That Council enact a by-law, to take effect March 15, 2007, to amend the Animal Care and Control By-law No. 2003-77 as outlined in Document 1 to:

a)                  amend the existing fees for pet registration and pound redemption as detailed in Schedule “A” of the amending by-law;

b)                  include in Schedule “A” a registration fee of $10 for a sterilized and microchipped dog six months of age or older;

c)                  include in Schedule “A” a registration fee of $10 for a sterilized and microchipped cat six months of age or older;

d)                  exempt sterilized and microchipped dogs and cats registered prior to the date of enactment of the amending by-law from the requirement to pay a pet registration fee;

include a new registration fee for a dog whose owner has been convicted of permitting the dog to bite or attack, without provocation, a person or domestic animal. 



Recommandation du Comitι


Que au Conseil d’adopter un rθglement municipal, qui entrerait en vigueur le 15 mars 2007, abrogeant le Rθglement no 2003-77 sur le contrτle et le soin des animaux, comme le dιcrit le document 1, afin :

a)                  de rιviser les droits d’enregistrement et de restitution des animaux de compagnie en vigueur, comme le dιfinit l’annexe A du rθglement modificatif;

b)               d’inclure dans l’annexe A des droits d’enregistrement de 10 $ pour un chien de six mois ou plus stιrilisι et muni d'une micropuce;

c)                  d’inclure dans l’annexe A des droits d’enregistrement de 10 $ pour un chat de six mois ou plus stιrilisι et muni d’une micropuce;

d)                  d’exempter des droits susmentionnιs les propriιtaires dont les chiens et les chats stιrilisιs et dotιs d’une micropuce ont ιtι enregistrιs avant la date d’adoption du rθglement modificatif;

e)         d’instaurer de nouveaux droits d’enregistrement pour les chiens dont les propriιtaires ont ιtι condamnιs pour avoir permis ΰ leur animal de mordre ou d’attaquer une personne ou un animal de compagnie sans qu’il y ait eu provocation.




1.                  Deputy City Manager, report dated 5 February 2007 (ACS2007-CPS-BYL-0007).

Report to/Rapport au :


Community and Protective Services Committee

Comitι des services communautaires et de protection


and Council / et au Conseil


5 February 2007 / le 5 fιvrier 2007


Submitted by/Soumis par : Steve Kanellakos, Deputy City Manager/Directeur municipal adjoint,

Community and Protective Services/Services communautaires et de protection 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Susan Jones, Director/Directrice

By-law and Regulatory Services/Services des rθglements municipaux

(613) 580-2424 x25536, susan.jones@ottawa.ca


City-Wide/Portιe gιnιrale

Ref N°: ACS2007-CPS-BYL-0007












That the Community and Protective Services Committee recommend that Council enact a by-law, to take effect March 15, 2007, to amend the Animal Care and Control By-law No. 2003-77 as outlined in Document 1 to:

a)                  amend the existing fees for pet registration and pound redemption as detailed in Schedule “A” of the amending by-law;

b)                  include in Schedule “A” a registration fee of $10 for a sterilized and microchipped dog six months of age or older;

c)                  include in Schedule “A” a registration fee of $10 for a sterilized and microchipped cat six months of age or older;

d)                  exempt sterilized and microchipped dogs and cats registered prior to the date of enactment of the amending by-law from the requirement to pay a pet registration fee;

e)                  include a new registration fee for a dog whose owner has been convicted of permitting the dog to bite or attack, without provocation, a person or domestic animal.




