That Council approve:


1.   Amendments to the former City of Ottawa Designated Space Programme By-law 300-96, as detailed in Document 1, as amended by the following:


Schedule “F”


Roadway   Location (nearest municipal address or intersection)       Vendor

Space #                                                                                                  Type            


200            North side of Wellington (1145) west of McCormick       Food/Motor


Schedule “G”


Roadway   Location (nearest municipal address or intersection)       Vendor

Space #                                                                                                  Type            


235            East side of Fairlawn at a minimum distance of 45           Food Cart

                  meters south of Carling

240            South side of Laurier Avenue East (66) east of the          Food Cart

                   pedestrian crosswalk

241            North side of Laurier Avenue East (75) east of the          Food Cart

                  pedestrian crosswalk

242            North side of Rideau (201) east of Waller                        Food Cart


to establish new vending locations outside the programme’s original downtown designated space zone by:

(a)     Establishing a separate designated space zone that will encompasses the remainder of the former City of Ottawa;

(b)     Establishing 26 new designated spaces within the newly created designated space zone;

(c)     Allocating the new designated spaces to qualified licensees;

(d)         Delegating authority to the Director of By-law Services to approve designated spaces for qualified licensees who have not yet identified a suitable space during this process and to approve a second designated space for permit holders who request same or for a permit holder who wishes to relocate, provided:


i)    the Councillor in whose Ward the space is located has been consulted;

ii)   the spaces have been reviewed by appropriate City Departments for safety and nuisance concerns and deemed suitable;

iii) that there is a maximum of 2 spaces per vending license; and

iv)  the licensee can only operate from one of the two (2) spaces at any given time;

(e)     Delegating authority to the City Solicitor to include a space approved by the Director of By-law Services in accordance with (d) in Schedule “F” or “G” as applicable of the Designated Space Programme By-law by way of an amending by-law placed directly on the Agenda of Council;

(f)     Establishing the annual permit fees per space located within the new designated space zone as follows:

                                                            Proposed Permit Fees

                                                      New Designated Space Zone

                        (Old City of Ottawa)

                                                                  2006        2007

Sidewalk Spaces        $  400      $  700

Street Spaces             $  800      $1,500


2.   That staff report back in 2007 with a comprehensive review of the Designated Space Programme By-law.  






Que le Conseil municipal approuve :


1.   Les modifications au règlement municipal 300-96 (Programme de places désignées) de l’ancienne Ville d’Ottawa, telles que décrites dans le document no 1, modifié comme suit :


Annexe F


No                       Emplacement de la chaussée                                            Type de

de la place         (adresse municipale ou intersection la plus près)         marchand


200                  Côté nord de Wellington (1145)                                        Aliments/

                        à l’ouest de McCormick                                                    Motorisé


Annexe G


No                       Emplacement de la chaussée                                            Type de

de la place         (adresse municipale ou intersection la plus près)         marchand


235      Côté est de Fairlawn à une distance minimale de 45              Concession

            mètres au sud de Carling                                                            itinérante

240      Côté sud de lavenue Laurier est (66)                                     Concession

            à lest du passage pour piétons                                                itinérante

241      Côté nord de l’avenue Laurier est (75) à lest du                   Concession

            passage pour piétons                                                                itinérante

242      Côté nord de Rideau (201) à l’est de Waller                           Concession



dans le but d’établir de nouvelles places désignées pour les marchands ambulants au-delà de la zone initiale du centre ville prévue par le programme en :

(a)   établissant une zone distincte de places désignées couvrant le reste du territoire de l’ancienne Ville d’Ottawa;

(b)   établissant 26 nouvelles places désignées dans la nouvelle zone de places désignées;

(c)    attribuant les nouvelles places désignées à des détenteurs de permis qualifiés;

(d)   déléguant à la directrice du Service des règlements municipaux le pouvoir d’approuver l’octroi de places désignées à des détenteurs de permis qualifiés qui n’ont pas encore trouvé de place appropriée au cours de ce processus, et d’approuver l’octroi d’une deuxième place désignée à des détenteurs de permis qui le demandent ou à un détenteur de permis qui désire trouver un autre endroit, à condition que :

i)    le Conseiller du quartier concerné a été consulté;

ii)   les places ont été examinées par les services responsables de la sécurité et des nuisances publiques et sont considérées convenables;

iii) se limitent à 2 places par permis de marchand ambulant,

iv) le détenteur n’exploite qu’un seul des deux espaces en tout temps;

(e)  déléguant au chef du contentieux le pouvoir d’inclure une place approuvée par la directrice des Services des règlements municipaux conformément à (d) dans l’annexe F ou G, selon le cas, du règlement sur le programme de places désignées par le biais d’un règlement municipal modificatif inscrit à l’ordre du jour du Conseil;


(f)  établissant les droits annuels de permis par place située dans la nouvelle zone de places désignées, comme suit :


                                                            Droits de permis proposés

                                                      Nouvelle zone de places désignées

                        (Ancienne Ville d’Ottawa)

                                                                        2006        2007

                              Places sur le trottoir       400 $        700 $

                  Places dans la rue            800 $      1 500 $


2.      Que le personnel prépare un rapport en 2007 comprenant un examen complet du règlement sur le programme de places désignées. 








