Report Template










That Council give staff direction to proceed to finalize the Environmental Study Report identifying the second place alternative, on-site treatment, as the preferred method of managing leachate and contaminated groundwater generated by the Trail Road Landfill and Nepean Landfill, respectively.


And that funding in Capital Account #900339, Trail Road Landfill Leachate, be increased to $8.2 million to provide for the construction of the on-site Facility.


And that the City Treasurer be directed to identify a source of funding as the moneys are required, that would not otherwise impact the planned 2005 Capital program.





Que le Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement et le Conseil municipal donnent des directives au personnel afin qu'il parachève le Rapport d'étude environnementale établissant la deuxième option, le traitement sur place pour la gestion du lixiviat et des eaux souterraines générés par la décharge du chemin Trail et le site d'enfouissement de Nepean.


Que le financement du compte d’immobilisation no 900339, Lixiviat de la décharge du chemin Trail, soit accru de 8,2 millions de dollars afin de permettre la construction des installations sur place.


Que le trésorier de la Ville soit chargé de repérer une source de financement suffisante pour les besoins qui n’aura pas d’impact sur le budget des immobilisations prévues de 2005.





1.         Deputy City Manager, Public Works and Services report dated 9 November 2004 (ACS2004-TUP-INF-0012).


2.         Extract of Draft Minutes will be distributed prior to Council.


Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l’urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


9 November 2004 / le 9 novembre 2004


Submitted by/Soumis par : R.T. Leclair, Deputy City Manager/Directrice municipale adjointe

Public Works and Services/Services et Travaux publics 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Richard Hewitt, Director Infrastructure Services

Infrastructure Services/Services d'infrastructure

(613) 580-2424 x21268,



Ref N°: ACS2004-TUP-INF-0012













That Planning and Environment Committee recommend that Council give staff direction to proceed to finalize the Environmental Study Report identifying Pipeline as the preferred method of managing leachate and contaminated groundwater generated by the Trail Road Landfill and Nepean Landfill, respectively, and Route 6 as the preferred pipeline route.  The pipeline alternative is proposed to convey leachate and contaminated groundwater in a buried forcemain eastward along Cambrian Road to Jockvale Road and north on Jockvale Road to a tie-in at the South Nepean Collector Phase I, which will be completed in Summer 2005.





Que le Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement recommande au Conseil municipal de donner des directives au personnel afin qu'il parachève le Rapport d'étude environnementale établissant le transport par canalisation comme méthode privilégiée pour la gestion du lixiviat et des eaux souterraines générés par la décharge du chemin Trail et le site d'enfouissement de Nepean, respectivement, et le tracé 6 comme tracé privilégié pour la canalisation. La canalisation comme autre option possible est proposée pour le transport du lixiviat et des eaux souterraines par égout sous pression souterrain vers l'est le long du chemin Cambrian jusqu'au chemin Jockvale et au nord du chemin Jockvale jusqu'à un raccordement à la Phase I du collecteur de Nepean Sud, qui sera achevé à l'été de 2005.




In July 2002, following three years of study, route selection, technology selection and environmental assessment, staff received Ministry of the Environment confirmation that bump-up requests pertaining to this project were denied.  As a result, staff proceeded with the final design of a pipeline to carry leachate generated from the active Trail Road Landfill and contaminated groundwater from the closed Nepean Landfill easterly along Cambrian Road to Jockvale Road and subsequently to a pumping station servicing the Stonebridge community.  In late January 2003, developers of the Stonebridge community (Monarch Construction) expressed concern regarding construction of the pipeline and its routing from the Jockvale Road/Cambrian Road intersection through Golflinks Drive to the Stonebridge pumping station. 


On 21 March 2003, the Ministry of the Environment issued an Order to the City which stated in part that “The Nepean Landfill groundwater collection system and associated leachate pipeline shall be installed and in operation by 31 December 2004”.  The deadline for this order has subsequently been extended to 30 April 2005.


On 26 March 2003, Council endorsed a recommendation from Environmental Services Committee that directed staff to explore the construction of a pipeline to the Stonebridge pumping station to carry only contaminated groundwater from the former Nepean Landfill to the existing gravity sewer located along Golflinks Drive, and explore the implementation of an ultimate solution that would have the contaminated groundwater and leachate conveyed by pipeline north on Jockvale Road to the future South Nepean Collector Phase I, which is scheduled to be completed in Summer 2005.  Both of the above recommendations were conditional upon the developer of the Stonebridge community agreeing to assume all additional costs due to additional design work, additional environmental assessment work and additional construction costs.       The developer, Monarch Construction,  had on  25 March 2003  provided  a

 modified proposal for staff consideration involving routing of the pipeline north on Jockvale Road to the future South Nepean Collector Phase I.  Subsequent discussion and communication by staff with Monarch Construction in April and May 2003 failed to resolve Monarch Construction’s disagreement with the City’s environmental and legal positions regarding its right to utilize the Stonebridge pumping station.  This disagreement, notwithstanding Monarch Construction’s willingness to contribute an upset amount of $50,000 towards the cost differential to proceed with its modified proposal as expressed in its letter to the City dated 20 May 2003, continued to be unresolved.


On 24 June 2003, a staff report to Environmental Services Committee was considered which sought direction from Environmental Services Committee and Council with respect to two options: “Option 1:  Proceed with tendering and installation of the Trail Road Leachate Pipeline along the corridor approved in 2002 by the Ministry of the Environment” and “Option 2:  Re-open the Environmental Assessment process and re-evaluate the leachate pipeline routing options between the intersection of Jockvale and Cambrian Roads, and a suitable downstream connection to the wastewater collection system”.  Upon consideration of the above options, Environmental Services Committee approved the following recommendation, later approved by Council on 23 July 2003:  “That the Environmental Services Committee and Council give staff direction to re-open the Environmental Assessment process for the Trail Road Leachate Management Plan and the treatment of contaminated groundwater from the former Nepean Landfill Site”.  The recommendation approved by Council is significant in that its terminology contemplates the re-opening of the leachate and contaminated groundwater management Environmental Assessment process in its entirety (i.e. re-assessment of all potential leachate and contaminated groundwater management alternatives).


