4.         OFFICIAL PLAN - 1000 KLONDIKE ROAD - ZONING - 1000 Klondike Road








That Council:


1.         Approve and adopt an Official Plan Amendment to the former City of Kanata Official Plan to redefine and change the designation boundaries of 1000 Klondike Road and 129 Shirley's Brook Drive as detailed in Document 3.


2.                  Approve an amendment to the former City of Kanata Zoning By-Law to change the zoning of 1000 Klondike Road as detailed in Document 5.


3.         Approve the following revisions to Documents 3 and 4:


a.                  That “Document 3”, Part B – THE AMENDMENT, Section 2.0 Details of the Amendment, clause 2 is hereby amended by deleting clause two in its entirety and substitute the following new clause 2:


“That Schedule “B” – Urban Area – Land Use is hereby amended by changing the designation “RL” and “RM” on said Schedule “B” insofar as it applies to the lands identified on Schedule “A” to this Amendment, and substituting therefore the designation “RM” and “RL”, respectively, as shown.”


b.                  That “Document 4” DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING be amended by adding the following new text prior to the existing text:


“That By-law 164-93 be amended by adding a new Institutional (I) Section after Section 10 and before Section 11, and said new section shall be derived from and be identical to that of abutting Zoning By-law 161-93”


4.         That no further notice be provided pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act RSO 1990 c.





Que le Conseil :


1.         approuve et adopte une modification au Plan officiel de l’ancienne Ville de Kanata afin de redéfinir et de changer les limites d’utilisation du 1000, chemin Klondike et du 129, promenade Shirley’s Brook, tel qu’il est expliqué dans le Document 3;


2.         approuve une modification au Règlement de zonage de l’ancienne Ville de Kanata afin de changer le zonage du 1000, chemin Klondike, tel qu’il est expliqué dans le Document 5.


3.         approuve que les modifications suivantes apportées aux Documents 3 et 4 :


a.         dans le Document 3, partie B – MODIFICATION, Section 2.0 Détails de la modification, l'actuelle disposition 2 est abrogée et remplacée par la nouvelle disposition 2 ci-après :


« Que l'annexe B – Zone urbaine – Utilisation des sols, soit modifiée par le remplacement des désignations « RL » et « RM », dans la mesure où elles s'appliquent aux terres indiquées dans l'annexe A de la présente modification, par les désignations « RM » et « RL » respectivement, selon ce qui est indiqué. »


b.         le Document 4, DÉTAILS DU ZONAGE RECOMMANDÉ, est modifié par l'ajout du texte ci-après avant le début du texte actuel :


« Que le Règlement municipal 164-93 soit modifié par l'ajout d'un nouvel article « Institutionnel (I) » entre les articles 10 et 11 et que le libellé du nouvel article soit identique à celui visant les terrains adjacents du Règlement municipal 161-93 sur le zonage. »


4.         Qu'aucun autre avis ne soit donné en vertu du paragraphe 34(17) de la Loi sur l'aménagement du territoire, L.R.O. 1990, chap.   .







1.         Development Services Department General Manager’s report dated 23 December 2003 (ACS2004-DEV-APR-0024).


2.                  Extract of Draft Minutes, 13 January 2004.

Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


23 December 2003 / le 23 décembre 2003


Submitted by/Soumis par : Ned Lathrop, General Manager/Directeur général,

Development Services/Services d'aménagement 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Grant Lindsay, Manager / Gestionnaire

Development Approvals / Approbation des demandes d'aménagement

(613) 580-2424 x13242, Grant.Lindsay@ottawa.ca


Kanata (4)

Ref N°: ACS2004-DEV-APR-0024













That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council:


1.         Approve and adopt an Official Plan Amendment to the former City of Kanata Official Plan to redefine and change the designation boundaries of 1000 Klondike Road and 129 Shirley's Brook Drive as detailed in Document 3.


2.         Approve an amendment to the former City of Kanata Zoning By-Law to change the zoning of 1000 Klondike Road as detailed in Document 5.





