3.             health and social services advisory committee – 2005 annual report and 2006 work plan


comitÉ consultatif sur les arts, le patrimoine et la culture – rapport annuel de 2005 et plan de travail 2006





That Council:


a.                  receive the 2005 Annual Report of the Health and Social Services Advisory Committee as detailed in Attachment 1; and

b.         approve the objectives contained in the 2006 workplan, as detailed in Attachment 2.




Que le Conseil :

a.                  reçoive le Rapport annuel de 2005 du Comité consultatif sur la sante et les services sociaux, tel que décrit a la pièce jointe no 1;

b.         approuve les objectifs qui sont présentés dans le plan de travail 2006, tel que décrit à la pièce jointe no 2.




1.      Chair, Health and Social Services Advisory Committee report dated 1 March 2006 (ACS2006-CCV-HSS-0001).

Report to/Rapport au:

Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee/

Comité de la santé, des loisirs et des services sociaux


and Council/et au Conseil


1 March 2006 / le 1 mars 2006


Submitted by/Soumis par:  Chair, Health and Social Services Advisory Committee/

Président, Comité consultatif sur la santé et les services sociaux


Contact/Personne-ressource:  Tania Richard,

Committee Coordinator/coordonnatrice du comité

580-2424, ext/poste 29081: Tania.Richard@ottawa.ca;


 City Wide

Ref N°:  ACS2006-CCV-HSS-0001









That the Health and Social Services Advisory Committee recommend that the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee recommend Council:


a.         receive the 2005 Annual Report of the Health and Social Services Advisory Committee as detailed in Attachment 1; and

b.         approve the objectives contained in the 2006 workplan, as detailed in Attachment 2.





Que le Comité consultatif sur la santé et les services sociaux recommande que le Comité de la santé, des loisirs et des services sociaux recommande que le Conseil :

a.         reçoive le Rapport annuel de 2005 du Comité consultatif sur la sante et les services sociaux, tel que décrit a la pièce jointe no 1;

b.         approuve les objectifs qui sont présentés dans le plan de travail 2006, tel que décrit à la pièce jointe no 2.





City Council, 3 December 2003, reconfirmed its governance structure.  This included the advisory committees, and the requirement for each to complete a workplan outlining proposed projects and activities for the upcoming year.  The workplan is to identify each and every activity the Committee plans to undertake in the upcoming year, whether they have a budgetary impact or not.  The item should be identified, a brief description of the project or activity should be noted, and the anticipated timing of the item should be provided. 


The Lead Department Representatives are to provide the Committee with information on the departmental workplan and priorities, where the workplans of the Committees tie into that workplan, and where the Committee can assist the Department.  The Lead Department Representative will also advise on what staff and/or financial resources are available as part of departmental priorities.


There was no funding approved for the advisory committee 2006 workplans.





At its meeting of 31 January 2006, the Health and Social Services Advisory Committee considered a draft of their 2006 work plan.  The review process continued and on 28 February 2006, the committee approved the final workplan for submission to the Standing Committee.  On the same date, the committee confirmed the 2005 Annual Report.


The mandate of the Health and Social Services Advisory Committee is to advise on policy, programs and service delivery in the area of provision and support of social, health and related services.  The complete Terms of Reference can be found at Attachment 3 of this report.





Community and Protective Services Department


The Community and Protective Services (CPS) Department appreciates the advice and support provided by the HSSAC in 2005 including work on Housing and Homelessness, support and presentation to the Homelessness and the Safe Streets Task Force and City for All Women Initiatives (CAWI), among others.  The 2005 Annual Report makes reference to a proposal it developed to engage youth in Ottawa that was “never received by City staff”.  There were informal discussions with a member of HSSAC respecting budget support for a research proposal in support of youth engagement; however, no formal proposal was ever submitted by HSSAC for consideration by HRSS. 


The CPS Department supports the HSSAC 2006 workplan affixed as Attachment 2 including initiatives of interest to the Advisory Committee such as:  the status of the Local Health Integration Network (LHIN); Public Health Capacity Review; affordable housing initiatives; Child Care agreements, etc.





There are no financial implications.





Attachment 1 –    2005 Annual Report of the Health and Social Services Advisory Committee

Attachment 2 –    Proposed 2006 Workplan of the Health and Social Services Advisory Committee

Attachment 3 –    Health and Social Services Advisory Committee Terms of Reference





City Clerks Branch staff will forward the recommendations approved by the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee to City Council for ratification.

Attachment 1



2005 Annual Report

Health and Social services Advisory Committee.





Over the past year, the Health and Social Services Advisory Committee has discussed matters relative to its mandate, intervened on issues relative to its mandate, received public delegations, and has made recommendations to City Council.  As part of its 20054 Work Plan, the committee scheduled two of it’s meetings off-site; these were held at the Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre,Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health on Montreal Road and at the Southeast Ottawa Centre for a Healthy CommunityCumberland Community Resource Centre on Centrum Boulevard. 





