That Council:


a)         receive the 2005 Annual Report of the Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee as detailed in Document 1; and

b)         approve the objectives contained in the 2006 workplan, as detailed in Document 2.



RecommandationS DU COMITÉ


Que le Conseil :


a)         reçoive le Rapport annuel de 2005 du Comité consultatif sur les piétons et les transports en commun, tel que décrit à Document 1;

b)         approuve les objectifs qui sont présentés dans le plan de travail 2006, tel que décrit à Document 2.





1.                  Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee report dated 17 March 2006 (ACS2006-CCV-PTA-0001)


2.         Extract of Minutes, 5 April 2006.

Report to/Rapport au :


Transportation Committee

Comité des transports


and Council / et au Conseil


17 March 2006 / le 17 mars 2006


Submitted by/Soumis par : Chair/présidente Lynne McCarney,

Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee/Comité consultatif sur les piétons et les transports en commun


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Stephanie Brown Bellefeuille, Advisory Committee Coordinator

City Clerk’s Branch/Direction du greffe

(613) 580-2424 x 16760, stephanie.brown@ottawa.ca



Ref N°: ACS2006-CCV-PTA-0001













That the Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee recommend that Transportation Committee recommend that Council:


a)         receive the 2005 Annual Report of the Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee as detailed in Document 1; and

b)         approve the objectives contained in the 2006 workplan, as detailed in Document 2.




Que le Comité consultatif sur les piétons et les transports en commun recommande au Comité des transports de préconiser au Conseil de:


a)         reçoive le Rapport annuel de 2005 du Comité consultatif sur les piétons et les transports en commun, tel que décrit à Document 1;

b)         approuve les objectifs qui sont présentés dans le plan de travail 2006, tel que décrit à Document 2.



City Council, at its meeting on 3 December 2003, reconfirmed its governance structure.  This included the advisory committees, and the requirement for each to complete a workplan outlining proposed projects and activities for the upcoming year.  The workplan is to identify each and every activity the Committee plans to undertake in the upcoming year, whether they have a budgetary impact or not.  The item should be identified, a brief description of the project or activity should be noted, and the anticipated timing of the item should be provided.


In addition, the Lead Department Representatives are to provide the Committee with information on the departmental workplan and priorities, where the workplans of the Committees tie into that workplan, and where the Committee can assist the Department.  The Lead Department Representative will also advise on what staff and/or financial resources are available as part of departmental priorities.




The Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee (PTAC) designed its workplan in two parts, produced at meetings of its’ two sub-committees (Transit, and Pedestrian), during the first week of February. The workplan was created in this manner so as to fully encompass the PTAC mandate of both pedestrian and transit issues. At its meeting of 16 February 2006, the Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee approved its 2005 annual report and 2006 workplan. 


The mandate of the Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee is to provide advice and guidance to Ottawa City Council and its Departments, on policies and programs, which reflect the City’s commitment to a variety of travel modes, including walking and transit and that, achieve the appropriate balance in a way that contributes to our City’s overall quality of life.  The goal of the Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee shall be to increase the modal share of walking and transit.  The Committee will specifically advise on transportation issues related to pedestrian movement, pedestrian safety, transit, light-rail and other transportation-related policies and programs.  The complete Terms of Reference can be found at Document 3 of this report.






The Department concurs with the Annual Report prepared by the Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee and acknowledges the value provided to the Department in terms of providing comment and advice from the citizens' perspective on various projects. The Department acknowledges the dedication and commitment of the members and values the achievement of this Committee.


Staff from Traffic and Parking Operations, Fleet Services, and Transit Services will liaise with Committee members on specific objectives contained in the Advisory Committee 2006 Work Plan. 


Public Works and Services staff will continue to attend Advisory Committee meetings to inform the committee of PWS priority and work plan items related to activities being undertaken by the Committee.  Staff will provide technical advice and guidance to the Committee as required.






There are no financial implications from this information report.




