close proximity on the east and west sides of Conroy Road within a Hydro corridorlocated on the south side of Hunt Club Road, two located on the same property, 700 Hunt Club Road (Ref. Doc 2).   At installation, the signs complied with the provisions of the former City of Ottawa Signs By-law 311-90 and the issued sign permit had a time sensitive term of 10 years.  The permits are now subject to renewal and Section 173 of the current Sign By-law requirestipulates a minimum spatial separation between signs of 150 metres.  To permit the continuation of the signs in their present location, approval of a minor variance to reduce the setback to 82 metres is required.  Relief is sought to reduce the spatial separation from 150 metres to 70 metres

 (700 Hunt Club) and to 94 metres (770 Hunt Club). 


At permit issuance, When these signs were installed, the land was zoninged industrial was commercial (C1-cM1); and is currently similarly zoneding is similar commercialindustrial (C1-gIH).  The signs are located just to the south of theAdjacent land uses  Ottawa Business Park and several hundred metres north of a developing residential communityon the south. sid  e of Hunt Club Road are commercial and industrial.  To the north is a residential development fronting onto Erin Crescent and backing onto Hunt Club Road.  TThere hasve been no significant changes toin the zoning or related objectives of the Official Plan objectives to property adjacent to the signs..  There were no planning concerns identified.  


In response to the technical circulation, one resident on Erin Street indicated support for the application.


The Department is However, the residential development to the south has intensified over the past several years and Conroy Road has become the gateway to this community.  Consistent with Section 40 of the By-law, the change in area land use has rendered the signs incompatible and no longer desirable in the circumstances.  As such, the Department is recommending refusal of the application.


(c) - satisfied that area land use has not significantly changed and, with no objections from the community, approval of the requested minor variance to permit a reduction in the setback requirement as set out above is recommended.



Recommendation 3


Location:  1490 Michael846 Bank Street


There are two existing billboard signs located in the railway right-of-wayon the subject property, one in the center of the parking area toward the east end of the property and the second located adjacent to Glenhaven Private in the south-west corner of the property (see Documents 7, 8 and 9).


on the west and one on the east side adjacent to Michael Street (Ref. Doc. 3).  The application is to reduce the required spatial separation between signs in order to permit the continuation of the signs in their present location. 


At installation the time the signs were installed iin 19965, the setback requirement between signs located adjacent to the same street frontage was 91 metres (the current requirement is 150 metres).  Adjacent land use to the west was vacant land and the vehicular access into the plaza from Walkley Road was a service road without intersection traffic controls.  Since that time, the land to the west has been rezoned and developed as a residential group building project.  The developer of the residential project is currently in discussion with the owner of the plaza and the City regarding intersection improvements for the Walkley Road and the Glenhaven Private access, with the expectation it will become a signalized intersection.  Directly adjacent to the intersection and the existing billboard sign is a ground sign to identify a major occupant of the plaza. 


The current By-law (2005-439) requires billboard signs to meet a minimum setback of 500 metres from the Airport Parkway, 30 metres from a residential use, 150 metres from the nearest billboard sign, 15 metres from any other ground sign, .5 metres from the travelled portion of a roadway and not within eight metres of a traffic signal.  Both subject billboard signs are not in compliance with the above requirements.


Given the proximity of the sign at the west end of the site, within six metres of the adjacent residential development, within 2.4 metres of the adjacent ground sign, within 240 metres of the Airport Parkway and given the probability that the intersection of Walkley Road and Glenhaven Private will be a controlled intersection, this sign is no longer compatible with the intent of the By-law.  The Department is therefore recommending refusal of this sign.


Recommendation 2, interpreted as from any other billboard sign located on the same side of the street.  To avoid proliferation, the setback has been increased to 150 metres measured as a radius from any other billboard sign.  The applicant is seeking relief from the By-law to reduce the setback requirement to the existing setback of 43 metres. 


At sign installation, the zoning was M3 (industrial).  The current zoning is similar, IL (industrial).  Area land use is heavy industrial and commercial with no residential uses near the site.  Since 1995, there has been no significant change to the intent of the zoning or related sections of the Official Plan. 