1.      Deputy City Manager, Community and Protective Services report dated 3 April 2006 (ACS2006-CPS-BYL-0016).


2.   Extract of Draft Minute, 13 April 2006.


Report to/Rapport au :


Emergency and Protective Services Committee

Comité des services de protection et d'urgence


and Council / et au Conseil


3 April 2006 / le  3 avril 2006


Submitted by/Soumis par : Steve Kanellakos,

Deputy City Manager/Directeur municipal adjoint,

Community and Protective Services/Services communautaires et de protection 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Susan Jones, Director/Directrice 

By-Law Services/Services des règlements municipaux

(613) 580-2424 x25536, susan.jones@ottawa.ca


City Wide/ Portée générale

Ref N°: ACS2006-CPS-BYL-0016












That the Emergency and Protective Services Committee recommend Council approve,


1.  Amendments to the former City of Ottawa Designated Space Programme By-law 300-96, as detailed in Document 1, to establish new vending locations outside the programme’s original downtown designated space zone by:

(a)   Establishing a separate designated space zone that will encompasses the remainder of the former City of Ottawa;

(b)   Establishing 26 new designated spaces within the newly created designated space zone;

(c)    Allocating the new designated spaces to qualified licensees;

(d)  Delegating authority to the Director of By-law Services to approve designated spaces for qualified licensees who have not yet identified a suitable space during this process and to approve a second designated space for permit holders who request same or for a permit holder who wishes to relocate, provided:

i)    the Councillor in whose Ward the space is located has been consulted;

ii)   spaces have been reviewed by appropriate City Departments for safety and nuisance concerns and deemed suitable;

iii)  that there is a maximum of 2 spaces per vending license; and

iv)  the licensee can only operate from one of the two (2) spaces at any given time;

(e) Delegating authority to the City Solicitor to include a space approved by the Director of

By-law Services in accordance with (d) in Schedule “F” or “G” as applicable of the Designated Space Programme By-law by way of an amending by-law placed directly on the Agenda of Council;

(f)  Establishing the annual permit fees per space located within the new designated space zone as follows:

                                                            Proposed Permit Fees

                                                      New Designated SpaceZone

                        (Old City of Ottawa)

                                                                  2006        2007

Sidewalk Spaces                       $  400      $  700

Street Spaces                            $  800      $1,500


2.   That staff report back in 2007 with a comprehensive review of the Designated Space Programme By-law.     





Que le Comité des services de protection et d’urgence recommande que le Conseil approuve


1. Les modifications au règlement municipal 300-96 (Programme de places désignées) de l’ancienne Ville d’Ottawa, telles que décrites dans le document no 1, dans le but d’établir de nouvelles places désignées pour les marchands ambulants au-delà de la zone initiale du centre ville prévue par le programme en :

(a)   établissant une zone distincte de places désignées couvrant le reste du territoire de l’ancienne Ville d’Ottawa;

(b)   établissant 26 nouvelles places désignées dans la nouvelle zone de places désignées;

(c)    attribuant les nouvelles places désignées à des détenteurs de permis qualifiés;

(d)   déléguant à la directrice du Service des règlements municipaux le pouvoir d’approuver l’octroi de places désignées à des détenteurs de permis qualifiés qui n’ont pas encore trouvé de place appropriée au cours de ce processus, et d’approuver l’octroi d’une deuxième place désignée à des détenteurs de permis qui le demandent ou à un détenteur de permis qui désire trouver un autre endroit, à condition que :

i) le Conseiller du quartier concerné a été consulté;

ii) les places ont été examinées par les services responsables de la sécurité et des nuisances publiques et sont considérées convenables;

iii) se limitent à 2 places par permis de marchand ambulant,

iv) le détenteur n’exploite qu’un seul des deux espaces en tout temps;

(e)  déléguant au chef du contentieux le pouvoir d’inclure une place approuvée par la directrice des Services des règlements municipaux conformément à (d) dans l’annexe F ou G, selon le cas, du règlement sur le programme de places désignées par le biais d’un règlement municipal modificatif inscrit à l’ordre du jour du Conseil;

(f)  établissant les droits annuels de permis par place située dans la nouvelle zone de places désignées, comme suit :

                                                            Droits de permis proposés

                                                      Nouvelle zone de places désignées

                        (Ancienne Ville d’Ottawa)

                                                                        2006        2007

Places sur le trottoir                          400 $        700 $

Places dans la rue                              800 $      1 500 $


3.      Que le personnel prépare un rapport en 2007 comprenant un examen complet du règlement sur le programme de places désignées. 





On June 22, 2005, City Council approved the Vendors on Highways By-law (No. 2005-358) that is scheduled to come into effect on May 15, 2006.  The Vendors on Highways By-law generally prohibits vending on streets and sidewalks within the City of Ottawa, except from spaces that are designated pursuant to the Designated Space Programme By-law (No. 300-96) and approved special events. 


The Designated Space Programme within the downtown core of the former City of Ottawa accommodates 53 vending spaces (36 sidewalk and 17 on-street).  There is a need to designate approximately 26 new spaces (14 sidewalk and 12 on-street) to accommodate the vendors who presently vend outside the downtown core but within the boundaries of the former City of Ottawa.  Those vendors hold valid business licenses to vend on the streets and sidewalks within the former City of Ottawa but they do not have permits for specific vending spaces under the Designated Spaces Programme By-law, and must do so before the vending prohibition takes effects on May 15, 2006.