Document 1 – Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee 2005 Annual Report

Document 2 – Proposed Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee 2006 Workplan

Document 3 – Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee Terms of Reference




City Clerk’s Branch staff will forward the recommendations approved by the Transportation Committee to City Council for ratification.





Document 1

2005 PTAC Annual Report


Due to the restriction of the Committee to six meetings during 2005, no regular meetings were held after July. The unexpected resignation of the Chair further complicated the ability of the Committee to proceed, as had been anticipated when the 2005 work plan was produced. Therefore, several important items, such as fare increases, issues concerning the O-Train, and the Transit Ridership Growth Plan were not discussed, as the Committee was no longer meeting by the time the issues arose. In addition, despite the best efforts of Committee members to use the available meeting time as efficiently as possible, time and effort were unnecessarily consumed by adapting to the reduction in the number of meetings.


However, during the first half of the year, input was provided to staff and City Councillors on issues such as transit reliability, and the initial stages of the Pedestrian Plan. Committee members were further involved in an advisory or liaison role on such issues as the Alexandra Bridge reconstruction, the 2006 municipal budget, etc.


During the final meeting of 2005, preliminary steps were taken to re-establish sub-committees and to reorganize the Committee’s schedule to maximize their ability to provide input throughout the year. This was done so that the work of 2006 would be able to begin without delay at the first meeting. However, the members of the Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee still recognized that due to the number of issues for which it would be desirable to provide our input, and due to their year-long, and often cyclical schedule, coupled with short timelines, not all issues could be addressed. Unfortunately, timing, rather than importance, will often be the determining factor in providing advice.


Despite the challenges as noted above, both returning and newly recruited members of the Committee are determined to contribute to the development of our City of Ottawa, to the best of our ability.

Document 2


Pedestrian sub-committee, PTAC

Workplan goal proposals

February 09, 2006



-Encourage the promotion of walking as a mode of transport.


-Actively participate in the development of the city's pedestrian plan.


-Provide input and advice to the City's Transportation Committee.


-Share and discuss information with city officials, and other relevant bodies, regarding pedestrian issues and related plans, policy and programs, infrastructure (sidewalk construction, maintenance, etc.), etc.  Where relevant, communicate concerns and provide advice related to

these issues.


-Participate in, and where appropriate provide advice on, issues where pedestrians intersect with:  other non-pedestrian users, infrastructure and modes of transport (i.e. bicycles, transit, vehicles, roadways, paths, sidewalks, etc.); sectors (tourism, local businesses); events and festivals; safety and security concerns, etc. 


-Monitor and participate in stakeholder consultations concerning pedestrian issues.

Getting You There

Transit Work Plan 2006


Available        Affordable      Accessible



·         Efficient routes and schedules

·         Connecting Communities (schools, shopping, neighbourhoods)

·         Commuting work routes

·         Hub and spoke, with increased routes to the hub

·         Service to major institutions (hospitals, universities, museums, inter-city trains, buses, planes)

·         On time performance

·         Review use of differential fares (express, O-train)

·         Use of smart card, eco-pass

·         Timing of increases

·         Quantum of increases

·         Reduced fares to students, seniors, etc.

·         Revenue protection

·         Value for money

·         Accessibility concerns of physically and mentally disabled users (e.g. bus access, station/hub access)

·         User safety

·         Signage (e.g. transit stops)

·         Route information

·         Accessible sales of tickets, passes

·         Cleanliness of buses and facilities




Advise and assist council members, city staff, other advisory committees

·         Be informed of working priorities and timelines of Council, city government and other Advisory Committees

·         Participate in  budget process to advise on its impact on the availability, affordability and accessibility of public transit

·         Study and provide advice on issues impacting public transit, through the lens of enhancing the availability, affordability and accessibility of transit service (e.g. Transplan, smart card…)


Study of Key Issues

·         Identify and study key issues pertaining to the availability, affordability or accessibility of public transit, and present findings, options or recommendations to city government and council. (e.g. options for outreach, improved transit signage, connecting communities, fare increases)


Forward Planning

·         Work with city government and councillors to establish a three-year planning framework, with short, medium, and long-term objectives and activities.