Que le Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement recommande au Conseil :


1.         d'approuver et d'adopter une modification au Plan officiel de l'ancienne Ville de Kanata afin de redéfinir et de changer les limites d'utilisation du 1000, chemin Klondike et du 129, promenade Shirley's Brook, tel qu'il est expliqué dans le Document 3;



2.         d'approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage de l'ancienne Ville de Kanata afin de changer le zonage du 1000, chemin Klondike, tel qu'il est expliqué dans le Document 5.





The subject lands consist of multiple parcels of land that are located south of Klondike Road, east of Sandhill Road, west of the Canadian National Railway and north of the existing development within the South March Community known as Riddell Village or Briarbrook (Document 1).  The total area of the lands is approximately 24 hectares.


The Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications have been submitted to facilitate a proposed plan of subdivision that includes 228 single family dwelling units, 265 townhouse units, an Institutional block and Open Space Park block (Document 7).  The lands identified in Document 1 and subject to the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment constitutes a portion of the Phase I lands and all the Phase II lands of the proposed plan of subdivision.  Accordingly, Phase I of the draft plan will proceed towards registration as the current zoning of the lands reflects the applicable permitted uses.  The Official Plan Amendment is to deal with a shift on the Phase II lands towards a greater density to mirror the projected unit count for the draft plan.


On April 6, 2000 the former Regional Council adopted Amendment 8 to the Regional Official Plan (ROPA 8).  This amendment redesignated the "Kanata North Expansion Area" to "General Urban Area".  On November 9, 2000 the former City of Kanata Council adopted Amendment 58 to the Kanata Official Plan (LOPA 58).  This amendment redesignated the "Kanata North Urban Expansion Area" and effectively brought the subject lands into the urban area and provided for the ability of the lands to be developed to urban standards.


 Official Plan Amendment


Local Official Plan Amendment No. 58 of the former City of Kanata brought the "Kanata North Urban Expansion Area" into the urban area and designated the subject lands Low Density Residential (RL), Medium Density Residential (RM), Institutional (I) and Park & Open Space (OS) (Document 2).  The designations were determined by, and in accordance with the "Kanata North Urban Expansion Area Study Concept Plan" prepared by Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd., Cumming Cockburn Limited and Niblett Environmental Associates and approved by the former City of Kanata Council.


The determination of the designation boundaries outlined the recommendations of the concept plan, with the understanding that modifications would be forthcoming once detailed design and area specific studies are submitted in support of development applications.  The review of the institutional/school block area requirements has determined that the land area allocated initially as part of LOPA # 58 is much larger than is now required.  In accordance with school board requirement, the Institutional designation can be reduced to approximately 3.0 hectares.

Zoning By-law Amendment


Currently the Phase II lands are within the Estate Residential (ER) Zone, By-law 74-79, being the March Rural Community zoning by-law.  Given that the lands are now within the urban area, the lands need to be included into Zoning By-law 164-93, South March, Riddell Village.


In accordance with the surrounding urban area, the lands will incorporate the standard zoning uses and zone provisions of By-law 164-93.  The introduction of an Institutional (I) Zone section will be required as By-law 164-93 does not have any institutionally zoned lands and the structure of the by-law did not contemplate a designated institutional area prior to the enactment of LOPA #58.  Since LOPA #58, the subject lands are the only expansion lands east of March Road that have conceived a development application and subsequent zoning by-law amendment application.




The subject lands are designated 'General Urban Area' within the new City of Ottawa Official Plan.  The General Urban Area designation permits all types and densities of housing and promotes development that is compatible with its surroundings and that consideration should be taken with regards to the pattern of the surrounding area in terms of height, setback from the street an distance between buildings.  The draft plan proposes a mix of single-family dwelling units and multiple attached or street townhouses similar to the existing South March Community of Riddell Village or Briarbrook.  The proposed draft plan of subdivision conforms to the policies set forth under Section 3.6.1 ‘General Urban Area’ of the City’s Official Plan.


