Ottawa Board of Health Conseil de santé d’Ottawa MINUTES 14 / PROCÈS-VERBAL 14 Monday, November 19, 2012, 5 p.m. le lundi 19 novembre 2012, 17 h Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West Salle Champlain, 110, avenue Laurier Ouest Contact for the Ottawa Board of Health Personne-ressource pour le Conseil de santé d'Ottawa : Gillian Connelly, 613-580-2424, ext./poste 21544 Board Members/Membres du Conseil : Councillor/conseillère D. Holmes (Chair/présidente), Dr./Dr A. Kapur (Vice-Chair/vice-président), Councillor/conseiller D. Chernushenko, Councillor/conseiller M. Fleury, Dr./Dre M. Fullerton, Councillor/conseillère J. Harder, Councillor/conseillère K. Hobbs, T. Hutchinson, M. Keeley, Councillor/conseillère M. McRae, G. Richer The Ottawa Board of Health met in the Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, on November 19, 2012 beginning at 5:00 p.m. The Chair, Diane Holmes, presided over the meeting. 1. ANNOUCEMENTS/CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES ANNONCES/ACTIVITÉS CÉRÉMONIALES The Healthy Eating, Active Living Champion Award for Access to Healthy Foods was presented. 2. ROLL CALL APPEL NOMINAL Member Richer, and Councillors Hobbs and Harder were absent from the meeting. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (INCLUDING THOSE ORIGINALLY ARISING FROM PRIOR MEETINGS) DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT (Y COMPRIS CEUX DÉCOULANT DE RÉUNIONS ANTÉRIEURES) No declarations were received. 4. REGRETS ABSENCES Member Richer, and Councillors Hobbs and Harder sent their regrets. 5. MOTIONS REQUIRING SUSPENSION OF THE RULES OF PROCEDURE MOTIONS EXIGEANT LA SUSPENSION DES RÈGLES DE PROCÉDURE 6. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES ADOPTION DU PROCÈS-VERBAL The Minutes of the meeting of October 15, 2012 were confirmed. MOTION NO. 1/6 Moved by Member Keeley Regarding Meeting Minutes of October 15, 2012 – Communication Item: That the Board of Health endorse the four recommendations included in the Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health’s report entitled “Oral Health – More Than Just Cavities” CARRIED 7. COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS Inquiry #001 and the seven communications items listed in Appendix 1 were deferred. 8. MOTION TO INTRODUCE REPORTS MOTION PORTANT PRÉSENTATION DE RAPPORT MOTION NO. 14/1 Moved by Member Keeley That the Medical Officer of Health’s verbal report; the Access to Healthy Foods and Hunger Prevention report; the New Street Food Vending Program Report; the Pedestrian Safety Report; the Mid-Term Governance Review Report; and the Board of Health 2013 Budget report be received and considered. RECEIVED A. MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH VERBAL REPORT RAPPORT VERBAL DU MÉDECIN CHEF EN SANTÉ PUBLIQUE That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information. RECEIVED B. ACCESS TO HEALTHY FOODS AND HUNGER PREVENTION ACCÈS À DES ALIMENTS SAINS ET PRÉVENTION DE LA FAIM UACS2012-OPH-HPDP-0010 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit approve programming to enhance access to healthy foods, including new initiatives to address hunger, as outlined in this report. CARRIED, amended by the following motion: MOTION NO.2/5 Moved by Member Keeley Technical Amendment Be it resolved that the report entitled, “Access to Healthy Foods and Hunger Prevention” be amended to replace Page 2 of Document 1, in both the French and English versions, as attached. CARRIED C. NEW STREET FOOD VENDING PROGRAM NOUVEAU PROGRAMME RELATIF À LA VENTE DE CUISINE NOMADE UACS2012-OPH-HPDP-0011 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information. RECEIVED D. PEDESTRIAN SAFETY SÉCURITÉ DES PIÉTONS ACS2012-OPH-HPDP-0012 1. That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit: a. Receive this report and the attached report from the Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario entitled “Pedestrian Death Review” for information; b. Approve that the Chair of the Board of Health write a letter to the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care endorsing the recommendations in the Coroner’s report; 2. That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit recommend that City Council: a. Receive this report, including  the report from the Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario entitled “Pedestrian Death Review” for information; and b. Refer the report to the Transportation Committee for their information with a request to review the Coroner’s recommendations to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and all Municipalities in Ontario and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing as they relate to City of Ottawa processes and guidelines. CARRIED E. MID-TERM GOVERNANCE REVIEW EXAMEN DE MI-MANDAT SUR LA GOUVERNANCE UACS2012-OPH-SSB-0007 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit: 1. Approve implementation of the following to improve Board of Health governance practices: a. Professional and board development opportunities for Board members, as outlined in this report; b. A Board of Health meeting in the community, focusing on health issues among youth; c. A community forum hosted by the Board, focusing on Healthy Eating, Active Living in Ottawa; d. Community partners consultation regarding the 2011-2014 Board of Health Strategic Priorities; and e. Dissolution of the Board of Health Financial Committee. 2. Approve the meeting schedule for the 2013 Board of Health meeting, as outlined in Document 1. DEFERRED F. BOARD OF HEALTH 2013 BUDGET BUDGET 2013 DU CONSEIL DE SANTÉ ACS2012-OPH-BSD-0006 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit: 1) Receive and table the Draft Board of Health 2013 Operating Budget, for subsequent consideration and approval at the Board of Health meeting on November 19, 2012 and; 2) Direct staff to forward this report to Ottawa Public Health’s principal funders, including: a. Ottawa City Council for consideration as part of City Council’s 2013 budget; and b. The Ministry of Health and Long-term Care and Ministry of Children and Youth Services, for consideration, as part of the Program-Based Grant Application Process. CARRIED, amended by the following motion: MOTION NO. 3/5 Moved by Member Keeley Technical Amendment Be it resolved that “the Board of Health approve the amended Draft 2013 Board of Health Budget,; and Be it further resolved that “Council, sitting as Committee the Whole, approve the Draft 2013 Board of Health Budget, including the amended pages 9, 10, 11, 13 and 15.” CARRIED 9. MOTION TO ADOPT REPORTS MOTION PORTANT ADOPTION DE RAPPORTS MOTION NO. 4/5 Moved by Member Keeley That the Medical Officer of Health’s verbal report; the Access to Healthy Foods and Hunger Prevention report; the New Street Food Vending Program Report; the Pedestrian Safety Report; and the Board of Health 2013 Budget report be received and adopted. CARRIED MOTION NO. 5/5 Moved by Member Keeley That by-law no. 2012-6 be read and passed: A by-law of the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit to confirm the proceedings of the Ottawa Board of Health at its meeting of November 19, 2012. CARRIED 10. INFORMATION PREVIOUSLY DISTRIBUTED INFORMATION DISTRIBUÉE AUPARAVANT A Memo to the Board of Health from Dr. Levy, Medical Officer of Health entitled Final Report- Response to the Community Infection Control Lapse was distributed. 11. OTHER BUSINESS AUTRES QUESTIONS There was no other business. 12. INQUIRIES DEMANDES DE RENSEIGNEMENTS 13. ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The Board adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. NEXT MEETING PROCHAINE RÉUNION Regular Meeting Monday, January 21, 2012 – 5:00 p.m. – Champlain Room Réunion ordinaire Le lundi 21 janvier 2012 – 17 h – Salle Champlain BOARD SECRETARY BOARD CHAIR OTTAWA BOARD OF HEALTH MINUTES 14 NOVEMBER 19 2012 CONSEIL DE SANTÉ D’OTTAWA MINUTES 14 19 NOVEMBRE 2012