·         Status report on work plan would be given annually

·         Work plan would be revised annually


  Document 3


Approved by City Council
 February 2004



Terms of Reference



The mandate of the Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee is to provide advice and guidance to Ottawa City Council and its Departments, on policies and programs, which reflect the City’s commitment to a variety of travel modes, including walking and transit and that, achieve the appropriate balance in a way that contributes to our City’s overall quality of life.  The goal of the Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee shall be to increase the modal share of walking and transit.  The Committee will specifically advise on transportation issues related to pedestrian movement, pedestrian safety, transit, light-rail and other transportation-related policies and programs.





The Pedestrian and Public Advisory Committee shall be responsible for:






The Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee shall have a maximum citizen membership of 9-15, with a minimum of one citizen appointment representing the rural community.


The Committee shall meet formally every second month for a total of no more than six formal meetings per year.  City support, an advertised agenda and public delegations will be provided/permitted at the formal Committee meetings.  The Committee may chose to informally meet on the alternate month, however, will not receive City support, an advertised agenda or receive public delegations. 


The Chair of the Pedestrian and Public Transit Advisory Committee will provide a concise summary of meeting proceedings to the Chair of the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee.  In addition, meeting notes, if any, deriving from the alternate informal meeting will be provided to the Advisory Committee Coordinator.


Staff items related to the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee that may require urgent and timely attention in regard to processing to the Standing Committee and Council, may be placed on the Pedestrian and Public Transit Advisory Committee formal meeting agenda, upon the consent of the both Committee Chairs.   The Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee Chair and applicable (sub) committee members are permitted to attend the meeting if necessary.  However, the item would not be debated, but considered in the context of approval for submission to the Standing Committee and Council.


The process for choosing membership for the Pedestrian and Public Transit Advisory Committee shall be in accordance with the approved Appointments Policy.  Both the Transportation Committee and Ottawa City Council shall approve all appointments to the Pedestrian and Public Transit Advisory Committee.


In addition, the Pedestrian and Public Transit Advisory Committee shall have in a resource, liaison and/or advisory capacity, the following:


·        1 staff representative from the Public Works and Services Department (non-voting) who will attend the formal advertised Committee meeting held every second month.

·        a minimum of 1 member of Ottawa City Council, appointed by Council to act as a liaison (non-voting)





The Public Works and Services Department shall be the lead department for the Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee.  The Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee shall report to the Transportation Committee and City Council.





The Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee must report annually to City Council through the Transportation Committee (timing to be determined by the Chair, Advisory Committee Coordinator and the City Clerk) on the activities of the Committee in the current year and on the Committee’s workplan for the following year.










Lynne McCarney, Chair of the Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee addressed the following points in her presentation to Committee:

§         PTAC would prefer to have the ability to develop a three-year workplan rather than an annual one.

§         PTAC is unfavourable of having to work within the six meetings per year that is allotted within its current structure, and would like to be returned to a full status Committee with 12 meetings per year.

§         The current structure and meeting allotment has caused some frustration and membership problems, although the Committee has persevered.

§         The Committee has had a very pleasurable relationship with its staff component.

§         The Committee feels that while Council claims to value the time, commitment, and advice put forth by PTAC, its actions say otherwise. 

§         PTAC has formed a meeting schedule for itself and its subcommittees to coincide with issues it is alerted to in advance, such as Transplan.  However, a staff member informed the Chair recently that it might not be wise for the Committee to continue having regular subcommittee meetings because of the associated mileage claim expenses.

§         The Chair was also surprised to learn, just before this Transportation Committee meeting, that the Chair or Vice-Chair (or other selected representative of the Committee) may only be allotted five minutes to address a Standing Committee on a particular Agenda item, unless the report was written by that particular Advisory Committee, in which case the time allotted would be 10 minutes.  She was of the understanding that Advisory Committees were given 10 minutes to speak on any report on an agenda.