Subsequently, staff solicited requests for Expressions of Interest from qualified consulting firms and Requests for Proposals from a shortlist of three firms to undertake the above assignment, that being expressed in the Request for Proposal as “This assignment is to re-open the Class Environmental Assessment for the management of leachate at the Trail Road Landfill site and for contaminated groundwater migrating from the Nepean Landfill site”.   Based on a review of written submissions and consultant interviews,Conestoga-Rovers&Associates (CRA) was retained to complete this assignment. 


The nature of the assignment undertaken by CRA was to conduct a completely new and independent Class Environmental Assessment to re-evaluate all potential leachate and contaminated groundwater management alternatives and identify a preferred alternative.  This requires the filing of a new and independent Class Environmental Assessment.  Renewed public and agency consultation was required as part of this assignment and new conceptual leachate and contaminated groundwater management alternatives were required to be identified and evaluated.  CRA and City staff (Project Team) commenced work on this assignment in November 2003.





The intent of this report is to update Committee and Council and to provide an opportunity for Council to provide input prior to finalization and filing of the Environmental Study Report (ESR).


Since the ESR has not been finalized, there is currently no completed document to provide.  This will be undertaken immediately following Council consideration of this report.






The problem definition for this assignment as required under the Class Environmental Assessment process was to develop a long term management strategy for Trail Road Landfill leachate and Nepean Landfill contaminated groundwater. 


Initially, the problem as defined included the management of leachate generated by the Trail Road Landfill  and the groundwater beneath the closed Nepean Landfill.  The contaminated groundwater flow was to be intercepted by a buried collector pipe that would subsequently discharge to an on-site treatment facility or to a pipeline for off-site treatment.  This approach was considered to be adequate to address the continuing discharge of contaminated groundwater from beneath the Nepean Landfill.


In late May 2004, as this current Class Environmental Assessment was approaching its conclusion, new information came to light as a result of the City’s ongoing groundwater quality monitoring program at the Nepean Landfill.  The need to intercept the contaminated groundwater, however, was greatly diminishing due to reduction of contaminant levels within the groundwater.  Concurrently, recent groundwater monitoring results indicated that exceedances of certain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) had been detected in monitoring wells located on private property outside (downgradient) of the approved Nepean Landfill boundary.  This new information instigated a reassessment of the contaminated groundwater situation at the Nepean Landfill, which subsequently identified the need to address the presence of elevated VOC levels. Notwithstanding the change in focus on the nature and scope of groundwater containment and treatment, the generic problem definition for this Class Environmental Assessment did not change.


Based on direction received by the City from the Ministry of the Environment on July 16, 2004, management approaches to the newly defined outlying VOC contaminated groundwater plume were to be addressed under the current Class Environmental Assessment process. 


A total of twelve leachate and contaminated groundwater management alternatives were identified.  Each of the twelve management alternatives involved discharge of treated leachate or contaminated groundwater to either the Ottawa River or the Jock River, depending on method of conveyance.  From the twelve original alternatives, a total of eight alternatives were short listed for detailed evaluation.  The eight alternatives included the following:


·           Alternative 1 – Do Nothing (Status Quo) – Maintain current practice of truck hauling Trail Road Landfill leachate to the ROPEC with discharge to the Ottawa River.  Nepean Landfill contaminated groundwater remains untreated.

·           Alternative 4 – Leachate treated on-site with discharge to the Jock River.  Contaminated groundwater treated on-site with discharge to groundwater.

·           Alternative 5 – Leachate and contaminated groundwater trucked to the ROPEC with discharge to the Ottawa River. 

·           Alternative 5A – Leachate and contaminated groundwater trucked to a west end collector sewer that drains to the ROPEC with discharge to the Ottawa River.

·           Alternative 6 – Leachate and contaminated groundwater piped to the ROPEC with discharge to the Ottawa River.

·           Alternative 8 – Leachate trucked to the ROPEC with discharge to the Ottawa River.  Contaminated groundwater treated on-site with discharge to groundwater.

·           Alternative 8A – Leachate trucked to a west end collector sewer that drains to the ROPEC  with discharge to the Ottawa River.  Contaminated groundwater treated on-site with discharge to groundwater.

·           Alternative 10 – Leachate piped to the ROPEC with discharge to the Ottawa River.  Contaminated groundwater treated on-site with discharge to groundwater.




In order to assess the relative environmental impacts of each of the identified leachate and contaminated groundwater management alternatives, well-established and accepted environmental assessment evaluation methods were employed.  A Comment Sheet was first established which provided the public and the Public Liaison Committee (PLC) with a recommended list of comparative evaluation primary criteria and subcriteria.  With the input of the public and the PLC, the following alternatives evaluation primary criteria and subcriteria were identified:


Natural Environment


·           Terrestrial Vegetation and Wildlife Habitat

·           Impact to Groundwater Resources

·           Surface Water Resources

·           Air Quality


Land Use Environment


·           Agricultural Land Impact

·           Recreation

·           Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Institutional


Social Environment


·           Visual Aesthetics

·           Public Health (Drinking Water and Trucking Accidents)

·           Noise and Vibration

·           Nuisance Odour


Facility Capital and 60-Year Operating Costs


System Performance


·           Ability to Meet Changing Wastestream Quantity and Quality Characteristics

·           Proven Technology

·           Energy Conservation


The relative importance of each of these criteria was measured by assigning weights to each primary criterion and subcriteria through a scoring system that measured the public’s, the PLC’s and the Project Team’s preferences for certain environmental attributes.  The combined average of the three group responses was used as the evaluation weights.




Based on the evaluation procedures used by the Project Team, the first and second place alternatives were :


First Place Alternative


Alternative 6 (Pipeline): Leachate and contaminated groundwater piped to the City collection system, which drains to ROPEC for treatment and discharge to the Ottawa River. 


