Ottawa Board of Health Conseil de santé d’Ottawa DISPOSITION 11 / SUITE À DONNER 11 Monday, May 7, 2012, 6 p.m. le lundi 7 mai 2012, 18 h Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West Salle Champlain, 110, avenue Laurier Ouest Contact for the Ottawa Board of Health Personne-ressource pour le Conseil de santé d'Ottawa : Gillian Connelly, 613-580-2424, ext./poste 21544 Board Members/Membres du Conseil : Councillor/conseillère D. Holmes (Chair/présidente), Dr./Dr A. Kapur (Vice-Chair/vice-président), Councillor/conseiller D. Chernushenko, Councillor/conseiller M. Fleury, Dr./Dre M. Fullerton, Councillor/conseillère J. Harder, Councillor/conseillère K. Hobbs, T. Hutchinson, M. Keeley, Councillor/conseillère M. McRae, G. Richer MOTIONS REQUIRING SUSPENSION OF THE RULES OF PROCEDURE MOTIONS EXIGEANT LA SUSPENSION DES RÈGLES DE PROCÉDURE Moved by Member Hobbs That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to consider a motion regarding the appointment of an acting Board Secretary to ensure continued administrative support and secretariat services of the Board of Health. CARRIED Moved by Member Hobbs WHEREAS the Board is required to appoint a Secretary of the Board of Health, with specific responsibilities under its Procedural By-law, and Mr. John Steinbachs, Secretary of the Board of Health, has accepted a temporary assignment with another municipal organization effective May 1; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit replace Mr. John Steinbachs by appointing Ms. Gillian Connelly in an acting position the Secretary of the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit. CARRIED A. MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEATH VERBAL REPORT RAPPORT VERBAL DU MÉDECIN CHEF EN SANTÉ PUBLIQUE U That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information. RECEIVED B. OTTAWA PUBLIC HEALTH 2011 ANNUAL REPORT RAPPORT ANNUEL DE 2011 DE SANTÉ PUBLIQUE OTTAWA UACS2012-OPH-SSB-0003 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit: 1. Receive the Ottawa Public Health 2011 Annual Report, and 2. Approve that it be forwarded to Ottawa City Council for the information of its members, in accordance with the City of Ottawa Act. CARRIED C. HEALTHY EATING ACTIVE LIVING STRATEGY STRATÉGIE SAINE ALIMENTATION ET VIE ACTIVE UACS2012-OPH-HPDP-0003 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit approve: 1. The three-year Healthy Eating, Active Living Strategy (HEAL), as outlined in this report. 2. That the Chair of the Board of Health write a letter to the Ontario Minister of Health and Long-Term Care recommending that the Ministry include in their upcoming Childhood Obesity Strategy a substantial investment in diverse physical activity opportunities in schools and other organizations to help youth to meet the physical activity minimum requirements. 3. That the Chair of the Board of Health write a letter to the Ontario Minister of Education recommending: a. That the Ministry provide direction and funding to school boards for monitoring and reporting as it relates to the Daily Physical Activity Policy (PPM 138) in elementary schools. b. That the Ministry provide direction and funding to school boards for monitoring and reporting as it relates to the Ontario School Food and Beverage Policy (PPM 150). 4. That the Chair of the Board of Health write a letter to the federal Minister of Health and Ontario Minister of Health and Long-Term Care recommending the development and promotion of menu labelling policies for franchises of 10 or more or at least $10 million in revenue. 