Regional Official Plan Amendment 8 adopted and redesignated the "Kanata North Expansion Area" to "General Urban Area", of which the Phase II lands are part thereof.  Accordingly, certain policy criteria are to be met prior to the registration of any subdivision or any development application to facilitate the registration of a plan of subdivision.  Key issues related to the lands are those policies that address the issues of transportation and storm water management.  The lands are directly tied to a special policy in ROPA 8 that restricts development within the expansion area to a maximum of 1000 building permits for new residential units prior to the construction of Terry Fox Drive north to the existing Terry Fox Drive that intersects with March Road.  Currently, 356 residential units have been draft approved within the expansion lands southwest of the corner of March Road and Old Carp Road, known as Morgan's Grant Phase 12.  The concurrent subdivision application that corresponds to the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment with respect to the Phase II lands contemplates an additional 285 residential units within the expansion lands; the total of which would be approximately 640 residential units of the maximum 1000 permitted prior to the construction of the Terry Fox extension.


Likewise, specific policy requirements that address Environmental/Storm Water Management need to be examined prior to the approval or registration of any plan of subdivision within the expansion area.  The lands are subject to the policy, however the specific lands are not adjacent to, or abut lands considered environmentally sensitive.  A comprehensive storm water management report has been submitted that supports the draft subdivision approval and associated Official Plan and Zoning Amendment applications.


Former City of Kanata Official Plan outlines development policies, both general to the South March Community and specific to the Riddell Village and Briarbrook Community.  The proposed draft plan of subdivision and the associated application to amend the former City of Kanata Official Plan, maintain and are in keeping with the intent of the relevant policies within the Plan; specifically, the draft plan proposes 'co-location' of a neighbourhood park and elementary school block that functionally allows the facilities to be designed and configured to share facilities, a variety of housing types shall be accommodated, the transportation network shall be efficient and functional, significant vegetation shall be retained and the institutional block shall be a minimum area of 3.0 hectares.


The provisions outlined in Section indicate that Low Density Residential Areas within the South March Community shall include single family dwellings, semi-detached dwellings and street townhouses as the differing forms of housing types permitted and maintain a density of between 17 and 25 units per gross hectare.  Medium Density Residential Areas shall include street townhouses and other attached dwellings and should maintain a density of 25 to 35 units per net hectare.  As defined, 'gross hectare' includes the total area within the land use designation, including roads and 'net hectare' includes the total area and one-half the roads on which the lots front.  Accordingly, to conform to the density provisions within the Plan, minor modifications are proposed to facilitate the proposed draft plan of subdivision and must be enacted prior to registration.


 Zoning By-Law 164-93 of the former City of Kanata incorporates the lands of the South March, Riddell Village Community.  Currently the Phase II lands lie within the March Rural Community Zoning By-law 74-79.  In order to facilitate the draft subdivision application, the lands must be rezoned, effectively removing the lands from By-law 74-79 and incorporating them into By-law 164-93, a zoning by-law for the urban area.  The Residential Type 3A Zone (R3A) that permits a mix of single-family dwellings, semi-detached dwellings and multiple attached dwellings.


Also included in the application is the proposed introduction of an Institutional Zone section.  Currently, By-law 164-93 does not contain an institutional section.  The Institutional Zone (I) is to correspond with the proposed elementary school block identified on the draft plan of subdivision (Document 7).  As noted on the proposed Schedule 'A' (Document 4), the institutional block will include a dual zone that will specify both the institutional classification and R3A classification.  The rationale for a dual zone is to facilitate the ability of the owner to develop the lands for residential purposes should the school board(s) not require the lands and avoid the need of an additional zoning amendment application.  The proposed dual zoning of institutional areas held for school development is a common practice in the City of Ottawa.





The subject lands have undergone an initial environmental assessment and a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Affidavit has been provided states "there is no issues of actual or potential environmental concern with respect to soil and/or groundwater quality and a Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment will not be required" for the proposed subdivision and specifically those lands that are subject to the amendments to the former City of Kanata Official Plan or applicable zoning by-law.





Minor rural implications are expected as a result of the applications.  The rural character of the existing properties surrounding the subject lands will ultimately be affected by the inevitable urban development.  The subject lands and the lands north of Klondike Road have the ability to be developed in an urban context, as they are within the urban boundary.





Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy. Information signs were posted on-site indicating the nature of the application.  The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.  The City did not receive any negative comments or opposition to these applications.