§         The Chair was invited to meet separately with two Councillors last summer to discuss her concerns with the Committee’s structure, but neither of those meetings occurred, despite her efforts, leaving her with further doubt that the Committee is sincerely valued by Council.


When asked by Chair Stavinga about Ms. McCarney’s remarks on the time allotment for Advisory Committees appearing before Standing Committees, Mr. Rick O’Connor, City Solicitor clarified that Section 74. (8) of Procedure By-Law 2005-431 states that “Where a report of an Advisory Committee is being presented to a Standing Committee, either the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Advisory Committee or a member designated by the Advisory Committee, but not more than one of them, may address the Standing Committee for up to 10 minutes”, the exception being Budget deliberations by Committee of the Whole, to which section 47.1 (4) of the By-Law refers, as follows: “Oral submissions by delegations shall be limited to 5 minutes with oral submissions on behalf of an Advisory Committee being limited to 10 minutes”.  Mr. O’Connor noted, however, that the rule does not prohibit a Standing Committee from extending the time allotted to Advisory Committees on any report, if it so wishes.  Chair Stavinga felt that the practice among Standing Committees has always been to allot 10 minutes per Advisory Committee and she suggested that the wording of this particular rule in the Procedure By-Law is problematic.  Mr. O’Connor noted this was the first time Council and Committee Services had ever publicly addressed the issue in such a manner because it had never before been raised as an issue.  He suggested that if members of Committee and Council wish to amend the Advisory Committee Procedure By-Law, there would be opportunity to examine that during the Governance Review in the fall of this year.


Councillor Cullen also felt the practice has been consistent among Standing Committees with respect to allotting 10 minutes per Advisory Committee per report, regardless of origin.  He advised Ms. McCarney to assume that the Advisory Committee would be given 10 minutes to speak in future, regardless of the report origin.  When asked by the Councillor, Mr. O’Connor advised that he is not aware of any problem being raised with PTAC holding regular subcommittee meetings, and will look into the matter.  Ms. McCarney responded that the issue, as explained to her, is not with securing a location for the meetings, but rather with the possibility that mileage claims might arise from those subcommittee meetings.  Mr. O’Connor clarified that members of an Advisory Committee who are appointed to a subcommittee are eligible for reimbursement for those official subcommittee meetings.  Ms. McCarney felt that an issue was being raised with the fact that the subcommittees often meet on a monthly basis, in addition to the regular meetings of the Advisory Committee. 


Councillor Legendre commented on the general nature of the PTAC’s Workplan, and he questioned whether PTAC plans to work this year on the Environmental Assessments (EAs) for the East-West Light Rail Transit and / or the Interprovincial Crossings.  Ms. McCarney explained that the meeting schedule and report deadlines posed some difficulty for the Committee in preparing this Workplan, and she noted that it was kept general in nature in order to accommodate the Committee’s ability to work on issues that come up during the year that were not known in advance.  She advised that it is the intent of PTAC to be involved as much as possible with those EAs mentioned by Councillor Legendre, as well as with any other issues that fall within the Committee’s mandate.  Councillor Legendre encouraged staff to ensure that comment from PTAC is sought with respect to those EAs.


Chair Stavinga noted there is a great amount of energy and work required to create an Advisory Committee Annual Workplan and questioned Mr. O’Connor with respect to the ability to consider the use of a three-year workplan, rather than an annual one, during the next Governance review.  He replied that a number of staff members have already raised the issue this year and he advised it would be considered during the Governance Review in the fall.  Chair Stavinga expressed her appreciation to PTAC for the service they provide and encouraged Ms. McCarney, as Chair of PTAC, to contact the Committee Coordinator when problems arise in future.


The Committee then considered and approved the following report recommendations:


That the Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee recommend that Transportation Committee recommend that Council:


a)         receive the 2005 Annual Report of the Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee as detailed in Document 1; and

b)         approve the objectives contained in the 2006 workplan, as detailed in Document 2.