Housing Issues


·         NIMBY: Housing and Homelessness – Supporting Strategies for Gaining Community Acceptance  (ACS2005-CCV-HSS-0001)


In late 2003, the HSSAC agreed to conduct a public forum to discuss the issue of housing and homelessness in Ottawa, in particular regarding community engagement strategies for the development of local housing and shelter developments.  On 11 December 2003, a public workshop was held, sponsored by the National Homelessness Initiative (Canada) and the City of Ottawa (HSSAC), with the support of the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association.  The purpose of the session was to provide an opportunity for participants to learn new tools and best practices on engaging communities, supporting participants to anticipate and address community opposition to housing and homelessness projects and facilities, and to share lessons learned.


The committee’s subsequent position on the matter was later submitted to the HRSS on 3 March 2005 and Council on 13 April 2005, respectively, the details of which are contained in the above noted report.


·         Development


The Committee continues to monitor community design planning areas as they arise, including the development of Lebreton Flats, and promotes the development of inclusive communities that include affordable housing.


2006 City of Ottawa Budget Process


As part of its 2005 Work Plan, the Committee reviewed and provided comments to the 2006 City of Ottawa Budget.  The Vice-Chair, Mr. Phil Brown, made a presentation to the Committee of the Whole on behalf of the HSSAC in early December 2005.


New City of Ottawa Act


The Committee submitted comments and recommendations to City staff on the proposed New City of Ottawa Act. 


Youth Engagement with the City of Ottawa


The HSSAC developed a proposal to conduct research on engaging youth in the community.  While comments were never received by City staff, the Committee will continue to pursue the issue of youth engagement.


Child Care Programs


The Committee monitored the new Federal Child Care Program introduced last Spring, as well as the provincial programs, and will continue to research and gather information on quality indicators of child care and non-profit vs. for-profit child care. 




A report was submitted to the Task Force on Homelessness and the Safe Streets Act on behalf of HSSAC, proposing some ideas on income-earning opportunities for homeless youth.  The Committee participated in discussions and consulted on a regular basis with the Task Force.


Women’s Issues / Initiatives


The HSSAC voiced its support toward the City for All Women Initiatives (CAWI) last Fall at the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee.  The Committee also provided advice to the City’s report entitled: Women’s Access to Municipal Services.


Status of HSSAC Recommendations to City Council


The HSSAC tracked the progress and followed up on how City Council and staff have responded to recommendations made by the Committee since its creation in 2001.





The Health and Social Services Advisory Committee received presentations and updates from City staff and delegations from various organizations pertaining to the following (to which the HSSAC provided comments and suggestions):

·         Received two presentations by Steve Kanellakos, Deputy City Manager, Community and Protective Services, regarding the City’s Strategic Framework.

·         Received a presentation by staff from Public Health with regard to the City’s Physical Activity Strategy and the Public Education: Safety and Safe Behaviour Strategy (Injury Prevention).

·         Received two presentations on Changing Demographics and Immigration in Ottawa by the Social Planning Council.

·         Dr. Rob Cushman, Chief Medical Officer, made a presentation about the proposed Pesticides By-law.

·         Diane Officer, Director, Long Term Care, provided a brief overview of the Local Health Integration Network (LHIN).

·         Ms. Danielle Massé, Director, and Mr. John Murray, District Manager, Employment and Financial Assistance, made a presentation with regard to services offered to ODSP clients.  Ms. Massé also provided a follow-up to the presentation at a subsequent meeting.

·         Mr. Tim Plumptre, Chair, presented an overview of home care services provided by the Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) across the City.

·         The Committee received an update by Russell Mawby, Director of Housing, Community and Protective Services, about the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program, the new provincial Housing Allowance Program, and the development of new affordable housing in general.

·         Members of the Ottawa Child Care Association and the Ottawa Federation of Parent Day Care Centres, made a presentation to the HSSAC about the Provincial Child Care Plan and the funding requirements to provide appropriate child care services.






Attachment 2



Health and Social Services Advisory Committee


Workplan 2006

Text Box: Objective 1–	To provide a forum for citizens to express their views related to health and social services so that HSSAC can develop a better understanding of community concerns and make recommendations to Council to address these concerns.








Activity 1:       Conduct at least two committee meetings in the community during the year.


Activity 2:   In the Fall, hold public forum on municipal taxes and what services are provided to citizens.  This would describe the services provided from infants to elderly to fire fighting to sidewalks to after 4 programs.


Cost:      Simultaneous Translation - $1000 (estimate) would be covered by Heritage Canada Grant / Cost for refreshments (coffee, juice) estimated at $80; promotion of event estimate unknown.


Status:   This was an incompleted Activity from the 2004 Work Plan.

Activity 2:       Provide feedback to the City on the Draft Community Impact Indicators, which are intended to track performance on 11 City agendas such as Public Safety and Health, Prosperity, Opportunity, etc.


Activity 3:       Monitor the progress of the work by CAYFO on youth engagement.

Simultaneous Translation to facilitate public consultation process for 2006 budget process = $1000 (generally covered by the Heritage Canada Grant).


