That Council:


a)         Receive the 2005 Annual Report of the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee as detailed in Document 1; and

b)         Approve the objectives contained in the 2006 Workplan, as detailed in Document 2.



RecommandationS DU COMITÉ


Que le Conseil :


a)         reçoive le Rapport annuel de 2005 du Comité consultatif sur les routes et le cyclisme tel que décrit à Document 1;

b)         approuve les objectifs qui sont présentés dans le Plan de travail 2006, tel que décrit à Document 2.





1.                  Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee report dated 17 March 2006


2.         Extract of Minutes, 5 April 2006.

Report to/Rapport au :


Transportation Committee

Comité des transports


and Council / et au Conseil


17 March 2006 / le 17 mars 2006


Submitted by/Soumis par : Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee/Comité consultatif sur les routes et cyclisme


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Stephanie Brown Bellefeuille, Advisory Committee Coordinator

City Clerk’s Branch/Direction du greffe

(613) 580-2424 x 16760, stephanie.brown@ottawa.ca



Ref N°: ACS2006-CCV-RCA-0001












That the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee recommend that the Transportation Committee recommend that Council:


a)         Receive the 2005 Annual Report of the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee as detailed in Document 1; and

b)         Approve the objectives contained in the 2006 Workplan, as detailed in Document 2.




Que le Comité consultatif sur les routes et cyclisme recommande au Comité des transports de préconiser au Conseil de:


a)         reçoive le Rapport annuel de 2005 du Comité consultatif sur les routes et le cyclisme tel que décrit à Document 1;

b)         approuve les objectifs qui sont présentés dans le Plan de travail 2006, tel que décrit à Document 2.



City Council, at its meeting on 3 December 2003, reconfirmed its governance structure.  This included the advisory committees, and the requirement for each to complete a workplan outlining proposed projects and activities for the upcoming year.  The workplan is to identify each and every activity the Committee plans to undertake in the upcoming year, whether they have a budgetary impact or not.  The item should be identified, a brief description of the project or activity should be noted, and the anticipated timing of the item should be provided. 


The Lead Department Representatives are to provide the Committee with information on the departmental workplan and priorities, where the workplans of the Committees tie into that workplan, and where the Committee can assist the Department.  The Lead Department Representative will also advise on what staff and/or financial resources are available as part of departmental priorities.




The Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee designed its workplan in the framework of two sub-committees, Safety and Education, and Infrastructure, that met the first week of February. At its February 20 meeting, the 2005 annual report and 2006 workplan objectives were approved.


The mandate of RCAC is to provide advice and guidance to Ottawa City Council and its Departments, on issues, policies and programs, which reflect the City’s commitment to a variety of travel modes, and that achieve the appropriate balance in a way that contributes to our City’s overall quality of life, and that have an impact on a citizen’s ability to travel in Ottawa.  The goal of the Committee is to give advice to provide a liveable and environmentally friendly city that is accessible and safe to commute by bicycle, motor vehicle and other methods of road transportation, and where such means is an integral part of a publicly supported and balanced transportation system.  The Committee will specifically advise on transportation issues related to cycling, traffic-safety (including education, area and neighbourhood traffic management including traffic-calming) and other transportation-related policies and programs.  The complete Terms of Reference for the RCAC can be found in Document 3.






The Department concurs with the 2006 Workplan and 2005Annual Report, prepared by the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee, and acknowledges the value provided to the Department in terms of providing comment and advice from the citizen's perspective on various projects.  Staff would like to add that the 2006 workplan is extensive, and details are to be developed.  Therefore, staff looks forward to working with RCAC within the Committee's mandate and conflict of interest guidelines (as applies to the workplan), and as staff resources permit.





There are no financial implications from this information report on the Cycling Advisory Committee’s 2006 Workplan and 2005 Annual report.




Document 1 – Roads and Cycling 2005 Annual Report

Document 2 – Roads and Cycling 2006 Proposed Workplan

Document 3 – Roads and Cycling Terms of Reference




City Clerk’s Branch staff will forward the recommendations approved by the Transportation Committee to City Council for ratification.




Document 1

RCAC 2005 Annual Report


The following is an overview of the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee’s (RCAC) activities for 2005, followed by the activity outputs, and the immediate or desired outcomes. The goal or long-term impact is shared with numerous stakeholders and complements the RCAC Terms of Reference  (“to ensure that Ottawa is an environmentally friendly city that is accessible and safe to commute by bicycle and other modes of road transportation, and where such modes are an integral part of a publicly-supported, and balanced, transportation system.”) These long-term impacts provide a long-term vision to guide our work.


