1.             parks and recreation advisory committee – 2005 annual report and 2006 work plan


comitÉ consultatif sur les parcs et les loisirs – rapport annuel de 2005 et plan de travail 2006





That Council:


a.         receive the 2005 Annual Report of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee as detailed in Document 1; and

b.                  approve the objectives contained in the 2006 workplan, as detailed in Document 2.




Que le Conseil :

a.         reçoive le Rapport annuel de 2005 du Comité consultatif sur les parcs et les loisirs, tel que décrit à la pièce jointe no 1;

b.         approuve les objectifs qui sont présentés dans le plan de travail 2006, tel que décrit à la pièce jointe no 2.





1.      Chair, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee report dated 6 April 2006 (ACS2006-CCV-PRA-0001).

Report to/Rapport au :


Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee

Comité de la santé, des loisirs et des services sociaux


and Council / et au Conseil


6 April 2006 / le  6 avril 2006


Submitted by/Soumis par :Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee/Comité consultatif sur les parcs et les loisirs      


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Stephanie Brown Bellefeuille, Advisory Committee Coordinator/Coordonnatrice du comite consultatif

Clerk's Branch

(613) 580-2424 x16760, stephanie.brown@ottawa.ca



Ref N°: ACS2006-CCV-PRA-0001














That the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee recommend that Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee recommend that Council:


a.         receive the 2005 Annual Report of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee as detailed in Document 1; and

b.         approve the objectives contained in the 2006 workplan, as detailed in Document 2.





Que le Comité consultatif sur les parcs et les loisirs recommande au Comité de la santé, des loisirs et des services sociaux de préconiser au Conseil de :

a.         reçoive le Rapport annuel de 2005 du Comité consultatif sur les parcs et les loisirs, tel que décrit à la pièce jointe no 1;

b.         approuve les objectifs qui sont présentés dans le plan de travail 2006, tel que décrit à la pièce jointe no 2.



City Council, at its meeting on 3 December 2003, reconfirmed its governance structure.  This included the advisory committees, and the requirement for each to complete a workplan outlining proposed projects and activities for the upcoming year.  The workplan is to identify each and every activity the Committee plans to undertake in the upcoming year, whether they have a budgetary impact or not.  The item should be identified, a brief description of the project or activity should be noted, and the anticipated timing of the item should be provided.  The Committee Coordinator, Lead Department Representative and Financial Services will assist in determining the estimated budget associated with each activity.


In addition, the Lead Department Representatives are to provide the Committee with information on the departmental workplan and priorities, where the workplans of the Committees tie into that workplan, and where the Committee can assist the Department.  The Lead Department Representative will also advise on what staff and/or financial resources are available as part of departmental priorities.


City Council, during the 2006 budget deliberations, approved no workplan funding for the advisory committees.




At its meeting of 21 March 2006, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC) approved its 2005 Annual Report and 2006 proposed workplan.


The mandate of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is to advise on all aspects of the provision of leisure and recreation services in the City of Ottawa, including development of recreation policy, and promoting and maintaining communication with the public on parks and recreation needs.  The complete Terms of Reference can be found at Document 3 of this report.




The Community and Protective Services Department acknowledges the advice and assistance received from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee in 2005 and appreciates that the Committee has experienced an improved flow and more timely receipt of information over the course of the past year.

The Department is supportive of PRAC's 2006 workplan, as outlined in Document 2, including both the AC's general objectives and specific items of interest laid out in Objectives 6 and 7.  The Department looks forward to working with PRAC in 2006.




There are no financial impacts from this report.




Document 1 -   Parks and Recreation 2005 Annual Report

Document 2 -   Parks and Recreation 2006 proposed workplan

Document 3 -   Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Terms of Reference (held on file with                                   the City Clerk)





City Clerk’s Branch staff will forward the recommendations approved by the Health, Recreation, and Social Services Committee to City Council for ratification.

Document 1

2005 Annual Report





Firstly members of PRAC would like to take this opportunity to thank, our staff liaison, Dan Chenier, and our committee coordinator, Stephanie Brown Bellefeuille, who have continued to work with us and give us direction and advice.  We were also fortunate to have had the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department, Aaron Burry, attend our meetings on a number of occasions and his input and comments were both productive and beneficial to our committee. Our appreciation is as well extended to Councillor Rob Jellett who has continued to provide us with his opinions in his jovial yet realistic manner. All have proven to be supportive of the work we have undertaken. 


Once again our membership reflects the views of a very diverse community with expertise drawn from very knowledgeable and dedicated citizens from ever corner of our city. We have all contributed through the sharing of own experiences and have provided valuable input to staff in their preparation of reports and proposals for various city Standing Committees.


The flow of information to our committee has been significantly improved and our advice has been sought more often and in a more productive and timely fashion. We spent less time worrying about what our roles and responsibilities are and more time discussing issues relevant to our mandated areas of interest.


Our participation in public forums, working on various issues as members of sub-committees and making presentations to Standing Committees continued throughout the past year.


