That Council:


1.         Approve the attached renewal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and the City of Ottawa respecting the establishment and operation of a Level 3 Provincial CBRNE / Hazmat Response Team and delegated authority to the Fire Chief to sign the MOU on behalf of the City; and


2.         Approve, subject to approval of Recommendation 1, authority for the Ottawa CBRNE / Hazmat Team to respond to CBRNE/Hazmat emergencies outside the territorial jurisdiction of the municipality of the City of Ottawa in keeping with the terms of the MOU.


Recommandation du Comité


Que le Conseil municipal :


1.         approuve le protocole d’entente ci-joint entre le ministère de la Sécurité communautaire et des Services correctionnels et la Ville d’Ottawa concernant l’établissement et le fonctionnement d’une équipe provinciale d’intervention en cas d’alertes aux produits chimiques, biologiques, radiologiques, nucléaires ou explosifs (PCBRNE) ou aux matières dangereuses (MATDANG) de niveau 3;


2.         approuve, sous réserve de l’approbation de la recommandation 1, qu’autorité soitdonnée à l’équipe d’intervention en cas d’alertes aux PCBRNE/MATDANG d’intervenir en cas d’alertes chimiques, biologiques, radiologiques ou nucléaires ou mettant en cause des explosifs ou des matières dangereuses en dehors des compétences territoriales de la Ville d’Ottawa, conformément aux modalités du protocole d’entente.




1.                  Deputy City Manager report dated 31 January 2007 (ACS2007-CPS-OFS-0001).


Report to/Rapport au:


Community and Protective Services Committee

Comité des services communautaires et de protection


and Council / et au Conseil


31 January 2007 / le 31 janvier 2007


Submitted by/Soumis par : Steve Kanellakos, Deputy City Manager/Directeur municipal adjoint,

Community and Protective Services/Services communautaires et de protection 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Rick Larabie, Fire Chief / Directeur du service des incendies

(613) 580-2424 x29411, Rick.Larabie@Ottawa.ca


City Wide/ Portée générale

Ref N°: ACS2007-CPS-OFS-0001













That the Community and Protective Services Committee recommend that Council:


1.         Approve the attached renewal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and the City of Ottawa respecting the establishment and operation of a Level 3 Provincial CBRNE / Hazmat Response Team and delegated authority to the Fire Chief to sign the MOU on behalf of the City; and


2.         Approve, subject to approval of Recommendation 1, authority for the Ottawa CBRNE / Hazmat Team to respond to CBRNE/Hazmat emergencies outside the territorial jurisdiction of the municipality of the City of Ottawa in keeping with the terms of the MOU. 





Que le Comité des services communautaires et de protection recommande que le Conseil municipal :


1.         approuve le protocole d’entente ci-joint entre le ministère de la Sécurité communautaire et des Services correctionnels et la Ville d’Ottawa concernant l’établissement et le fonctionnement d’une équipe provinciale d’intervention en cas d’alertes aux produits chimiques, biologiques, radiologiques, nucléaires ou explosifs (PCBRNE) ou aux matières dangereuses (MATDANG) de niveau 3;


2.         approuve, sous réserve de l’approbation de la recommandation 1, qu’autorité soitdonnée à l’équipe d’intervention en cas d’alertes aux PCBRNE/MATDANG d’intervenir en cas d’alertes chimiques, biologiques, radiologiques ou nucléaires ou mettant en cause des explosifs ou des matières dangereuses en dehors des compétences territoriales de la Ville d’Ottawa, conformément aux modalités du protocole d’entente.




The City of Ottawa is renewing its Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services for the ongoing operation of a specialized Chemical, Biological, Radiological Nuclear and Explosive/Hazmat (CBRNE/HAZMAT) response team.  A Grant program through the Office of the Fire Marshall was established to fund teams in Ottawa, Windsor and Toronto.  Council approval is sought for the two recommendations:  first to approve the renewal of the MOU in the form attached as document 1 to this report and to have it signed by the Fire Chief; and secondly authorization for the City of Ottawa CBRNE/HAZMAT Team to leave the municipality in accordance with the terms and conditions of the MOU.  The grant amount of $25,000 in 2007 plus $100,000/year plus any additional charges for emergency response activities provided outside of the City will be credited to the Ottawa Fire Services Budget.  These monies are intended to augment existing Fire Services budgets to allow them to purchase the necessary and more sophisticated equipment and to acquire the necessary training.  It is anticipated there will be no additional costs to the City with regards to this program and no future costs would be incurred without prior approval of Council.




La Ville d’Ottawa renouvelle son protocole d’entente conclu avec le ministère de la Sécurité communautaire et des Services correctionnels relatif au fonctionnement permanent d’une équipe spécialisée d’intervention en cas d’alertes aux produits chimiques, biologiques, radiologiques, nucléaires ou explosifs ou aux matières dangereuses (PCBRNE/MATDANG). Un programme de subventions a été créé par le biais du Bureau du commissaire des incendies en vue de financer les équipes d’Ottawa, de Windsor et de Toronto. On demande au Conseil d’approuver les deux recommandations suivantes : en premier lieu, de donner au chef du Service des incendies le pouvoir de finaliser et de mettre en application le protocole d’entente tel qu’il est présenté en annexe (document 1); et, en second lieu, d’autoriser l’équipe d’intervention en cas d’alertes aux PCBRNE/MATDANG de faire des interventions en dehors de la municipalité, conformément aux modalités du protocole d’entente. Le montant de la subvention – 25 000 $ en 2007, somme majorée de 100 000 $ par année, plus tous frais supplémentaires engendrés par les activités d’intervention d’urgence exercées à l’extérieur de la Ville – sera porté au crédit du budget du Service des incendies d’Ottawa. Ces sommes, qui s’ajoutent au budget actuel du Service des incendies d’Ottawa, permettront de faire l’acquisition de l’équipement plus perfectionné requis et d’obtenir la formation nécessaire. Aucuns frais supplémentaires pour la Ville ne sont anticipés en ce qui a trait à ce programme et aucun coût ne devrait être engagé dans l’avenir sans l’approbation préalable du Conseil.




In 2001, the Province of Ontario, through the Office of the Fire Marshall established a grant program to fund Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) response teams in Ontario as a direct result of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States of America.  The purpose of the program was, and still is, to ensure that a competent, multi-disciplinary team is available, on a province-wide basis, to respond to large-scale and or complex chemical, biological, radiological nuclear and explosive emergencies in a planned, coordinated and timely manner.  The City of Ottawa was one of three cities selected to provide this service throughout the Province along with Toronto, and Windsor. 


At its meeting of March 27, 2002, City Council approved that the City enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of the Solicitor General respecting funding for a Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Response Team and the Department subsequently reported back with the final MOU that set out the terms and conditions respecting the establishment and operation of the CBRN response team.


The original MOU covering the period of 2002-2006 has expired.  Attached as Document 1 is the renewed draft MOU with the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services for the establishment and Operation of a City of Ottawa Level 3 Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive / Hazmat Team for Committee and Council approval. 