Four outcomes have been formulated in support of this vision and they comprise the following:



Two main subcommittees have been established to support these outcomes (Safety and Education, and Infrastructure). These subcommittees resume the activities of RCAC sub-committees past, and will contribute to the following long-term impacts, recognizing that there are many other stakeholders, including the City, which also make a contribution:



It should also be noted that RCAC’s activities contribute to improved fitness and health for Ottawa’s citizens by promoting a more active lifestyle, through human-powered transportation and recreation activities.


RCAC has been very active in 2005 with several items moving forward to Transportation Committee (and others):




It should also be noted that in 2005, RCAC created its own brochure, advising on relevant information to RCAC, its mandate, activities, and how to contact us. This was made possible through the workplan funding.


In addition, other RCAC motions and reports are currently in progress:



There have been numerous ad-hoc committees, and reports that have come to our attention. The most important of these is the Ottawa Cycling Plan (OCP).


It is important to stress that no matter how effective RCAC has been in 2005, RCAC could have been far more effective if reinstated to the status of one full advisory committee, with 12 regular meetings per year. There are so many important items that could have been dealt with had we been reinstated to that status, but 6 meetings per year severely limits the committee. With the OCP due to debut this year at Council, RCAC’s input, involvement and profile will be even more so in demand.


Document 2

RCAC Proposed Workplan 2006


Section I


Infrastructure sub-committee: Improved infrastructure and operating conditions for cyclists and other road users


1. Examine the progress of the capital projects outlined in the Transportation Master Plan



Examine “Annex A of the Transportation Master Plan” to determine progress of capital projects.



Report and recommendations on the progress of Transportation Master Plan Capital Projects.



In 2003, the Council approved the 20/20 Transportation Master Plan (TMP). This plan outlined a number of key capital projects that were needed in order to achieve the goals outlined in the TMP. The goal of this proposal is to examine the progress of the capital projects outline in “Annex A Required Infrastructure Projects” of the TMP, make recommendations and report to the Transportation Committee.  (Ongoing)


2. Review and evaluate the road maintenance program 



Evaluate and provide recommendations on road maintenance, with particular emphasis on potholes, designated bicycle lanes, snow clearing and street cleaning).



Reports and recommendations seeking to improve road maintenance.



The City of Ottawa Surface Operations continues to look at new means of maintaining roads and paths. This proposal is to examine the status of Ottawa's road maintenance program and make a report and recommendations to the Transportation Committee. The study could include an examination of the means by which road maintenance projects are identified, and prioritized. With respect to potholes, the committee could consider inviting staff to bring the committee up to date on the latest means of pothole repair, and could consider examining what initiatives other municipalities are taking. (Ongoing)


3. Evaluation of Byward Market parking



Report and recommend to staff and City Council on how to best utilize the funding currently allocated to the supervised parking facility.



A motion and report advising recommended action.



Members of the committee and staff met in late 2005 with Market BIA representatives to look at the future of the Byward Market bicycle parking initiative, due to reduced usage rates of the facility in recent tourist seasons. Several recommendations were made to the BIA on behalf of RCAC, and the progress will be monitored by RCAC in 2006. (Fall 2006)


4.Harmonization of Zoning and Bicycle Parking Bylaws



Report and recommend to staff and council on the bylaw harmonization process, and zoning regulations, as they apply to cycling infrastructure and facilities.



Reports and recommendations on by-laws and zoning regulations.



This will be new area of focus for the Committee. (Ongoing)


5. Greenbank Road Rail Overpass Issue



Report and recommend a solution to staff and to City Council to address the lack of safe facilities for students to bicycle to school.



A report with a recommendation on this particular issue, with the intent of examining other such areas of concern around the City (or ‘safety audits’).



The issue was originally raised between the RCAC Vice-Chair and Councillor Gord Hunter’s office. It has since raised the interest of all such areas to the members of RCAC. (Ongoing)


Section II


Safety and Education sub-committee:Examine and provide advice on all areas in which the city affects cycling education and enforcement of laws, so that safer cycling conditions will exist.


1. Roads and Cycling Safety and Education



Maintain, assess and provide advice on all City programs relevant to roads and cycling safety and education.



Reports and recommendations seeking to improve cycling safety, education and promotion.



On-going item from 2005 RCAC workplan.


2. Inventory of Key Groups Related to Roads and Cycling Safety and Education



Establish an inventory of key groups and associations relevant to roads and cycling safety and education. Maintain, assess and provide advice on all City programs relevant to roads and cycling safety and education.



Maintain and update inventory, to determine any gaps in activity, build network, establish contacts and to exchange information.



This will be a new activity for RCAC. (Summer 2006)


3. Public Perceptions Re: Roads and Cycling Safety and Education Issue



Review existing surveys and results, and if necessary, investigate further possibilities of surveying/determining public’s perception on cycling safety and education issues.



