
Ottawa Public Library Board

November 19, 2012


A regular meeting of the Ottawa Public Library Board was held on Monday November 19, 2012 at 17:00 hours at Ottawa City Hall in the Festival Control Board Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, ON.


Present:         Chair                                                                           Jan Harder

                        Vice-Chair                                                                  Jim Bennett

                                                                                                             Amelita Armit

                                                                                                             André Bergeron

                                                                                                             Keith Egli

                                                                                     Patrick Gauch

                                                                                     David Gourlay

                                                                                                             Christine Langlois

                                                                                                             Danielle Lussier-Meek

                                                                                                             Shad Qadri

                                                                                                             Doug Thompson

                                                                                                             Tim Tierney

                                                                                                             Marianne Wilkinson

                                                                                                             Rose Zeidan


Regrets:                                                                                              None


Also Present: Chief Executive Officer                                          Danielle McDonald

 Div. Mgr. Facilities and Business Services         Elaine Condos

 Div. Mgr. Service Excellence                                 Monique Désormeaux

 Div. Mgr. System-Wide Services & Innovation   Jennifer Stirling

 Manager, Financial Services Unit                        Brenda Gorton


Recorder                                                                     Marc Pellerin


Guests:                                                                                               Jacques Levesque


1.     Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m.









2.     In Camera


Moved by Trustee Lussier-Meek, seconded by Trustee Gauch,


MOTION: OPLB2012-0098


That the Ottawa Public Library Board move in camera to discuss personal matters about an identifiable individual and to discuss labour relations or employee negotiations.


                                                                                                                           - CARRIED



3.     Return to Open Session


MOTION: OPLB2012-0099


Moved by Trustee Egli, seconded by Trustee Gourlay,


That the Ottawa Public Library Board return to open session at 5:20 p.m.


                                                                                                                                - CARRIED



4.     Ottawa Public Library Foundation


MOTION: OPLB2012-0100


Moved by Trustee Armit, seconded by Trustee Gourlay,


That the Ottawa Public Library Board (“the Board”) receive the letter from the Chair of the Ottawa Public Library Foundation (“the Foundation”) dated November 15, 2012; and


That the OPL Board direct the CEO to work with the Chair of OPLF with regard to winding up the affairs of the Foundation.


                                                                                                                                - CARRIED



5.     Declarations of Conflict of Interest

There were no declarations of conflict of interest.








6.     Presentations

Board Governance Review, Jacques Levesque, President and CEO, Transform Management Consulting Inc.


Jacques Levesque, President and CEO, Transform Management Consulting Inc. gave a verbal report on the results of the OPL Board Self-Evaluation and the results of the Governance Review.


A quantitative assessment was conducted through the self-evaluation questionnaires, as well as a qualitative assessment through the Board Governance Workshop.


A number of issues were identified by trustees such as the current size of the Board, the staggering of terms of directors, committee mandates, the lack of strategic focus, risk management, as well as other issues.


On November 6, 2012, a Board Governance Workshop was held, where a list of nine action items were developed.  Many of the action items have been delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to bring back to the Board for review or approval.


Following his presentation, Mr. Levesque responded to questions from members of the Board.


Trustee Langlois inquired about the number of trustees present at the Board Governance Workshop held November 6, 2012.  J. Levesque responded that a total of seven trustees were present.


Trustee Langlois asked how the recommended Board composition was derived. 

J. Levesque explained that based on trustee feedback received on the subject, it was felt that the Board may be too large.  Current legislation suggests that nine to ten trustees for a city such as Ottawa is suitable.  At the Board Governance Workshop, there was also a discussion on the suitable mix of citizen trustees and councilor trustees, with pros and cons identified for each scenario.



7.     Board Governance Review


MOTION: OPLB2012-0088


Moved by Trustee Bennett, seconded by Trustee Gauch,


1.  That the Ottawa Public Library Board approve disbanding the current committees (Facilities Planning Committee, Finance and Budget Committee, and Governance and Audit Committee) and subsequently utilize ad-hoc groups as required; and




2.  That the Ottawa Public Library Board approve a recommendation to reduce the size of the Board to nine members with five citizen trustees and four councillor trustees for Council’s consideration and implementation.




Moved by Trustee Langlois, seconded by Trustee Lussier-Meek,


1.  That the Ottawa Public Library Board approve disbanding the current committees (Facilities Planning Committee, Finance and Budget Committee, and Governance and Audit Committee) and subsequently utilize ad-hoc groups as required; and


2.  That the Ottawa Public Library Board approve a recommendation to reduce the size of the Board to nine members with six citizen trustees and three councillor trustees for Council’s consideration and implementation.