Capital cost - $3,800,000 (includes engineering, project management, construction and owners costs). 


Second Place Alternative


Alternative 4 (On-Site Treatment): Consisting of two facilities (i.e. leachate treatment facility with surface water discharge to the Jock River and an on-site contaminated groundwater extraction and treatment facility with discharge to groundwater).


Capital cost  - $8,200,000 (includes engineering, project management, construction and owner costs)







(ALT 6)


(ALT 4)


$  31,200



$  76,500



$  15,000



$    5,000

$  15,000


$    4,700



$  15,000

$  30,000






$    8,000(2)





(1) The surcharge fee is levied in accordance with the Sewer By-Law.  It is a fee levied to recover costs of treatment for discharge to the City's sewer system of constituents which are in excess of the limits identified in the By-Law.  In this instance it is expected that the limit for Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) will be exceeded.


(2) Haulage fees are anticipated to address the disposition of process solids that will result as a by-product of treatment.  The material would be hauled to the Trail Road Landfill.




 For Alternative 6 (Pipeline), eight potential pipeline routes were examined, including routes previously evaluated under earlier Environmental Assessments.  Several new potential routes were also identified based on new existing or future connection opportunities to the City’s wastewater collection system.  These routes are identified on Figure 1 (attached).  Each of the routes identified were within public/road rights-of-way.


Based on various evaluation criteria including cost (i.e. length of pipeline, etc.), degree of temporary construction disruption, proximity and number of residential/farm properties along the potential pipeline routes, temporal opportunity for connection to the City’s wastewater collection system and system hydraulic capacity, route 6 was identified as the preferred route. 


Route 6 would involve proceeding east from the Trail Road and Nepean Landfills along Cambrian Road to Jockvale Road, north on Jockvale Road to just south of the Jock River and a tie-in to the South Nepean Collector Phase I due to be completed in Summer 2005.





It is important to note that the first and second place alternatives (Pipeline and On-Site Treatment) scored very close to each other.  However, using the evaluation methods developed for this assignment, Pipeline scored higher than On-Site in the final analysis (9.34 out of 10 versus 8.99 out of 10).  Compared with On-Site, Pipeline scored better in terms of:


·           Capital cost;

·           Energy use;

·           Ease of operation;

·           Operating experience; and

·           Sensitivity to changes in leachate and contaminated groundwater chemistry. 


On-Site, by comparison, scored better than Pipeline in terms of:


·           Export of water out of the watershed;

·           Effluent quality; and

·           Construction disruption.


A summary of the alternative costs is provided on Table 1 (attached). 


It is further noted, notwithstanding the quantitative result of this evaluation, that on-site treatment was preferred over other competing alternatives by the local communities of Barrhaven and Stonebridge.


It should be noted that if Committee and Council select the On-site Treatment Alternative additional public notification will be required in order to comply with the Environmental Assessment process.


Staff supports the results of this Class Environmental Assessment, which identifies Pipeline as the preferred long-term management approach to addressing Trail Road Landfill leachate and Nepean Landfill contaminated groundwater, and Route 6 as the preferred pipeline route.





Throughout this project, specific attention was given to addressing input and obtaining comments from the public and government agencies.  A Public Liaison Committee (PLC) consisting of twelve members, including the Ward Councillor, was established with the following objectives:


·           Communicate and transfer information between the public and the Project Team;

·           Assist the Project Team in ensuring public awareness and input is achieved; and

·           Assist in development of alternative evaluation criteria.


Public and government agency consultation included the following events:


·           Eight PLC meetings;

·           Three public meetings; and

·           Reponses to numerous telephone/email inquiries.


Specifically, the public and government agency consultation process involved the following activities in chronological order:


1.         Initial Project notification – Announcement of Public Open House No.1

2.         Public Open House No. 1 (February 19, 2004) – Problem definition and solicitation for PLC membership;

3.         PLC Applications received, reviewed and members selected;

4.         PLC Meeting No. 1a (March 17, 2004) – Discussed Class Environmental Assessment process, project objectives, overview of potential conceptual leachate and contaminated groundwater management alternatives and distribution of draft Comment Sheet;

5.         PLC Meeting No. 1b (March 31, 2004) – Discussed alternative treatment concepts, evaluation criteria and revised Comment Sheet;

6.         Public Open House/Meeting No. 2 (April 14, 2004) – Formal presentation of conceptual management alternatives and distribution of Comment Sheet;

7.         PLC Meeting No. 2a (April 28, 2004) – Qualitative review of preliminary Comment Sheet responses;

8.         PLC Meeting No. 2b (May 5, 2004) – Presentation of short list of management alternatives, quantitative review of Comment Sheet responses and discussion on approach to alternatives risk evaluation;

9.         PLC Meeting No. 2c (May 19, 2004) – Utilization of Comment Sheet responses, incorporation of utility value assignments and application of the evaluation matrices;

10.       PLC Meeting No. 3a (June 1, 2004) – Announcement of change in nature and scope of groundwater containment and treatment at the Nepean Landfill;

11.       PLC Meeting No. 3b (June 21, 2004) – Inform PLC of the City’s strategy to manage the newly defined Nepean Landfill contaminated groundwater plume under a Certificate of Approval amendment;

12.       PLC Meeting No. 4 (October 20, 2004) – Present list of alternatives reviewed, discussion of utility value assignments, preliminary identification of preferred alternatives (Alternatives 4 and 6), comparison of preliminary preferred alternatives; and

13.       Public Open House/Meeting No. 3 (October 26, 2004) – Presentation of preferred alternative (Alternative 6 – Pipeline) and responses to questions from attendees.


Government agencies contacted during this project included the Ministry of the Environment (Ottawa District Office and Kingston Regional Office), Ministry of Natural Resources (Kemptville District Office), Ministry of Tourism and Recreation  (Ottawa District Office), Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (Kingston Regional Office), Ministry of Transportation (Kingston Regional Office), Environment  Canada, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, City of Ottawa (Director Real Property Asset Management; Director of Planning and Infrastructure Approvals; Director of Planning, Environment and Infrastructure; Director of Infrastructure Services; Director of Utility Services; Medical Officer of Health; Program Manager Waste Diversion and Processing.