This report proposes to designate spaces in the locations where individual vendors presently operate on a day-to-day basis with some flexibility for relocations subject to the suitability criteria set out in Recommendation 1. 


Nothing in this report impacts the recommendations of the Homelessness and the Safe Streets Act Task Force that will be considered by Council at its meeting of April 26.  Staff will report back to Committee and Council with respect to any vending recommendations that are approved as part of the Homelessness Task Force report.   Those recommendations will require significant public consultation to ensure that they address the concerns of all stakeholders including the homeless as well as the wider community.  





Le 22 juin 2005, le Conseil municipal a approuvé le règlement concernant les marchands sur les voies publiques (no 2005-358) qui doit entrer en vigueur le 15 mai 2006.

Le règlement concernant les marchands sur les voies publiques interdit généralement la vente dans les rues et sur les trottoirs dans la Ville d’Ottawa, sauf aux places désignées en vertu du règlement sur le programme de places désignées (no 300-96) et lors d’événements spéciaux approuvés.


Le programme des places désignées au centre-ville de l’ancienne Ville d’Ottawa compte 53 places de marchands ambulants (36 sur le trottoir et 17 dans la rue). Il est nécessaire de désigner environ 26 nouvelles places (14 sur les trottoirs et 12 dans la rue) au-delà du centre-ville, mais toujours sur le territoire de l’ancienne Ville d’Ottawa. Ces marchands détiennent un permis valide de vendeur sur les voies publiques dans l’ancienne Ville d’Ottawa, mais pas de permis relatif à une place particulière en vertu du règlement sur le programme de places désignées. Ils doivent donc s’en procurer un avant que l’interdiction de vendre n’entre en vigueur le 15 mai 2006.


Ce rapport propose que des places soient désignées aux endroits où les marchands individuels exercent actuellement leurs activités sur une base journalière, en permettant leur déplacement en vertu des critères énoncés à la recommandation no 1.


Ce rapport n’affecte pas les recommandations du Groupe de travail sur les sans-abri et la Loi sur la sécurité dans les rues que le Conseil doit examiner au cours de sa réunion du 26 avril. Le personnel fera rapport au Comité et au Conseil au sujet de l’approbation de toute recommandation sur la vente qui fait partie du rapport du groupe de travail sur les sans-abri. Ces recommandations exigeront d’importantes consultations publiques pour garantir que les préoccupations de tous les intervenants sont prises en compte, y compris celles des sans-abri et de l’ensemble de la communauté. 





On June 22, 2005, City Council approved the Vendors on Highways By-law (No. 2005-358) which is scheduled to come into effect on May 15, 2006. The by-law prohibits vending from highways or part thereof (ie. street and sidewalk); provides exceptions to the general vending prohibition; and provides for the removal, storage and disposal of goods placed on the highway in contravention of the By-law. 


The Vendors on Highways By-law allows for vending from on-street and on-sidewalk spaces provided the spaces are designated pursuant to the Designated Space Programmes By-law (No. 300-96).  The report approved by Council entitled: By-laws – Vendors on Highways (Ref.No. :ACS2005-CPS-BYL-0023), indicated the need to designate approximately 26 new spaces under the Designated Space Programme By-law, before the vending prohibition takes effects on May 15, 2006. The new spaces will enable the licensees who currently hold valid business licences to vend on the street and sidewalks within the former City of Ottawa to continue operating.


Business licenses for vending on streets and sidewalks are issued pursuant to the former City of Ottawa Licensing By-law (L6-2000) Schedule 17 relating to Itinerant Sellers and Schedule 20 related to Refreshment Vehicles. 

A moratorium on the issuance of (new) original licenses has been in place for more than 10 years, however the people who hold the valid licenses may renew their license annually provided they comply with all regulations.  The licenses are not transferable (except to immediate family members) and may not be re-issued when the current license holder ceases to renew or ceases operations.


Related Matter – Homelessness Task Force Recommendations


Staff will be reviewing the Homelessness Task Force recommendations, which are scheduled to be considered by Council at its meeting of April 26, and will bring forward a report to the Emergency and Protective Services Committee at a later date to consider ways to address the recommendations.  Those recommendations will require significant public consultation to ensure that they address the concerns of all stakeholders including the homeless as well as the wider community.  



Designated Space Programme By-law (300-96) - History


In the early 1990’s, the former City of Ottawa issued a limited number of business licenses that authorize the licensee to vend from on-street or on-sidewalk spaces as long as the spaces comply with regulations meant to ensure safety, traffic flow and maintenance requirements. Those licenses only authorize vending from streets and sidewalks within the boundaries of the old City of Ottawa.


The downtown core quickly became saturated with on-street and on-sidewalk vendors due to the high pedestrian traffic and few available spaces on private property. As a result conflicts between vendors competing for the best spaces became daily occurrences, owners of fixed premises began complaining of unfair competition, and growing economic pressure on the vendors began to impact on the viability of their business.


In order to control the number of vendors and the vending locations, the former City of Ottawa applied for and obtained special enabling legislation.  The City of Ottawa Act, 1996 gave Council the authority to enact the Designated Space Programme By-law and regulate the number of vending spaces, designate removal zones, regulate the vending spaces, set permit fees, impose an allocation process, etc.  