On November 19, 2003 a public meeting was held, in accordance to Section 51 of The Planning Act for the subdivision application.  Included, as part of the public meeting proceedings was notice that the subdivision application is contingent on approval of both the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments.


As a result of the meeting dialogue, City staff has received comments and recommendations for the subdivision review process.  There were no comments received that expressed concern regarding the proposed subdivision.










The application was not processed within the timeframe established for the processing of an Official Plan and Zoning By-Law amendments due to staffing resourcing issues and the absence of various studies required to support the application.





Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      LOPA 58 - Schedule "A"

Document 3      Draft Official Plan Amendment

Document 4      Details of Recommended Zoning - Schedule 'A'

Document 5      Explanatory Note

Document 6      Draft Plan of Subdivision





Department of Corporate Services, Secretariat Services to notify the owner and applicant Tenth Line Development Inc., c/o Jim Burghout,  2001-210 Gladstone Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario  K2P 0Y6, All Signs, 8692 Russell Road, Navan, ON  K4B 1J1, and the Program Manager, Assessment, Department of Corporate Services of City Council's decision.


Development Services Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.


Department of Corporate Services, Legal Services Branch to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.

LOCATION MAP                                                                                                         Document 1




LOPA # 58 – SCHEDULE ‘A’                                                                                      Document 2



DRAFT OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT                                                               Document 3










PART A - THE PREAMBLE, introduces the actual Amendment but does not constitute part of Amendment No.XX to the former City of Kanata Official Plan.


PART B - THE AMENDMENT, consisting of the following text constitutes the actual Amendment No. XX to the former City of Kanata Official Plan.




1.0 Purpose


The purpose of this Amendment is to change and redefine the land use designations of the lands shown on Schedule “A”, being a part of Schedule “B” to the Official Plan of the former City of Kanata, insofar as to modify the designation boundaries of the “Low Density Residential” (RL), “Medium Density Residential” (RM), “Parks & Open Space” (OS) and “Institutional” (I) designation areas and change the “Low Density Residential” (RL) to “Medium Density Residential” (RM), as shown.


2.0 Location


The subject lands consist of multiple parcels of land and are located south of Klondike Road between Sandhill Road and the CN Railway north of Shirley’s Brook Drive and east of the corner of Shirley’s Brook Drive and Helmsdale Drive, south of Catterick Crescent within the South March community of Briarbrook.  The parcels of land cover an approximate area of 24 hectares and are municipally described as 1000 Klondike Road and 129 Shirley’s Brook Drive.


The lands affected by the Amendment are highlighted on Schedule “A” to this Amendment, which is a portion of Schedule “B”, Urban Area - Land Use, to the Official Plan of the former City of Kanata.  The redefinition in land use designations of the  “Low Density Residential” (RL), “Medium Density Residential” (RM), “Parks & Open Space” (OS) and “Institutional” (I) designations and the change of the “Low Density Residential” (RL) designation to “Medium Density Residential” (RM) designation are described in the Purpose section of the Amendment, and is reflected on Schedule “A” to this Amendment.


3.0 Basis


This amendment changes the “Low Density Residential” (RL) designation to “Medium Density Residential” (RM) designation and redefines the designation boundaries of the lands by modifying the “Low Density Residential” (RL), “Medium Density Residential” (RM), “Parks & Open Space” (OS) and “Institutional” (I) designation areas.


The change and redefinition of the designation boundaries reflects the specific land use detail prescribed by the proposed draft plan of subdivision.  The redefinition or modification to the designation boundaries maintains conformity with the general “Residential” policies of the Official Plan and the change in designation allows for conformity of the draft plan of subdivision to said policies within the Plan.


The policies of the former Regional Official Plan allow urban development to proceed within the designated “Kanata North Expansion Area”, subject to studies that address matters outlined in Section 2.4.1(8).  In particular, provisions that require a variety of housing types and phasing provisions that address cost and functionality of transportation and infrastructure, and the future role and needs with respect to the impact of development in the expansion area.


The new City of Ottawa Official Plan similarly encourages all types and densities of housing and contains specific policies to guide development and ensure some compatibility between new and existing development.  The policies can be implemented through the Subdivision and Site Plan Control approval and site-specific zoning by-law amendment application.