Work with staff, review survey information already completed, consult with other groups (established in inventory, discussed in previous item 2) and consult Ottawa Cycling Plan (OCP).



This will be a new activity for RCAC. (Ongoing)


4. RCAC Outreach Initiative



Build relationships with various community, resident, and other-type organizations by attending general meetings and/or speaking to community leaders with the objectives of:




Meetings/presentations with community, resident and other-type organizations.



This will be a new activity for RCAC. (Ongoing)

5. Updating Terms of Reference for Safety and Education sub-committee



Update Safety and Education Terms of Reference (by March 2006).



Draft and distribute terms of reference for approval by RCAC.



This will revise previous TORs. (Spring 2006)


6. Issue an Annual Report to RCAC From the Safety and Education Sub-committee



Produce an annual report on sub-committee activities to RCAC (November 2006).



Draft and distribute for the information of RCAC.



This will be a new activity for RCAC.


Section III


Ad-hoc Working Groups


1. Cycling Awards Review



Form a committee to manage and select individual and organizational cycling award recipients; and continue working on format of the Bruce Timmermans Award presentation.



Meet as a sub-committee to discuss the above.



This item continues from the 2005 workplan. (Ongoing)


2. Roads



Form a committee to respond to specific initiatives, e.g., road construction, road reconstruction and pathway construction, in their communities when requested by staff.



Meet as a sub-committee to discuss the above.



This item continues from the 2005 workplan. (Ongoing)


3. Monitoring of Reports



Monitoring reports and recommendations to City and Council.



Meet regularly to discuss the above with any potential relation to the mandate of RCAC.




This item continues from the 2005 workplan (Ongoing).


4. Monitoring of 2007 Budget Reports



Monitoring reports and recommendations to City and Council regarding the proposed 2007 municipal budget.



Meet to discuss the above with any potential relation to the mandate of RCAC.




This item continues from the 2005 workplan (Ongoing).

Document 3


Approved by City Council
April 14, 2004




Terms of Reference




The mandate of the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee is to provide advice and guidance to Ottawa City Council and its Departments, on issues, policies and programs, which reflect the City’s commitment to a variety of travel modes, and that achieve the appropriate balance in a way that contributes to our City’s overall quality of life, and that have an impact on a citizen’s ability to travel in Ottawa.  The goal of the Committee is to give advice to provide a liveable and environmentally friendly city that is accessible and safe to commute by bicycle, motor vehicle and other methods of road transportation, and where such means is an integral part of a publicly supported and balanced transportation system.  The Committee will specifically advise on transportation issues related to cycling, traffic-safety (including education, area and neighbourhood traffic management including traffic-calming) and other transportation-related policies and programs.




The Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee shall be responsible for:


·        Providing a forum for citizens and community associations to raise issues and concerns related to roads, cycling and other transportation issues in the City, and reviewing suggestions and concerns from citizens.

·        Advising on transportation issues (cycling, roads and related transportation matters) as they affect the City of Ottawa Official Plan, Secondary Plans, programs, budget and overall policy development, including monitoring the implementation of said plans and evaluating their effectiveness.

·        Providing advice on physical infrastructure related to the road network and cycling network, including planning, design standards, operations and maintenance.

·        Providing advice on by-laws, legislation and regulations that have an impact on the road network and cycling network, and its applicable users.

·        Providing advice on neighbourhood, corridor and area traffic conditions (including traffic calming and area traffic management).

·        Providing advice and guidance on matters pertaining to education on overall road safety and cycling related issues, and the development of policies and programs in accordance with its mandate.

·        Promoting bicycle use as a means of improving the health of Ottawa residents.

·        Representing the interests of all cyclists in the City of Ottawa.

·        Providing advice on environment, air quality and economic development issues related to transportation and cycling.

·        Providing advice on integration of transit/bicycle trips.

·        Providing advice and guidance on other transportation related issues within the Committee’s mandate, as required.

·        Working with the Transportation, Utilities and Public Works Department and outside agencies that have contracts with the City on roads and cycling-related issues.

·        Liaising with outside agencies on issues of mutual interest (e.g. the National Capital Commission, local school boards and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation).




The Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee shall have a citizen membership of 9-15, and shall include the following: 


·        Up to 12 members at large (who shall have diverse geographical representation and varied cycling and transportation experience and/or interests) and with a minimum of one citizen appointment representing the rural community;

·        One representative from each of the following area cycling organizations (Citizens for Safe Cycling, Ottawa Bicycle Club, Kanata-Nepean Bicycle Club).*


* Should any of the aforementioned groups fail to nominate a representative within the required timeframe, the seat for that year shall be filled by another member appointed at large.


The process for choosing membership for the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee shall be in accordance with the approved Appointments Policy.  Both the Transportation Committee and Ottawa City Council shall approve all appointments to the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee.