Recommendation 1


Highlights of the terms and conditions of the program, to be contained in the Memorandum of Understanding, are outlined in the following sections.  Community and Protective Services (CPS) staff as well as staff of Corporate Services Department, Legal Services Branch have worked with the Ministry, as well as our counterparts in Toronto and Windsor to finalize the details of the agreement. The terms and conditions of the Ottawa, Windsor and Toronto MOUs are identical. 


Establishment of the Team


·        Level 3 Provincial CBRNE /Hazmat teams are to be established as a component of the host Fire Services and will function under normal operating procedures within their respective municipalities.  In the case of Ottawa, a CBRN unit was established prior to the original MOU and has been in operation for more than 10 years.  The team will continue to be deployed within Ottawa to support local responders in accordance with current practices. 


Deployment Protocol


·        The MOU provides that local municipalities throughout the province will continue to provide the initial response to chemical, biological, radiological nuclear and explosive emergencies and draw upon whatever mutual aid systems are in place within the local jurisdiction to mitigate or eliminate the emergency. 


o       Level 1 – Awareness of what constitutes a hazardous materials incident

o       Level 2 - Capacity to carry out limited response activities

o       Level 3 – Capacity to mitigate hazardous materials incidents


·        If the emergency is beyond the ability of the local service providers, assistance from the CBRNE Response Teams is to be requested through the Minister.  A requests for the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team pursuant to this Memorandum of Understanding shall be made only upon an Emergency being or about to be declared by either the Premier of Ontario or by a Municipality, as authorized by the Emergency Management Act or any successor legislation. 


·        The decision to deploy one or more of the CBRNE response teams will be approved by the Minister of the Community Safety and Correctional Services or his or her designate. 


·        Local personnel will always be in overall command of the emergency situation and will be responsible for coordination of local resources.  The CBRNE/Hazmat Team will be under the command of the officer-in-charge of the CBRNE/Hazmat Team. 


·        CBRNE/Hazmat teams may use provincially supplied equipment in emergency and non-emergency situations


·        Operational details are set out in a separate CBRNE/Hazmat Operating Manual pursuant to the principles set out in the MOU. 




·        The Province will provide funding for the CBRNE/HAZMAT team as follows:

o       $25,000 between January 1, 2007 and March 31, 2007

o       $100,000 for every year between April 1, 2007 and December 31, 2012.


·                                          These monies are intended to augment existing Fire Services budgets to allow them to purchase the necessary and more sophisticated equipment and to acquire the necessary training.  It is anticipated there will be no additional costs to the City with regards to this program and no future costs would be incurred without prior approval of Council.


·                                          The Minister shall pay the City for all costs associated with the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team, where the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team has been ordered to be used by the Minister, and where the costs have been approved by the OFM.


·                                          The Minister shall, additionally, reimburse the City for in-filling or ‘call-in’ costs incurred by the City resulting from replacing Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team members who have been deployed pursuant to this Agreement.


·                                          The Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team provided by the City consists of up to eighteen (18) personnel trained, equipped and responding on appropriate municipal vehicles. The Minister will reimburse the City for the salaries of up to eighteen (18) personnel consisting of up to twelve (12) employed as firefighters trained and equipped to the NFPA 472 Technician Level, up to four (4) employed as police officers trained and equipped as outlined in the CBRNE/HAZMAT Operating Manual, 2007, and up to two (2) employed in providing emergency medical services trained and equipped as outlined in the CBRNE/HAZMAT Operating Manual, 2007, in accordance with the rates they are subject to in the current collective agreement. Incidents requiring cost recovery for more than eighteen (18) personnel must be approved in advance by the OFM. The Minister, upon approval of the City’s invoice, will immediately submit it for payment.


Reporting Requirements


·                    The Fire Services of municipalities that have received assistance from a CBRNE/HAZMAT team will prepare an incident report, in conjunction with the applicable CBRNE/HAZMAT team, which shall be filed with EMO and the OFM. 


·                    Each CBRNE/Hazmat team will submit a proposal for funding support to the Office of the Fire Marshal each year. 


·                    Each CBRNE/Hazmat team shall submit an annual summary report of the year’s activities to the Office of the Fire Marshal.  The report shall include a list of emergency responses and activities including outcomes, training activities and consultations services provided to other Fire Departments or CBRNE/Hazmat teams.


Term of the MOU


·        This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force on the date first above written and shall, subject to section 6.2 herein (Termination Clause), remain in effect until March 31, 2012. Unless a Party gives written notice of termination to the other Party at least six (6) months prior to March 31, 2012, this Memorandum of Understanding shall be automatically renewed for a five (5) year period on the same terms and conditions.


Recommendation 2


By approval of the recommendations of this report, Committee and Council are authorizing the CBRNE/HAZMAT Team to leave the municipality in accordance with the terms and conditions of the MOU. 




The grant amount of $25,000 plus $100,000/year plus any additional charges for emergency response activities provided outside of the City will be credited to the Ottawa Fire Services Budget. 




Community and Protective Services staff, as well as staff of the Corporate Services Department’s Legal Services Branch, negotiated with the Office of the Fire Marshall respecting the proposed content of the MOU.




The Department of Community and Protective Services are to implement the terms and conditions of the MOU. 





Document 1 -      Memorandum of Understanding for the Establishment and Operation of CBRNE/Hazmat Team between the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and the City of Ottawa


Document 2 -      CBRNE/Hazmat Operating Manual 2007



Document 1










- and


CITY OF OTTAWA (the “City”)




· Both the Minister and the City desire there to be a trained, multi-disciplinary Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team located in the City, and available to respond to large-scale or complex natural, or human-caused chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive emergencies in the area specified in the CBRNE / Hazmat Operating Manual, 2007, and possibly elsewhere in the Province;


· The Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team will operate under the auspices of the Fire Services Branch of the City;


· The Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management Ontario are part of the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, and will provide training, direction, and coordinate the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team as set out herein;


NOW THEREFORE the Parties agree as follows:




1.1 Definitions – In this Memorandum of Understanding:


“CBRNE/ HAZMAT Operating Manual, 2007” is a manual of operating procedures concerning the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team, as it may be amended from time to time;


"Emergency" has the same meaning as in the Emergency Management Act or any successor legislation;


“EMO” means Emergency Management Ontario;


“Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team” means a team of up to eighteen (18) emergency responders, consisting of up to twelve (12) employed as fire fighters, up to four (4) employed as police officers, and up to two (2) employed in providing emergency medical services, all of whom are employed by, and based in the City, with a knowledge and capacity to respond to large-scale or complex natural or human-caused chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive-based emergencies, in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association Standard 472 (Professional Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials Incidents – 2002 Edition) or newer versions if agreed to by the Parties;


“Municipality” means a geographic area whose inhabitants are incorporated;


“OFM” means Office of the Fire Marshal;


“Party” means the City, or the Minister (which includes the EMO and the OFM), and Parties shall mean both of them; and,


“Unorganized Territory” means a geographic area without municipal organization.