Currently Capital Account #900339, Trail Road Landfill Leachate, has $3.046M available for this project.  Additional funding will be identified in the appropriate capital budget.


The projected total cost for the Re-opening of the Trail Road Landfill Leachate and Nepean Landfill Contaminated Groundwater Environmental Assessment is $370,300.





Table 1 - Alternative Cost Summary

Figure 1 - Preferred Alternative - Pipeline Route 6

Figure 2 - Second Alternative - On-site Leachate and Groundwater Treatment Facilities





Upon approval by Council, staff will proceed to file the Environmental Study Report and implement the recommendation(s).








Prior to a presentation and consideration of this item, Councillor Harder presented a Motion.


BE IT RESOLVED THAT Planning and Environment Committee (PEC) recommend the second place alternative, on-site treatment, for the leachate and contaminated groundwater at the Trail Road and Nepean Landfill sites.


R.T. Leclair, Deputy City Manager, Public Works and Services (PWS), Richard Hewitt, Director, Infrastructure Services, PWS, Lloyd Russell, City Treasurer, Ted Woytowich, Project Manager, Infrastructure Services, PWS, Wayne Bennett, Manager, Construction Service, Infrastructure Services, PWS, Greg Ferraro, Project Manager and Partner, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, Mike Benson, Senior Environmental Planner and Manager, Ottawa Office, Conestoga-Rovers & Associations, George Godin, Manager of Environmental Design Service and Partner, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, and Dr. Earl Shannon, (expertise – membrane treatment technology) Partner, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, appeared before the Committee with respect to departmental report dated 9 November 2004.  Some of the main points raised by the presenters and not contained in the PowerPoint presentation are outlined below.  A copy of the presentation is on file with the City Clerk.

·        Commenced in 1991 when stage 3 – the first line section of the Trail Road Landfill commenced operation.  It was then recognized that there would be a need to deal with excess leachate in the future.  In 1995 the Environmental Assessment (EA) on leachate management recommended periodic removal of leachate to a central treatment facility by a dedicated pipeline to a Regional or City sewer.  At that time no pipeline route was identified.

·        1997 – Design work commenced on pipeline.

·        1998 – Barrhaven residents raised concern relative to a pipeline in their community.  Following a public meeting it was agreed the pipeline option would be re-evaluated.  A third party was retained to re-evaluate options, with the recommendation that the preferred option was off-site conveyance by pipeline to the Robert O. Pickard Environmental Centre (ROPEC) for treatment and disposal.

·        1999 – Council approved a public consultation and route selection process, which lead (in the following year) to a westerly pipeline from the Trail Road Landfill site.  Council did not agree and selected an easterly route to the Stonebridge Pumping Station.

·        December 2002 – Design team retained to begin the pipeline design.

·        July 2003 – Council directed staff to re-open the EA process and in December 2003 the City retained the firm of Conestoga-Rovers & Associates.  October 26, 2004 the recommended solution was a pipeline east on Cambrian to Jockvale and north on Jockvale to tie into the future South Nepean collector.

·        Challenge for the Class EA Study was to develop a preferred alternative for the long-term management strategy for Trail Road Landfille leachate and Nepean Landfill contaminated groundwater.

·        Leachate is a very common urban effluent; literally generated in every municipality across Canada and North America.  In fact, leachate is generated at multiple locations in most municipalities and is neither foreign nor unique to this community.  The leading alternatives have been identified as a pipeline for the treatment of these effluents at the ROPEC Wastewater Treatment Facility or on-site treatment.  If the ROPEC facility is chosen as the preferred alternative, identified by the study, the treated effluent will discharge to the Ottawa River.  If on-site treatment is selected, then the treated effluent will discharge to the Jock River.  Regardless of the decision, the leachate must leave the landfill; it cannot remain on the site.

·        As part of the Class EA process, a public consultation program was executed, that entailed 3 public open houses, 2 of which provided presentations to the public and 9 Public Liaison Committee (PLC) meetings.  The PLC meetings consisted of simple information transfer meetings to extended and comprehensive workshops.

·        Evaluation criteria were established as part of the EA process.  The criteria were selected from the Class EA guidance documents and consist of 5 primary evaluation criteria in addition to sub-criteria, as outlined in the presentation (Natural Environment, Land Use, Social Environment, Facility Cost and System Performance).  Weighting factors were then established through comment sheets provided to the public, the PLC and the Technical Team.  85 comment sheets were completed; 71 by the public, 9 by the PLC and 5 by the Technical Team.  The weighting factors were then used in the evaluation of the alternatives.  From that evaluation, 8 short-listed management alternatives were identified, which were summarized on the slides provided.  2 were identified as leading alternatives; one of which is identified as the preferred.  The 2 leading alternatives are alternative #4, which is leachate treated on-site with the discharge to the Jock River; and, alternative #6, which is leachate and contaminated groundwater piped to ROPEC with discharge to the Ottawa River.

·        The comparison and assessment of the alternatives identified various advantages and disadvantages on a comparative basis.  A summary of that comparison was provided for alternative #4 and alternative #6.

·        The capital cost to build the pipeline to discharge the leachate to ROPEC is lower.

·        The operation and maintenance costs for each management system are similar on an annual basis.

·        The energy use for a pipeline is lower relative to on-site treatment.

·        The ease of operation is simpler for the pipeline relative to on-site treatment.  Operating experience – pipeline vs. a treatment facility is higher for pipelines.

·        Sensitivity to the changes in the chemistry of the leachate are better handled by the pipeline than by on-site treatment; that is because the leachate and groundwater flow to ROPEC constitutes 0.1% of the flow, so fluctuations in the leachate and groundwater chemistry will be less realized by ROPEC than by an on-site treatment facility dedicated solely to the treatment of the leachate and groundwater.  The level of treatment will be higher with on-site treatment vs. that offered at the ROPEC facility, but it is very important to realize both facilities will achieve the discharge criteria for the receiving water course.  Due to the sensitivity of the Jock River it is required to treat the leachate and contaminated groundwater at a higher level, preparatory to discharge to the Jock River than it is to the Ottawa River.