In addition, the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee shall have in a resource, liaison and/or advisory capacity, the following:


·        1 staff representative from the Transportation, Utilities and Public Works Department (non-voting) who will attend the formal advertised Committee meeting held every second month.

·        A minimum of 1 member of Ottawa City Council, appointed by Council to act as a liaison (non-voting)


The Committee shall meet formally every second month for a total of no more than six formal meetings per year.  City support, an advertised agenda and public delegations will be provided/permitted at the formal Committee meetings.  The Committee may chose to informally meet on the alternate month, however, will not receive City support, an advertised agenda or receive public delegations. 


The Chair of the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee will provide a concise summary of meeting proceedings to the Chair of the Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee.  In addition, meeting notes, if any, deriving from the alternate informal meeting will be provided to the Advisory Committee Coordinator.


Staff items related to the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee that may require urgent and timely consideration in regard to processing to the Standing Committee, may be facilitated through any one of the following options dependent on the subject matter and timing involved:


  1. With the consent of both Advisory Committee Chairs, the item may be placed on, and advertised through, the public agenda of the next Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee monthly meeting.  The item would be considered in the context of processing and approval for submission to the Standing Committee.  Should the item not receive a majority consensus from the Advisory Committee, after public delegations, it will be withdrawn from the agenda.


  1. With the consent of both Advisory Committee Chairs, the standard schedule may be adjusted to permit back-to-back Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee meetings during the “off month” time frame  (i.e. two formal meetings over a two month period).  This option is subject to staff availability as well as time remaining within the six month meeting allocation and shall not increase the standard number of meetings per year  (i.e. six).


  1. Staff may consult with Members of the Advisory Committee in accordance with the City’s Public Participation Policy in the absence of a formal meeting being held.




The Transportation, Utilities and Public Works Department shall be the lead department for the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee.  The Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee shall report to the Transportation Committee and City Council.




The Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee must report annually to City Council through the Transportation Committee (timing to be determined by the Committee Chair, Committee Coordinator and City Clerk) on the activities of the Committee in the current year and on the Committee’s workplan for the following year.








Keith Parker, Chair, Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee stated that 2005 was an important year for the RCAC, which saw some key initiatives come to fruition and some changes implemented that allowed the committee to better address its full mandate of roads concerns in addition to cycling issues, all within the six-meeting per year schedule.  He noted, however, that the committee would be able to address many more issues if it were returned to full status with a 12-meetings per year schedule.  In the past year, RCAC has worked with staff on bicycle parking for special events, the Ottawa Cycling Plan, the Byward Market supervised parking program, and a report on cycling as a reimbursable expense that is expected to be presented to the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee in the near future.  Within their 2006 workplan, RCAC intends to address, among other issues, the City’s progress towards implementing Transportation Master Plan, the road maintenance program, the harmonization of zoning and bicycle parking bylaws, and safety issues surrounding the Greenbank Road Rail Overpass.  A complete copy of Mr. Parker’s presentation is held on file with the City Clerk.


At the request of Councillor Doucet, Mr. Flainek advised that the Cycling Plan has been completed and staff is currently undertaking the report to Committee.  Staff anticipates to have this report to Committee within the next month and half to two months.  The Pedestrian Plan has been delayed due to the staff, who was to project manage this Plan leaving.  However, the consultants are working on the background work and interviews to fill the project manager’s position will be conducted next week.  Staff is aiming to have a kick off public open house in June to get ideas from the public on their concerns and to provide information on the process.  As this being an election year, staff will wrap up the Plan early next year and present it to Committee by June 2007.


To address the Councillor’s concern about the time delay, Mr. Flainek pointed out that the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Group has limited amount of staff that is continuously being reduced.  When the City of Ottawa was amalgamated, the TDM Budget was $1 million and today, that budget not only pays for a couple of staff members, this initiative was cut this year.  The program is less than a third of what it originally was.  Consequently, the direct answer for not putting forward the pedestrian plan has to do with the approved budget and the ability for staff to hire a consultant.


As a lesson in terms of drawing upon community initiatives, Chair Stavinga referred to the Rural Pathway Project, which was done through a community organization and some grant money provided by the City, but the vast majority of it provided by a Trilium funding.  She was astounded by what they were able to deliver at a fraction of the envelope that the City put aside for the Pedestrian Plan.  She highlighted this for staff to recognize the ability to engage local champions effectively.


The Committee then considered and approved the following report recommendations:


That the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee recommend that the Transportation Committee recommend that Council:


a)         Receive the 2005 Annual Report of the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee as detailed in Document 1; and

b)         Approve the objectives contained in the 2006 Workplan, as detailed in Document 2.

