2.             arts, heritage and culture advisory committee – 2005 annual report and 2006 work plan


comitÉ consultatif sur les arts, le patrimoine et la culture – rapport annuel de 2005 et plan de travail 2006





That Council:


a.         receive the 2005 Annual Report of the Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee as detailed in Attachment 1; and

b.         approve the objectives contained in the 2006 workplan, as detailed in Attachment 2.



Que le Conseil :

a.                  reçoive le Rapport annuel de 2005 du Comité Consultatif sur les Arts, le Patrimoine et la Culture, tel que décrit à la pièce jointe no 1;

b.         approuve les objectifs qui sont présentés dans le plan de travail 2006, tel que décrit à la pièce jointe no 2.




1.      Chair, Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee report dated 8 March 2006 (ACS2006-CCV-AHC-0001).

Report to/Rapport au :


Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee

Comité de la santé, des loisirs et des services sociaux


and Council / et au Conseil


8 March 2006/ 8 mars 2006


Submitted by/Soumis par : Submitted by/Soumis par:  Chair/président

Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee/ Comité Consultatif sur les Arts, le Patrimoine et la Culture




Contact Person/Personne ressource : Brenda Emond, Advisory Committee Coordinator

City Clerk’s Branch/Direction du greffe

(613) 580-2424 21801, brenda.emond@ottawa.ca


City Wide

Ref N°: ACS2006-CCV-AHC-0001













That the Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee recommend that the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee recommend Council:


a.         receive the 2005 Annual Report of the Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee as detailed in Attachment 1; and

b.         approve the objectives contained in the 2006 workplan, as detailed in Attachment 2.





Que Comité consultatif sur les arts, le patrimoine et la culture recommande que le Comité de la santé, des loisirs et des services sociaux recommande que le Conseil :

a.         reçoive le Rapport annuel de 2005 du Comité Consultatif sur les Arts, le Patrimoine et la Culture, tel que décrit à la pièce jointe no 1;

b.         approuve les objectifs qui sont présentés dans le plan de travail 2006, tel que décrit à la pièce jointe no 2.





City Council, 3 December 2003, reconfirmed its governance structure.  This included the advisory committees, and the requirement for each to complete a workplan outlining proposed projects and activities for the upcoming year.  The workplan is to identify each and every activity the Committee plans to undertake in the upcoming year, whether they have a budgetary impact or not.  The item should be identified, a brief description of the project or activity should be noted, and the anticipated timing of the item should be provided. 


The Lead Department Representatives are to provide the Committee with information on the departmental workplan and priorities, where the workplans of the Committees tie into that workplan, and where the Committee can assist the Department.  The Lead Department Representative will also advise on what staff and/or financial resources are available as part of departmental priorities.





The Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee’s Terms of Reference include the requirement to produce an annual work plan.  The work plan is a means to establish projects, activities and initiatives that will take place the following year.  This report will also provide the amount of funds required to accomplish the Committee’s goals.


At its 26 January 2006 meeting, the Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee approved its 2006 workplan.  The 2006 final work plan of the Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee is at Attachment 2.




Community and Protective Services Department


The mandate of the Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee is to provide leadership, advice and assistance to Ottawa City Council, through the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee, on the development and implementation of (i) municipal arts and culture policies, programs and development initiatives in all disciplines; and (ii) heritage policies (excepting heritage designations), by-laws, strategies and programs to support museums, heritage events and programming, archives, historic sites and collections and the preservation and interpretation of monuments, memorials, structures and natural and archaeological sites.  The complete Terms of Reference can be found at Attachment 3 of this report.


The Community and Protective Services (CPS) Department appreciates the advice and assistance received from the Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee in 2005 as reflected in Document 1 including participation in the development of the City’s Museum Sustainability Plan and Arts Investment Strategy, among other issues.  The CPS Department supports the AHCAC’s 2006 workplan outlined in Document 2.










Attachment 1 –    2005 Annual Report of the Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee

Attachment 2 –    Proposed 2006 Workplan of the Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee

Attachment 3 –    Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee Terms of Reference





City Clerks Branch staff will forward the recommendations approved by the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee to City Council for ratification.




                                                                                                                                   Attachment 1





The Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee would like to highlight their involvement in the following activities in 2005:


-         Supporting the City of Ottawa’s Arts Acquisition Fund and Capital Assistance Program for the arts.


-         Participation in the development of the City of Ottawa’s Museum Sustainability Plan, including participation on the Steering Committee and hosting public consultations.


-         Extending the lease at 111 Sussex Dr. for the City of Ottawa Archives, thus preventing an interim move to 1700 Blair Rd.; and continuing to identify a permanent home with adequate long-term facilities for the archives.


-         Participation in the Public Advisory Committee for the Bank St. Functional and Preliminary Design Project.


