That Council approve:


That Section 3(1) and 3(2) of the Encroachment By-law 2003-446, as amended, and Section 6 of the Use and Care of Roads By-law 2003-498, as amended, be waived to permit the erection of a fence within the Besserer Street road allowance, outside of the leased portion at Besserer and Waller Streets, subject to the following conditions:


1.      That the property owner agrees to maintain the fence, at no cost to the City of Ottawa;


2.      That, before construction of the fence begins, proper plans be submitted for Site Plan Approval and approved by the Deputy City Manager of Planning and Growth Management Services or his delegate;


3.      That the property owner agrees that this fence is subject to removal and the reinstatement of the City of Ottawa’s road allowance within 30 days receipt of a written notice to do so;


4.      That the owner acknowledges and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Ottawa for all loss, damages, costs and expenses of every nature and kind whatsoever arising from or in consequence of the wall within the Besserer Street road allowance, whether such loss, damages, cost or expenses are incurred by reason of negligence or without negligence on the part of, and whether such loss, damages, costs or expenses are sustained by the City of Ottawa or the owner of their several and respective employees, workers, servants and agents, or any other person or persons, corporation or corporations whatsoever;


5.      That the owner acknowledges and agrees to be responsible and liable for any damage caused to this fence within the Besserer Street road allowance howsoever it may be caused by the City of Ottawa’s maintenance operations.


6.      That the owner agree to enter into a Permanent Encroachment Agreement, with associated annual fees, for the encroachment.






Que le Conseil approuve:


De déroger aux paragraphes 3(1) et 3(2) du règlement 2003 446 modifié sur l’empiètement et à l’article 6 du règlement 2003 498 modifié sur l’utilisation et l’entretien des routes pour permettre l’érection d’une clôture dans l’emprise routière de la rue Besserer, à l’extérieur de la partie louée à l’angle des rues Besserer et Waller, sous réserve des conditions suivantes :


1.   Que le propriétaire du bien-fonds s’engage à entretenir la clôture, sans qu’il en coûte un sou à la Ville d’Ottawa.


2.   Qu’un plan d’implantation en bonne et due forme soit présenté et approuvé par le directeur municipal adjoint du Service de l’Urbanisme et de la Gestion de la croissance ou son délégué, avant que la construction de la clôture ne débute.


3.   Que le propriétaire du bien-fonds convienne de l’enlèvement de cette clôture et du rétablissement de l’emprise routière de la Ville d’Ottawa dans les 30 jours suivant la réception d’un avis écrit en ce sens.


4.   Que le propriétaire du bien-fonds reconnaisse et accepte qu’il doit indemniser la Ville d’Ottawa des pertes, dommages, frais et dépenses de toute nature découlant du mur érigé dans l’emprise routière de la rue Besserer, que ces pertes, dommages, frais ou dépenses soient encourus par suite de négligence, et que ces pertes, dommages, frais ou dépenses soient subis par la Ville d’Ottawa, le propriétaire, ou leurs employés, travailleurs, préposés et agents respectifs, ou toute autre personne, société ou entreprise.


5.   Que le propriétaire du bien-fonds reconnaisse et accepte qu’il est responsable des éventuels dommages causés à cette clôture dans l’emprise routière de la rue Besserer, quelle que soit la façon dont de tels dommages pourraient être causés par les opérations d’entretien de la Ville d’Ottawa.


6.   Que le propriétaire du bien-fonds convienne de signer une convention d’empiètement permanent et de payer les frais annuels visant ledit empiètement.







