7.       city of ottawa archives - 111 sussex drive

archives de la ville d’ottawa - 111, promenade sussex




Committee Recommendation


That Council approve the Lease Renewal from Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), to the City of Ottawa for the Main City Archives at 111 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, consisting of 492m² office space, Bytown Pavilion and 165.9m² climate controlled storage space, Rideau Pavilion.  The Lease is for a period of three (3) years commencing 1 January 2008 and terminating on 31 December 2010, for the total rent consideration of $543,693.93 plus GST.  The City is also responsible for its proportionate share of the Municipal taxes.



Recommandation du comité


Que le Conseil approuve le renouvellement du bail de Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada (TPSGC) à la Ville d’Ottawa pour les archives principales à 111, promenade Sussex, Ottawa, consistant en des espaces de bureau d’une superficie de 492m2, pavillon Bytown, et d’un espace d’entreposage climatisé de 165,9m2, pavillon Rideau. Le bails’ étend sur une période de trois ans, du 1er janvier 2008 au 31 décembre 2010, pour toute la considération de loyer de 543 693.93 $, TPS en sus. La Ville est également responsable de sa partie proportionnelle de taxes et de redevances municipales.








1.   Chief Corporate Services Officer's report dated 22 January 2007 (ACS2007-CRS-RPM-0005).


2.   Extract of Draft Minute, 6 February 2007.

Report to/Rapport au :


Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee

Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique


and Council / et au Conseil


22 January 2007 / le  22 janvier 2007


Submitted by/Soumis par : Greg Geddes, Chief Corporate Services Officer/

Chef des Services généraux


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Gordon MacNair, Manager, Real Estate Services

Real Property Asset Management/Gestionnaire Services immobiliers, Gestion des biens immobiliers

(613) 580-2424 x 21217, Gordon.MacNair@ottawa.ca


Rideau-Vanier (12)

Ref N°: ACS2007-CRS-RPM-0005








archives de la ville d’ottawa - 111, promenade sussex





That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve the Lease Renewal from Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), to the City of Ottawa for the Main City Archives at 111 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, consisting of 492m² office space, Bytown Pavilion and 165.9m² climate controlled storage space, Rideau Pavilion.  The Lease is for a period of three (3) years commencing 1 January 2008 and terminating on 31 December 2010, for the total rent consideration of $543,693.93 plus GST.  The City is also responsible for its proportionate share of the Municipal taxes.




Que le Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique recommande au Conseil d’approuver le renouvellement du bail de Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada (TPSGC) à la Ville d’Ottawa pour les archives principales à 111, promenade Sussex, Ottawa, consistant en des espaces de bureau d’une superficie de 492m2, pavillon Bytown, et d’un espace d’entreposage climatisé de 165,9m2, pavillon Rideau. Le bails’ étend sur une période de trois ans, du 1er janvier 2008 au 31 décembre 2010, pour toute la considération de loyer de 543 693.93 $, TPS en sus. La Ville est également responsable de sa partie proportionnelle de taxes et de redevances municipales.




The City of Ottawa Main Archives Program has operated at the same location since 1998 and is operated by Cultural Services and Community Funding Branch.  The City Archives is the centre of expertise for the identification and management of civic government records, of long-term value, a function that responds to the legislated requirements under the Municipal Act, to keep and make municipal records accessible to the public, contributes to efficient record keeping, serves the corporate memory, documents the development of the City and assists in ensuring transparent and accountable government, by maintaining evidence of business decisions and transactions.


The City Archives plays a key role in the life-cycle management of the City’s official records as they progress from being active, to inactive and finally to their disposition phase when they are either transferred to the City Archives or destroyed.


As a “centre of expertise” and in accordance with its mandate, the City of Ottawa Archives is accountable for:


1)      Promoting good recordkeeping by the City to facilitate the identification and preservation of civic records that have enduring value;

2)      Identifying which civic records have archival value and authorizing their transfer to the City Archives for retention and preservation; and

3)      Determining, which civic records no longer have any value and authorizing their destruction in accordance with the records retention by-law, approved by City Council.


The City Archives Program also plays a key role in preserving community memory by encouraging individuals, organizations and businesses in the community to create their own archives, to preserve records that enhance our understanding of the history, evolution and development of the City’s social fabric, natural and built environment, and the people that lived, worked and made significant contributions to the shaping of the City of Ottawa. The City Archives Program acquires community records, where they would be lost to the City for lack of a venue, to preserve and make them accessible.