Que le Comitι des services communautaires et de protection recommande au Conseil d’adopter un rθglement municipal, qui entrerait en vigueur le 15 mars 2007, abrogeant le Rθglement no 2003-77 sur le contrτle et le soin des animaux, comme le dιcrit le document 1, afin :

a)                  de rιviser les droits d’enregistrement et de restitution des animaux de compagnie en vigueur, comme le dιfinit l’annexe A du rθglement modificatif;

b)                  d’inclure dans l’annexe A des droits d’enregistrement de 10 $ pour un chien de six mois ou plus stιrilisι et muni d'une micropuce;

c)                  d’inclure dans l’annexe A des droits d’enregistrement de 10 $ pour un chat de six mois ou plus stιrilisι et muni d’une micropuce;

d)                  d’exempter des droits susmentionnιs les propriιtaires dont les chiens et les chats stιrilisιs et dotιs d’une micropuce ont ιtι enregistrιs avant la date d’adoption du rθglement modificatif;

e)                  d’instaurer de nouveaux droits d’enregistrement pour les chiens dont les propriιtaires ont ιtι condamnιs pour avoir permis ΰ leur animal de mordre ou d’attaquer une personne ou un animal de compagnie sans qu’il y ait eu provocation.




In 2003, the animal-related regulations of the former municipalities were harmonized to establish the Animal Care and Control By-law 2003-77, including provisions and fees related to dog and cat registration.  The fee structure considers affordability and provides incentives through either a zero fee or lower fees for pets, which are either sterilized or identified with a microchip or both, with the intent of increasing the rate of pet registration and the number of sterilized and identified pets and, in the longer term, reducing the number of unidentified animals generally as well as those impounded at a cost to taxpayers.


The pet registration program has however not met expectations.  The pet registration rate has not increased significantly since the by-law was enacted in 2003 nor has the number of impounded pets decreased significantly.  The result is a loss of revenue of approximately $40,000 in 2006 – revenue that is used to offset the costs of animal care and control.  Ottawa’s fees are approximately 50% of those of most other comparable municipalities.


Based on the foregoing, a modest fee increase is proposed in order to help offset animal care and control costs.  Further, a higher license fee is proposed for a dog whose owner has been convicted of permitting the dog to bite or attack, without provocation, a person or domestic animal, as these dogs represent a greater burden on animal enforcement resources.




En 2003, les rθglements sur les animaux en vigueur dans les anciennes municipalitιs ont ιtι harmonisιs pour donner lieu au Rθglement no 2003-77 sur le contrτle et le soin des animaux, qui comprend des dispositions et des droits relatifs ΰ l’enregistrement des chiens et des chats. Le barθme des droits tient compte de la capacitι ΰ payer des propriιtaires et prιvoit des incitatifs, qui consistent ΰ exempter des frais d’enregistrement les propriιtaires d’animaux stιrilisιs ou munis d’une micropuce (ou les deux) ou ΰ leur imposer des frais moindres ΰ ce chapitre. Ces mesures visent ΰ accroξtre la proportion d’animaux de compagnie enregistrιs ainsi que le nombre d’animaux stιrilisιs et identifiιs, ce qui, ΰ long terme, rιduira la population d’animaux non-identifiιs de compagnie de mκme que le nombre d’animaux envoyιs ΰ la fourriθre, dont l’exploitation est en partie financιe par les contribuables.


Le programme d’enregistrement des animaux de compagnie n’a cependant pas donnι les rιsultats escomptιs. Le taux d’enregistrement d’animaux n’a pas augmentι de maniθre significative depuis l’entrιe en vigueur du rθglement, en 2003, et le nombre d’animaux envoyιs en fourriθre n’a pas beaucoup diminuι non plus. Ainsi, la Ville d’Ottawa aurait pu bιnιficier en 2006 d’ΰ peu prθs 40 000 $ en recettes supplιmentaires au titre de l’enregistrement des animaux de compagnie, fonds qui devraient servir ΰ financer les coϋts associιs au contrτle des animaux et aux soins qui leur sont apportιs.  Les droits d’enregistrement des animaux de compagnie en vigueur ΰ Ottawa ιquivalent ΰ environ la moitiι de ceux imposιs dans la plupart des villes comparables.