The Designated Space Programme By-law established approximately 100 spaces (30 – on-street spaces and 70 – on-sidewalk spaces) within the downtown area and designates the downtown area as a ‘removal zone’ from which vending from the street or sidewalk is only allowed by vendors who hold valid vending licenses and a permit to operate from a specific designated space.  Annual fees were established for the street and sidewalk designated space permits. The Designated Space Programme By-law applies only to the former City of Ottawa and cannot be expanded in its current format to other areas of the new City because of the enabling legislation.

The designated spaces were allocated by seniority and the permit holders have since been given the privilege to maintain their spaces by renewing the permit on an annual basis.  Although the by-law provides for the spaces to be allocated by a proposal call process, Council has been deferred this process until 2008. 


The designated space permits and the business licenses that allow vending on the street or sidewalk cannot be transferred (except to an immediate family member). The licenses and associated designated spaces are taken off the inventory once the licensee ceases to operate.  The ‘transfer’ prohibition is in place to reduce the number of spaces by attrition, to avoid spaces becoming object of speculation, to prevent the creation of artificial street value and to control inappropriate financial transactions related to roadway or sidewalk spaces.


Currently, the number of spaces available under the Designated Space Programme sits at seventeen (17) on-street and thirty-six (36) on-sidewalk vending spaces and are all located within the prescribed removal zone (downtown area) in the former City of Ottawa. 


This report recommends that twelve (12) new roadway spaces and fifteen (14) new sidewalk spaces be added to the Designated Space Programme By-law by creating a second removal zone to recognize the existing qualified vendors.  The transition provisions of the City of Ottawa Act 1999, enable Council to adopt and amend this programme only as it applies to the geographic area of the former City of Ottawa.


The report also recommends that additional spaces be approved at a later date to consider the affected licensees that have not for various reasons, been able to participate in this current round of review and approvals. All current proposed and future proposed spaces will be located in old Ottawa and will have been reviewed and approved by various City Departments to ensure that safety and nuisance concerns have been addressed.    





The objective of the proposed amendments is to allocate fixed vending spaces (under the Designated Space Programme By-law within the former City of Ottawa boundaries).  The 26 licensees currently authorized to vend from roadway or sidewalk spaces outside of the downtown removal zone but who do not have a designated space must be assigned a designated space so that they may continue to operate once the Vendors on Highways By-law comes into effect on May 15, 2006. 


The Department deems it necessary to require that the limited number of vendors authorized to vend from the street or sidewalk be required to settle at pre-determined an approved designated space in order to ensure consistency with the provisions of the Vendors on Highways By-law.  The designated spaces are reviewed by staff to ensure suitability and will have been the subject of a public consultation.  Council approval of the designated spaces is required to amend the Designated Space Programme By-law.   


Once approved the designated spaces will be allocated to the vendors who have proven, to staff’s satisfaction, that they have operated at the particular space previously and that no other licensee has interest in the space.  Licensees who wish to operate from the designated space will be required to pay an annual permit fee and comply with all related regulations and by-laws.  The spaces and the designated space permits remain the property of the City and cannot be sold, leased or transferred (except if transferred to immediate family members). 


The City retains the right to eliminate, either temporarily or permanently, a designated space where conditions warrant (ie. maintenance, roadway design changes, construction, etc.)  In the event a space must be removed or relocated either permanently or temporarily from the Designated Space Programme By-law the City may assist the vendor to find a suitable nearby location but will have no obligation to do so. 


In few instances staff was unable to contact the affected licensee in time to review their proposed spaces due to illness or incorrect contact information. Staff proposes to continue to review and approve suitable spaces for those licensees who were unable to be part of this approval process.


The Department proposes to bring forward a report to the Emergency and Protective Services Committee in the future to undertake a comprehensive review of the Designated Space Programme By-law in 2007.  


Qualified licensees will be required to pay an annual permit fee for each designated space.  As per the current designated space programme the annual permit fee cannot be pro-rated to reflect the time the space is actually utilized.


Recommendation 1 (a)


Establishing a separate designated space zone that will encompasses the former City of Ottawa except the area captured by the original Removal Zone (downtown).


The Designated Space Programme By-law defines the “Removal Zone” as the area in which vending of goods or refreshments on all or any part of the highway is prohibited except from a designated space. A designated space is an on-street or on-sidewalk space that has been deemed suitable for vending and approved by Council.


The current « Removal Zone » comprises:

All of Sussex Drive and MacKenzie Avenue,

All of MacKenzie King Bridge, and

The area of the former City of Ottawa bounded:

            To the north by Wellington Street north side and Rideau Street north side;

To the east by Colonel By Drive east side to Main Street east side, Main Street east side to the Rideau River;   

            To the south by Rideau River south side; and

            To the west side by Bronson Avenue.


It is recommended that a second “Removal Zone” be created to incorporate the remainder of the former City of Ottawa excluding the original Removal Zone.  The creation of “Removal Zone 2” will enable the Designated Space Programme By-law to require that qualified licensees obtain a permit to operate only from the newly designated space(s), pay the related annual permit fee and require that the licensee operate from the designated space(s) only and comply with all related regulations.  This recommendation sets-up the regulatory framework needed to establish “designated spaces” within the entire former City of Ottawa. 


In itself, Recommendation 1(a) will have no impact to the public or vendors outside of the former City of Ottawa, in that the “Vendors on Highways By-law” reflects the situation in other former municipalities by continuing the general prohibition on vending from any part of the highway nor will it impact the vendors in the existing Removal Zone.