Council provided direction to develop a long-range plan for the City Archives and established a Steering Committee to assist staff in identifying the best option with regard to the relocation of the Main Branch.  A report that responds to Council directions is scheduled for the Community and Protective Standing Committee on 15 February 2007 and subsequent Council meeting later in the month.





The former City of Ottawa sold 111 Sussex Drive to the federal Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC).  Ownership of the property was transferred on
31 December 2000.  The City has subsequently leased Archival space at 111 Sussex Drive from PWGSC.  The current Lease expires 31 December 2007. 


City staff has negotiated a (3) three-year extension of the current Lease until 31 December 2010, at an annual gross rental rate of $181,231.31 or $275.47 per m² ($25.59 per ft²), plus GST, for the combined 492m² of office space and 165.9m² of climate controlled storage space, payable in monthly instalments of $15,102.61 plus GST commencing 1 January 2008.  The City is also responsible for its proportionate share of Municipal taxes.  All other terms and conditions of the original Lease continue to apply.  The Lease Renewal Agreement is for a (3) three year period commencing 1 January 2008 and expiring 31 December 2010 at a total consideration of $543,693.93 plus GST.  The rental rate of $25.59 per ft² plus GST, equalling $181,231.31 plus GST per annum, is at market value.





No public consultation was required as this was an internal administrative matter.  The Ward Councillor is aware of staff’s recommendation.





This Lease Agreement represents an annual expenditure of $181,231.31 plus GST, and will be charged to Community Services Cost Centre 156006-502610 (Cultural Affairs and Community Funding).





Following Council’s approval, Real Property Asset Management and Legal Services Branches to execute the Lease Agreement.




Corporate Services and Economic                                   Comité des services organisationnels

Development Committee                                                                         et du développement économique

Report 2                                                                                                                                                                    rapport 2


Extract of draft Minutes 3

6 february 2007


Extrait de l’ébauche du procès-verbal 3 – 6 février 2007



city of ottawa archives - 111 sussex drive

archives de la ville d’ottawa – 111, promenade sussex

ACS2007-CRS-RPM-0005                                                          rideau-vanier (12)


Mr. K. Kirkpatrick, City Manager, Ms. C. Hendrick, Director of Cultural Services and Community Funding, and Mr. S. Finnamore, Director of Real Property Asset Management, responded to Committee members’ questions on this item.  The following summarizes the information provided.


Responding to a question with respect to how difficult it had been to obtain the federal partners’ agreement to this lease renewal, Mr. Kirkpatrick indicated that discussions had taken place at the Assistant Deputy Minister level. 


With respect to a permanent home for the archives, Ms. Hendrick indicated staff would bring forward a report in mid-February on a comprehensive plan for a permanent location for the City’s archives program, identifying the program elements and making recommendations with respect to a specific site and a high-level cost estimate for the program requirements in the neighbourhood of $20 million.  Furthermore, the report  would identify existing program requirements and would also outline a plan for the next 10 years as well as the implications for a 25-year horizon.


When asked about potential funding for the archives program and relocation, Mr. Kirkpatrick could not think of a Provincial program to which the City could apply.  However, he referenced the vehicle by which the Province had provided the funding for the Chamber Music Society project, the East-end arts facility project, and fixing the split at Highway 417/174.  He noted that funding had come in the form of an unconditional grant right before midnight at the end of the Province’s fiscal year last year with a letter that very clearly expressed the intent of the Province in providing those funds.  He believed the funds were intended to represent the Province’s contribution to a cultural investment that represented a high priority for Council.  Therefore, he submitted that the archives project could be a good alternative, should it come to pass that the funding was not used for the concert hall project. 


With respect to communications relative to the archives program, Ms. Hendrick indicated staff had held an open house 2 weeks earlier, which was attended by upwards of 120 individuals from across the community.  In addition, she advised staff were planning media releases to coincide with the release of the aforementioned archives program and relocation report. 


Following this brief discussion, Committee voted in support of the report recommendation.


That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve the Lease Renewal from Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), to the City of Ottawa for the Main City Archives at 111 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, consisting of 492m² office space, Bytown Pavilion and 165.9m² climate controlled storage space, Rideau Pavilion.  The Lease is for a period of three (3) years commencing 1 January 2008 and terminating on 31 December 2010, for the total rent consideration of $543,693.93 plus GST.  The City is also responsible for its proportionate share of the Municipal taxes.