Par consιquent, une hausse modeste des droits est proposιe pour compenser une partie des coϋts associιs au contrτle des animaux et aux soins qui leur sont apportιs. Il est ιgalement recommandι d’augmenter les droits d’enregistrement des chiens dont les propriιtaires ont ιtι condamnιs pour avoir permis ΰ leur animal de mordre ou d’attaquer une personne ou un animal de compagnie sans qu’il y ait eu provocation, car ces chiens alourdissent la tβche du personnel chargι de l’application du rθglement sur les animaux.




In 2003, the animal-related regulations of the former municipalities were harmonized to establish the Animal Care and Control By-law 2003-77.  Among the animal-related matters addressed by this by-law is pet (dog and cat) registration – that is, pet identification tags, traditionally referred to as “licenses”.  The harmonized by-law incorporates a fee schedule, which includes registration at no charge for the life of the pet for those that are sterilized and microchipped; $12 for pets which are sterilized or microchipped but, not both or which are immature; $25 for pets which are neither sterilized nor microchipped.  This general fee structure formed part of the extensive public consultation undertaken during the course of harmonizing the by-law and was favoured for its incentives to sterilize and permanently identify pets and for its affordability.


The rationale for the fee structure was that by enhancing the affordability of licenses as well as providing incentive for pet owners to sterilize and microchip their pets, the rate of pet registration would increase and, in the longer term, the goals of the pet registration program generally would be achieved, e.g. increased number of sterilized and identified pets, reduction in the number of animals impounded at a cost to taxpayers, etc. That is, pet registration helps reduce the costs associated with sheltering strays by increasing the number of lost animals that are returned to their owner rather than being impounded.  Revenue from pet registration offsets the cost of the stray animal pick-ups by By-law Officers and related municipal animal shelter (“pound”) services currently provided by the Ottawa Humane Society through a service agreement with the City.



The pet registration program has not met expectations.  A recent data review indicates that the number of registered pets has not increased significantly since the by-law was enacted in 2003 and pet owners are failing to renew their pet’s registration on a continuous annual basis.  Further, the number of impounded pets has not decreased significantly over the past few years.  The overall result is a loss of revenue of approximately $40,000 in 2006 – revenue that is used to offset the costs of animal care and control.  Ottawa’s fees are approximately 50% of those of most other comparable municipalities.


It is therefore recommended that pet registration fees be amended, as outlined in the chart below.  A registration fee of $10 for pets that are both sterilized and microchipped is proposed to replace the free, lifetime registration for pets in this category.  All existing free, lifetime registrations would however be “grandfathered”.  It is proposed that the differential fee structure, in which there are progressively higher pet registration fees based sterilization or the presence of microchip identification or both, be maintained.  The introduction of a $100 fee for a dog whose owner has been convicted of permitting the dog to bite or attack without provocation a person or domestic animal is also proposed.  Dogs in this category represent significantly higher enforcement and administration costs to the City.  Currently, a number of comparable cities in and outside of Ontario have in place a fee similar to that being proposed, those ranging from $90 to $500.




Current Fee

Proposed Fee

For each dog six months of age or older which is sterilized and identified with a microchip

No Fee


For each dog under six months of age which is identified with a microchip

No Fee


For each dog six months of age or older which is sterilized but not identified with a microchip



For each dog under six months of age which is not identified with a microchip



For each dog six months of age or older which is identified with a microchip but not sterilized



For each dog six months of age or older, which is neither sterilized nor identified with a microchip



For each service dog

No Fee

No Fee

For each replacement of a lost identification tag

No Fee

No Fee

For each cat six months of age or older, which is sterilized and identified with a microchip

No Fee


For each cat under six months of age, which is identified with a microchip

No Fee


For each cat six months of age or older, which is sterilized but, not identified with a microchip



For each cat under six months of age, which is not identified with a microchip



For each cat six months of age or older, which is identified with a microchip but, not sterilized



For each cat six months of age or older, which is neither sterilized nor identified with a microchip



For each service cat

No Fee

No Fee

For each replacement of a lost identification tag

No Fee

No Fee

For a dog whose owner has been convicted of permitting the dog to bite or attack without provocation a person or domestic animal



(new category)




Cats whose owners reside on land zoned agricultural will continue to be exempt from the registration requirement.