1.2 Headings – The headings in this Memorandum of Understanding are for convenience only and in no manner modify, interpret or construe this Memorandum of Understanding.


1.3 Ministry – A reference to the Minister or the Ministry in this Memorandum of Understanding shall include both the EMO and the OFM, unless otherwise specified.


1.4 Supplementary MOUs- Subject to section 1.5 herein (Conflict/ Other Uses of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team), this Memorandum of Understanding shall not prevent the City from entering into agreements with other Municipalities authorizing the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team in those Municipalities, as the case may be. The Minister shall not be responsible for paying any costs, where the City has contracted or made arrangements allowing for the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team in another Municipality.


1.5 Conflict/ Other Uses of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team – Subject to sections 3.3 and 3.5 herein, the Minister shall have priority in being able to direct the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team, including being able to redirect its use, where the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team is already being used outside the City. 


1.6 Conflict / Schedule and Operating Manual – Subject to section 5.6 herein (Grant Application), in the event of a conflict between the body of this Memorandum of Understanding and Schedules “A”, “B” or the CBRNE/ HAZMAT Operating Manual, 2007, the body of this Memorandum of Understanding shall apply to the extent of the conflict.


1.7 Severability - If any term of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be held to be illegal, invalid, unenforceable, null, void or inoperative by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms shall remain in full force and effect.


1.8              Entire Agreement - This Memorandum of Understanding, including Schedules “A”, and “B” constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties, with respect to the establishment and operation of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team, training and related services, as defined hereunder and supersedes any previous agreement whether written or verbal.


2.0        NOTICES


2.1 Notice - Any notice required pursuant to this Memorandum of Understanding shall be in

writing and delivered personally, sent by facsimile transmission or by registered mail to the contact persons at the following addresses:


To the City:


[insert contact details here]


To the OFM:


Chief of Emergency Management and Response

Office of the Fire Marshal

1495 Muskoka Road North

Gravenhurst, Ontario P1P 1W5

Tel: 705 687-2294 Fax 705 687-8636


To the EMO:


Deputy Chief, Emergency Management Ontario

Ferguson Block 77 Wellesley St. W. PO Box 222 Toronto ON M7A 1N3

Tel: 416 314 8622 Fax 416 314 3758 [Please confirm this contact information remains correct]


2.2  Notification of Change – Each Party shall provide the other Party with written

notification of any changes to the address or contact information for a Party contained in section 2.1 herein (Notice).




3.1 Requests for Use of Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team – Subject to section 3.2 herein (Requests for Use of Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team / Unorganized Territory), all requests for the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team pursuant to this Memorandum of Understanding shall be made only upon an Emergency being or about to be declared by either the Premier of Ontario or by a Municipality, as authorized by the Emergency Management Act or any successor legislation. All requests for the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team shall be made to the Minister. Only authorized officials of a Municipality may make a request for the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team on behalf of their Municipality.


3.2 Requests for Use of Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team / Unorganized Territory – The Minister shall request, and direct the use of a Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team in an Unorganized Territory. An Emergency does not have to be declared in an Unorganized Territory for a request or direction to be made by the Minister for the use of a Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team.


3.3 Decision to use Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team – The Minister shall consider the following in directing the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team pursuant to this Memorandum of Understanding:


a) Whether all available resources in the Municipality or Unorganized Territory are being used;

b) Whether officials in the Municipality or Unorganized Territory have attempted to request assistance pursuant to a mutual aid agreement or arrangement; and

c) The impact the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team could have on the safety of the residents of the City.


3.4 Authority of Minister– The Minister may, in ordering the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team:


a) Order the use of part or all of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team;

b) Direct the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team anywhere in the area specified in the CBRNE/ HAZMAT Operating Manual, 2007, or elsewhere in the Province, and for any length of time;

c) Direct whom the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team is to report to at the scene of the Emergency or non-emergency incident if in an Unorganized Territory; or

d) Direct the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team to respond to any Emergency or non-emergency incident if in an Unorganized Territory;

and any orders may be made orally or in writing, but where it is practical to do so, the order shall be in writing and sent by fax transmission to the City.


3.5 Consultation with City – The Minister shall make best efforts, where practical, to consult with the City prior to ordering the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team and shall have regard to any competing needs of the City.


3.6 Notification by City – The City shall notify the Minister of any facts that may assist the Minister in making a decision about ordering the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team.


3.7 Employment Relationship – Members of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team shall, for the purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding, at all times and for all purposes be employees of the City, except where otherwise prescribed by law. The City shall be solely responsible for ensuring that members of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team comply with this Memorandum of Understanding, the CBRNE/ HAZMAT Operating Manual, 2007, and any other directives or policies issued by the Minister.


3.8 Laws – The City warrants that the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team shall operate in compliance with all federal, provincial or municipal laws or regulations, and the CBRNE/ HAZMAT Operating Manual, 2007.




4.1 Training – Subject to section 4.2 (OFM) herein, the City shall be responsible for providing members of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team with the training required for a Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team, including in the use of all equipment.


4.2 OFM – The OFM shall provide training to members of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team when the OFM deems it necessary, including an annual CBRNE training or exercise at the Ontario Fire College or at another location agreed to by the Parties. The OFM shall also ensure that sufficient training allocations or placements are provided to all members of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team of the City required by the OFM to participate in such training or exercise referenced herein. The City shall be required to ensure that all members of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team required by the OFM participate in all training offered by the OFM, including the annual training or exercise referenced herein.




5.1 Payment of Costs – The Minister shall pay the City for all costs associated with the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team as set out in Schedule “A”, where the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team has been ordered to be used by the Minister, and where the costs have been approved by the OFM.


5.2 No Liability – The Minister shall not be liable for any costs not authorized herein, and not approved by the OFM. The Minister shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the City after the termination or expiry of this Memorandum of Understanding.


5.3 Appropriation by Legislature – Both Parties recognize that all costs payable to the City authorized pursuant to section 5.6 (Grant Application) and in Schedule “B” herein shall be contingent on an allocation by the Provincial Legislature, which allocation shall be submitted for approval to the Legislature on an annual basis. The OFM shall notify the City in the event that the Legislature does not approve the allocation for funding, either in whole or in part. 


5.4 Restrictions on Compensation - The City warrants it shall not apply to, or receive monies from, the Minister for costs for which it has already been, or will be reimbursed by another organization, including another government, or agency thereof. The City shall be liable to return to the Minister any monies it receives from the Minister in contravention of this section. This section shall survive the expiry or termination of this Memorandum of Understanding.


5.5 Invoices – The City shall issue an invoice to the Minister in the form set out in Schedule “A” for authorized costs incurred by the City for the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team pursuant to this Memorandum of Understanding. Such invoice shall be issued within sixty (60) days from the date on which the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team ceases to be used, unless another date is agreed to in writing by both Parties. The City shall supply the Minister with any documentation required by the Minister in support of the invoice.