1.         Transportation Committee report dated 18 October 2006 - (ACS2006-CCS-TRC-0013).


2.            Extract of Draft Minutes, 18 October 2006.

Report to / Rapport au:


Council / et au Conseil


18 October 2006 / le 18 octobre 2006


Submitted by/Soumis par: Transportation Committee / Comité des transports


Contact / Personne-ressource : Anne-Marie Leung, Committee Coordinator /
Coordonnatrice du comité,
City Clerk’s Branch/Direction du greffe
580-2424, Ext./poste : 21385, Anne-Marie.Leung@ottawa.ca


Ward / Quartier 12 (Rideau-Vanier)

Ref N°:  ACS2006-CCS-TRC-0013



SUBJECT:     Waiver to Encroachment By-law and Use of Care of Roads By-law for Fence on the road allowance - 35 Waller Street


OBJET:          SUSPENSION DU RÈGLEMENT sur l’empiètement et du règlement sur l’utilisation et l’entretien des routes pour une clôture dans l’emprise routière – 35 rue waller





That Council approve:


That Section 3(1) and 3(2) of the Encroachment By-law 2003-446, as amended, and Section 6 of the Use and Care of Roads By-law 2003-498, as amended, be waived to permit the erection of a fence within the Besserer Street road allowance, outside of the leased portion at Besserer and Waller Streets, subject to the following conditions:


1.      That the property owner agrees to maintain the fence, at no cost to the City of Ottawa;


2.      That, before construction of the fence begins, proper plans be submitted for Site Plan Approval and approved by the Deputy City Manager of Planning and Growth Management Services or his delegate;


3.      That the property owner agrees that this fence is subject to removal and the reinstatement of the City of Ottawa’s road allowance within 30 days receipt of a written notice to do so;


4.      That the owner acknowledges and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Ottawa for all loss, damages, costs and expenses of every nature and kind whatsoever arising from or in consequence of the wall within the Besserer Street road allowance, whether such loss, damages, cost or expenses are incurred by reason of negligence or without negligence on the part of, and whether such loss, damages, costs or expenses are sustained by the City of Ottawa or the owner of their several and respective employees, workers, servants and agents, or any other person or persons, corporation or corporations whatsoever;


5.      That the owner acknowledges and agrees to be responsible and liable for any damage caused to this fence within the Besserer Street road allowance howsoever it may be caused by the City of Ottawa’s maintenance operations.


6.      That the owner agree to enter into a Permanent Encroachment Agreement, with associated annual fees, for the encroachment.





Que le Conseil approuve:


De déroger aux paragraphes 3(1) et 3(2) du règlement 2003 446 modifié sur l’empiètement et à l’article 6 du règlement 2003 498 modifié sur l’utilisation et l’entretien des routes pour permettre l’érection d’une clôture dans l’emprise routière de la rue Besserer, à l’extérieur de la partie louée à l’angle des rues Besserer et Waller, sous réserve des conditions suivantes :


1.   Que le propriétaire du bien-fonds s’engage à entretenir la clôture, sans qu’il en coûte un sou à la Ville d’Ottawa.


2.   Qu’un plan d’implantation en bonne et due forme soit présenté et approuvé par le directeur municipal adjoint du Service de l’Urbanisme et de la Gestion de la croissance ou son délégué, avant que la construction de la clôture ne débute.


3.   Que le propriétaire du bien-fonds convienne de l’enlèvement de cette clôture et du rétablissement de l’emprise routière de la Ville d’Ottawa dans les 30 jours suivant la réception d’un avis écrit en ce sens.


4.   Que le propriétaire du bien-fonds reconnaisse et accepte qu’il doit indemniser la Ville d’Ottawa des pertes, dommages, frais et dépenses de toute nature découlant du mur érigé dans l’emprise routière de la rue Besserer, que ces pertes, dommages, frais ou dépenses soient encourus par suite de négligence, et que ces pertes, dommages, frais ou dépenses soient subis par la Ville d’Ottawa, le propriétaire, ou leurs employés, travailleurs, préposés et agents respectifs, ou toute autre personne, société ou entreprise.


5.   Que le propriétaire du bien-fonds reconnaisse et accepte qu’il est responsable des éventuels dommages causés à cette clôture dans l’emprise routière de la rue Besserer, quelle que soit la façon dont de tels dommages pourraient être causés par les opérations d’entretien de la Ville d’Ottawa.


6.   Que le propriétaire du bien-fonds convienne de signer une convention d’empiètement permanent et de payer les frais annuels visant ledit empiètement.