·        Construction disruption – none to the community for the on-site treatment; some for construction of the pipeline on the roadways leading from the Landfill.

·        Alternative Cost Summary – these are broken down into 3 categories – Capital costs; Total Annual Operating, Maintenance and Replacement Costs for One year (O & M); and, 60-Year Total Present Worth Costs, which includes the capital and the 60-year operating costs in present worth dollars.

·        Capital Cost includes the direct construction costs of the facilities, contractor, overhead and profits; construction contingencies were included for those items that could be priced accurately at this time; engineering and administration costs; and, owners’ fees were included in the capital costs.

·        O & M costs included labour of operation for facilities, power requirements to operate the facilities, chemical costs used where applicable and annual reporting for performance, site maintenance and site utility costs; any analytical, laboratory costs were included in the annual operating costs; and, replacement and maintenance costs for the facilities.  A good portion of the O & M costs did include the replacement costs and in comparing alternatives you would want to investigate the renewal of the infrastructure and replacement costs over the life-cycle costs.

·        Alternative #4 (on-site treatment) – the Capital Cost (all costs included) is $8.2 Million.  The first year O & M cost is $604,000; and, the 60-year present worth cost is $21.8 Million.

·        Alternative #6 (pipeline) - Capital Cost is $3.8 Million; O & M cost of $590,000; and, a 60-year life cycle cost of $17.1 Million.  The pipeline cost includes the cost for treatment at ROPEC.

·        On-Site Treatment Scheme – There are 2 facilities; one would treat the Nepean contaminated groundwater, which is a small treatment facility consisting of air stripping that would treat volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) from the Nepean Landfill.  The slide illustrated the complexity of on-site treatment.  It is an advanced treatment scheme that would involve preliminary treatment that covers metal and solids removal, softens the water and removes the hardness required to maintain the processes downstream.  Since there is the requirement to meet very stringent effluent objectives to discharge to the Jock River, the surface water, in meeting the Provincial water quality objectives, would require advanced treatment that would require the removal of total dissolved solids and any trace volatile organics, which would require additional processes that could be granular filtration, reverse osmosis or absorption.  The technology applied are all known and proven; the combination of the technologies creates a complex treatment plant.  This plant is not readily available off the shelf and would need to be designed appropriately to meet the waste water it is to treat.

·        The degree of treatment is driven by the receiving water (Jock River); not the strength of the leachate.  The main challenge is to reach the total phosphorous level of .03mg/litre to discharge into the Jock River, which is a very stringent objective.

·        The next slide illustrated the location of the following:

·        The existing pump station that transfers leachate out of the Nepean Landfill to ROPEC (now hauled by vehicle) –roughly where the on-site treatment facility would be located for the leachate.

·        A small treatment plant consisting of air stripping to remove the volatile organics.  That would actually treat the contaminated groundwater at 3 litres/second, discharge it to some surface ponds that would infiltrate into the groundwater.

·        The leachate treatment plant would discharge its effluent through surface ditches off the property along Cambrian Road out to the Jock River through surface and water ditches.

·        The next slide presented the pipeline option, which illustrated ROPEC.  The pipeline option would include a pump station at the landfills with an oversized wet well with some aeration facilities to conduct preliminary release of volatile organics in the wetwell and pump in by pipeline to the collection system that would flow by gravity to ROPEC.  The on-site treatment would provide a higher level of treatment, by treating water to a much higher level to discharge to the Jock River.  ROPEC meets secondary treatment objectives to discharge to the Ottawa River.  Mr. Godin pointed out the area of the main lift station for trunk sewers conveying waste water to ROPEC.  It is pumped to preliminary treatment facilities that contain odour; ROPEC has granular activated carbon treating their odours; from there it flows by gravity to primary sedimentation facilities – 15 large tanks that remove primary sedimentation.  These are covered for odour control.  It flows by gravity to the aeration facilities and following aeration to secondary sedimentation and out through chlorine disinfection and then to the Ottawa River.  There are also digestion facilities so that residuals removed from the liquid are treated through anaerobic digestion, hauled, de-watered and then disposed off site.

·        The opportunity for aligning the pipeline routes was also evaluated as part of this Class EA; all potential routes evaluated in the past were now back on the table in terms of their availability and potential to be recipients of pipeline routes.  A total of 8 potential pipeline routes were identified, which were assessed relative to their impact on the environment during their development, whether they be during construction; i.e. construction issues or disruption during construction, proximity of residential dwellings to the pipeline route and other social and natural environment factors.  Identified 2 very closely competing routes (routes 5 and 6), which will involve a pipeline route coming from the landfill along Cambrian Road to Jockvale and either up Jockvale to a point just south of the Jock River (route 6) or south to a point at Golflinks Drive.  Of the 2 routes, route 6 was preferred on the basis that it affected fewer residential dwellings.  The Stonebridge subdivision is on the east side of Jockvale Road.  The opportunity for route 6 was occasioned by the construction of this sewer, which is the South Nepean collector due to be completed in 2005.  The tie-in for route 6 would be the South Nepean collector just south of the Jock River.

·        Mr. Hewitt provided a brief summary of the technical work undertaken.  Staff undertook a very detailed and comprehensive evaluation in accordance with the guidelines of the Class EA Process.  The preferred alternative arrived at is the pipeline.  It is acknowledged that out of the initial 12 alternative, eight were reviewed in detail and 2 were ranked extremely close, as identified in the report.  There is a numerical ranking of 9.3 for the pipeline and 9 for the on-site solution.  In that vein, it is acknowledged from a technical perspective the 2 alternatives compete very strongly.  Both have strengths and weaknesses, but on balance through this process come out to a tie.  The one factor that staff could not ignore and struggled with is the cost component.  These are preliminary estimates and staff is looking at a cost differential of a 2 to 1 factor of $4+ Million between the 2.  On that basis, staff is coming forward with a straightforward technical recommendation.  Staff would now be moving into the Environmental Study Report stage.

