9.       zONING - 432 sTATEWOOD dRIVE




Committee recommendation


That Council approve an amendment to the former City of Kanata Zoning By-law 161-93 to change the zoning of part of 900 Second Line Road to be known as 432 Statewood Drive from R3A-3 to R3A-exception as shown in Document 1 and  detailed in Document 2.



Recommandation du Comité


Que le Conseil approuve une modification du Règlement de zonage 161-93 de l'ancienne Ville de Kanata qui aurait pour effet de rezoner une partie du 900, chemin Second Line, qui deviendra le 432 de la promenade Statewood, de R3A-3 à R3A-exception, tel que l'indique le document 1 et le montre en détail le document 2.





1.         Deputy City Manager's report (Planning and Growth Management) dated
11 May 2006 (ACS2006-PGM-APR-0127).




Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


11 May 2006 / le 11 mai 2006


Submitted by/Soumis par: Ned Lathrop, Deputy City Manager/

Directeur municipal adjoint,

Planning and Growth Management /

Service de l'urbanisme et de la gestion de la croissance


Contact Person/Personne Ressource : Grant Lindsay, Manager / Gestionnaire, Development Approvals / Approbation des demandes d'aménagement (613) 5802424, 13242  Grant.Lindsay@ottawa.ca


Kanata (4)

Ref N°: ACS2006-PGM-APR-0127




ZONING - 432 sTATEWOOD dRIVE (File no. d02-02-06-0041)









That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to the former City of Kanata Zoning By-law 161-93 to change the zoning of part of 900 Second Line Road to be known as 432 Statewood Drive from R3A-3 to R3A-exception as shown in Document 1 and  detailed in Document 2.  




Que le Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement recommande au Conseil d'approuver une modification du Règlement de zonage 161-93 de l'ancienne Ville de Kanata qui aurait pour effet de rezoner une partie du 900, chemin Second Line, qui deviendra le 432 de la promenade Statewood, de R3A-3 à R3A-exception, tel que l'indique le document 1 et le montre en détail le document 2.





The site is situated at 432 Statewood Drive. It forms part of the Morgan’s Grant Community and is an undeveloped area that bounds on two sides what will be passive recreational land.   Its boundaries are the extensions of Brady Avenue to the north, Terry Fox Drive to the south, Second Line Road to the west and a proposed internal road that will be known as Statewood Drive to the east.  To the north and east are currently undeveloped lands that are proposed for medium density development. To the south and west are lands that are designated Natural Environment Area and are parts of what is known as Trillium Woods.


The original conceptual design of Morgan’s Grant intended the subject lands to support the high-density residential development for the community.  However, the applicant appealed the conceptual land uses in this area to the Ontario Municipal Board.  The Board decided to allow the appeal and the original high-density designation was reduced to low-density residential development at this location.


Since that time, the applicant has determined that market conditions have changed to the point that they support street townhouses rather than single-family dwellings at this location.  This proposed amendment would facilitate this development.


The existing R3A-3 zone permits semi-detached and multiple attached dwellings.  The purpose of the Zoning By-law amendment is to change some of the zone provisions of the existing zone in order to permit the development of 53 street townhouses.





The City Council Approved Official Plan designates these lands as General Urban Area.  This designation permits all types and densities of housing.


The former Regional Official Plan also designates the lands as General Urban Area.  The policies in this Official Plan state that General Urban Areas are to be used primarily for residential purposes although other supporting and complementary uses are also permitted.


The Former City of Kanata Official Plan designates the lands Low Density Residential.  The policies in this amendment include multiple-attached dwellings.


The existing R3A-3 zone allows for multiple attached dwellings or street townhouses.  The applicant is proposing to construct street townhouses in the form of bungalows.  Bungalows typically require a larger footprint on a site since the square footage of the unit does not include a second storey.  This larger footprint increases a lot’s coverage but not its density.  The existing lot coverage of 40% would be adequate of the applicant’s needs except that it does not have provisions for a porch encroachment into the front and exterior side yards.


The proposed Zoning By-law amendment will result in a new exception to the R3A zone.  The lot coverage will increase by 10% from 40% to 50% and there will be a new zone provision that will permit a 1.5 metre encroachment into the front and exterior side yards for a porch (see Document 2).





Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy.  Comments were received from the March Rural Community Association which are included in Document 3.  The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.










This application was processed within the timeframe established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendment applications.





Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      Details of Recommended zoning

Document 3      Consultation Details





Corporate Services Department, Secretariat Services to notify the owner, Minto Developments Incorporated 427 # 300 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, ON K1R 7Y2, Signs.ca, 866 Campbell Avenue, Ottawa, ON  K2A 2C5, and Ghislain Lamarche Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code: 26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning and Growth Management Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.


Corporate Services Department, Legal Services Branch to forward the implementing by-law to City Council



LOCATION MAP                                                                                                                           




DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                                                               


  1. The subject property would be rezoned from R3A-3 to R3A-X.


  1. Additional permitted use is as follows:

-  multiple attached dwelling unit


  1. The following zone provisions will apply to R3A-X:


·        Maximum front yard and exterior side yard encroachment

for a covered porch                                                                              1.5 metres

·        Maximum coverage for main building                                         50%




CONSULTATION DETAILS                                                                                                        




Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law amendments.


The March Rural Community Association is opposed to the proposed Zoning By-law amendment.  They do not see a compelling reason to alter the Ontario Municipal Board’s (OMB) decision, which established the R3A zoning.  They feel that approval of the revised zone requirements would result in a further densification of this Phase of the Morgan’s Grant Community, which in turn will only give rise to the post development problems that they feel typically occur with such high-density construction.  The Community Association feels that the planning process has been duly followed and that Minto should respect the ruling of the OMB.  They state that the Morgan’s Grant area has been prone to multi-home fires with the existing density and the proposed zoning which would decrease zoning standards, would increase this hazard.


The Community Association is also concerned with a perceived higher than average risk of fire if the street townhouses are constructed. 



Since the OMB’s decision of December 6, 2002, the City has adopted its new Official Plan.  The policies within the Official Plan encourage the intensification of development within the Urban Area.  In particular, Section (c) states that consideration of residential intensification will include its contribution to the maintenance and achievement of a balance of housing types and tenures to provide a full range of housing for a variety of demographic profiles throughout the General Urban Area.  The construction of street townhouses instead of single-family dwellings will be a more accessible purchase option to greater variety of potential homeowners. 


Section states that consideration of residential intensification will include an assessment of ground-oriented multiple housing forms, such as duplex, triplex and fourplex as one means of intensifying within established low-rise residential communities. The construction of street townhouses in this location reflects the intent of this policy.


When it comes to the planning process as defined by the Planning Act, the applicant has followed it from the submission of the original applications, through their appeal to the OMB and now to the submission of the current Zoning By-law amendment application.  The OMB decision established new designations and zones for this phase of Morgan’s Grant.  The applicant is acting within their rights under the Planning Act with this application to amend the existing Zoning By-law.


Development Approvals staff have discussed the perceived increased fire risk that this proposal would create with the Fire Services Branch of the City’s Community and Protective Services Department.  The Fire Services Branch advised that they would request that the standard conditions for street townhouses be applied to the site plan application at the appropriate time.