At its meeting of 18 October 2006, the Transportation Committee suspended the Rules of Procedure to consider and approve the following motion brought forward by Councillor Bédard, as a late item:


WHEREAS Section 3(1) of the City of Ottawa Encroachment By-law 2003-446, as amended, provides that, “no person shall construct erect or alter and encroachment without first obtaining a permit in accordance with the provisions of this by-law”;


AND WHEREAS Section 3(2) of the By-law 2003-446, as amended, provides that, “no person shall erect a permanent surface encroachment”;


AND WHEREAS Section 6 of the City of Ottawa Use and Care of Roads By-law 2003-498, as amended, provides that “no person, other than the City, shall erect a fence, construct a wall, or plant a hedge, in, over, or upon a highway”;


AND WHEREAS the Union Mission for Men has acquired a 99-year lease agreement for road allowance at the corner of Besserer and Waller Streets from the City of Ottawa;


AND WHEREAS the lessee has, in the past, constructed a porch and benches, and has installed trees and pavers on the leased portion of the Besserer Street road allowance (Site Plan File No. D07-12-04-0125);


AND WHEREAS the lessee wishes to erect a wrought iron fence to be located within the Besserer Street road allowance;


BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that Section 3(1) and 3(2) of the Encroachment By-law 2003-446, as amended, and Section 6 of the Use and Care of Roads By-law 2003-498, as amended, be waived to permit the erection of a fence within the Besserer Street road allowance, outside of the leased portion at Besserer and Waller Streets, subject to the following conditions:


  1. That the property owner agrees to maintain the fence, at no cost to the City of Ottawa;


  1. That, before construction of the fence begins, proper plans be submitted for Site Plan Approval and approved by the Deputy City Manager of Planning and Growth Management Services or his delegate;


  1. That the property owner agrees that this fence is subject to removal and the reinstatement of the City of Ottawa’s road allowance within 30 days receipt of a written notice to do so;


4.      That the owner acknowledges and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Ottawa for all loss, damages, costs and expenses of every nature and kind whatsoever arising from or in consequence of the wall within the Besserer Street road allowance, whether such loss, damages, cost or expenses are incurred by reason of negligence or without negligence on the part of, and whether such loss, damages, costs or expenses are sustained by the City of Ottawa or the owner of their several and respective employees, workers, servants and agents, or any other person or persons, corporation or corporations whatsoever;


  1. That the owner acknowledges and agrees to be responsible and liable for any damage caused to this fence within the Besserer Street road allowance howsoever it may be caused by the City of Ottawa’s maintenance operations.


  1. That the owner agree to enter into a Permanent Encroachment Agreement, with associated annual fees, for the encroachment.


  1. That the Transportation Committee direct that this motion be heard at the Council Meeting of October 25, 2006.





Public Works and Services, Traffic and Parking Operations Branch, has been consulted in the preparation of this report and does not object to the recommendation.





There are no financial implications to this report.





Upon City Council approval, Public Works and Services Staff is to take appropriate action.






Moved by G. Bédard:


That in accordance with Section 81(3) of By-law No. 2005-431 - “(3) Except as otherwise decided by a two-thirds vote of the members of Committee present and voting, the Committee shall not consider any report, Information Previously Distributed memorandum or any matter, that has not been distributed to the members with the Agenda.” the rules of procedure be suspended to allow the addition of the following item to the agenda for consideration:


Waiver to Encroachment By-law and Use of Care of Roads By-law for Fence on the road allowance - 35 Waller Street




Following a brief introduction and explanation by Councillor Bédard, the Committee considered the following motion:


“WHEREAS Section 3(1) of the City of Ottawa Encroachment By-law 2003-446, as amended, provides that, “no person shall construct erect or alter and encroachment without first obtaining a permit in accordance with the provisions of this by-law”;


AND WHEREAS Section 3(2) of the By-law 2003-446, as amended, provides that, “no person shall erect a permanent surface encroachment”;


AND WHEREAS Section 6 of the City of Ottawa Use and Care of Roads By-law 2003-498, as amended, provides that “no person, other than the City, shall erect a fence, construct a wall, or plant a hedge, in, over, or upon a highway”;