Recommendation 1 (b)


Establishing 26 new designated spaces within the newly created designated space zone


On June 22, 2005, Council approved the report entitled: By-laws – Vendors on Highways (Ref.No. :ACS2005-CPS-BYL-0023).  The “Vendors on Highways By-law #2005-358” was enacted and passed on August 24, 2005 with an effective date of May 15, 2006.  As stated earlier the “Vendors on Highways By-law” prohibits vending from any street or sidewalk except from designated spaces. The report indicates the need to designate 26 new spaces under the Designated Space Programme By-law in order to give qualified licensees who wish to continue vending from highway spaces (within old Ottawa only) an opportunity to obtain a designated space from which to operate.  


Once approved the new designated spaces will become part of the Designated Space Programme By-law and will be treated in the same manner as the current designated spaces.  The by-law prescribes the method of allocation (2008 proposal call), permit application and issuance conditions and regulations, fees and term of permit, permit fee payment schedules, transferability specifications and conditions, exemptions, appeal process, authority for temporary suspension of the designation, treatment of vacated spaces and enforcement of the by-law.




The Department has identified 24 people who hold valid licenses that authorize vending from street or sidewalk spaces issued under the former City of Ottawa Licensing By-law L6-2000.  These people have been notified by mail of the Vendors on Highways By-law regulations and the need to secure a designated space if they wished to continue vending from the street or sidewalk.


By-law Services staff met with the licensees or their representative at their preferred vending location.  The specific vending locations were recorded on site plans to help with the internal review and approval process.  In some cases a second or alternate space was selected by the licensee.  Those alternate spaces also form part of this report and were reviewed by staff for suitability. 

The reviewing committee included Branch representatives from Fire Services, Paramedic Service, Traffic and Parking Operations, Infrastructure Services,  Transit Services and Planning and Infrastructure Approvals.     


An information package containing a copy of the plan detailing the proposed location of new Designated Spaces was reviewed by various City departments and to obtain input, feedback, objections, approval of the spaces. 


The location of the proposed designated roadway and sidewalk spaces are listed in Document 1 as Schedule “F” and Schedule “G” respectively.

Recommendation 1 (c)


Allocating the new designated spaces to qualified licensees;


Only licensees who currently hold valid business licenses that authorize them to vend on the street and sidewalks within the former City of Ottawa (issued under the former City of Ottawa Licensing By-law L6-2000) are qualified to obtain a designated space under this process. 


The allocation of new designated spaces is primarily intended to allocate on-street spaces or on-sidewalk spaces to those qualified vendors who currently do not have a designated space. However, the department is recommending that the process be available to other qualified vendors who already hold designated space permits for spaces in the downtown area to address special cases where the downtown designated space does not provide for a viable business.  Such permit holder may request a second space from which to operate outside the original zone for economic viability of the business.


A number of licensees have expressed concern that a single vending space may not be sufficient to ensure the viability of their vending business.  Some vendors alternate from space to space depending on time of day or time of year to maximize revenues.  Others already have a designated space permit but only operate part time at the downtown space and must relocate during the week due to parking and traffic regulations or other considerations. 


It is also recommended that alternative spaces be approved to allow licensees to relocate if the main source of clientele is no longer available.  From time to time the main tenant of an office building relocates leaving the vending operation without sufficient customers.  It is recommended that in such cases the licensed vendor be allowed to find a suitable secondary or alternate space.


It is recommended that those additional proposed designated spaces also be approved to allow for flexibility.  Approval of alternative or secondary designated spaces for use by the specific licensee requesting the space will help the vendor maintain his or her current business. 


Community and Protective Services will offer the spaces to qualified licensees who have occupied the space in most recent years.  To operate from the designated space the licensee will have to first obtain a designated space permit in accordance with the Designated Space Programme By-law and pay the annual fee. 

A vendor who has requested a second space must obtain a second permit and pay the requisite annual permit fees for both designated spaces and continue to renew his or her business licenses. The permit holder will only be allowed to vend from one of the spaces at any one time.


Commencing in May 2008, the Designated Space Programme By-law requires that the spaces be allocated by way of a proposal call open to all qualified licensees.



Recommendation 1(d) and 1(e)


Delegating authority to staff to approve future suitable designated spaces for qualified licensees;


The Department recommends that future amendments to designated spaces be simplified by authorizing the Director of By-law Services to approve changes to the Designated Space Programme By-law space listing subject to ensuring that the spaces do not create safety or nuisance issues and that the modifications do not compromise the fundamental principals of the programme and that the Councillor in whose ward the designated space is proposed be consulted.


Although every attempt was made to contact all affected licensees, staff was unable to reach all the licensees in time to include their preferred space for approval in this report.  In addition, a number of licensees indicated that the winter months was not an opportune time to find a space or a combination of spaces that would ensure the viability of their operation. 


Community and Protective Services believes that the licensees should be granted additional time during the 2006 vending season to identify potential suitable spaces. This will give licensees time to identify and evaluate other potential vending spaces during the summer months to determine if another space could help improve the business; or decide if they wish to move to a private property location.


The newly approved designated spaces or approvals for relocation will also require that the City Solicitor be delegated the authority to place the required amending by-law directly on the agenda of Council for enactment.