·        Historically, the initial routing as defined (middle 2002) and early 2003, was through the Stonebridge community to an existing pump station.  At that time, the route depicted as the preferred alternative was unavailable because the South Nepean collector was at a planning stage.  It is now known that collector will be built in 2005 and therefore is an available outlet.  That allows for the pipeline routing to be up Jockvale Road to the collector as opposed to travelling through the heart of the Stonebridge community.

·        If the on-site solution is the preferred alternative by Committee and Council, there are additional steps.  There would be surface discharge to the Jock River, facilitated by a ditch running between the landfill and Jock River.  The City would advise residents and landowners along that route, with an additional public meeting.  That would be required to move forward to the Environmental Study Report determination.

·        In terms of implementation, clearly there is an Environmental Study Report to complete.  There is the possibility, with any alternative and through the EA Process, now referred to as Part 2 Orders, formerly known as Bump Up Requests, which have to be considered by the Ministry and unfortunately certainly take a fair period of time for final determination.  Once there is final approval, if it is on-site, 2 treatment facilities would be undertaken; one for leachate and one for contaminated groundwater.  It was anticipated to have the contaminated groundwater facility operational within one year of final MOE approval.  The leachate treatment would take significantly longer; in the range of 2½–years to be operational.  With regard to a pipeline solution, the time frame was in the range of 1½ years.


Prior to any questions of staff, Chair Hume received confirmation that from a technical perspective, either option is acceptable for Committee to pursue.  The staff recommendation is based on cost.  Staff had no alternative but to recommend the lowest cost.


For the record, Councillor Harder complimented those involved in this issue, particularly the staff involved over the last 7 years.


The aforementioned individuals responded to questions posed by Committee members, with the main points summarized below. 

·        The effluent requirements (Provincial Water Quality Objectives) for discharge to the Jock River are very stringent; particularly stringent is the phosphorous requirement (0.03mg/litre).  The City should undertake some treatability studies to demonstrate it can meet this level on a consistent basis.  Dr. Shannon has been involved with phosphorous removal technologies for 30 years and 0.03 is very difficult to meet.  That is the main factor in the time frame.  This requirement is due to the highly sensitive Jock River.

·        On the comparison of leachate to sewage, the Trail Road Landfill leachate’s main contaminants are Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Ammonia, total phosphorous.  Metals levels are very low in this leachate and very comparable to what would be seen in raw sewage entering a domestic waste water treatment facility.  There are 2 or 3 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) at levels above the current by-law limit for discharge to municipal sewer systems, but in general the leachate would be classified as stronger than domestic sewage with respect to BOD and Ammonia, comparable on metals and slightly higher VOC concentrations.  Leachate is around 1,700 BOD vs. domestic waste water at around 300 BOD.  The component of the advanced treatment system for on-site would be designed to achieve the low levels of phosphorous needed and also to remove a certain amount of the total dissolved solids.  The advanced treatment is not seen at ROPEC.

·        EA criteria and sub-criteria were taken directly from the Municipal Engineers Association Class EA Guidance document.  They are not unique to this particular study and are used in EAs throughout the Province.  The consultants attempted to determine which of the primary and sub-criteria applied in this particular instance and in terms of deriving the weights on each of the primary and sub-criteria, solicited the public for their preferences vis-à-vis natural environment, land use, social environment, facility cost and system performance.  PLC was also solicited as part of this exercise.  PLC primarily represented the communities of Stonebridge and Barrhaven.  They also solicited the Project Team and collectively arrived at a combined weighted average on each of the primary and sub-criteria using all the responses.  The weighting was as follows:  Facility Cost – 10%; Natural Environment – 26%; Land use – 13%; Social Environment – 33%; and System performance – 17%.

·        Alternatives and Cost Summary – The listing of criteria was not in any order of importance.  It simply demonstrated the differences between alternative 4 and 6 under each item.  The cost with the entire valuation of alternatives (cost and the system performance) carried a weight of 27% out of 100%.  In reality the cost was 10%, which is typically low and the system performance was 17%, but that was based on the information received from comment sheets from the public.  More emphasis was placed on Social Environment, Land Use and the Natural Environment for the evaluation.

·        Implications for the City’s Capital Budget, if the on-site treatment was approved – the financial comment identified the project balance remaining in that account is $3 Million.  Regardless of the option chosen, there will be a requirement for additional funding.  If Committee/Council chooses the on-site option, the additional funding requirement is slightly over $5 Million.  Staff is currently finalizing the 2005 Capital Budget Estimates and there is insufficient funding for all the planned projects.  If Committee wishes this project to proceed, one option would be that other identified projects would drop off.  The other option would be that Council could direct the City Treasurer to look for alternative funding to finance the project, as the construction becomes available and not impact planned projects in the 2005 list, look for Debt funding or look for reductions in the Minimum Capital Reserve Balances that Council has directed.

·        Councillor Holmes would be looking at a Motion to not bump off other items on the Capital Budget to bring this one forward.  Some areas have been waiting 20 years for a specific item on that Capital Budget.  The Councillor sought a list of options that do not allow for bump offs.  At the request of Chair Hume, Ms. Leclair and Mr. Russell would endeavour to prepare appropriate wording for such a Motion.  Councillor Harder agreed such wording would be a friendly amendment.

·        Historically municipalities have chosen the pipeline option on specific projects the consultants have worked with.  That is not to say it represents a general trend in Ontario or Canadian municipalities.  It is very specific to the environmental setting, the availability of municipal infrastructure to deal with the management of leachate and the requirements/desire of that community.  Pipelines have been built as part of municipal infrastructure since the turn of the century and earlier.  The on-site leachate treatment facilities commenced in the mid-1980s.  The first one their company was involved with was in 1987, constructed in 1988 (Sarnia, Ontario).