AND WHEREAS the Union Mission for Men has acquired a 99-year lease agreement for road allowance at the corner of Besserer and Waller Streets from the City of Ottawa;


AND WHEREAS the lessee has, in the past, constructed a porch and benches, and has installed trees and pavers on the leased portion of the Besserer Street road allowance (Site Plan File No. D07-12-04-0125);


AND WHEREAS the lessee wishes to erect a wrought iron fence to be located within the Besserer Street road allowance;


BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that Section 3(1) and 3(2) of the Encroachment By-law 2003-446, as amended, and Section 6 of the Use and Care of Roads By-law 2003-498, as amended, be waived to permit the erection of a fence within the Besserer Street road allowance, outside of the leased portion at Besserer and Waller Streets, subject to the following conditions:


1.      That the property owner agrees to maintain the fence, at no cost to the City of Ottawa;


2.      That, before construction of the fence begins, proper plans be submitted for Site Plan Approval and approved by the Deputy City Manager of Planning and Growth Management Services or his delegate;


3.      That the property owner agrees that this fence is subject to removal and the reinstatement of the City of Ottawa’s road allowance within 30 days receipt of a written notice to do so;


4.      That the owner acknowledges and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Ottawa for all loss, damages, costs and expenses of every nature and kind whatsoever arising from or in consequence of the wall within the Besserer Street road allowance, whether such loss, damages, cost or expenses are incurred by reason of negligence or without negligence on the part of, and whether such loss, damages, costs or expenses are sustained by the City of Ottawa or the owner of their several and respective employees, workers, servants and agents, or any other person or persons, corporation or corporations whatsoever;


5.      That the owner acknowledges and agrees to be responsible and liable for any damage caused to this fence within the Besserer Street road allowance howsoever it may be caused by the City of Ottawa’s maintenance operations.


6.      That the owner agree to enter into a Permanent Encroachment Agreement, with associated annual fees, for the encroachment.


7.      That the Transportation Committee direct that this motion be heard at the Council Meeting of October 25, 2006.”


At the request of Chair Stavinga, Michael Flainek, the Director of Traffic and Parking Operations, Public Works and Services (PWS) confirmed that staff has reviewed this motion and is in support of the recommendation.  He noted that Condition #2 would require the approval of the Acting Deputy City Manager of Planning & Growth Management Services (PGM) or his delegate.  It was agreed that PWS & PGM Staff would work in concert together to expedite this matter.


The following delegation was present at the meeting and is support of the recommendation:

§        Jill McFarlane, Ottawa Mission.


Moved by G. Bédard:


That Section 3(1) and 3(2) of the Encroachment By-law 2003-446, as amended, and Section 6 of the Use and Care of Roads By-law 2003-498, as amended, be waived to permit the erection of a fence within the Besserer Street road allowance, outside of the leased portion at Besserer and Waller Streets, subject to the following conditions:


1.      That the property owner agrees to maintain the fence, at no cost to the City of Ottawa;


2.      That, before construction of the fence begins, proper plans be submitted for Site Plan Approval and approved by the Deputy City Manager of Planning and Growth Management Services or his delegate;


3.      That the property owner agrees that this fence is subject to removal and the reinstatement of the City of Ottawa’s road allowance within 30 days receipt of a written notice to do so;


4.      That the owner acknowledges and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Ottawa for all loss, damages, costs and expenses of every nature and kind whatsoever arising from or in consequence of the wall within the Besserer Street road allowance, whether such loss, damages, cost or expenses are incurred by reason of negligence or without negligence on the part of, and whether such loss, damages, costs or expenses are sustained by the City of Ottawa or the owner of their several and respective employees, workers, servants and agents, or any other person or persons, corporation or corporations whatsoever;


5.      That the owner acknowledges and agrees to be responsible and liable for any damage caused to this fence within the Besserer Street road allowance howsoever it may be caused by the City of Ottawa’s maintenance operations.


6.      That the owner agree to enter into a Permanent Encroachment Agreement, with associated annual fees, for the encroachment.


7.      That the Transportation Committee direct that this motion be heard at the Council Meeting of October 25, 2006.

