REPORT des REDEVANCES d’aménagement pour habitat pour l’humanité





That Council approve one time funding of $19,306 from the Development Charge Reserve Fund to offset  development charges Habitat paid last year on their development at 859-861 Pinecrest and delegate authority to the  Director of Housing to enter into Municipal Housing Project Facilities Agreement with Habitat for Humanity to allow for and secure the deferral of Development Charges in the amount totalling $38,612 for the development charges associated with the four Habitat homes at 859-861 Pinecrest and 855-857 Pinecrest.





Que le Conseil approuve un financement unique de 19 306 $ à partir de la réserve des redevances d'aménagement pour contrebalancer les redevances d'aménagement qu'Habitat pour l'humanité a payé l'an passé pour le projet d'aménagement des 859 et 861, chemin Pinecrest; et d’autoriser le directeur, Logement à participer à un accord sur les immobilisations domiciliaires municipales avec Habitat pour l’humanité afin de permettre et de garantir le report des redevances d’aménagement totalisant 38 612 $ et concernant les quatre maisons d’Habitat situées aux 859 et 861 Pinecrest et aux 855 et 857 Pinecrest.







1.         Community and Protective Services, Deputy City Manager’s report dated
27 March 2006 (ACS2006-CPS-HOU-0005).




Report to/Rapport au :


Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee

Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique


27 March 2006 / le 27 mars 2006


Submitted by/Soumis par : Steve Kanellakos, Deputy City Manager/Directeur municipal adjoint,

Community and Protective Services/Services communautaires et de protection 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Janet Kreda, Housing Developer


(613) 580-2424 x, Janet.Kreda@ottawa.ca


Bay/Baie (7)

Ref N°: ACS2006-CPS-HOU-0005








REPORT des REDEVANCES d’aménagement pour habitat pour l’humanité





That Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee recommend that Council approve one time funding of $19,306 from the Development Charge Reserve Fund to offset  development charges Habitat paid last year on their development at 859-861 Pinecrest and delegate authority to the  Director of Housing to enter into Municipal Housing Project Facilities Agreement with Habitat for Humanity to allow for and secure the deferral of Development Charges in the amount totalling $38,612 for the development charges associated with the four Habitat homes at 859-861 Pinecrest and 855-857 Pinecrest.





Le Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique recommande au Conseil d'approuver un financement unique de 19 306 $ à partir de la réserve des redevances d'aménagement pour contrebalancer les redevances d'aménagement qu'Habitat pour l'humanité a payé l'an passé pour le projet d'aménagement des 859 et 861, chemin Pinecrest; et d’autoriser le directeur, Logement à participer à un accord sur les immobilisations domiciliaires municipales avec Habitat pour l’humanité afin de permettre et de garantir le report des redevances d’aménagement totalisant 38 612 $ et concernant les quatre maisons d’Habitat situées aux 859 et 861 Pinecrest et aux 855 et 857 Pinecrest.




City Council on October 13, 2004, in considering Amendments to the City Council Approved Official Plan to modify policies related to affordable housing, provided direction to staff to im plement various planning incentives and direct supports to promote and encourage the achievement of the Official Plan policies.  Habitat for Humanity is a charitable organization that develops housing for families who are at or below the Low Income Cut-Off or LICO as established by Statistics Canada.  Habitat recently developed a duplex at 859-861 Pinecrest and they are in the process of building two more units at 855-857 Pinecrest.  They are seeking relief from development charges on these two properties. 


The housing meets the Official Plan definition of "affordable" in that the household will not pay more than 30% of  income on the mortgage payment, and the household income is at or below the 40th income percentile.  Attached in Document 1,please find the most recently published LICO's from 2004, and Document 2, Housing Continuum by Household Income Percentiles 2004.  Habitat holds a first and second mortgage on the home and arranges an affordable payment schedule with the buyer to ensure that the mortgage payment is no more than 30% of household income.  The organization also retains the right of first refusal, if the home is sold before the mortgages are paid off.