 In response to the technical circulation, three comments were received all in support of the application.  No planning concerns were identified.


Location: 1846 Bank Street (east sign)


The sign located in the parking lot at the east end of the site adjacent to Bank Street, and due to the location of the commercial building, is not visible from the residential land use or the Parkway.  As this sign meets the objectives of the current Signs By-law, the Department is recommending approval of the minor variance to allow a reduction in the required setback from the Airport Parkway from 500 metres to 280 metres

The Department is satisfied that the existing signs are compatible with area land use and will not create a negative impact in their present location.  As such, approval of the requested minor variance to reduce the setback requirement to 43 metres to allow the two existing signs to remain in their present locations for a term of 5 years is recommended.





The standard notification for minor variances applications were distributed to the households and businesses within a 60 metre radius of the subject sign.


1426 Hunt Club Road


Three submissions were received from area businesses and all were in support of the application, subject to the sign not interfering with the ability for traffic to clearly see adjacent property.  Councillor Deans expressed opposition to the application due to it's close proximity to the new residential development at 1501 Hunt Club Road.


Departmental Comments


The billboard will be clearly visible to the residential homes under construction directly opposite the subject billboard sign.  Approval would compromise the intent of the By-law that requires billboard signs to be setback 300 metres from residential development.


3105 and 3130 Conroy Road


In response to the standard public circulation, two responses were received opposed to the application stating that the signs are considered an eyesore.


Councillor Deans opposes the application due to the proximity of the signs to the residential community, as well as the non-compliance with the minimum required spatial separation of 150 metres between billboard signs.


Departmental Comments


The intensification of residential development between Johnston Road and Hunt Club Road has changed the former, predominantly business/industrial park focus, land use south of Walkley Road.  Conroy Road through the Business Park is now also the gateway to this growing residential community.  While the four existing billboard signs have been in place for many years and were installed in compliance with the By-law, as mentioned above, the intent of time-sensitive permits is to enable the City to react to changing land use conditions.  Section 40 of the By-law stipulates that one consideration for minor variance applications is that the proposal is desirable in the circumstances.  In this case, the Department is concerned the four billboard signs, in close proximity and adjacent to the gateway into a large residential community, are no longer compatible with the community.


1846 Bank Street


Twelve submissions were received, one in support and 11 opposed to the application.  No comments were provided in support.  The following concerns were expressed:


·           Please remove this eyesore.

·           The developer of the adjacent residential homes expressed concern regarding the potential obstruction of the billboard sign located in the south-west corner of the property with the anticipated intersection improvements at Walkley and Glenhaven Private.

·           The sign is unsightly and awkward at the main entrance off Walkley to the new residential community, an already busy entrance.  The sign looks very out of place.

·           The signs present a distraction for motorists at a busy intersection.

·           The Sign By-law is intended to protect the urban environment.  Variances should be granted where it benefits the environment.  The South Keys Landing residential community is adversely affected by the close proximity of the billboard within six metres of our property boundary line.

·           The community consists of 144 townhomes.  To grant approval would show complete disregard for the residents.

·           The billboard is located 240 metres from the Airport Parkway.  The By-law requires 500 metres.  This is unacceptable.

·           The billboard visually obstructs our view for safe access/egress.


Departmental Comments


The concerns expressed primarily relate to the billboard sign located adjacent to Glenhaven Private.  The Department agrees with the expressed concerns i.e. that it is too close to residential development thereby detracting from the residential nature.  It is too close to the adjacent ground sign thus visually creating sign proliferation and the sign does create a distraction within such close proximity to the adjacent intersection.  As a new application, the sign would not be permitted in its current location.


The sign located at the east end of the property within the parking lot is oriented toward Bank Street and is not visible to the affected residential development.  Conditions relating to the zoning for the plaza and related Official Plan objectives remain unchanged.





There are no financial implications to the City.