(This was also an activity that was of interest to the Early Childhood Development and Women’s Issues Sub-committee)


Activity 4:       Review the 2007 City of Ottawa Budget proposal and submit recommendations to City Council.


Activity 5:       To review and comment on the proposed New Zoning By-law.





Objective 2-    To provide advice related to improving the delivery of health care and social services.







Activity 1:       Review the Public Health Department’s strategy to deal with potential flu pandemic.determine whether or not health concerns are affected by environmental issues.



Activity 2:       Invite Dr. Cushman, CEO of Champlain Local Health Integration Network (LHIN), to present on the status of Champlain LHIN., support, promote


Activity 3:       Receive a presentation on status of Ottawa’s Road Safety Program.


Activity 4:       Given presentations last year by the Social Planning Council on changing demographics and diversity in Ottawa, review the need for health and social services to be adjusted to accommodate these changes.by discussing at committee and using this knowledge in our reports.


Activity 5:       Invite seniors associations to comment on the services received from the City to determine the gaps that need to be addressed.


Activity 6:       Monitor the work of the Public Health Capacity Review being conducted by the province and provide comments where appropriate.


$1000 for the possible payment for the preparation of a report/presentation

Objective 6 To provide advice to HRSSC re: the needs of the Aboriginal/First Nations communities.


Activity 1:   Consult with the Aboriginal/First Nations communities re: need/development of an urban aboriginal policy


Cost:  $1000 for the cost of participants attending and logistics/refreshments, preparation  of a report.


Status:  This was an incompleted Activity from the 2004 Work Plan.


Objective 3 To provide advice regarding the provision of regulated and affordable, universal, accessible childcare services, to provide advice on services which will better meet the needs of women and children and to ensure, support and monitor women’s access to city services.

Activity 15:  Presentation on demography. (this ties in with Objective 5, Activity 1 does it not?)


Cost:    There are no foreseen costs associated with this activity.




Activity 1:       Gather and share research evidence on quality indicators of child care and non-profit auspice.


Activity 2:       January 31st 2006 HSSAC – invite guest speaker to present on quality child care and non-profit auspice.


                        Activity 3:       Building support and collaboration to have the City develop a housing policy for new housing developments to be required to include a non-profit child care center (see Objective 4).


Activity 4:       Continue to support CAWI in having gender equality/diversity planning framework implemented across all City departments. Invite CAWI to present before HSSAC in 2006.


Activity 5:       Provide an opportunity for City staff to brief HSSAC on City initiatives/partnerships with community groups/agencies to deliver services and address issues of violence against women. 


Activity 6:        Monitor and report to HSSAC Committee on the impact of the Federal government’s cancellation of the federal/provincial/territorial child care agreements on the City of Ottawa’s Best Strategic Transition Plan and the Infrastructure Plan.  Together these two plans would have resulted in the creation of 1100 new licensed child care spaces, improved services for children with special needs, better integration of all children services and improved wages and benefits for those working in the field.



Objective 4To promote the provision of affordable housing to meet the needs of low-income households and the homeless, and to promote the development of sustainable and inclusive communities.


Activity 1:       Through regular environmental scanning, to monitor current and emerging policy developments, activities, and issues as they pertain to homelessness, affordable housing and sustainable communities, and to take appropriate action.


Activity 2:       To design and present a public forum or panel discussion to explore housing within communities and associated interventions that better enable housing maintenance and community development, in order to identify opportunities and challenges for the City to support strong housing outcomes.


Activity 3:       To hold a public forum to explore public investment mechanisms for ensuring an adequate supply of affordable housing, including both supply and demand approaches; and their roles in a comprehensive and effective strategy for addressing housing needs in Ottawa.





                                                                                                                                                            Attachment 3


Approved by

City Council on 23 May 2001

Amended 03 December 2003

(As per Council approved Governance Report)





Terms of Reference





The mandate of the Health and Social Services Advisory Committee is to advise on policy, programs and service delivery in the area of provision and support of social, health and related services.





The Health and Social Services Advisory Committee shall be responsible for:





The Health and Social Services Advisory Committee shall have a maximum citizen membership of between 9 – 15, including a minimum of one citizen appointment representing the rural community.


Both the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee and Ottawa City Council shall approve all appointments to the Health and Social Services Advisory Committee.


In addition, the Health and Social Services Advisory Committee shall also have in a resource, liaison and/or advisory capacity, the following:

·        1 Staff representative from the Community and Protective Services Department (non-voting)

·        A minimum of 1 member of Ottawa City Council, appointed by Council (non-voting)

·        The process for choosing membership for the Health and Social Services Advisory Committee will follow the approved Appointments Policy.





The Community and Protective Services Department shall be the lead department for the Health and Social Services Advisory Committee.  The Health and Social Services Advisory Committee shall report through the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee to City Council.





The Health and Social Services Advisory Committee must report annually to City Council through the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee (timing to be determined by the Chair, Advisory Committee Coordinator and City Clerk) on the activities of the Committee in the current year and on the Committee’s workplan for the following year.