·        The on-site treatment facility in Sarnia has access to a large body of water and does not need to meet the phosphorus limitation.  Other facilities have been completed since Sarnia, which need to meet low phosphorus levels, but not 0.03.  Very few faculties must meet 0.03.  Those limits are achievable technically, but usually require some form of membrane, very fine filtration process to achieve that level consistently.  The evaluation of pipeline breaks has been considered in this project.  Groundwater travels a distance of inches to feet per year.  Pipeline breaks, should one occur, will result in a very localized plume around the pipe itself.  The majority of material contained in the pipe would flow up and down the pipe trench itself since it is a granular filled trench and liquid would follow the path of least resistance.  The presence of leachate constituents in the groundwater would then dissipate over a period of time ranging from months to potentially a couple of years or simply be removed during the repair operation.

·        There is one other leachate pipeline that originates from the Carp Road Landfill site.  That pipeline travels down Carp Road into the Stittsville area and is connected to the City’s sewer system at that location.  It is eventually treated at ROPEC.  The funding for this particular project is within the city-wide funding since this is not suitable for charges to the water or sewer rate; leachate is part of the solid waste aspect of the environment and would arise out of tax-supported funding.


Chair Hume noted the following Motion and amendment:


Moved by Councillor J. Harder:


BE IT RESOLVED THAT Planning and Environment Committee (PEC) recommend the second place alternative, on-site treatment, for the leachate and contaminated groundwater at the Trail Road and Nepean Landfill sites.


Moved by Councillor D. Holmes:


That Councillor Harder’s Motion be amended by the following:


And that funding in Capital Account #900339, Trail Road Landfill Leachate, be increased to $8.2 million to provide for the construction of the on-site Facility.


And that the City Treasurer be directed to identify a source of funding as the moneys are required, that would not otherwise impact the planned 2005 Capital program.


Chair Hume indicated the Committee was at the point where it could receive public delegations, but found itself in a rather unique situation in that there was unanimity on the Motion, as amended, except for the fact that Councillor Cullen wanted an opportunity to speak to the matter.  There were 21 speakers on the Motion, the majority of which support Councillor Harder’s Motion.  Delegations had a right to speak, but if the delegations did not want to speak, but simply indicate their support to have the Committee approve the Motion, they would be registered and their written comments would still form part of the public record.  The Chair would proceed through the forms presented and receive the comments, but any individual who wanted to speak, would be heard.


The Committee heard from the following delegations:


Larry Moulds was present and agreed with the Motion.  Mr. Moulds provided a written submission that was circulated and is held on file with the City Clerk.


Lisa Hopkyns-Hatt was present and agreed with the Motion.


Wendy Duross was present and agreed with the Motion.  Ms. Duross provided a written submission that was circulated and is held on file with the City Clerk.


Don Duross was present and agreed with the Motion.  Mr. Duross provided a written submission that was circulated and is held on file with the City Clerk.


Michael Phalen, President, Stonebridge Community Association, was present and agreed with the Motion.


Karen Fowlie was present and agreed with the Motion.


Keith Preston was present and agreed with the Motion.  Mr. Preston provided a written submission that was circulated and is held on file with the City Clerk.


Gary J. Hollink was present and agreed with the Motion.  Mr. Hollink provided a written submission that was circulated and is held on file with the City Clerk.


Shawn Ryan was present and agreed with the Motion.  Mr. Ryan provided a written submission that was circulated and is held on file with the City Clerk.


Bruce Webster, Vice-President, Richmond Village Association, was present and agreed with the Motion.  Mr. Webster provided a written submission that was circulated and is held on file with the City Clerk.


Lori Singleton was present and agreed with the Motion.


Lesley Horwitz-Beare was present and agreed with the Motion.


Joanne Taylor was present and agreed with the Motion.  Ms. Taylor provided a written submission that was circulated and is held on file with the City Clerk.


Brian Finch, President, Friends of the Jock River, was present and agreed with the Motion.  Mr. Finch provided a written submission that was circulated and is held on file with the City Clerk.


Richard Bendall was present and agreed with the Motion.  Mr. Bendall provided a written submission that was circulated and is held on file with the City Clerk.


Randy Yu was present and agreed with the Motion.


Patrice Meloshe was present and agreed with the Motion.  Ms. Meloshe provided a written submission that was circulated and is held on file with the City Clerk.


Mary Elin Moore, on behalf of the Public Liaison Committee (PLC) was present and agreed with the Motion.  Ms. Moore provided a comprehensive written submission that was circulated and is held on file with the City Clerk, along with a PowerPoint Presentation that is also held on file.


Dennis Pharoah attended the last public consultation meeting and was interested in the delay.  He became aware of the pipeline awhile ago, listened to the presentation and opined the pipeline was a very good idea, based on that presentation.  He did not understand why PEC did not agree with the staff recommendation.  One community is expressing a fear should the pipeline break, but should trust the City to construct a proper pipeline, which is also taking place in West Carleton and Orleans.  If it is good enough for the remainder of the City, not to mention all of the other landfill sites, then why is it not good enough for this area?  The pipeline makes significantly more economic sense in his opinion.  As far as the environment, staff is saying they have never conducted a 0.03.  They are saying give us enough money and we’ll attempt to make it work.  What if it does not work?  The chemistry can change from day to day.  Then the City will be discarding into the river.  If they cannot trust a pipeline, does the community really want the City constructing a sewage treatment plant and discarding this material into the river next to the community?  The O & M costs are the same for both systems.  He would rather have the additional funds used to improve ROPEC and maintain sewer costs, than to serve one large landfill site.  If the City is going to construct this facility, why not pipe all the other landfill sites into this facility for the good of the entire community.