Document 1      Document 1 - 1426 Hunt Club Road300 Tremblay Road

§         Location Plan

§         Site PlanAerial Photo

§         Elevation pPhotographss


Document 2      Document 2 - 3105 Conroy Road700 Hunt Club Road

§         Document 4 - Location Plan

§         Document 5 - Site Plan

§         Document 6 - PhotographElevation photographs


Document 3      Document 3 - 184690 Bank Michael Street

§         Document 7 - Location Plan

§         Document 8 - ASite Planrial Photo

§         Document 9 - Elevation pPhotographsh




Building Services Branch will process sign permits resulting from the Council direction in accordance the application and issue the sign permit aswith Sign per By-law 2005-439.






LOCATION PLAN – 1426 HUNT CLUB ROAD                                             300 Tremblay Road

Sign closest to Tremblay Road (View NE)


Sign at south end of site (View NW)



SITE PLAN – 1426 HUNT CLUB ROAD                                                         300 Tremblay Road

Sign closest to Tremblay Road (View NE)


Sign at south end of site (View NW)




PHOTOGRAPH ELEVATION – 1426 HUNT CLUB ROAD                          300 Tremblay Road

Sign closest to Tremblay Road (View NE)


Sign at south end of site (View NW)








Residential Project Under Construction Directly Opposite the Billboard Signs
LOCATION PLAN 3105 CONROY ROAD                                                 DOCUMENT 4




SITE PLAN 3105 CONROY ROAD                                                             DOCUMENT 5


PHOTOGRAPH ELEVATION 3105 CONROY ROAD                               DOCUMENT 6



LOCATION PLAN – 1846 BANK STREET                                                          DOCUMENT 7


SITE PLAN – 1846 BANK STREET                                                                 DOCUMENT 8


PHOTOGRAPH ELEVATION – 1846 BANK STREET                                  DOCUMENT 9




Billboard Sign Located in the Southwest Corner



Billboard Sign Located on the East Side Adjacent to Bank Street




Deferred from 27 March 2007 / Remis du 27 mars 2007


Ms. Arlene Grégoire, Director, Building Services and Chief Building Official, requested consideration of a request for deferral from Pattison Signs for the sign located at 3105 and 3130 Conroy Road, to the next meeting of the Committee.  Chair Peter Hume said he was not prepared to support a deferral to a specific date, and he recommended that the matter be brought back when resolved.  The Committee concurred and approved the following:


WHEREAS Recommendation 1 of report ACS2007-PTE-BLD-0008 recommends that the application for minor variance from the Sign By-law 2005-439 for the renewal application of billboards located at 3105 and 3130 Conroy Road be refused;


AND WHEREAS the applicant has requested that the minor variance application for these signs be further deferred to enable him to submit a revision to the application;


BE IT RESOLVED that the application for minor variance from the Sign By-law 2005-439 for the renewal application of billboards located at 3105 and 3130 Conroy Road be deferred.




Ms. Grégoire also requested a minor change in Recommendation 1 to read "1846 Bank Street (west sign)" and in Recommendation 2 to read "1846 Bank Street (east sign)".


Mr Sid Catalano, of Pattison Outdoor Signs, explained that deferral was being requested because of some restructuring at Pattison.  He said the company would remove the sign at 1426 Hunt Club Road and he noted this could be done with 30 days' notice to the property owner.


Councillor Clive Doucet put forward a Motion to remove the signs on both the west and east sides at 1846 Bank Street.  The motion was Lost, with Councillor Doucet in favour.


The Committee then approved the report recommendations, as amended by the above-noted changes.


That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council:


1.         Refuse the applications for minor variances from Sign By-law 2005-439 requesting a reduction in the setback requirements detailed in the report to secure sign permit renewals for billboard signs at the following locations:

·                    1426 Hunt Club Road

·                    1846 Bank Street (west sign)


                                                                                                CARRIED as amended


2.         Approve a minor variance to reduce the required setback between a billboard sign and the Airport Parkway to permit issuance of a sign permit renewal for a sign at the following location:

·                    1846 Bank Street (east sign)



                                                                                                            CARRIED as amended