-         Continuous input / feedback to the Arts Investment Strategy.


-         Participation in, and presentation of awards for, the 2005 Heritage Community Recognition Program.


-         Participation in the planning for the Orleans Arts Centre.


-         Expressing continued support of the new 150 Elgin St. Concert Hall.


-         Supporting the ITR Theatre Co.’s application to purchase the Blachfield School property in Osgoode.


-         Participation in the 2006 Budget deliberations.



Attachment 2


Heritage Advocacy Work Plan 2006




Heritage Advocacy


To act as advocates and advisory body to City Council, through the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee on matters pertaining to heritage.  The AHCA Committee will advise and assist in the development and implementation of heritage policies, by-laws, strategies and programs to support museums, archives, historic sites and collections and the preservation and interpretation of monuments, memorials structures and natural and archaeological sites. Advice will be provided in response to identified priorities and issues as they arise.





City of Ottawa’s 20/20 Official Plan


Contribute to establishing criteria to determine benchmarks and achievement of heritage and cultural goals with the City of Ottawa’s 20/20 Official Plan and Arts and Heritage Master Plan. That the AHCAC ensure community heritage issues are maintained and firmly established within the framework and schedules by City Council and City staff.  And that the spirit, policies and recommendations of the 20/20 Ottawa Plan are respected in all public policy developments by the City of Ottawa.





City Heritage Programming


To work with the staff of the Community and Protective Services Department’s Office of Cultural Affairs to provide advice and support with respect to ongoing Heritage programs and recognition events, and to respond to community needs and make recommendations for future City heritage recognition, if necessary.  Established programs of particular interest includes:


Heritage Fair 2006-2007


AHCAC will work in conjunction with the representatives of school boards, heritage staff and applicable heritage organizations. Encourage the public system to follow the Catholic Board of Education's successful example.


Heritage Day


Encourage all heritage groups to hold community heritage events throughout Heritage Day and Heritage Month.  And continue to support the Annual Heritage Day at City Hall.


Doors Open Ottawa


Support and promote partnership between the City, the heritage community and the corporate sector with the annual Doors Open Ottawa program.





City of Ottawa 2007 Budget and 2008 Budget


To provide input to the City of Ottawa pre-budget (2007 and 2008) consultation process, and to continue to review the City of Ottawa Draft 2007 Budget estimates and provide input with respect to Heritage allocations. To make further representation to City Council during the 2007 Budget public consultation process to ensure that Heritage spending allocations respond to identified needs and priorities.





City of Ottawa Archives


As originally stated in the Ottawa 20/20 Arts and Heritage Plan, a high priority issue for 2006 is to assist the City of Ottawa Community and Protective Services Department and the City of Ottawa Archives in resolving the ongoing problem of finding a permanent facility, with adequate processing room and active and storage facilities.  Critical factors that warrant resolution of this issue are:

1.  The City of Ottawa current lease at 111 Sussex Drive expires at the end of 2007.

2. Stable facilities and funding is needed for staffing the City Archives to enable processing the backlog of >78,000 boxes of records inherited by amalgamation and for normal daily archival activity.


These concerns may be best allayed by the development of a City of Ottawa Archives Sustainability Plan, guided by a Steering Committee in which the AHCAC participates.





Heritage Places and Sites


Provide advice and guidance to Ottawa City Council, through the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee, and City staff on matters to support museums, archives, historic sites and collections and the preservation and interpretation of monuments, memorials, structures and natural and archaeological sites.





Heritage and Cultural Education and Awards


To work with the Community and Protective Services Department to provide support for the promotion of municipal, and other levels of government, Heritage and Cultural awards programs that respects previously defined recognition programs, acknowledges excellence, community impact, involvement and contribution by individuals and heritage organizations.


Arts Advocacy Workplan 2006





Arts Advocacy


To act as an arts advocate and advisory body to City Council through the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee, on matters pertaining to arts policies, by-laws, strategies and programs in support of local artists, arts organizations and to the benefit of the community at-large.  Advice will be provided in response to identified priorities and issues as they arise.





City of Ottawa’s 20/20 Official Plan and Arts Master Plan/Policy


To assist the Community and Protective Services Department to establishing criteria to determine benchmarks and achievements arts goals within the 20/20 Ottawa Official Plan and Arts and Heritage Master Plan that defines a vision for the arts in Ottawa, respects the creative efforts of individuals and groups in their pursuit of excellence at all levels of arts activity, ensures access for the public, assists in the development of a diverse arts sector, encourages partnerships, and ensures an efficient and effective system of delivery in the arts sector.


And that the spirit, policies and recommendations of the 20/20 Ottawa Plan are respected in all public policy developments by the City of Ottawa.