It was presented the pipeline will be operational in 1½ years, but it will take 3 years for the on-site and it may or may not work.  The NCC representatives posited at the public meeting that they did not agree with the processes espoused by the consultants and that they would not work.  The Councillor pre-empted that debate and asked if attendees were in favour of on-site or off-site.  We’ll worry about the details once we start spending the money.  How many residents are being placed at risk by delays due to “good intentions” while trucks continue (every 20 minutes) crossing the City endangering the public’s health.  What if 0.03 is not achievable, requiring the trucks to continue?  The cost could be astronomical.  The leachate will simply follow along the pipeline if there is a problem; leachate is better than raw sewage.  It was recently announced the City is short $6 Million in 2004.  Why spend a fortune trying to put tap water into a polluted river.


In response to questions from Councillor Cullen, Mr. Pharoah had a problem in that the City was not doing anything to treat other landfill sites.  Municipal sewage is more toxic and a greater danger than leachate and the City would more appropriately spend funds improving ROPEC for the entire community than correcting the problem in this one community.  No one has provided information on the quality of the water in the Jock River.  The intention is good; if the City will test the Jock River before and after this treatment centre.


Councillor Cullen noted one of the points made by Mr. Pharoah is that the City should be appropriately improving the treatment process at ROPEC.  He had understood the City has identified a capital project to move from secondary to tertiary treatment at ROPEC within the City’s long term financial plan, which he would pursue separately with staff.


The following correspondence was circulated and is held on file with the City Clerk in support of the On-site Treatment Plant:

·        Iola Price, Chair, Ottawa Forests and Greenspace Advisory Committee.

·        E-mail dated 22 November from Imran Mirza.

·        Letter dated 22 November from Patrice Meloshe and Elmer Tumak.

·        Letter dated 22 November from Shawn Ryan and Jo-Ann Taylor.

·        E-mail dated 22 November from Christopher Krasilczuk.

·        Memorandum dated 22 November from the Coordinator, Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) containing a resolution from EAC.

·        Letter dated 20 November from Brian Finch, President, Friends of the Jock River.

·        Petition signed by the following individuals

·        D. M. and R. F. Marganon

·        Sue and Brian Brown

·        G. W. Scott

·        Peter Malihir

·        Shawn Ryan

·        JoAnn Taylor

·        Greg Singleton

·        Laurie Singleton


Councillor Harder presented a massive document that contained over 1,000 pieces of correspondence in support of the on-site treatment facility broken down as follows:  A. Letters from Bell-South Nepean Community Associations; B. Letters from the Community and Developers; C. Petitions from the Citizens of Ottawa; and, D. On-Line Poll Results.  Councillor Harder pointed out that correspondence continued to arrive in support.  A copy of the package was circulated and one is on file with the City Clerk.


The matter returned to Committee.


Councillor Cullen commented that it was interesting PEC found itself with a better solution to treat leachate due to the concerns from this community.  ROPEC was never meant to treat leachate.  It was intended to deal with sewage; and, what was happening is that those very elements that would be dealt with under advanced treatment through the proposed site at Trail Road are elements, the majority of which pass through ROPEC and are discarded into the Ottawa River.  Studies have demonstrated there is a plume of heavy metals along the Ottawa River and the question is whether this is an appropriate manner to treat leachate.  He has persistently pointed out that dilution is not the solution.  He thanked the public for coming forward and forcing Council to look at better use of technology and form of treatment on-site.  It will be more expensive, but it is not a Cadillac approach.  He wanted to see leachate treated.  Over time it will be found that leachate from the City’s garbage will have an impact on the environment and the City will have to upgrade its methods of treating garbage.  In his view the proposal presented by Councillor Harder is a step in the right direction.

Councillor Holmes pointed out that although a great part of this facility is in Councillor Harder’s Ward, it is a City facility.  The City will very soon be seized with the issue of organic waste, to reduce the amount taken to the site and to extend its life.  The Councillor was interested in moving to on-site treatment since it is a superior environmental solution, but did not want to see any reduction in the Capital Budget nor jeopardize the major items identified therein, many of which have been waiting a considerable length of time to come to fruition.  These are equally as important and the rationale for her amendment.


Councillor Harder thanked the Chair (and his staff, Brian MacRae), who over the last year, and previously at the former Environmental Services Committee (ESC) in the first term of Council agreed to open up the EA.  Everyone in her Ward and throughout the City thanked ESC and Council for that decision.  This has been a very long process and become an obsession of sorts in her Ward.  Since 1997 and early 1998, the technology of on-site has improved, while the cost has been reduced.  In the first term of Council an Environmental Master Plan was adopted and strong emphasis has been incorporated into the City’s OP relative to the environment.  The technology is available and the time has time to make a decision to proceed.  She pointed out that Mr. Pharoah might change his mind if he had seen the PLC presentation that depicted the burst pipe in their area.  Having said that, she wanted to thank everyone on the PLC who spent one year of their life working with Conestoga-Rovers and Conestoga-Rovers for their help.  There was a fair and balanced approach.  And especially to Ted Woytowich and Wayne Bennett, who have been part of this process from inception and admitted the only reason they were supporting the pipeline is financial.  She was excited to be moving forward in this direction.  She also thanked the Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital and the Friends of the Jock River who have heartily given their endorsement.


On the Motion.


                                                                                                CARRIED as amended


The Committee approved the recommendation as amended.


That Planning and Environment Committee and Council give staff direction to proceed to finalize the Environmental Study Report identifying the second place alternative, on-site treatment, as the preferred method of managing leachate and contaminated groundwater generated by the Trail Road Landfill and Nepean Landfill, respectively, and Route 6 as the preferred pipeline route.  The pipeline alternative is proposed to convey leachate and contaminated groundwater in a buried forcemain eastward along Cambrian Road to Jockvale Road and north on Jockvale Road to a tie-in at the South Nepean Collector Phase I, which will be completed in Summer 2005.


And that funding in Capital Account #900339, Trail Road Landfill Leachate, be increased to $8.2 million to provide for the construction of the on-site Facility.


And that the City Treasurer be directed to identify a source of funding as the moneys are required, that would not otherwise impact the planned 2005 Capital program.


                                                                                                            CARRIED as amended