5.6 Grant Application – The City shall be required to submit an application in writing in the form, and according to the terms and conditions prescribed in Schedule “B” herein, in order to be eligible for compensation for costs of up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) per year incurred by the City for providing training, specialized equipment or exercises as required herein or for any other approved items. The decision to award compensation shall be subject to the discretion of the OFM. In the event of a conflict between the terms and conditions of the application in Schedule “B” and the terms and conditions of the body of this Memorandum of Understanding, the terms and conditions of the application in Schedule “B” shall apply to the extent of the conflict.   




6.1 Term – This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force on the date first above written and shall, subject to section 6.2 herein (Termination Clause), shall remain in effect until March 31, 2012. Unless a Party gives written notice of termination to the other Party at least six (6) months prior to March 31, 2012, this Memorandum of Understanding shall be automatically renewed for a five (5) year period on the same terms and conditions.


6.2 Termination clause – This Memorandum of Understanding may be terminated at any time on one Party giving the other Party six (6) months written notice.


6.3 Amendments – Any changes to this Memorandum of Understanding and the CBRNE/ HAZMAT Operating Manual, 2007, shall be in writing, and shall be agreed to by the Parties before taking effect.





7.1 Dispute Resolution - Subject to Article 6 (Term, Termination and Amendments) and section 7.2 (Dispute During Emergency) herein, if any dispute arises between the Parties as to their respective rights and obligations under this Memorandum of Understanding, the representatives of the Parties named in section 2.1 herein (Notice) shall attempt to settle the dispute within fourteen (14) business days of the dispute arising. If the representatives of the Parties are unable to resolve the dispute within fourteen (14) business days, the dispute shall be referred to the Fire Chief of the City, the Fire Marshal, and the Commissioner of Emergency Management Ontario or one or more of their delegates for resolution.


7.2 Dispute During Emergency – A dispute that arises while a Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team has been ordered to be used by the Minister, or where an Emergency has arisen in the Province of Ontario, shall be resolved as prescribed in section 7.1 herein (Dispute Resolution) after the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team is no longer being used as directed by the Minister, or once the Emergency has ended, as the case may be. 





8.1 Annual Meeting – The Minister and the City shall meet at least once a year, or more frequently as they require, at a mutually agreed upon location to:

a) Review any use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team,

b) Ensure that operating procedures, policies and strategies are current and consistent;

c) Review all reports provided by the City under section 8.2 herein (Reports);

d) Discuss any amendments required to the CBRNE/ HAZMAT Operating Manual, 2007; and,

e) Anything else agreed upon by the Minister and the City.


8.2 Reports - The City shall be required to provide the Minister with a written report at least once a year, or more frequently as the Minister directs containing:

a) Training that the City has provided to members of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team;

b) An account of all occasions on which the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team has been used;

c) Other events where there was use or reliance on the expertise or capability of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/HAZMAT Team; or,

c) Anything else reasonably requested by the Minister.





9.1 Records - The City shall keep and maintain all records, reports, invoices and other documents relating to the use of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team, the training and all costs incurred by the City under this Memorandum of Understanding, in a manner consistent with generally accepted accounting principles and clerical practices, and shall maintain such records and keep them available for review by the Minister and its agents for a period of seven (7) years from the date this Memorandum of Understanding expires or is terminated. The Minister shall be able to inspect and to request a copy of any and all such records, invoices or other documents, as the case may be, for any purpose including the completion of an audit, on providing five (5) business days notice to the City. This clause shall survive the termination or expiry of this Memorandum of Understanding.


9.2       Insurance - The City shall, during the term of this Memorandum of Understanding, maintain sufficient insurance to cover its obligations and all uses of the Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team authorized under this Memorandum of Understanding, and shall provide evidence of such insurance to the Minister at the Minister’s request.


9.3 Confidential Information – The Parties agree that except where required by law, or for the purpose of performing duties or obligations under this Memorandum of Understanding, no Party shall directly or indirectly disclose, destroy, exploit or use, either during or after the term of this Memorandum of Understanding, any confidential information belonging to the other Party, unless the other Party has provided their written consent. The Parties further agree that when this Memorandum of Understanding terminates or expires, they shall return all confidential information belonging to the other Party.


9.4 Media –  Subject to Schedule “B” herein and the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“MFIPPA”), the City agrees that the City shall not at any time directly or indirectly communicate with the media in relation to this Memorandum of Understanding or any monies provided under the authority of this Memorandum of Understanding unless the City first provides written notice to the Minister. The City shall, further, not publicize or issue any publications related to this Memorandum of Understanding unless they first notify the Minister in writing.


9.5 No Waiver - The failure of the Minister or the City to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding or any of its rights in respect thereto or to insist upon strict adherence to any term of this Memorandum of Understanding shall not be considered to be a waiver of such provision, right or term or in any way affect the validity of this Memorandum of Understanding.


9.6 Ratification by the City – The performance by the City of any obligations or duties under this Memorandum of Understanding outside of the geographic boundaries of the City shall be conditional upon the approval of the Council of the City of this Memorandum of Understanding in that regard.  Notification of the decision of the Council of the City shall be communicated in writing by the City to the Minister as soon as practical.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Minister, and the City hereto have executed the Memorandum of Understanding on the dates noted below, with the Memorandum of Understanding to be effective as of the date first above written.



Approved for


Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of The Province Of Ontario As Represented By The Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services



City of Ottawa








Julian Fantino, Commissioner of Emergency Management



Dated: ____________________



Rick Larabie, Fire Chief, City of Ottawa







Dated: ______________________


I have the authority to bind the Minister.













The OFM will evaluate the current level of training within the fire department and a training program based on “train the trainer” will be developed in conjunction with the fire department personnel. The OFM will assign a Program Specialist to this task and the assigned person will regularly monitor the effectiveness of the training and the departments HazMat/CBRNE response capability.




Consumables (defined as including Level A and B suits, duct and chemtape, one-time use CBRN kits, water, food, and ice, but not including equipment) shall be replaced by the OFM if agreed upon by the Parties at the planning session held in advance of training.




A Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team provided by the City consists of up to eighteen (18) personnel trained, equipped and responding on appropriate municipal vehicles. The Minister will reimburse the City for the salaries of up to eighteen (18) personnel consisting of up to twelve (12) employed as firefighters trained and equipped to the NFPA 472 Technician Level, up to four (4) employed as police officers trained and equipped as outlined in the CBRNE/HAZMAT Operating Manual, 2007, and up to two (2) employed in providing emergency medical services trained and equipped as outlined in the CBRNE/HAZMAT Operating Manual, 2007, in accordance with the rates they are subject to in the current collective agreement. Incidents requiring cost recovery for more than eighteen (18) personnel must be approved in advance by the OFM. The Minister, upon approval of the City’s invoice, will immediately submit it for payment.


The Minister shall, additionally, reimburse the City for in-filling or ‘call-in’ costs incurred by the City resulting from replacing Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ HAZMAT Team members who have been deployed pursuant to this Agreement.


All other costs and expenses must have prior written approval of the Minister.




Cost Recovery Process











Chief of Emergency Management and Response

Office of the Fire Marshal

1495 Muskoka Road North

Gravenhurst, Ontario P1P 1W5


Dear Chief:


Subject:           Invoice for response to emergency at request of province


The following is a statement of charges for the CBRNE/ HAZMAT related incident on (date) located at (location) in (municipality).