2007 Arts Funding Policy


To work with the staff of the Community and Protective Services Department’s Office of Cultural Affairs to provide advice with respect to the Arts Funding Policy for 2007 and to monitor the effects of the policy, ensure that it responds to community need and make recommendations for adjustments to the policy for the 2004 funding cycle, if necessary.




City of Ottawa 2007 Arts Budget


To provide input to the City of Ottawa Pre-budget consultation process and to review the City of Ottawa DRAFT 2007 Budget estimates and provide input with respect to arts allocations. To make further representation to City Council during the public consultation process to ensure that arts spending allocations respond to identified needs and priorities.





Arts Facilities


To work with Community and Protective Services Department to provide advice with respect to the development, construction and acquisition of facilities for the arts, to meet both the short and long-term needs, to review and identify the gaps and priority needs and to develop a strategy for arts facility development.







To work with the Community and Protective Services Department to provide advice with respect to the promotion of existing municipal and other levels of governments’ arts awards programs that respects previously defined recognition programs, acknowledges excellence, community impact, involvement and contribution by individuals and arts organizations.





Community Consultation


To foster and encourage public outreach and to provide information and opportunities to discuss issues and exchange ideas with members of the public, the Committee may include rotating site visits, committee meetings, focused consultations and a possible arts forum in its 2003 activities.




                                                                                                                                                            Attachment 3


Approved by

City Council on 28 April 2004



Terms of Reference




The City of Ottawa’s Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee will provide leadership, advice and assistance to Ottawa City Council, through the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee, on the development and implementation of (i) municipal arts and culture policies, programs and development initiatives in all disciplines; and (ii) heritage policies (excepting heritage designations), by-laws, strategies and programs to support museums, heritage events and programming, archives, historic sites and collections and the preservation and interpretation of monuments, memorials, structures and natural and archaeological sites.




The Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee shall be responsible for:

·        Providing a forum for groups and organizations interested in preserving or promoting arts, heritage and cultural resources, to raise issues and concerns;

·        Providing advice and guidance to Ottawa City Council, through the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee, on the implementation of the Ottawa 20/20 Arts and Heritage Plan, and to ensure the City of Ottawa’s commitment to the approved Ottawa 20/20 plan for the arts;

·        Providing advice and guidance to Ottawa City Council, through the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee, on the implementation of the Ottawa 20/20 Arts and Heritage Plan, and to ensure the City of Ottawa’s commitment to the approved Ottawa 20/20 plan for heritage, and to the ongoing development of heritage policies, by-laws, strategies and programs to support museums, archives, historic sites and collections and the preservation and interpretation of monuments, memorials, structures and natural and archaeological sites;

·        Conducting advocacy on behalf of Ottawa’s arts, heritage and cultural communities;

·        Providing advice and guidance on the implementation of Ottawa’s municipal arts, heritage and cultural policies and by-laws and other corporate policies which may affect arts, heritage and culture;

·        Advising on ways to increase the commitment  to, and further public understanding of, arts, heritage and culture issues;

·        Providing advice and guidance on the success of Ottawa’s arts, heritage and culture funding, development, facility, community and public arts, heritage and cultural activity and initiatives, and recommend changes as required;

·        Reporting to Committee and City Council on the “state of the arts, heritage and culture” in Ottawa and resulting social, quality-of-life and economic impacts;

·        Promoting the integration and linkage of arts, heritage and cultural policy and activity across all government levels throughout all sectors within the community-at-large;

·        Advising on the implementation of applicable policies arising out of legislation in the fields of arts, heritage and culture, which may have an impact on such issues in the City; and

·        Liaising with the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee on heritage matters, and other committees, boards, task forces, etc., on arts, heritage and cultural issues, as required.




The Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee shall have a citizen membership of 18 - 22 and shall be composed of:

·        Ottawa citizens with interest and/or expertise in professional and community arts and/or interest or expertise in heritage issues, reflect the full range and diversity of Ottawa’s citizens, and that the membership of the Committee shall represent, as much as possible, an equal interest between the arts and heritage;

·        A minimum of one citizen appointment representing the rural community.


The process for choosing membership for the Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee will follow the approved Appointments Policy.  The Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee and Ottawa City Council shall approve all appointments to the Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee.


In addition, the Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee shall have in a resource, liaison and/or advisory capacity, the following:


·        2 staff representatives from the People Services Department (Office of Cultural Affairs – Arts Development and Heritage Development) (non-voting)

·        A minimum of 1 member of Ottawa City Council, appointed by Council to act as a liaison (non-voting)




The People Services Department shall be the lead department for the Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee.  The Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee shall report through the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee to City Council.





The Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee must report annually to City Council through the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee (timing to be determined by the Chair, Advisory Committee Coordinator and City Clerk) on the activities of the Committee in the current year and on the Committee’s workplan for the following year.