1.0 The Introductory Statement


All of this part of this document entitled Part B - The Amendment, consisting of the following text and the attached map designated Schedule “A” to Amendment No. XX (Urban Area- Land Use), constitutes Amendment No. XX to the Official Plan of the former City of Kanata.


2.0 Details of Amendment


The following changes are hereby made to the Official Plan of the former City of Kanata:


1.               That Schedule “B” - Urban Area - Land Use is hereby amended by modifying the designations “RL”, “RM”, “OS” and “I” on said Schedule “B” insofar as it applies to the lands identified on Schedule “A” to this Amendment.


2.               That Schedule “B” – Urban Area – Land Use is hereby amended by changing the designation “RL” on said Schedule “B” insofar as it applies to the lands identified on Schedule “A” to this Amendment, and substituting therefore the designation “RM”, as shown.


3.0  Implementation


The implementation of this Amendment to the Official Plan shall be in accordance with the respective policies of the Official Plan of the City of Kanata, and with the provisions of By-law 164-93, as amended, being the Zoning By-law for the Riddell Village Community.

Schedule A to LOPA #XX


DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                                              Document 4


That By-law 74-79 be amended by deleting those lands as shown on Schedule ‘A’ and By-law164-93 be amended by adding said lands rezone the lands “Residential Type 3 Zone (R3A)”, “Residential Type 3 Zone (R3A) / Institutional (I)” and “Open Space Type 1 Zone (OS1)”, as shown on Schedule ‘A’.


EXPLANATORY NOTE                                                                                             Document 5


By-law Number 2004-XX of the City of Ottawa amends the former City of Kanata Zoning By-law 74-79 and 164-93, for the purpose of facilitating the development of a plan of subdivision for the lands municipally described as 1000 Klondike Road and located south of Klondike Road, east of Sandhill Road, west of the Canadian National Railway and north of the existing development.


Amending By-law 2004-XX removes the subject lands from By-law 74-79, being a zoning by-law for the March Rural Community and adds the lands to By-law 164-93, being a zoning by-law for the South March Community of Riddell Village and Briarbrook.  The amendment further amends the zoning of the subject lands by changing the zoning from “Estate Residential (ER)” to “Residential Type 3 Zone”, “Residential Type 3 Zone / Institutional (I) Zone” and Open Space Type 1 Zone (OS1)” and adds the new section Institutional (I) Zone to the by-law.


DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION                                                                            Document 6


OFFICIAL PLAN - 1000 KLONDIKE ROAD - ZONING - 1000 Klondike Road


ACS2004-DEV-APR-0024                                                                                              Kanata (4)


Chair Hume began by reading a statement required under the Planning Act, which advised that anyone who intended to appeal this proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), must either voice their objections at the public meeting, or submit their comments in writing prior to the amendment being adopted by City Council. Failure to do so could result in refusal/dismissal of the appeal by the OMB.


Councillor Feltmate referenced the problematic issue of Hydro reliability in the Kanata area.  She requested confirmation that Hydro Ottawa had been circulated on plans and wondered whether they had commented on the effects of this development on reliability for existing neighbourhoods.  Staff confirmed that Hydro Ottawa had been circulated on plans but had not responded to the circulation.  Councillor Feltmate deemed this was unacceptable and proposed that the item be deferred to the next meeting so that Hydro Ottawa could comment on the impact this development would have on its ability to ensure reliable service in the Kanata area.  She stated there was a sense amongst Kanata residents that development in the area was contributing to the Hydro reliability issues.


The Committee heard from the following delegation:


Jim Burghout, Tenth Line Development Inc., spoke against deferral.  He advised that in this particular subdivision, the developer has worked very closely with Hydro Ottawa over the past three years to ensure there was adequate Hydro looping to accommodate both the new development and the existing community.  With respect to deferral, two weeks was significant to the developer.  Furthermore, he was not confident that Hydro Ottawa would provide the requested comment within those timelines. 