As a result our focus has been:



We have made a concerted effort in reviewing and commenting on all issues that have been brought to our committee for consideration.  Where we have had strong opinions in regards to particular concerns our final reports to HRSS have reflected a consensus based position in keeping with our mandate. This is not to say that, had we had a differing opinion to that being expressed in the staff reports, we would not have responded with a contrary position before HRSS committee.


If we have failed to respond to specific reports sent to HRSS it would in all likelihood be attributed to timing issues. As in previous Annual Reports this lack of an opinion should not be construed by Councilors as our concurrence with the Final Report as written but more often then not should be viewed recognizing there was a lack sufficient time to:



As we stated in previous Annual Reports to be truly effective and to validate the role that advisory committees play in the process it is incumbent that our concerns and issues are reflected in the Final Report. Not withstanding the above we need to be able to highlight any shortcomings so that Councilors can seek clarification from staff in regards to our point of view.


We have made great strides this past year in our committees’ evolution and our advice is reflected more often in the reports going forward to the Standing Committees and that staff are recognizing the experience and advice of our committee members. Much of the progress can be attributed to the fact that we have had significantly greater interaction with staff in the course of their preparation of their reports either in the earlier stages or in the preparation of their Final Reports. 

Experiences in 2005 and rationale for Work Plan

In previous Annual Reports we had identified four principal functions which remain as the basis for our focus in 2006:



In our report from last year and the previous year we stated very clearly what we have accepted our role to be. Our primary role is to bring local concerns to light and address these openly with the view of receiving feedback from staff as to what policies and processes are in place to address these concerns. Our secondary role therefore is to ensure that the policies that require change are identified and that new policies are created to reflect the new requirements. While we continue to monitor the effectiveness of City processes, and to guide staff and Council in their implementation, we recognize that staffs are the professionals whose expertise is best directed in developing the process and policies that guide the parks and recreational programs. Lastly we have determined that our role should be to synthesize community views, based on our own experience and interests and provide an overview that helps to integrate and to harmonize local viewpoints.


Our 2006 Work Plan will indicate that we intend to focus on the timely study of issues of broad implication and the preparation of recommendations on these to the HRSS Committee.

Document 2




Proposed Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee 2006 Work Plan




Cost Involved

Departments Involved


1) Advising Council

Providing Council/Standing Committee Members/Staff with considered timely advice focused on reports.

Total: $0.00

As brought forward by Council, Standing Committees or staff


2) To become informed, review, and make recommendations on current and emerging park and recreation issues and promote citizen participation and visioning in the official plan with regards to parks and recreation – public consultations


The Committee will receive a series of presentations from staff on relevant issues (some of which are listed below), as well as attend meetings of interest and importance, hold workshops, and/or (where suitable), make recommendations and reports.


The Committee will work closely with the department in support of the development of recreational programs and facilities, with particular focus on those areas experiencing sufficient growth and demand.


The Committee will work with the department to bring forward the issues of: cash-in-lieu, developer deposits, and dedication of funds.


The Committee will review and consider (but not be limited to) the issue of the Marine Bypass Initiative.


Total: $0.00







Total: $0.00






Total: $0.00





Total: $0.00

Parks & Recreation Branch






City departments (i.e., Parks & Recreation)




City departments (i.e., Parks & Recreation)



City departments (i.e., Parks & Recreation)


3) To inform Council Members of PRAC

This will be accomplished through dialogue in regards to specific issues of interest and/or concern by Committee Members

Total: $0.00



4) To form and maintain useful Partnerships with

other advisory committees and with other persons and organizations with common interests

Liaison with other Advisory Committees where ongoing issues in common exist and ad-hoc joint ventures where appropriate


Committees with specific perspectives on parks and recreational issues - e.g. seniors, disabled, environmental, forests

Total: $0.00




Total: $0.00


6) To work with Parks & Recreation Branch in support of their 2006 Work Plan -  new initiatives 

Review & provide recommendations on issues relating to:

§         Special Needs Policy

§        Corporate Asset Management Arenas-Diversion Analysis

§        Fee Assistance Policy

§        Skating School Review – Competitive Assessment Review

§        2006 Ontario Summer Games

§        Park Permit Implementation

§        French Recreation Services

§        Community Center Partnerships- Policy

§        Public Skating Policy

§        Helmets-Policy Review

§        Marketing Plans for Recreation Facilities

§         Major Capital Partnership-review of recommended projects for funding

Total: $0.00




7) Work with Parks & Recreation Branch in support of their 2006 Work Plan - ongoing initiatives


§        Maintenance

§        Allocations, fields, ice, pool etc.

§        Aquatics Facilities – review of Allocation Policy

§        Sports Field Strategy

§        Sports Field Conversion

§        Pricing Policies

§        2007 Budget Review

§        Sports Field Assessment initiative

§        Community Infrastructure Strategy Cycling Plan

§        NCC Pathway Network

§        Hydro Corridor Plan

§        Greenspace Master Plan

§        Ottawa River Corridor Plan

§        Pedestrian Master Plan

§        Woodland Conservation Bylaw

§         West Carleton P3 arena initiative

§        Community Gardens

§         Community Use of Schools

Total: $0.00



8) Sub-Committee

§        P & R Master Plan

Total: $0.00