Ottawa Board of Health Conseil de santé d’Ottawa MINUTES 12 / PROCÈS-VERBAL 12 Monday, August 20, 2012, 5 p.m. le lundi 20 août 2012, 17 h Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West Salle Champlain, 110, avenue Laurier Ouest Contact for the Ottawa Board of Health Personne-ressource pour le Conseil de santé d'Ottawa : Gillian Connelly, 613-580-2424, ext./poste 21544 Board Members/Membres du Conseil : Councillor/conseillère D. Holmes (Chair/présidente), Dr./Dr A. Kapur (Vice-Chair/vice-président), Councillor/conseiller D. Chernushenko, Councillor/conseiller M. Fleury, Dr./Dre M. Fullerton, Councillor/conseillère J. Harder, Councillor/conseillère K. Hobbs, T. Hutchinson, M. Keeley, Councillor/conseillère M. McRae, G. Richer The Ottawa Board of Health met in the Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, on August 20, 2012 beginning at 5:00 p.m. The Chair, Diane Holmes, presided over the meeting. 1. ANNOUCEMENTS/CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES ANNONCES/ACTIVITÉS CÉRÉMONIALES 2. ROLL CALL APPEL NOMINAL All members were present. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (INCLUDING THOSE ORIGINALLY ARISING FROM PRIOR MEETINGS) DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT (Y COMPRIS CEUX DÉCOULANT DE RÉUNIONS ANTÉRIEURES) No declarations were received. 4. REGRETS ABSENCES No regrets were filed. 5. MOTIONS REQUIRING SUSPENSION OF THE RULES OF PROCEDURE MOTIONS EXIGEANT LA SUSPENSION DES RÈGLES DE PROCÉDURE 6. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES ADOPTION DU PROCÈS-VERBAL The Minutes of the meeting of May 7, 2012 were confirmed. 7. COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS The eleven communications items listed in Appendix A were received. 8. MOTION TO INTRODUCE REPORTS MOTION PORTANT PRÉSENTATION DE RAPPORT MOTION NO. 12/1 Moved by Member Harder That the Medical Officer of Health’s verbal report; Strategic Plan 2011 – 2014 Progress Report; the Update on Ottawa Public Health’s Food Safety Program; the Update on the Ottawa Public Health Mental Health Strategy for Children and Youth; the Renewal of the Healthy Babies, Healthy Children Program; the Baby-Friendly Initiative: Protecting, Promoting and Supporting Breastfeeding Report; the Update on the Renewed Strategy for Smoke-Free Ottawa; the 2013 Budget Process and Timeline; the Ottawa Board of Health Accountability Agreement – 2012-2013 Performance Indicator Targets and Amending Agreement No.4; the 2012 Operating Budget Q2 – Board of Health Status Report; the Delegation of Authority – Contracts Awarded for the Period of January 1, 2012 – March 31, 2012 and; the Attendance at the Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa) 2012 fall conference report be received and considered. A. MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEATH VERBAL REPORT RAPPORT VERBAL DU MÉDECIN CHEF EN SANTÉ PUBLIQUE That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information. RECEIVED B. STRATEGIC PLAN 2011 – 2014 PROGRESS REPORT PLAN STRATÉGIQUE 2011-2014 – RAPPORT D'ÉTAPE ACS2012-OPH-IQS-0008 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit approve the updates to the Ottawa Board of Health’s Strategic Plan for 2011-2014 as outlined in Document 1. CARRIED, as amended by the following motion: MOTION NO. 12/2 Moved by Member Harder Be it resolved that the report entitled, “Strategic Plan 2011-2014 Progress Report” be amended as follows: WHEREAS page 1 of the report which refers to the Strategic Plan including twenty-three (23) strategic objectives be replaced by twenty-five (25) strategic objectives. C. UPDATE ON OTTAWA PUBLIC HEALTH’S FOOD SAFETY PROGRAM LE POINT CONCERNANT LE PROGRAMME SUR LA SALUBRITÉ DES ALIMENTS DE SANTÉ PUBLIQUE OTTAWA ACS2012-OPH-EHP-0001 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit: 1. Receive this progress report on implementation of Ottawa Public Health’s 3- year Food Safety Strategy; and 2. Approve an enhanced approach to Food Handler Training for Repeat Offenders. CARRIED D. UPDATE ON THE OTTAWA PUBLIC HEALTH MENTAL HEALTH STRATEGY FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH LE POINT CONCERNANT LA STRATÉGIE SUR LA SANTÉ MENTALE POUR LES ENFANTS ET LES ADOLESCENTS DE SANTÉ PUBLIQUE OTTAWA ACS2012-OPH-HPDP-0006 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit approve: 1. The next phase of the Ottawa Public Health Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention Strategy for Children and Youth, as outlined in this report; 2. That staff report in Q2 of 2013 on progress made on the implementation of the Strategy. CARRIED E. RENEWAL OF THE HEALTHY BABIES, HEALTHY CHILDREN PROGRAM RECONDUCTION DU PROGRAMME BÉBÉS EN SANTÉ, ENFANTS EN SANTÉ ACS2012-OPH-CP-0001 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit approve: 1. Ottawa Public Health’s endeavours to maintain a universal connection with all postpartum parents through the Healthy Babies, Healthy Children Program, as outlined in this report; and 2. That staff report