5.          ZONING - 2555 BANK STREET, 3507 ALBION ROAD, 1340 & 1337 HUNT CLUB ROAD





Committee recommendationS AS AMENDED


(This application is subject to Bill 51)


That Council:


1.         Delete the lands known as 1340 Hunt Club Road from Map 19C of the former Gloucester By-law No. 333 of 1999, as shown in Document 1, and these lands will no longer be subject to the provisions of By-law No. 333 of 1999.


2.         Incorporate the lands known as 1340 Hunt Club Road into Zoning Map 35, Sub Area 2 of the former Ottawa Zoning By-law Number 93-98, to be zoned IL f(1.0) [XXX] - Light Industrial exception zone as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2.


3.                  That the zoning of 2555 Bank Street, 3507 Albion Road S., and 1337 Hunt Club Road be changed from IL F(1.0) - Light Industrial to IL F(1.0) [XXX] exception zone as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2.


4.         That Document 2 be amended by replacing the above-mentioned phase with the following:


“That parking shall be permitted within a required side yard abutting street along the Bank Street frontage and that the required landscape strip abutting a street may be reduced to one metre at this location.”


And that no further notice be provided pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.



RecommandationS modifiÉeS du Comité


La présente demande est assujettie au projet de loi 51)


Que le Conseil :


1.         Supprime du plan 19C du Règlement de zonage no 333 de 1999 de l'ancienne Ville de Gloucester le terrain dont l'adresse est 1340, chemin Hunt Club, tel qu'illustré dans le document 1, de manière à ce que ce terrain ne soit plus soumis aux dispositions du Règlement de zonage no 333 de 1999.


2.         Intègre le terrain dont l'adresse est 1340, chemin Hunt Club dans le Plan de zonage 35, Sous-secteur 2 de l'ancien Règlement de zonage de la Ville d'Ottawa no 93-98, avec un zonage IL F(1.0) [XXX] - Zone d'exception d'industrie légère, tel qu'illustré dans le document 1 et exposé en détail dans le document 2.


3.         Fasse passer le zonage du 2555, rue Bank, du 3507, chemin Albion et du 1337, chemin Hunt Club de IL F(1.0) - Industrie légère à IL F(1.0) [XXX] zone d'exception, tel qu'illustré dans le document 1 et exposé en détail dans le document 2.


4.         Approuve que le document 2 soit modifié en remplaçant la phrase susmentionnée par celle qui suit :


« Que le stationnement soit permis dans le retrait latéral exigé le long des terrains en bordure de la rue Bank et que la bande d’aménagement paysager jouxtant la rue y soit réduite à un mètre. »


ET qu’aucun autre avis à cet égard ne soit donné en vertu du paragraphe 34 (17) de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire.





1.            Deputy City Manager's report Planning, Transit and the Environment dated
12 April 2007 (ACS2007-PTE-APR-0108).


2.      Extract of Draft Minutes, 24 April 2007.



Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


12 April 2007 / le 12 avril 2007


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager / Directrice municipale adjointe,

Planning, Transit and the Environment / Urbanisme, Transport en commun et Environnement


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Karen Currie, Manager / Gestionnaire, Development Approvals / Approbation des demandes d'aménagement

(613) 580-2424, 28310  Karen.Currie@ottawa.ca



Ref N°: ACS2007-PTE-APR-0108




ZONING - 2555 bANK sTREET, 3507 ALBION ROAD, 1340 and 1337 hUNT cLUB rOAD (FILE NO. d02-02-07-0017)




ZONAGE 2555, rue BANK, 3507, chemin ALBION, 1340 et 1337, chemin HUNT CLUB





That the  recommend Council:


1.         Delete the lands known as 1340 Hunt Club Road from Map 19C of the former City of Gloucester Zoning By-law No. 333 of 1999, as shown in Document 1, such that these lands will no longer be subject to the provisions of Zoning By-law No. 333 of 1999.     


2.         Incorporate the lands known as 1340 Hunt Club Road into Zoning Map 35, Sub Area 2 of the former City of Ottawa Zoning By-law Number 93-98, to be zoned IL F(1.0) [XXX] - Light Industrial exception zone as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2.


3.         That the zoning of 2555 Bank Street, 3507 Albion Road, and 1337 Hunt Club Road be changed from IL F(1.0) - Light Industrial to IL F(1.0) [XXX] exception zone as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2.