Councillor Bédard acknowledged the Hydro problems, however he did not feel this particular development should be held up to make the point.  He suggested the Committee Chair explore the possibility of initiating discussions to address the question of reliability, whether at this Committee or another. 


Chair Hume believed that under the new governance structure, Hydro Ottawa reported to the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee.  As a member of that Committee, he could request that they attend and give a presentation on the reliability issues in Kanata and recommend solutions.


Councillor Cullen suggested it was unfortunate that this particular development should be held up to make the point.  However he stressed the importance of not compounding the reliability problems in Kanata by approving further development.  He maintained the importance of having representatives of Hydro Ottawa appear before the Planning and Environment Committee to respond to questions on additional supply for growth areas, particularly in Kanata.


Moved by Councillor P. Feltmate


That the item be deferred to the next meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee so that Hydro Ottawa can comment on the impact the new development will have on the reliability of Hydro services in the Kanata area. 




YEAS (3):        Councillors A. Cullen, D. Holmes, P. Feltmate

NAYS (6):       Councillors G. Bédard, M. Bellemare, J. Harder, P. Hume, G. Hunter,
H. Kreling


Moved by Councillor P. Feltmate


WHEREAS “Document 3”, Part B, attached to Staff Report ACS2004-DEV-APR-0024, being the Proposed Official Plan Amendment, does not accurately reflect the proposed change in land use designations of the subject property,


AND WHEREAS “Document 4” attached to Staff Report ACS2004-DEV-APR-0024, being the Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, does not specifically state that a new Institutional (I) section will be added to the structure of Zoning By-law 164-93,


AND WHEREAS “Document 1” attached hereto has been prepared to detail required corrections to Staff Report ACS2004-DEV-APR-0024,


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT “Document 3” and “Document 4” attached to Staff Report ACS2004-DEV-APR-0024 be amended in accordance with “Document 1” attached hereto.


Document 1:


BE IT RESOLVED that Planning and Environment Committee approve and implement the following revisions to “Document 3” and “Document 4” of Staff Report ASC2004-DEV-APR-0024:


1.                  That “Document 3”, Part B – THE AMENDMENT, Section 2.0 Details of the Amendment, clause 2 is hereby amended by deleting clause two in its entirety and substitute the following new clause 2:


“That Schedule “B” – Urban Area – Land Use is hereby amended by changing the designation “RL” and “RM” on said Schedule “B” insofar as it applies to the lands identified on Schedule “A” to this Amendment, and substituting therefore the designation “RM” and “RL”, respectively, as shown.”


2.                  That “Document 4” DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING be amended by adding the following new text prior to the existing text:


“That By-law 164-93 be amended by adding a new Institutional (I) Section after Section 10 and before Section 11, and said new section shall be derived from and be identical to that of abutting Zoning By-law 161-93”


3.         That no further notice be provided pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act RSO 1990 c.




The recommendations contained in departmental report dated 23 December 2003 were then approved, as amended.


That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council:


1.         Approve and adopt an Official Plan Amendment to the former City of Kanata Official Plan to redefine and change the designation boundaries of 1000 Klondike Road and 129 Shirley's Brook Drive as detailed in Document 3.


2.         Approve an amendment to the former City of Kanata Zoning By-Law to change the zoning of 1000 Klondike Road as detailed in Document 5.


3.                  Approve the following revisions to Documents 3 and 4:


a.         That “Document 3”, Part B – THE AMENDMENT, Section 2.0 Details of the Amendment, clause 2 is hereby amended by deleting clause two in its entirety and substitute the following new clause 2:


“That Schedule “B” – Urban Area – Land Use is hereby amended by changing the designation “RL” and “RM” on said Schedule “B” insofar as it applies to the lands identified on Schedule “A” to this Amendment, and substituting therefore the designation “RM” and “RL”, respectively, as shown.”


b.         That “Document 4” DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING be amended by adding the following new text prior to the existing text:


“That By-law 164-93 be amended by adding a new Institutional (I) Section after Section 10 and before Section 11, and said new section shall be derived from and be identical to that of abutting Zoning By-law 161-93.”


4.         That no further notice be provided pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act RSO 1990 c.


                                                                                                CARRIED as amended