Ottawa Board of Health Conseil de santé d’Ottawa DISPOSITION 13 / SUITE À DONNER 13 Monday, October 15, 2012, 5 p.m. le lundi 15 octobre 2012, 17 h Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West Salle Champlain, 110, avenue Laurier Ouest Contact for the Ottawa Board of Health Personne-ressource pour le Conseil de santé d'Ottawa : Gillian Connelly, 613-580-2424, ext./poste 21544 BOH Corporate Seal.jpg Board Members/Membres du Conseil : Councillor/conseillère D. Holmes (Chair/présidente), Dr./Dr A. Kapur (Vice-Chair/vice-président), Councillor/conseiller D. Chernushenko, Councillor/conseiller M. Fleury, Dr./Dre M. Fullerton, Councillor/conseillère J. Harder, Councillor/conseillère K. Hobbs, T. Hutchinson, M. Keeley, Councillor/conseillère M. McRae, G. Richer A. MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEATH VERBAL REPORT RAPPORT VERBAL DU MÉDECIN CHEF EN SANTÉ PUBLIQUE That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information. RECEIVED B. DRAFT BOARD OF HEALTH 2013 BUDGET ÉBAUCHE DU BUDGET 2013 DU CONSEIL DE SANTÉ ACS2012-OPH-BSD-0004 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit: 1) Receive and table the Draft Ottawa Board of Health 2013 Operating Budget, for subsequent consideration and approval at the Board of Health meeting on November 19, 2012 and; 2) Direct staff to forward this report to Ottawa Public Health’s principal funders, including: a. Ottawa City Council for consideration as part of City Council’s 2013 budget; and b. The Ministry of Health and Long-term Care and Ministry of Children and Youth Services, for consideration, as part of the Program-Based Grant Application Process. CARRIED C. INFLUENZA IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM 2012 – 2013 PROGRAMME DE VACCINATION CONTRE LA GRIPPE 2012-2013 UACS2012-OPH-EHP-0002 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit: 1. Approve Ottawa Public Health’s endeavours to improve influenza immunization uptake, as outlined in this report; and 2. Direct staff to report back in Q4 2013 on the effectiveness of program innovations. CARRIED D. SCHOOL IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM PROGRAMME DE VACCINATION EN MILIEU SCOLAIRE UACS2012-OPH-EHP-0003 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit: 1. Direct Ottawa Public Health staff to conduct a review of Ottawa Public Health’s School Immunization Program and other vaccine- preventable diseases program; and 2. Present the findings of the review and a strategy to improve vaccination rates in Q3 of 2013. CARRIED, as amended by the following motion: Moved by Member Richer Be it resolved that the report entitled, “School Immunization Program” be amended as follows: WHEREAS table 2 on page 5 of the report which refers to the per cent of students with completed series for the meningococcal vaccine as 88.30 be replaced by 90.95 and the HPV vaccine as 79.26 be replaced by 84.36. WHEREAS table 3 on page 6 of the report includes incomplete data, that this be replaced with the following table: Table 3 – Per cent and number of school-age children who have completed immunizations for Hep B, HPV and meningococcal vaccine Indicator Indicator description Provincial target for 2012 & 2013 (%) Ontario median 2011-2012 (%) Ottawa 2011- 2012 (%) Number of eligible Students in Ottawa 9a Per cent of 12 year old students who completed Hep B vaccine series 2012: 80.6 % or greater 2013: 85% 79 86 9,843 9b Per cent of 13 year old female students who completed HPV vaccine series 2012: 65% or greater 2013: 70% 68 84 4,925 9c Per cent of 12 year old students who completed meningococcal vaccine 2012: 87.1 % or greater 2013: 90% 87 91 9,406 E. PREVENTING SKIN CANCER BY REDUCING YOUTH EXPOSURE TO ARTIFICIAL ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION PRÉVENTION DU CANCER DE LA PEAU EN RÉDUISANT L’EXPOSITION DES JEUNES AU RAYONNEMENT ULTRAVIOLET ARTIFICIEL ACS2012-OPH-HPDP-0009 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit approve: 1. That Ottawa Public Health continue its educational programming on the health risks associated with youth exposure to artificial ultraviolet radiation; 2. That the Chair of the Board of Health write letters recommending the following action regarding artificial tanning equipment: a. That the Province of Ontario enact Bill 74 to prohibit the marketing and selling of tanning services and ultraviolet light treatments to persons under the age of 18; b. That the Government of Canada enact Bill C-386 to prohibit the use of artificial tanning equipment by those younger than 18 years and to strengthen the warning labels of tanning beds. CARRIED, as amended by the following motions: Moved by Member Richer Be it resolved that the report entitled, “Preventing Skin Cancer by Reducing Youth Exposure to Artificial Ultraviolet Radiation” be amended as follows: WHEREAS page 2 of the report which states: “It [melanoma ] is the most common cancer diagnosis for 30 to 49 year olds and the second most common diagnosis for those 15 to 29 years old (Figure 1).” be replaced by “It is the second most common cancer diagnosis for 30 to 49 year olds and the fourth most common diagnosis for those 15 to 29 year old.” Moved by Member Kapur WHEREAS Bill 74 – Skin Cancer Prevention Act 2012 – was scheduled for its second reading in mid-October; AND WHEREAS this Bill would prohibit marketing and selling tanning services and ultraviolet treatments to persons under the age of 18; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, should this or equivalent legislation not receive Royal Assent by June 30, 2013 that: a) Ottawa Public Health staff be directed to consult with its City of Ottawa partners and explore options to effect a prohibition on the use of artificial tanning equipment by persons under the age of 18; b) Ottawa Public Health staff report back in Q4 of 2013. CARRIED F. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY – CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR THE PERIOD OF APRIL 1, 2012 – JUNE 30, 2012 DÉLÉGATION DE POUVOIR – CONTRATS ACCORDÉS POUR LA PÉRIODE DU 1er AVRIL AU 30 JUIN 2012 ACS2012-OPH-BSD-0005 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information. CARRIED Notice of Motion Moved by Member Hutchinson WHEREAS personal services settings are establishments that provide services, such as body piercing, tattooing, electrolysis, acupuncture and various aesthetic services; WHEREAS the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s Infection Prevention and Control in Personal Services Protocol (2009) requires the Ottawa Board of Health to educate the general public as well as workers and operators of personal services settings on infection prevention and control practices; WHEREAS protocol also requires that continuing surveillance and risk assessment be performed to identify health hazards in personal services settings; AND WHEREAS protocol also requires annual inspections of theses premises by Ottawa Public Health inspectors ensure proper cleaning, disinfecting and sterilization of equipment to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases, such as Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Ottawa Public Health staff explore strategies to improve infection prevention and control practices in personal service settings that will help to enhance public safety through consultation with the City Clerk and Solicitor, the City’s By-law and Regulatory Services department, operators and the public; and THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT staff bring forward a report in Q2 2013 that outlines the findings from this consultation.