Part a - response of staff and apparatus:


Response of (indicate number) personnel and apparatus for (indicate number) hours as per the agreed to costs in the memorandum of understanding with the Province of Ontario.





Cost incurred by the department to recall additional (indicate number) personnel for (indicate number) hours as per the agreed to costs in the memorandum of understanding with the Province of Ontario.




Total costs for part “a”








Part b – costs incurred at the scene of the emergency as authorized by the OFM:


Vehicles/apparatus costs (rates as per CBRNE/HAZMAT Operating Manual, 2007)




Equipment costs



Materials costs



Communications costs



Other costs



Total costs for part “b”





Please make payment to:                                                          


(Name of department to whom payment will be made)

(Street or mailing address)

(City, province and postal code)


(For inclusion in Part “a” of invoice to province)


Name / Title
















































Total hours of all staff assigned to incident








(For inclusion in Part “a” of invoice to province)


Name / title






























Reason for call-back of personnel:
















(For inclusion in Part “b” of invoice to province)


Vehicle/Apparatus Type









































(For inclusion in Part “b” of invoice to province)















































(for inclusion in Part “b” of invoice to province)
















































(for inclusion in Part “b” of invoice to province)























































(for inclusion in Part “b” of invoice to province)





















































Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive Response


Grant Program





Return the completed application form to the Office of the Fire Marshal, 1495 Muskoka Road North

Gravenhurst, Ontario  P1P 1W5 – attention of Barry McKinnon


Please refer to Terms and Conditions (attached) for further information on the application process and grant criteria.


Request for assistance should be discussed with your Office of the Fire Marshal representative prior to application.

For OFM use only

Project/Program No.




Name of Community

Region/County/District/Single Tier




Mailing Address

Telephone No.




Project Coordinator

Fax No.





Mailing Address (If different from above)

E-Mail Address



Project/Program Timelines


Start date:

Completion Date:

Project/Program Description

(A comprehensive project description that includes the aim and objectives of a project/programwill ensure that it is correctly understood and will be accorded a suitable priority.  PLEASE ATTACH ANY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION.)












Measurable Objectives

(Long term projects may be divided into phases or measurable objectives and may thereby qualify for phased funding arrangements as major objectives are completed).


















Estimate of Costs


*A Project Planning Worksheet should be completed for each separate category of cost


Training (Attach list and item cost)


Equipment (Attach list and item cost)


Administrative Costs







We, the undersigned, having authority to make a commitment on behalf of the community in whose name this application is being made, hereby give the following undertaking:


1.        To comply with the terms and conditions of the Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, Nuclear, Explosive Response Grant Program;

2.        To comply with the terms and conditions of a Memorandum of Understanding to establish and to operate a Level 3 Provincial CBRNE/ Hazmat Team;

3.        Agree to deploy the resources acquired through this program as requested by the Province of Ontario through the Provincial Operations Centre;

4.        Agree to operate within the Hazardous Materials/CBRNE Operating Manual 2007 and the Emergency Response Standard Operating Guidelines; and,

5.        Upon completion of a project/program, or a significant phase of a project/program, to issue a statement to the public through the local media or to take such other steps as are necessary to acknowledge fully the nature and extent of Office of the Fire Marshal involvement and participation. We request that you not publicize this conditional approval of the grant, or the subsequent receipt of grant funds that will follow the signing of a legal agreement. Once the agreement is signed, the ministry will be pleased to work with your organization to arrange a suitable occasion for a public announcement. (Clippings/copy should be forwarded upon submitting a claim.)





















Fire Chief


(Insert Municipal Representative Title as appropriate)














Please complete the following questions concerning your community background, the level of emergency preparedness within your community, and project details.


Community Background



1.          What is the population of your community (or communities if a joint community project)?




2.          What communities will be served by this project?






3.          Does the community you directly serve have any major, unique or special hazards to be prepared for?




4.          Does the community(s) you indirectly serve have any major, unique or special hazards to be prepared for?






Level of Preparedness







1.          Has your fire department received training in hazardous materials response?










NFPA 472 Awareness Level Training

# FF







NFPA 472 Operations Level Training

# FF







NFPA 472 Technician Level Training

# FF







CBRNE Specialist Level Training

# FF







2.          Is your fire department equipped for hazardous materials response?










NFPA 472 Awareness Level










NFPA 472 Operations Level










NFPA 472 Technician Level










CBRNE Response Level










3.          Does/will your fire department provide hazardous materials response to other communities?










NFPA 472 Operations Level










NFPA 472 Technician Level










CBRNE Response Level










4.          Experience - Number of responses where services provided (provide the total # of responses at the various levels for the last 2 complete years)




NFPA 472 Awareness Level






NFPA 472 Operations Level






NFPA 472 Technician Level






CBRNE Response Level








Project Details







1.          Does your project support an all hazards approach to emergency preparedness? (i.e., can your project be used in other types of emergency situations?














2.          How often will you use the project you are applying for? (specify)



3.          What agencies will use this project? (i.e., police, fire, ambulance, public works, etc.)



4.          Upon completion of your project, a statement must be issued to the public through the local media or other steps taken to fully acknowledge the nature and extent of the Office of the Fire Marshal involvement and participation in funding this project.[1]  How do you intend to fulfill this obligation?




Ministry of the

Solicitor General and Correctional Services


·       To be completed and retained by applicant for accounting and audit purposes




Service Performed/Expenditure


Cost Data













































































































A separate worksheet should be completed for each category of cost, i.e., Training, Equipment, Administration, etc.


·       To be completed and retained by applicant for accounting and audit purposes




Service Performed/Expenditure


Cost Data





Testing/ Maintenace


(see notes)















































































































A separate worksheet should be completed for each category of cost, i.e., Training, Equipment, Administration, etc.


Consumables are those used in preparing for provincial responses or actual provincial responses

·       To be completed and retained by applicant for accounting and audit purposes




Service Performed/Expenditure


Cost Data

Salary & Benefits













































































A separate worksheet should be completed for each category of cost, i.e., Training, Equipment, Administration, etc.

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions governing funding approved under the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive Response Grant Program are contained in this application form. By signing this application form the applicant is agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions if a grant is awarded


1)                Definitions

“Applicant” means the designated community that has submitted this application to the Office of the Fire Marshal

“Grant” means the monies provided to the recipient by the Office of the Fire Marshal pursuant to these terms and conditions;

“Project” means the project for which the grant is awarded to the recipient under the program

“Program” means the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive Response Grant Program

“Recipient” means the applicant which has agreed to be bound by these and any subsequent terms and conditions and for whom funding has been approved by the Office of the Fire Marshal; and “Terms and Conditions” means the terms and conditions contained in this application.


2)               Time

The terms and conditions shall be in effect for seven (7) years following completion of the project or termination of this agreement, unless stipulated otherwise by the Office of the Fire Marshal in writing.