Recommendation 1 (f)


Establish the annual permit fees for the designated spaces as follows:



Current Permit Fees

Original Designated Space Zone

(former Ottawa’s downtown)

Proposed Permit Fees

Designated Spaces within the New Zone

(remainder of former City of Ottawa)






Sidewalk Spaces





Street Spaces





The City of Ottawa Act 1996 gives Council the authority to establish fees for designated space permits.  The current annual permit fees for designated spaces located within the original removal zone (dowtown core within the former City of Ottawa are shown above for information. When establishing the designated space permit fees in the mid 1990s the then Council considered the following elements: consideration for use of public property, enforcement and administration costs, maintenance and material costs, parking metre revenues losses.  The annual permit fees have been revised over the years to reflect cost of living increases.

Community and Protective Services recommends that annual designated permit fees for the proposed spaces be established at approximately half of the fee charged for similar downtown spaces.  The department believes that the costs to City to maintain spaces outside the downtown core and the fair consideration for use of public property is approximately half of the costs associated with the downtown vending spaces.


The department recommends a lower fee for the first year to give affected vendors time to determine the location’s ability to attract clientele and to factor in the new designated space permit costs into their business plan.                 


2.   That staff report back in 2007 with a comprehensive review of the Designated Space Programme By-law.     


The programme has achieved its original objectives of reducing the conflicts that existed in the downtown core.  The programme is considered beneficial and effective by both downtown vendors and staff.  However, a number of issues have come forward that will require a comprehensive review of the programme by 2008. 


Community and Protective Services will be undertaking a review of the programme in order to address the following matters:

(a)                Homelessness Task Force Recommendations

(b)               Transferability of the Designated Spaces Permits to people other than immediate family members

(c)                Permit Fees and the introduction of pro-rated fees based on actual use of the space

(d)               Introducing a City-wide programme

(e)                Allocation of spaces – reviewing the benefits and disadvantages of introducing the Proposal Call in 2008.       


The Department expect to bring forward the report and recommendations late in 2007 for implementation in early 2008. 





A notice was mailed to all affected vendors advising of the need and opportunity to identify vending spaces.  Staff assisted vendors on a one-on-one basis throughout the process.  A Notice of Public Meeting was published in the Ottawa dailies on March 17 and March 23. The mandatory notice advises the public of proposed amendments to the by-law and invites the public to provide comments or to attend the Emergency and Protective Services Committee meeting at which the report recommendations are to be considered.

On March 30 Branch representatives from Fire Services, Paramedic Service, Traffic and Parking Operations, Infrastructure Services, Transit Services and Planning and Infrastructure Approvals reviewed, provided feedback and approved the proposed locations.  A notice inviting all qualified vendors and affected BIAs to an April 6 meeting was mailed in the week of April 3, 2006. The notice included the proposed recommendations and locations of proposed designated spaces.  The meeting was held to explain the proposed recommendations and the Designated Space Programme regulations to vendors and business improvement areas representatives.




Approval of these recommendations is expected to result in an increase in annual revenues in the estimated amount of $15,600 for 2006 and $10,600 in 2007 to be credited to the Operating Budget, profit centre 132710 By-law Licensing and Enforcement.





Document 1 – Designated Space Programme – Proposed Amending By-law





Community and Protective Services to implement City Council’s decision.  Corporate Services’ Legal Services Branch in consultation with By-law Services to process the proposed amending By-law to Council for enactment as appropriate.  

Document 1

BY-LAW NO. 2006-


                        A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law Number 300-96 of the old Corporation of the City of Ottawa respecting the Designated Space Programme.


                        The Council of the City of Ottawa enacts as follows:


1.                     Section 3 of By-law Number 300-96 of the old Corporation of the City of Ottawa entitled “A by-law of The Corporation of the City of Ottawa respecting designated spaces for street vendors”, as amended, is repealed and the following section is substituted therefor:


                        3.                     The removal zones designated under this by-law are the areas in which vending of goods or refreshments on all or any part of the highways is prohibited except with a permit for the designated space to which the permit relates.


2.                     Section 5 of the said By-law Number 300-96 is repealed and the following section is substituted therefor:


                        5.                     The following areas are designated as the areas in which all the highways or portions thereof, with the exception of the part of Sparks Street established as a pedestrian mall, are removal zones:

(a)                all of Sussex Drive and MacKenzie Avenue,

(b)               all of MacKenzie King Bridge,

(c)                the area of the City bounded to the north by Wellington Street north side and Rideau Street north side; to the east by Colonel By Drive east side to Main Street east side, and Main Street east side to the Rideau River; to the south by the Rideau River south side; and to the west by Bronson Avenue west side as set out within the heavy outline shown on the map set out in Schedule “A” attached hereto, and

(d)               the remainder of the geographic area of the former City of Ottawa as set out within the heavy outline shown on the map set out in Schedule “A-2” attached hereto.


3.                     Section 6 of the said By-law Number 300-96 is repealed and the following section is substituted therefor:


6.                                           The specific sites identified in Schedules “B” and “F” and clearly marked at the actual site are designated as designated spaces on the roadway in the removal zones from which only refreshments may be sold or offered for sale.






4.                     Section 7 of the said By-law Number 300-96 is repealed and the following section is substituted therefor:


                        7.                     The specific sites identified in Schedules “C” and “G” and clearly marked at the actual site are designated as designated spaces on the sidewalk in the removal zones and the type of goods or refreshments prescribed for the designated space are the only type of goods or refreshments permitted to be sold or offered for sale in the designated space.