An advertisement inviting comments and giving notice of the time, date and location of the Community and Protective Services Committee at which the proposed pet registration fee amendments would be discussed, appeared in the January 26th edition of the Citizen and Le Droit and again in the February 2nd and February 3rd editions of Le Droit and the Citizen, respectively. A copy of the draft report was also circulated to the Ottawa Humane Society, which sells pet registrations on behalf of the City and has an interest in the subject matter.  As of the writing of this report, no inquiries or comments about the report were received.




There are no budget implications associated with this report.  If approved, the proposed amendments to the pet registration fees set out in Schedule “A” to the Animal Care and Control By-law 2003-77 will result in additional revenues to make up the existing shortfall to meet the 2007 budget targets and to help offset the costs of the administration and enforcement of the pet registration program.




Document 1 – Proposed amending by-law respecting pet registration and pound redemption fees




By-law and Regulatory Services Branch to provide for the necessary notification to the public, pet owners, relevant agencies.


Legal Services Branch to process the by-law to Council for enactment.



BY-LAW NO. 2007-


                        A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-77 respecting pet registration and pound redemption fees.


                        The Council of the City of Ottawa enacts as follows:


1.                     Subsection (3) of Section 7 of  By-law No. 2003-77 entitled “A by-law of the City of Ottawa respecting animal care and control”, as amended, is amended by adding the expression “where the dog is registered prior to March 15, 2007” immediately after the word “sterilized” where it occurs therein.


2.                     Subsection (3) of Section 53 of the said By-law No. 2003-77 is amended by adding the expression “where the cat is registered prior to March 15, 2007” immediately after the word “sterilized” where it occurs therein.


3.                     Schedule “A”, Pet Registration and Pound Redemption fees, of the said By-law No. 2003-77 is repealed and the Schedule “A” attached hereto is substituted therefor.


4.                     This by-law shall come into force and take effect on March 15, 2007.




                        ENACTED AND PASSED this   day of         , 2007.





                                    CITY CLERK                                     MAYOR








      (a)        for each dog six months of age or older,

                  which is sterilized and identified with a microchip…………………………….$10


      (b)        for each dog under six months of age,

                  which is identified with a microchip……………………………………………$10


      (c)        for each dog six months of age or older,

                  which is sterilized but, not identified with a microchip………………………...        $15


      (d)        for each dog under six months of age,

                  which is not identified with a microchip ……………………………………….$15


      (e)        for each dog six months of age or older,

                  which is identified with a microchip but, not sterilized………………………...        $15


      (f)       for each dog six months of age or older,

                 which is neither sterilized nor identified with a microchip……………………...         $30


      (g)       for each service dog………………… …………………………………………No fee


      (h)       for each replacement of a lost identification tag …………………………….…No fee


(i)                  for each dog whose owner has been convicted of permitting the dog           

to bite or attack, without provocation, a person or domestic animal…..….….$100




      (a)        for each cat six months of age or older,

                  which is sterilized and identified with a microchip….………………………….$10


      (b)       for each cat under six months of age,

                 which is identified with a microchip…………………………………………….$10


      (c)       for each cat six months of age or older,

                 which is sterilized but, not identified with a microchip…………..……………..        $15


     (d)        for each cat under six months of age,

                 which is not identified with a microchip………………………………………..       $15



(e)                for each cat six months of age or older,

which is identified with a microchip but, not sterilized……………………... $15


(f)                 for each cat six months of age or older, which

            is neither sterilized nor identified with a microchip………..…………………….$30


      (g)      for each service cat.……………………………………………………………….No fee


      (h)      for each replacement of a lost identification tag……..…………………………...No fee






      (a)     for each dog redeemed, per day for each day,

               or part thereof, to be calculated from the first day of impoundment………..……$45


      (b)    for each cat redeemed, per day for each day,

               or part thereof, to be calculated from the first day of impoundment……………..        $35