3)               Project


Unless stipulated otherwise by the Office of the Fire Marshal in writing, the recipient shall use the grant to:


·   carry out and complete the project  as described in the applicant’s application, and

·   complete the project by March 31 of the year following  the application.


The recipient shall carry out the project according to all federal, provincial or municipal laws or regulations, or orders, rules or by-laws related to the project.


4)               Grant 


The Office of the Fire Marshal shall provide a grant up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) in an amount to be determined solely by the Office of the Fire Marshal, and contingent upon an appropriation by the Legislature of Ontario.


The Office of the Fire Marshal shall pay the grant as follows;


The approved grant will be made available as soon as reasonably possible after the applicant has received approval in writing from the Office of the Fire Marshal and, upon satisfactory receipt and review of a reconciliation report that includes:


·           a certified statement from the Municipal Clerk, Treasurer or Chief Financial Officer of the recipient of all costs incurred to complete the project ;  or

·           copies of all invoices and other documentation to substantiate eligible project expenditures.


Unless stipulated otherwise in writing by the Office of the Fire Marshal, the recipient shall use the grant only for the approved project as determined by the Office of the Fire Marshal.


5)               Assignment of Grant


The applicant/recipient shall not assign this application or any grant or part thereof to another entity without the prior written consent of the Office of the Fire Marshal.


6)               Further Conditions


The Office of the Fire Marshal may, at any time, upon reasonable notice, impose upon the recipient such additional terms or conditions which the Office of the Fire Marshal, in its sole discretion, considers appropriate for the proper management and expenditure of the grant and may impose such terms and conditions on any consent granted pursuant to these terms and conditions.


7)               Unused Grant


The recipient agrees that any part of the grant which has not been used by or accounted for by the recipient by the completion date shall belong to the Office of the Fire Marshal and shall be used only for the purposes agreed upon by the Office of the Fire Marshal or shall be returned to the Office of the Fire Marshal immediately upon request of the Office of the Fire Marshal


8)               Termination of the Grant and Request for Repayment of Grant:


The Office of the Fire Marshal reserves the right to cancel the grant and/or request repayment of the grant or an amount equal hereto if the recipient:


·           does not commence the project ;  or, 

·           complete the project by March 31 of  the year following the application

·           ceases to operate;

·           has knowingly provided false or misleading information in its grant request, in any other communication with the Office of the Fire Marshal, in any public communication, or regarding the project;

·           breaches any of the terms and conditions; or

·           in the Office of the Fire Marshal’s opinion, is unable to complete the project.


9)               Repayment of Grant by Recipient


If, pursuant to the terms and conditions governing the grant, the Office of the Fire Marshal requests the repayment of the whole or any part of the grant, the amount requested shall be deemed to be a debt due and owing to the Office of the Fire Marshal and the recipient shall pay the amount immediately.


The recipient shall repay the amount demanded by cheque payable to the Minister of Finance. The Office of the Fire Marshal reserves the right to demand interest on any amount owing by the recipient at the then current rate charged by the Province of Ontario on accounts receivable.


Should the recipient fail to repay an amount owing to the Office of the Fire Marshal under this agreement, including interest, the recipient acknowledges and agrees that the Minister of Finance may deduct an unpaid amount from any money payable to the recipient by the Province of Ontario, or may exercise any other remedies available to the Office of the Fire Marshal or the Minister of Finance to collect unpaid amounts


10)           Accounting


The recipient shall keep and maintain at its usual place of business all records, invoices and other documents relating to the grant in a manner consistent with generally accepted accounting principles and clerical practices, and shall maintain such records and keep them available for review by the Office of the Fire Marshal and its agents for a period of 7 years from the date of completion of the expenditures or termination of this agreement.


The recipient authorizes the Office of the Fire Marshal upon its request and/or its agents to inspect and copy any records, invoices and documents in the possession or under the control of the recipient that relates to the grant. The Office of the Fire Marshal’s right of inspection includes the right to perform a full or partial audit.


The recipient agrees to provide any additional information reasonably required by the Office of the Fire Marshal.


11)           Purchasing Goods and Services


The recipient shall acquire all goods and services through a competitive or comparative selection processes based on current municipal best practices that ensures the best value for funds expended.


12)           Reports


The recipient shall submit a final reconciliation report to the Office of the Fire Marshal upon completion of the project and no later than April 15 of the year following the application for the review and the approval by the Office of the Fire Marshal. 


13)           Conflict of Interest


The recipient shall ensure that the project is carried out in all its aspects without a conflict of interest by any person associated with the project in whatever capacity.


For these purposes, a conflict of interest includes a situation in which the person associated with the project and any member of his or her family is able to benefit financially from his or her involvement in the project.


The recipient shall disclose to the Office of the Fire Marshal without delay any actual or potential situation that may be reasonably interpreted as an actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest and shall identify how the conflict of interest will be resolved.


14)           Office of the Fire Marshal and Recipient Independent


The Office of the Fire Marshal and the recipient are and shall at all times remain independent and are not and shall not represent themselves to be the agent, joint venture, partner or employee of the other. No representations shall be made or acts taken by either party which could establish or imply any apparent relationship of agency, joint venture, partnership or employment and neither party shall be bound in any manner whatsoever by any agreements, warranties or representations made by the other party to any other person or with respect to any other action of the other party.


15)    Invalid and Unenforceable Provisions to be Severed


If any provision of the terms and conditions governing the grant are found to be invalid or unenforceable it shall be severed and the other provisions of the terms and conditions governing the grant shall not be affected


16)    Waiver


A waiver of any failure to comply with any term of these terms and conditions must be written and signed by the recipient or by the Office of the Fire Marshal as the circumstances dictate.  Each waiver must refer to a specific failure to comply and shall not have the effect of waiving any subsequent failures to comply.


17)    Consent to Release


The applicant/recipient consents to the release of information contained in its application and in any reports submitted under these terms and conditions, all pursuant to section 17(3) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.


18)    Time of Essence


Time shall be of the essence of these terms and conditions in all respects.








Document 2:





Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives(CBRNE) Response







C.                 Level 2 and 3 Teams






This CBRNE Response Operating Manual 2007 is intended to provide operational direction with respect to arrangements between Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of The Province Of Ontario as represented by the Policy & Public Safety Programs Division of the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and the Cities of Ottawa, Toronto and Windsor concerning deployment of CBRNE Response Level 2/3 teams.


Amendments to the CBRNE Response Level 2/3 Operating Manual 2007 are to be approved in writing by the Fire Chiefs, acting on behalf of the teams ((Municipalities of Ottawa, Toronto and Windsor (Level 3) and Thunder Bay, Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay, Peterborough, Cornwall, and Cambridge/Kitchener/Waterloo (Level 2)) and the Fire Marshal for Ontario, or his/her designate, acting on behalf of the Province. The party desiring an amendment to the CBRNE Response Level 2/3 Operating Manual 2007 shall give the other parties thirty (30) days written notice of the proposed amendments.