5.                     Subsection 11(1) of the said By-law Number 300-96 is repealed and the following subsection is substituted therefor:


                        11.       (1)        In 2006 and 2007, no applicant shall be issued a permit unless:

(a)                the applicant has applied in person,

(b)               the applicant has filed one (1) full-faced photograph of the applicant, or a size 1.5 inches square, taken not more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the application,

(c)                the applicant is the holder of an itinerant seller’s license or a refreshment vehicle license of the appropriate license class, as applicable,

(d)               the applicant has filed,

(i)                  proof that in the year preceding the application he or she was the holder of the permit associated with the space applied for, if the space is a site identified on Schedule “B” or “C”, and

(ii)                cash or a certified cheque in the amount of the annual permit fee of $3,175.00 in 2006 and $3,300.00 in 2007 for a roadway designated space permit for a site identified on Schedule “B”,

(iii)               cash or a certified cheque in the amount of the annual permit fee of $1,375.00 in 2006 and $1,425.00 in 2007 for a sidewalk designated space permit for a site identified on Schedule “C”,

(iv)              cash or a certified cheque in the amount of the annual permit fee of $800.00 in 2006 and $1,500.00 in 2007 for a roadway designated space permit for a site identified on Schedule “F”, or

(v)                cash or a certified cheque in the amount of the annual permit fee of $400.00 in 2006 and $700.00 in 2007 for a sidewalk designated space permit for a site identified on Schedule “G”.


6.                     The said By-law Number 300-96 is amended by adding the following section immediately after Section 20:


            20A.    (1)        A person may hold a maximum of two designated space permits per the appropriate license provided that the person complies with the provisions of Section 11 with respect to each space.


                                    (2)        Despite subsection (1), no permit holder may operate from more than one of the two approved designated spaces at any one time.


7.                     The said By-law Number 300-96 is amended by adding the following heading and section immediately after Section 49:


                        DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY


            49A.    (1)        The Director of By-law Services is delegated the authority to approve additional designated spaces within the removal zone shown on Schedule “A-2” provided that:

                                                (a)        the Councillor in whose Ward the space is located has been consulted;

                                                (b)        the space has been reviewed by appropriate City departments for safety and nuisance concerns and deemed suitable;

(c)                there is a maximum of two (2) spaces per vending license;

(d)               the licensee only operates from one of the two designated spaces at any given time; and

                                                (e)        the applicant has complied with the provisions of Section 11.


                                    (2)        The City Solicitor is authorized to proceed directly to Council to designate the space as approved by the Director of By-law Services on either Schedule “F” or “G” of this by-law, as applicable, by way of placing a by-law directly on the Agenda of Council.


8.                     This by-law includes Schedules “A-2”, “F” and “G” annexed hereto and Schedules “A-2”, “F” and “G” are hereby declared to form part of the by-law.



                                    ENACTED AND PASSED this    day of          , 2006.





                                                CITY CLERK                                     MAYOR



Schedule “F”



Space #

Location (nearest municipal address or intersection.)







North side of Wellington (1145) east of McCormick                                                     






West side of Courtwood minimum 15 metres south of Woodward (1716)                             






South side of Richmond between Patricia & Hilson                                                             






West side of Booth (600) south of Norman 






South side of Wellington west of Holland   






East side of Booth minimum 15 metres north of Norman                                                         






West side of Dumaurier (2865) a minimum of 15

metres from Ramsey and 20 metres from the bus stop                






East side of Bantree (1815) on gravel portion  






Conventry (419) at north west corner of 90 degree turn                                                    






South side of St. Laurent (2315) east of Thurston Minimum 20 m east of bus stop         






North side of Old Innes where Old Innes meets Scheffield                                            






West side of Prince of Wales south of traffic circle                                            
















Schedule “G”



Space #

Location  (municipal address or nearest intersection.)                                                                  

Vendor Type





North side of Carling southwest corner 1565

Food Cart





South side of Richmond (366) between Roosevelt and Churchill

Food Cart





West side of Rochester (300) south of Gladstone

Food Cart





East side of Holland north side of Scott minimum 10m from intersection

Food Cart





North side of Carling West side of Preston

Food Cart





East side of Fairlawn near Carling 

Food Cart





North side Rideau (275) west of King Edward     

Food Cart





North side of Lancaster (2723)                             

Food Cart





North side of Belfast 45m west of Michael            

Food Cart





South side of Richmond between Patricia and Hilson

Food Cart





South side of Laurier Avenue West (66) east of pedestrian crosswalk

Food Cart





North side of Laurier Avenue West (75) west of pedestrian crosswalk

Food Cart





North side of Rideau (201) east of Waller

Ice Cream





West side of North River at McArthur

Food Cart







By-laws - designated space programme – amendments – new spaces




Susan Jones, Director, By-law Services, accompanied by Jules Bouvier, Officer, Project Policy provided a PowerPoint presentation.


In response to questioning from Councillor Legendre, Ms. Jones indicated the following:

·                    The former City of Ottawa obtained special legislation in 1996 to set up the programme.  The number of spaces downtown has decreased from 100 spaces in 1996, to 53 in 2006 and from 30 to 28 outside the downtown core, but within the former City of Ottawa.

·                    When the City amalgamated under the City of Ottawa Act 1999, which created the new City of Ottawa, any legislation that applied to the geographic area of a former municipality would continue to apply.  (This aspect was confirmed by Anne Peck, Legal Counsel, Legal Services.)