Que le Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement recommande au Conseil :


1.         De supprimer du plan 19C du Règlement de zonage no 333 de 1999 de l'ancienne Ville de Gloucester le terrain dont l'adresse est 1340, chemin Hunt Club, tel qu'illustré dans le document 1, de manière à ce que ce terrain ne soit plus soumis aux dispositions du Règlement de zonage no 333 de 1999.


2.         D'intégrer le terrain dont l'adresse est 1340, chemin Hunt Club dans le Plan de zonage 35, Sous-secteur 2 de l'ancien Règlement de zonage de la Ville d'Ottawa no 93-98, avec un zonage IL F(1.0) [XXX] - Zone d'exception d'industrie légère, tel qu'illustré dans le document 1 et exposé en détail dans le document 2.


3.         De faire passer le zonage du 2555, rue Bank, du 3507, chemin Albion et du 1337, chemin Hunt Club de IL F(1.0) - Industrie légère à IL F(1.0) [XXX] zone d'exception, tel qu'illustré dans le document 1 et exposé en détail dans le document 2.





The subject properties straddle the municipal boundary between the former City of Ottawa and Gloucester.  The addresses are 2555 Bank Street, 1337 and 1340 Hunt Club Road, and 3507 Albion Road.  They are located to the south of Hunt Club Road, north of Bank Street, and east of Albion Road.


The site, also known as Hunt Club Honda, is about 1.27 hectares in size.  The existing building is a two-storey structure with a gross floor area of 1370 square metres.   Surrounding the site are mainly commercial uses including auto dealerships, gas stations and food stores.  Across Hunt Club Road to the north is a residential area consisting of single, semi-detached, and townhouse units.


Purpose of Zoning Amendment


The purpose of the Zoning By-law amendment proposal is to provide one zone across all the three properties to allow for the expansion of an existing car dealership.


Existing Zoning


1337 Hunt Club Road, 3507 Albion Road and the north part of 2555 Bank Street are zoned IL F(1.0) under the former City of Ottawa Zoning By-law.  The Light Industrial zone permits a range of low density, light industrial uses, including auto dealership.  The south part of the property at 1340 Hunt Club Road is zoned Ch under the former City of Gloucester Zoning By‑law.  The Commercial Highway zone permits a range of retail and commercial uses including motor and vehicle trade.



Proposed Zoning


The proposed zoning is IL F(1.0) [XXX], Light Industrial exception of the former City of Ottawa.  It is proposed that this zone be applied for both the portions of the property occurring within the former Cities of Gloucester and Ottawa with an exception to vary yard performance standards and parking along Bank Street.





City Official Plan


The site is designated “General Urban Area” in the Official Plan with Bank Street being designated as an “Arterial Mainstreet”, and Hunt Club Road designated as a "Scenic-Entry Route".  The General Urban Area designation permits a full range of residential development as well as employment service, cultural, leisure, entertainment and institutional uses with the goal to attain complete and sustainable communities.  The Plan designates this section of Bank Street as being on “Arterial Mainstreet”.  Streets having a Mainstreet designation are encouraged to be developed with a lively mix of ground orientated uses, encouraging intensification and more compact building forms.  The proposal to bring the building expansion and display area towards Bank Street conforms with that intent of the Plan.  With respect to the "Scenic-Entry Route" designation along Hunt Club Road, the zoning requirement for a 3.0 landscape buffer will satisfy the Plan's requirement to create an an aesthetically pleasing streetscape along such routes. 


Details of Proposed Zoning 


Parking shall be permitted in a required side yard abutting a street and the requirement for a landscape buffer along Bank Street shall be reduced to 1.0 metres to accommodate the reconfiguration of existing parking at this location having an exiting buffer of 1.0 metres. The relocation of existing parking is as a result of the existing driveway being moved to a location in compliance of the Private Approach By-law.  Details of the proposed zoning can be found in Document 2.


A concurrent application for Site Plan Control approval proposes renovation and addition to the existing building and the installation of a prefabricated modular building for pre-owned vehicle sales.  The applicant is proposing a two-story addition to the existing building.  The total gross floor area after renovation will be 2770 square metres.  The proposal includes moving the access from Bank Street to the east of the site and adding a secondary access from Albion Road.  Parking spaces for customers, employees, vehicle service, and outdoor inventory are provided.  The proposal also includes a prefabricated, temporary sales office building of 72 square metres on site. 





Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy.  The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.  One resident expressed concern with the application.  Details are provided in Document 3.










This application was processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendment applications.





Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      Details of Recommended Zoning

Document 3      Consultation Details





Corporate Services Department, City Clerk’s Branch, Secretariat Services to notify the owner, Surgenor National Leasing Ltd., 895 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, ON, K1K 3B1, applicant, D.G. Belfie Planning and Development Consulting Ltd., 21 Pine Cone Trial, Stittsville, ON K2S 1E1, OttawaScene.com, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON  K2E 7J5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning, Transit and the Environment Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.


Corporate Services Department, Legal Services Branch to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.

LOCATION MAP                                                                                                  DOCUMENT 1



DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                      REVISED DOCUMENT 2


Zoning Details for Zoning By-law, 1998                                                                                              


The following zoning change will be made to the properties at 2555 Bank Street, 3507 Albion Road, 1340 Hunt Club Road and 1337 Hunt Club Road 3201 Conroy Road shown on Document 1:


Change the Zonings from Ch and IL F(1.0) to IL F(1.0)[xxx] with the following exceptions:


Zoning Details for Zoning By-law, 1998


The following zoning change will be made to the properties at 2555 Bank Street, 3507 Albion Road, 1340 Hunt Club Road and 1337 Hunt Club Road 3201 Conroy Road shown on Document 1.


Change the Zonings from Ch and IL F(1.0) to IL F(1.0)[xxx] with the following exceptions:


1.                  That parking shall be permitted within a required side yard abutting street along the Bank Street frontage and that the required landscape strip abutting a street may be reduced to one metre at this location.


CONSULTATION DETAILS                                                                                DOCUMENT 3





Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law amendments.  One public meeting was also held in the community.





A resident along Albion Road telephoned to object to any expansion to the existing automobile dealership citing numerous past complaints about the operation and lighting of this dealership.  No other residences exist along this section of Albion Road, between Bank Street and Hunt Club Road.




The nature of this zoning application is to harmonize the zoning performance standards of two separate Zoning By-laws from two former municipalities on this property.  Both former municipal Zoning By-laws permitted an automobile dealership.  Issues such as lighting and noise can be addressed through the Site Plan Control approval process.





Councillor Diane Deans inquired whether any residents had come forward with concerns about the proposed Zoning Amendment, and whether these concerns were addressed.




There was one objector and his concerns were responded to, as above.


ZONING - 2555 BANK STREET, 3507 ALBION ROAD, 1340 & 1337


ACS2007-PTE-APR-0108                                             GLOUCESTER-SOUTHGATE (10)


The Committee was advised that the following technical amendment was required:


Moved By P. Feltmate


Whereas at its meeting of 24 April 2007 the Planning and Environment Committee recommended Council approve a report to amend the former City of Ottawa Zoning By-law for 2555 Bank Street;


And Whereas Document 2 of the report states:


“That parking shall be permitted within a required side yard abutting street along the Bank Street frontage and that the required landscape strip abutting a street may be reduced to three metres at this location.”


AND WHEREAS the zoning details in Document 2 should have reflected a reduction in the required landscape strip to one metre;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Document 2 be amended by replacing the above-mentioned phase with the following:


“That parking shall be permitted within a required side yard abutting street along the Bank Street frontage and that the required landscape strip abutting a street may be reduced to one metre at this location.”


That no further notice be provided pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.


                                                                                                            CARRIED as amended


The report recommendations were then put forward:


That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council:

1.         Delete the lands known as 1340 Hunt Club Road from Map 19C of the former Gloucester By-law No. 333 of 1999, as shown in Document 1, and these lands will no longer be subject to the provisions of By-law No. 333 of 1999.


2.         Incorporate the lands known as 1340 Hunt Club Road into Zoning Map 35, Sub Area 2 of the former Ottawa Zoning By-law Number 93-98, to be zoned IL f(1.0) [XXX] - Light Industrial exception zone as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2.


3.         That the zoning of 2555 Bank Street, 3507 Albion Road S., and 1337 Hunt Club Road be changed from IL F(1.0) - Light Industrial to IL F(1.0) [XXX] exception zone as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2, as amended.


                                                                                                            CARRIED as amended