Trustee Bennett requested a recorded vote be taken on motion

#OPLB 2012-0088.  The motion was put to a vote and DEFEATED on a division of 4 YEAS to 10 NAYS as follows:


YEAS (4):    Trustees Amelita Armit, Jim Bennett, Christine Langlois, Danielle Lussier-Meek


NAYS (10): Trustees André Bergeron, Keith Egli, Patrick Gauch, David Gourlay,

Shad Qadri, Doug Thompson, Tim Tierney, Marianne Wilkinson, Rose Zeidan, and Chair Jan Harder


As a result of the recorded vote, the above-noted motion to amend was defeated.


The second paragraph (highlighted section) of the main motion #OPLB 2012-0088 was then put to a vote.


Trustee Langlois requested a recorded vote be taken.


The motion was put to a vote and CARRIED on a division of 11 YEAS to 3 NAYS as follows:


YEAS (11): Trustees André Bergeron, Jim Bennett, Keith Egli, Patrick Gauch, David Gourlay, Shad Qadri, Doug Thompson, Tim Tierney, Marianne Wilkinson, Rose Zeidan, and Chair Jan Harder


NAYS (3):   Trustees Amelita Armit, Christine Langlois, Danielle Lussier-Meek


Moved by Trustee Bennett, seconded by Trustee Gauch,


1.  That the Ottawa Public Library Board approve disbanding the current committees (Facilities Planning Committee, Finance and Budget Committee, and Governance and Audit Committee) and subsequently utilize ad-hoc groups as required; and


2.  That the Ottawa Public Library Board approve a recommendation to reduce the size of the Board to nine members with five citizen trustees and four councillor trustees for Council’s consideration and implementation.



As a result of the recorded vote, the above-noted motion was carried.


The first paragraph (highlighted section) of the main motion #OPLB 2012-0088 was then put to a vote.


Chair Harder requested a recorded vote be taken.


The motion was put to a vote and CARRIED unanimously.


YEAS (14): Trustees Amelita Armit, André Bergeron, Jim Bennett, Keith Egli, Patrick Gauch, David Gourlay, Christine Langlois, Danielle Lussier-Meek, Shad Qadri, Doug Thompson, Tim Tierney, Marianne Wilkinson, Rose Zeidan, and Chair Jan Harder


NAYS (0):   None


Moved by Trustee Bennett, seconded by Trustee Gauch,


1.  That the Ottawa Public Library Board approve disbanding the current committees (Facilities Planning Committee, Finance and Budget Committee, and Governance and Audit Committee) and subsequently utilize ad-hoc groups as required; and


2.  That the Ottawa Public Library Board approve a recommendation to reduce the size of the Board to nine members with five citizen trustees and four councillor trustees for Council’s consideration and implementation.



As a result of the recorded vote, the above-noted motion was carried.


The approved motion #OPLB 2012-0088 reads:


1.  That the Ottawa Public Library Board approve disbanding the current committees (Facilities Planning Committee, Finance and Budget Committee, and Governance and Audit Committee) and subsequently utilize ad-hoc groups as required; and


2.  That the Ottawa Public Library Board approve a recommendation to reduce the size of the Board to nine members with five citizen trustees and four councillor trustees for Council’s consideration and implementation.


Following these exchanges, the Board directed the Chief Executive Officer to work with committee chairs to disband the committees.  Final reports will be presented to the Board in early 2013.



8.    Chief Executive Officer’s Report

Danielle McDonald, Chief Executive Officer gave her verbal report.


Order of Friendship Event:  D. McDonald reminded trustees that the Order of Friendship will be taking place on November 21 – 4 p.m. at the Ruth E. Dickinson Branch.


Service Ottawa Pilot Projects:  As part of the new partnership initiative between the OPL and the City of Ottawa, the Ruth E. Dickinson Branch is hosting a pilot Client Service Centre and the Cumberland Branch has been outfitted with a computer to provide direct access to Service Ottawa.  The event will take place at the Ruth E. Dickinson Branch on November 26, 2012 – 3:00 p.m.


West District Sign Unveiling:  In order to mark the future location of the West District Library, a large billboard sign will be unveiled at the Beaverbrook Branch on December 4, 2012.  The Mayor will be joining the Board and members of the public at this event.


2013 Budget Update:  As of October 31, 2012, the OPL has reported a $25,000 surplus. D. McDonald thanked all those who have been instrumental in keeping the OPL’s finances on track.



9.    Public Delegations

Chair Harder invited a member of the public, John Reid, to speak to the 2013 OPL Budget.


Mr. Reid noted that although he supports the budget amount, his concerns lie with the Board’s spending priorities.  The alternative focusing on RFID implementation would have freed resources on a long term basis for improvements across the system.  He noted that the Hunt Club/Riverside area is an underserviced area for which residents are not privy to equitable library services.  The Hunt Club/Riverside Community Centre could serve as the focal point for library services.  The OPL could offer cultural programs for all ages such as book clubs, conversation programs, citizenship instructions, specialized programs, most of which can be delivered at the Hunt Club/Riverside Community Centre.  Mr. Reid suggested that the Board direct staff to review and report on how services can be improved in the area and how library services can be expanded using community facilities in other areas less well served by the current library branches.