in Q3 of 2013 on the Healthy Babies, Healthy Children Program status. CARRIED F. BABY-FRIENDLY INITIATIVE : PROTECTING, PROMOTING AND SUPPORTING BREASTFEEDING REPORT L'INITIATIVE AMIS DES BÉBÉS : PROTÉGER, PROMOUVOIR ET SOUTENIR L'ALLAITEMENT ACS2012-OPH-HPDP-0007 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit approve the process to achieve Baby-Friendly Initiative designation by December 2012, as outlined in this report. CARRIED G. UPDATE ON THE RENEWED STRATEGY FOR SMOKE-FREE OUTDOOR SPACES LE POINT CONCERNANT LA STRATÉGIE SANS FUMÉE RENOUVELÉE D'OTTAWA ACS2012-OPH-HPDP-0008 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report. RECEIVED H. 2013 BUDGET PROCESS AND TIMELINE PROCESSUS BUDGÉTAIRE ET CALENDRIER DU BUDGET 2013 ACS2012-OPH-BSD-0001 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit: 1. Receive this report for information; and 2. Approve the budget process for the Board of Health’s 2013 budget, including the schedule and timelines. CARRIED I. OTTAWA BOARD OF HEALTH ACCOUNTABILITY AGREEMENT – 2012-2013 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR TARGETS AND AMENDING AGREEMENT NO.4 ENTENTE DE RESPONSABILITÉ DU CONSEIL DE SANTÉ D'OTTAWA – OBJECTIFS DE RENDEMENT 2012-2013 ET ENTENTE DE MODIFICATION NO 4 ACS2012-OPH-IQS-0009 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit: 1. Confirm the performance targets for Ottawa Board of Health’s Public Health Accountability Agreement 2012 -2013, as outlined in Document 1; 2. Direct staff to send a letter to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care confirming the performance targets for Ottawa Board of Health’s Public Health Accountability Agreement 2012 -2013; 3. Direct the Medical Officer of Health to sign, on behalf of the Board of Health, the amended Public Health Accountability Agreement (Amending Agreement No. 4), attached as Document 2; and 4. Direct staff to forward the signed Public Health Accountability Agreement (Amending Agreement No. 4) to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. CARRIED J. 2012 OPERATING BUDGET Q2 – BOARD OF HEALTH STATUS REPORT RAPPORT D'ÉTAPE DU DEUXIÈME TRIMESTRE DU CONSEIL DE SANTÉ CONCERNANT LE BUDGET DE FONCTIONNEMENT 2012 ACS2012-OPH-BSD-0002 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report. RECEIVED K. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY – CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 2012 – MARCH 31, 2012 DÉLÉGATION DE POUVOIRS – CONTRATS ACCORDÉS PENDANT LA PÉRIODE DU 1ER JANVIER 2012 AU 31 MARS 2012 ACS2012-OPH-BSD-0003 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report. RECEIVED L. ATTENDANCE AT THE ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCIES (ALPHA) 2012 FALL CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION À LA CONFÉRENCE 2012 DE L'ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCIES (ALPHA) À L'AUTOMNE ACS2012-OPH-SSB-0008 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit approve the attendance of Member Marguarite Keeley at the Association of Local Public Health Agencies’ (alPHa) fall conference held on September 27, 2012 in Toronto. CARRIED 9. MOTION TO ADOPT REPORTS MOTION PORTANT ADOPTION DE RAPPORTS MOTION NO. 12/3 Moved by Member Fleury That the Medical Officer of Health’s verbal report; Strategic Plan 2011 – 2014 Progress Report; the Update on Ottawa Public Health’s Food Safety Program; the Update on the Ottawa Public Health Mental Health Strategy for Children and Youth; the Renewal of the Healthy Babies, Healthy Children Program; the Baby-Friendly Initiative: Protecting, Promoting and Supporting Breastfeeding Report; the Update on the Renewed Strategy for Smoke-Free Ottawa; the 2013 Budget Process and Timeline; the Ottawa Board of Health Accountability Agreement – 2012-2013 Performance Indicator Targets and Amending Agreement No.4; the 2012 Operating Budget Q2 – Board of Health Status Report; the Delegation of Authority – Contracts Awarded for the Period of January 1, 2012 – March 31, 2012 and; the Attendance at the Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa) 2012 fall conference report be received and adopted. MOTION NO. 12/4 Moved by Member Fleury That by-law no. 2012-4 be read and passed: A by-law of the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit to confirm the proceedings of the Ottawa Board of Health at its meeting of August 20, 2012. 10. INFORMATION PREVIOUSLY DISTRIBUTED INFORMATION DISTRIBUÉE AUPARAVANT No information was previously distributed. 11. OTHER BUSINESS AUTRES QUESTIONS There was no other business. 12. INQUIRIES DEMANDES DE RENSEIGNEMENTS 13. ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The Board adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m. NEXT MEETING PROCHAINE RÉUNION Regular Meeting Monday, October 15, 2012 – 5:00 p.m. – Champlain Room Réunion ordinaire Le lundi 15 octobre 2012 – 17 h – Salle Champlain BOARD SECRETARY BOARD CHAIR OTTAWA BOARD OF HEALTH MINUTES 12 AUGUST 20 2012 CONSEIL DE SANTÉ D’OTTAWA MINUTES 12 20 AOÛT 2012