Under normal conditions, responsibility for conducting the necessary operations at the various response levels to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or explosives emergency will be as contained in this manual. However, it is understood that from time to time conditions inherent to the emergency may warrant a modified approach to deal with the situation, resulting in a deviation from the procedures set out in this manual. Decisions to deviate from procedures in this manual shall be at the discretion of the incident commander of the responding agency/team.


Each CBRNE Response Level 3 Team will have an initial response area as determined by the Ministry as outlined in Appendix A, in consultation with all of the CBRNE Response Level 3 Teams. No such initial response area shall be changed by the Ministry without the prior written consent of all the CBRNE Response Level 3 Teams.


It shall be the responsibility of the CBRNE Response Level 2/3 team to provide immediate updates to the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC) and the Office of the Fire Marshal of any contact changes.




In this Operating Manual, Levels 1(Awareness), 2 (Operations), and 3 (Technician) shall have the same meaning as found in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 472- 2002 Edition (Professional Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials Incidents) or newer versions if agreed to by the parties.


Role of the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC)


Provincially designated Level 2 and 3 team response areas will be defined in each Level 2/3 MOU. The PEOC shall notify the appropriate CBRNE Response Level 2/3 team(s) to respond to the incident after first determining from the Fire Coordinator that the local mutual aid system has been used to its full potential, before the provincial resources are called in.


The PEOC shall notify the OFM Chief of Emergency Management & Response (EMR) or designate, that the CBRNE Response Level 2/3 team has responded. The Chief – EMR shall arrange for the response of appropriate OFM personnel and material support.


Upon deployment of a CBRNE Response Level 2/3 team to support a municipal large-scale or complex natural or human-caused chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear emergency, Emergency Management Ontario (EMO) will deploy an area officer to the scene to provide liaison between the municipality declaring the emergency, neighbouring municipalities and the Province.


It shall be the responsibility of the CBRNE Response Level 2/3 team to contact the PEOC to arrange for additional external resources through the OFM, as required.


The local municipality requiring assistance shall be responsible for consequence management of displaced individuals, transportation and community health issues. EMO will be responsible for providing additional support as required or as appropriate.


Role of the Office of the Fire Marshal (OFM)


The OFM will evaluate the training needs of the Level 2/3 teams on a regular basis and provide train-the-trainer training on an as-needed basis. The OFM will assign a Program Specialist to this task and the assigned person will regularly monitor the effectiveness of the training and the department’s CBRNE/HazMat response capability and make recommendations as appropriate.


Upon deployment of a CBRNE Response Level 2/3 team to support a municipal emergency, the OFM will:


·        Deploy the Chief of EMR or designate and area fire protection adviser where practicable, to the scene.

·        Provide for the delivery of equipment and resources (including personnel as required) to support the activities of the CBRNE Response Level 2/3 teams.

·        Provide liaison between the home fire chief, fire coordinator (if applicable), the PEOC and the responding CBRNE Response Level 2/3 team. 


Role of the local municipality and the local fire department


Local municipalities will be responsible for initial response at Level 1 to chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear emergencies.


1.      This local response team will be responsible for analyzing the incident to determine both the hazardous materials present and the basic hazard and response information for each hazardous material by completing the following tasks:

  • Detect the presence of hazardous materials.
  • Survey the incident from a safe location to identify the name, United Nations Chemical Identification Numbers or type placard applied for any hazardous materials involved
  • Collect hazard information from the current edition of the North American Emergency Response Guidebook.


2.      The local response team will implement actions consistent with the local emergency response plan, the organization’s standard operating guidelines, and the current edition of the North American Emergency Response Guidebook by completing the following tasks:

  • Initiate protective actions
  • Initiate the notification process


Local municipalities with more advanced training and response capability will be responsible for Level 2 activities at chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear emergencies.


The local municipality requiring assistance shall be responsible for consequence management arising from displaced individuals, transportation and community health issues stemming from the emergency. Emergency Measures Ontario will be responsible for providing additional support as required or as appropriate.


Role of the mutual aid system


Mutual aid systems, or local municipalities themselves or contracted service providers with more advanced training and response capability, will be responsible for Level 2 activities at chemical, biological, radiological and / or nuclear emergencies.


1.      This Level 2 team will be responsible for analyzing the magnitude of the problem in terms of outcomes by completing the following tasks:

  • Survey the hazardous materials incident to identify the containers and materials involved, determine whether hazardous materials have been released, and evaluate the surrounding conditions.
  • Collect hazard and response information from material safety data sheets, CANUTEC and shipper/manufacturer contacts.
  • Predict the likely behaviour of a material as well as its container
  • Estimate the potential harm at the incident.


2.      This team will plan an initial response within the capabilities and competencies of available personnel, personal protective equipment, and control equipment by completing the following tasks:

  • Describe the response objectives
  • Describe the defensive options available
  • Determine whether the personal protective equipment is appropriate for implementing each defensive option
  • Identify the emergency decontamination procedures


3.      This team will implement the planned response to favourably change the outcomes consistent with the local emergency response plan and the organization’s standard operating guidelines by completing the following tasks:

  • Establish and enforce scene control procedures including control zones, emergency decontamination and communications
  • Initiate an incident management system
  • Wear personal protective equipment provided by the assisted local jurisdiction
  • Perform defensive control functions identified in the plan of action


4.      This team will evaluate the progress of the actions taken to ensure that the response objectives are being met safely, effectively and efficiently by completing the following tasks:

  • Evaluate the status of the defensive actions taken in accomplishing the response objectives
  • Communicate the status of the planned response
  • Not every county, district or region will have a Level 2 response capability. That service may come from another county, district or region, a provincially designated team, a local municipality or contracted service provider with more advanced training and response capability.


Role of the CBRNE Response Level 2 Teams


In those situations that are beyond the ability of a local county, district or region to mitigate, and the local mutual aid system response capacity has been reached, the county, district or regional fire co-ordinator will contact the PEOC to request a CBRNE Response Level 2 team response. The PEOC will arrange through the OFM for the necessary approval to take place for a CBRNE Response Level 2 team to respond,


1.      The CBRNE Response Level 2 team will be responsible for analyzing the magnitude of the problem in terms of outcomes by completing the following tasks:

  • Survey the hazardous materials incident to identify the containers and materials involved, determine whether hazardous materials have been released, and evaluate the surrounding conditions.
  • Collect hazard and response information from material safety data sheets, CANUTEC and shipper/manufacturer contacts.
  • Predict the likely behaviour of a material as well as its container
  • Estimate the potential harm at the incident.