·                    Vendors currently operating would not be moved from their current location.

·                    Staff are seeking delegated authority for the Director of By-law Services to approve future spaces in consultation with the ward councillor and with an appeal mechanism.

·                    Two fee structures are being recommended: one for the downtown core and the second for the existing 28 vendors outside the downtown core.  New permit fees for these vendors will be phased in ($400 for a sidewalk space, $800 for roadway space) and rise in 2007 to $750 and $15000 respectively. 

·                    When the programme was initially set up, it was decided that licenses would be renewed every three years through a tendering process to determine true market value; however,  the existing vendor would have the right to match that bid plus $1 to retain the space.


In response to questions from Councillor Hunter, Ms. Jones clarified that vendors operating within the boundaries of the former City of Nepean are licensed to operate on private land, as they are prohibited to vend on streets and sidewalks pursuant to the Vendors on Highways By-law, which comes into effect on May 15, 2006. 


With respect to a question from Councillor Little on the new permit fees outside the downtown area, Ms. Jones indicated that they reflect the cost of renting out space and cover enforcement costs.  She added that the City is prohibited to charge fees to earn a profit.


Following questions from members, the Committee heard from public delegations. 


Mr. Kehfif-Hafaïedh, KH Fries and Mr. Niedlielh previously requested to speak, but were not present.


Trung Van Ha indicated that he and his family arrived in Canada in 1984.  He thanked the City for its support of the chipwagon industry, but raised concerns with the proposed tendering process to determine market value for the designated spaces.  Mr. Van Ha also discussed licensing and permit fees, as well as the nature of his business and importance of location.


In response to the delegation, Ms. Jones clarified that a comprehensive review will be undertaken next year and the proposed changes being considered today would not impact the location of Mr. Van Ha’s designated space at this time.  Following questions from Councillor Legendre, she also confirmed that Council has deferred the tendering process, which has never been undertaken.  This and other issues will be reviewed as part of the comprehensive review in 2007, which will include consultation with all stakeholders.  She also undertook to review a particular instance noted by Councillor Legendre with respect to a vendor operating on the former City of Ottawa/Vanier border. 


Jerzy Gorenko, a long-time hot dog stand operator outside of the downtown area, expressed his concern with respect to the proposed new fees, noting the impact on his operating costs.  He indicated that he works seven months a year and could not make the recent vendor consultation meeting due to a part-time job.


At Chair Deans’ request, Ms. Jones responded noting that many vendors from outside the downtown core recognise that they have been operating on the street without paying permit fees.  She indicated that vendors have generally not objected to the introduction of the permit fees and added that they can move to private property at any time to avoid the location fee.


The Committee then considered a technical amendment to the report.


Moved by Councillor G. Hunter:


WHEREAS By-law Services staff has noted that clarification of certain technical wording in Schedules “F” and “G” attached to the draft by-law is in order;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the draft by-law, attached to the staff report as Document 1, be amended as follows:


Schedule “F”


Roadway               Location (nearest municipal address or intersection)       Vendor

Space #                                                                                                              Type            


200                        North side of Wellington (1145) west of McCormick       Food/Motor


Schedule “G”


Roadway               Location (nearest municipal address or intersection)       Vendor

Space #                                                                                                              Type            


235                        East side of Fairlawn at a minimum distance of 45           Food Cart

                              meters south of Carling

240                        South side of Laurier Avenue East (66) east of the          Food Cart

                               pedestrian crosswalk

241                        North side of Laurier Avenue East (75) east of the          Food Cart

                              pedestrian crosswalk

242                        North side of Rideau (201) east of Waller                        Food Cart




The Committee then considered the departmental recommendation as amended.


That the Emergency and Protective Services Committee recommend Council approve:


1.   Amendments to the former City of Ottawa Designated Space Programme By-law 300-96, as detailed in Document 1, as amended by the foregoing motion to establish new vending locations outside the programme’s original downtown designated space zone by:

(a)     Establishing a separate designated space zone that will encompasses the remainder of the former City of Ottawa;

(b)     Establishing 26 new designated spaces within the newly created designated space zone;

(c)     Allocating the new designated spaces to qualified licensees;

(d)     Delegating authority to the Director of By-law Services to approve designated spaces for qualified licensees who have not yet identified a suitable space during this process and to approve a second designated space for permit holders who request same or for a permit holder who wishes to relocate, provided:

i)    the Councillor in whose Ward the space is located has been consulted;

ii)   the spaces have been reviewed by appropriate City Departments for safety and nuisance concerns and deemed suitable;

iii) that there is a maximum of 2 spaces per vending license; and

iv)  the licensee can only operate from one of the two (2) spaces at any given time;

(e)     Delegating authority to the City Solicitor to include a space approved by the Director of By-law Services in accordance with (d) in Schedule “F” or “G” as applicable of the Designated Space Programme By-law by way of an amending by-law placed directly on the Agenda of Council;

(f)     Establishing the annual permit fees per space located within the new designated space zone as follows:

                                                            Proposed Permit Fees

                                                      New Designated SpaceZone

                        (Old City of Ottawa)

                                                                  2006        2007

Sidewalk Spaces        $  400      $  700

Street Spaces             $  800      $1,500


2.   That staff report back in 2007 with a comprehensive review of the Designated Space Programme By-law.  


                                                                                                            CARRIED as amended