5. That staff report back to the Board of Health in Q4 of 2013 on the progress to date. CARRIED D. HEALTHY EATING, ACTIVE LIVING AND HEALTHY WEIGHTS IN OTTAWA, 2012 ALIMENTATION SAINE, VIE ACTIVE ET POIDS SANTÉ À OTTAWA, 2012 UACS2012-OPH-IQS-0004 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report and the Healthy Eating, Active Living and Healthy Weights in Ottawa, 2012 report for information. RECEIVED, as amended by the following motion: Moved by Member Hobbs Be it resolved that the report entitled, “Healthy Eating, Active Living and Healthy Weight in Ottawa, 2012 be amended as follows: replace pages 51 and 122 in English version and page 122 in French version with the revised pages, as attached. CARRIED E. UPDATE ON THE HEAD INJURY PREVENTION STRATEGY MISE À JOUR DE LA STRATÉGIE DE PRÉVENTION DES BLESSURES À LA TÊTE ACS2012-OPH-HPDP-0004 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit: 1. Receive this report for information; and 2. That the Chair of the Board of Health forward this report to the chair of Community & Protective Services Committee for information. CARRIED F. BURDEN OF INJURY IN OTTAWA 2010, PROGRESS REPORT RAPPORT D’ÉTAPE SUR LE FARDEAU DES BLESSURES À OTTAWA, 2010 ACS2012-OPH-HPDP-0005 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information. RECEIVED, as amended by the following motion: WHEREAS the report refers to letters that were submitted regarding two Coroners’ Inquests on pedestrian and cyclist death (Document 1) and only the letter regarding pedestrian death was attached; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the letter regarding cyclist death (attached) be added to Document 1. CARRIED G. ATTENDANCE AT THE ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL PUBLIC HEATLH AGENCIES (alPHa) 2012 ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ASSISTANCE À L’ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE ET À LA CONFÉRENCE ANNUELLE DE 2012 DE L’ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCIES (alPHa) ACS2012-OPH-SSB-0004 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit approve the attendance of Members Fullerton and Chernushenko at the Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa) 2012 Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting, to be held June 10-12, 2012 in Niagara Falls. CARRIED H. 2011 OPERATING BUDGET YEAR END RESULTS - BOARD OF HEALTH STATUS REPORT RÉSULTATS DU BUDGET DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE FIN DE L’EXERCICE 2011 – RAPPORT D’ÉTAPE DU CONSEIL DE SANTÉ ACS2012-OPH-IQS-0005 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information. RECEIVED I. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY – CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 2011 TO DECEMBER 31, 2011 DÉLÉGATION DE POUVOIR – CONTRATS ACCORDÉS POUR LA PÉRIODE DU 1er JUILLET AU 31 DÉCEMBRE 2011 ACS2012-OPH-IQS-0006 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information. RECEIVED J. 2012 OPERATING BUDGET Q1- BOARD OF HEALTH STATUS REPORT BUDGET DE FONCTIONNEMENT 2012 AU PREMIER TRIMESTRE – RAPPORT D’ÉTAPE DU CONSEIL DE SANTÉ ACS2012-OPH-IQS-0007 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information. RECEIVED Moved by Member Hobbs Be it resolved that the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit resolve In Camera pursuant to Section 13(1)(b) of the Procedure By-law 2011-1 to consider personal matters about an identifiable individual, including staff with respect to the appointment of associate medical officers of health. CARRIED K. APPOINTMENT OF ASSOCIATE MEDICAL OFFICERS OF HEALTH – IN CAMERA – PERSONAL MATTERS ABOUT IDENTIFIABLE INDIVIDUALS. REPORTING OUT DATE: UPON COUNCIL APPROVAL NOMINATION DES MÉDECINS ADJOINTS EN SANTÉ PUBLIQUE – À HUIS CLOS – AFFAIRES PRIVÉES CONCERNANT UNE PERSONNE QUI PEUT ÊTRE IDENTIFIÉE. DATE DE COMPTE RENDU : SUR APPROBATION PAR LE CONSEIL. ACS2012-OPH-SSB-0005 To be issued separately / À être distribué séparément CARRIED and REFERRED Moved by Member Hobbs Be it resolved that the Board of Heatlh for the City of Ottawa Health Unit move out of camera and resume in open session. CARRIED OTTAWA BOARD OF HEALTH DISPOSITION 11 MAY 7 2012 CONSEIL DE SANTÉ D’OTTAWA SUITE À DONNER 11 LE 7 MAI 2012