  1. The CBRNE Response Level 2 team will plan an initial response within the capabilities and competencies of available personnel, personal protective equipment, and control equipment by completing the following tasks:
  • Describe the response objectives
  • Describe the defensive options available
  • Determine whether the personal protective equipment is appropriate for implementing each defensive option
  • Identify the emergency decontamination procedures


  1. The CBRNE Response Level 2 team will implement the planned response to favourably change the outcomes consistent with the local emergency response plan and the organization’s standard operating guidelines by completing the following tasks:
  • Establish and enforce scene control procedures including control zones, emergency decontamination and communications
  • Initiate an incident management system
  • Wear personal protective equipment provided by the assisted local jurisdiction
  • Perform defensive control functions identified in the plan of action
  • Provide decontamination for response agencies


  1. The CBRNE Response Level 2 team will evaluate the progress of the actions taken to ensure that the response objectives are being met safely, effectively and efficiently by completing the following tasks:
  • Evaluate the status of the defensive actions taken in accomplishing the response objectives
  • Communicate the status of the planned response


  1. It shall be the responsibility of the CBRNE Response Level   

     2 Team to contact the OFM if additional vehicles/apparatus    

     are required from their municipality and if agreed the rate

     shall be $   per hour while the vehicle/apparatus is in



Role of the CBRNE Response Level 3 Teams


In those situations that are beyond the ability of a Level 2 team to mitigate, the county, district or regional fire co-ordinator will contact the PEOC to request a CBRNE Response Level 3 team response. The PEOC will arrange through the OFM for the necessary approval to take place for a CBRNE Response Level 3 team to respond.


Upon receiving notification from the PEOC, one or more of the provincially supported CBRNE Response Level 3 teams will respond with NFPA 472 Technician Level trained staff,  command staff and other personnel according to the protocols and standard operating guidelines set by the Ministry in consultation with the CBRNE Response Level 3 Teams. 


1.        The CBRNE Response Level 3 team will analyze the incident to determine the magnitude of the problem in terms of outcomes by completing the following tasks:

  • Review the actions and documentation of the Level 1 and Level 2 responders.
  • Survey the incident to identify special containers involved, to identify or classify unknown materials, and to verify the presence and concentrations of hazardous materials through the use of monitoring equipment.
  • Collect and interpret hazard and response information from printed resources, technical resources, computer data bases and monitoring equipment
  • Determine the extent of damage to the containers
  • Predict the likely behaviour of released materials and their containers when multiple materials are involved
  • Estimate the size of an endangered area using computer modelling, monitoring equipment or specialists in the field


2.        The CBRNE Response Level 3 team will plan a response within the capability of available personnel, personal protective equipment and control equipment by completing the following tasks:

  • Identify the response objectives
  • Identify the potential action options available by response objective
  • Select the personal protective equipment required for a given action option
  • Select the appropriate decontamination procedures
  • Develop a plan of action, including safety considerations, consistent with the local emergency response plan and the CBRNE Response Level 3 team’s standard operating guidelines, and within the capability of the available personnel, protective equipment and control equipment


3.        The CBRNE Response Level 3 team will implement the planned response to favourably change the outcomes consistent with team’s standard operating guidelines and safety considerations by completing the following tasks:

  • Perform the duties of an assigned hazardous materials position within the (local) incident management system
  • Wear appropriate personal protective clothing, including, but not limited to, both liquid splash and vapour protective clothing with appropriate respiratory protection
  • Perform the control functions identified in the plan of action


4.        The CBRNE Response Level 3 team will evaluate the progress of the planned response by evaluating the effectiveness of the control functions


5.        It shall be the responsibility of the CBRNE Response Level 3 team to contact the PEOC through the OFM to arrange for additional external resources, as required.


6.        The CBRNE Response Level 3 team will terminate the incident by completing the following tasks:

  • Assist in the incident debriefing
  • Assist in the incident critique
  • Assist in the preparation of reports and documentation of the incident


7.         It shall be the responsibility of the CBRNE Response Level 3 Team to contact the OFM if additional vehicles/apparatus are required from their municipality and if agreed the rate shall be $    per hour while the vehicle/apparatus is in service.



Role of the Local Police


The local police services will be responsible for investigating to determine if the emergency is the result of criminal activity. In some circumstances the OFM Fire Investigation Services Section may provide a supporting role to determine the cause and origin.


·        In those cases where it is determined criminal activity is involved, the local police services will be responsible for scene security, rendering explosives safe and collecting and analysing evidence

·        If determined that the emergency is not a crime scene, it will be the responsibility of the property owner to secure the scene.


Role of Multi-Agency CBRNE Response Level 2/3 Team Representatives


CBRNE Response Level 2/3 teams comprise representatives from fire, emergency medical, and police services that may be deployed in response to an emergency.


The role of emergency medical and police personnel when responding in the capacity of the CBRNE Response Level 2/3 team shall be to support the CBRNE team(s) without supplanting the role of the local emergency medical and/or police service of the jurisdiction.


Where required as part of the CBRNE Level 2/3 response, these representatives shall respond to the extent of the training and equipment provided.


Reporting requirements


It will be the responsibility of the assisted local fire department, in consultation with the CBRNE Response Level 2/3 team(s), to prepare and submit the official reports and documentation of the incident. Copies of the report will be provided to:

·        Each responding team

·        The Office of the Fire Marshal

·        Emergency Measures Ontario


It is the responsibility of each designated CBRNE Response Level 2/3 team to submit a summary report of the year’s activities to the Office of the Fire Marshal by April 15 of each year.


The summary report will include, but not be limited to, a summary of consultation services provided to other fire departments and teams, a listing of the previous year’s emergency responses by the team including the outcomes of those responses, the training activities of the team, an update on any additional response resources assigned to the team, identification of any significant changes in operations by the team and such other matters as the Office of the Fire Marshal may reasonably require, provided that the Ministry shall provide the CBRNE Response Level 2/3 teams with at least ninety days’ prior written notice of any such other matters.


It is the responsibility of the Office of the Fire Marshal to review the submitted reports and to arrange for their distribution to Emergency Measures Ontario and Policing Services.



APPENDIX A - Initial Response Areas of Teams (Level 3):




            The service area consists of the counties and districts of;

·        Frontenac

·        Lanark

·        Leeds & Grenville

·        Lennox & Addington

·        Prescott & Russell

·        Renfrew

·        Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry

·        District of Nipissing, east of Hwys 11 & 63, excluding North Bay




The service area consists of the cities, counties, districts, district municipalities and regional municipalities of;

·                    Brant

·                    Dufferin

·                    Durham

·                    Grey

·                    Halton

·                    Haldimand

·                    Haliburton

·                    Hamilton

·                    Hastings

·                    Kawartha Lakes

·                    Muskoka

·                    Northumberland

·                    Niagara

·                    Nipissing, west of Hwy.s 11 & 63, including North Bay

·                    Parry Sound

·                    Peel

·                    Peterborough

·                    Prince Edward

·                    Simcoe

·                    Waterloo

·                    Wellington

·                    York




The service area consists of the cities and counties of;

·        Bruce

·        Chatham-Kent

·        Elgin

·        Essex

·        Huron

·        Lambton

·        Middlesex

·        Norfolk

·        Oxford

·        Perth


Service to the remainder of the province will be coordinated by the PEOC and the OFM Chief – EMR, based on Level 2/3 team availability, incident location and travel time and transportation availability. 





[1] Please ensure you attach any other information, documentation or reports that may be used to support your project.  Also, please ensure a separate application form including information sheet is prepared for each project.