 Under the current Development Charge By-law (By-law 2004-298) as adopted by Council on July 14, 2004, the exemption for affordable housing extends only to units that are owned by non-profit or charitable housing organizations.  It does not extend to units that are developed by a non-profit and subsequently sold to private individuals, because private individuals are not "non-profit" or charitable entities. 


The Legal Department advises that it may be possible to revise the Development Charges By-law to allow non-profit organizations such as Habitat for Humanity to be exempt from DC’s, providing there are mechanisms in place to ensure the benefits are used to support the organizations mandate for long term affordability of the home.  


Since the option to exempt DC’s is not currently available, the proposed alternative is to enter into a Municpal Housing Project Facilities Agreement to defer the payment of development charges until such time as the benefited home is sold.  At that time, the value of the deferred development charges would be repaid by the vendor to the City as part of the sales process.  This requires that Habitat enter into a Municipal Capital Facilities Agreement with the City for each benefited unit, and that the value of the deferred fees plus interest would be secured as a second mortgage in favour of the City.  Staff propose that the interest rate for the deferred fees be the rate used by City staff to determine the annual affordable housing costs for the purposes of the Official Plan affordable housing targets.  This is similar to the agreement reached for the development at 138 Somerset/St. John's Church.  (ACS2005-PGM-APR-0129), approved June l8, 2005. 


The term of the Municpal Housing Project Facilities Agreement is 20 years.  The Development Charges would be repayable to the City when:


1.  The property is sold for fair market value and no longer meets the Official Plan definition of affordable.

2.  The Habitat mortgages are paid in full within the 20 yr term of MHPFA, and the occupant family income exceeds the 40th income percentile, or subsequent affordable housing threshold as decided by Council.


If neither of the above conditions occur prior to the expiry of the MHPFA, the Development Charges will be forgiven at the end of the 20 year MHPFA, and the mortgage on title in favour of the City will be removed.





The report has been circulated to Planning and Growth Management, Legal and Finance.  No public consultation has been conducted with respect to this request for assistance.  The request and recommended response is consistent with current program practice.





Approval of this report will result in a total refund of $19,306 from the Development Charge Reserve Fund to offset the development charges Habitat paid last year on their development at 859-861 Pinecrest.  In addition, approval of this report will result in the deferral of $38,612 ($19,306 in development charges related to the development at 859-861 Pinecrest and $19,306 in development charges currently due for 855-857 Pinecrest).  Over the life of this program, the overall financial implication is minimal, as it is expected these properties will be sold at fair market value by the end of the 20 year MHPFA and the deferred development charges will be repaid to the City. 


For 2006, there is no current budget identified to fund this initiative.  Subject to Council approval, one time funding from the $19,306 from the Development Charge Reserve Fund is recommended to address this requirement in 2006.  As part of the 2007 budget, the Community and Protective Services Department will bring forward a budget pressure identifying the funding requirement.

The tax increase forecast for 2007 as presented in the 2006 Draft Budget Summary document was projected to be 8.1%.   All additional requirements approved by Council that have a 2007 budget implication will be summarized and presented in the City’s quarterly status reports.





Document 1: Low Income Cut-Offs 2004

Document 2: Housing Continuum and Household Income Percentiles 2004





A project specific Municipal Housing Project Facilities By-law will be brought forward to Council.


Upon approval by Council, the Housing Branch will execute a Municipal Capital Facilities Agreement with Habitat for Humanity as per the terms identified in this report.  


Corporate Services, Financial Services Branch to prepare the payment and adjust accounts accordingly.



Low Income Cut-Offs (before tax) 2004



Size of Family Unit

Community of 500,000 or more.

1 person


2 person


3 person


4 person


5 person


6 person


7 person



Source :  Statistics Canada, April 2005.


The Low Income Cut-Off is inflated annually by the Consumer Price Index, which is the same inflationary measure used for the 40th income percentile.