Chair Harder invited the second delegate, Mr. Mike Pyndus, to speak to the Main Library Building Planning Board document.


Mr. Pyndus summarized his background and credentials, and noted his experience in developing concepts of operations, statements of requirement, functional space requirements, business cases, room data sheets, as well as other technical analyses.  He offered to volunteer his professional services to the Ottawa Public Library Board at no cost.


Chair Harder thanked Mr. Pyndus for his generous offer and advised him that staff will be in contact with him.



10. Adoption of 2013 OPL Budget

Trustee Armit asked as to how the latest comments regarding the 2013 OPL Budget would be processed.  Chair Harder responded that the consideration of Mr. Reid’s comments as well as the completion of the OPL’s service delivery model will support future decision making.


Trustee Armit asked as to whether any studies were undertaken that examined community centres as library service providers.  Danielle McDonald, answered that other library systems are exploring a variety of options aimed at assessing the value of certain services provided and repositioning the library on a go forward basis.


MOTION: OPLB2012-0089


That the Ottawa Public Library Board approve the 2013 OPL Draft Operating and Capital Budget Estimates, and forward them to City Council for consideration and final approval.




11. Confirmation of Minutes


MOTION: OPLB2012-0085


Moved by Trustee Lussier-Meek, seconded by Trustee Qadri,


Minutes – Ottawa Public Library Board meeting of October 15, 2012

& October 22, 2012






12. Main Library Planning – Next Steps

Chair Harder reported that the Facilities Planning Committee recommended the adoption of Option 2: Modernize, at their meeting held October 24, 2012.


Chair Harder opened the floor to questions.


Trustee Lussier-Meek asked as to whether or not the Facilities Planning Committee had explored any radical options in planning for the future of the Main Library (e.g. cooperative initiative with condominium developers in mixed-use development).  Trustee Gourlay responded that no such initiative was explored by the Committee.  Chair Harder added that the Main Library Building Condition Assessment Report addresses the structural soundness of the building.  Through the Public Opinion Report conducted by Nanos, it was identified that users are satisfied with the current branch.  The report also emphasizes the need to modernize the branch.  The Board must now decide on whether it wishes to proceed with modernizing the Main Branch.


Trustee Langlois noted that a suggestion was made at the last Facilities Planning Committee meeting to embark on a physical visit of the Main Library to review interior concept planning and discuss the overall vision of how the branch interior should be repurposed.  She referred to the Public Opinion Report conducted by Nanos and highlighted a section on page 13, section 3.1.2 Main Branch as Primary OPL Location: “For a majority of library users, the Main branch of the Ottawa Public Library was the primary one that they used the most.”


Trustee Bergeron emphasized the need for City staff to plan for the future of the Sir Richard Scott Building and to work collaboratively with all parties.  Chair Harder noted that work is already in progress to address the future of the building.


Trustee Armit asked as to how the public will be involved should the Board approve the modernization option.  Chair Harder explained that a variety of ways exist in which to capture public feedback.  As part of the process, the Board will select the appropriate path to engage the public.


MOTION: OPLB2012-0090


Moved by Trustee Gourlay, seconded by Trustee Zeidan,


That the Ottawa Public Library Board approve Option 2: Modernize as the recommended option for renewal, redesign and refreshing of the current Main Library.







13. Approval of BiblioCommons “Suggestion to Purchase” Module

Trustee Bergeron requested additional details on the costs and the overall function of the BiblioCommons “Suggestion to Purchase” Module.  Jennifer Stirling, Division Manager, System-Wide Services and Innovation explained that the module is an integrated product between the OPL’s online catalogue and integrated library system that facilitates public requests for new acquisitions.  The module will facilitate OPL’s ability to respond and provide relevant feedback to the public as well as assist in effective decision making on the acquisition of new materials.  Craig Ginther, Manager, Digital Services reiterated the ability of the module to simplify the process for users wishing to make suggestions.  When a user makes a suggestion, the data is stored into the database, allowing staff to review user suggestions.  The module will allow users to log into the system to review the status of their request.  In addition, should a request to purchase be accepted, the module will hold the acquisition for the user who initiated the request.   With the OPL funding the development of the module, the cost is spread out on a three year period, representing 15% of OPL’s annual maintenance costs.


Trustee Bergeron inquired on the potential of staff savings and efficiency gains from the implementation of the module.  C. Ginther responded that the module will improve the way in which staff are currently processing suggestions to purchase.  There has been no financial analysis to date.  This is a service enhancement that responds to customers who have submitted a suggestion to purchase.  Currently, customers have no way of knowing the status of a suggestion to purchase.


Trustee Bennett asked as to whether or not the OPL was the first library system to lead the way in the development of such a module.  C. Ginther confirmed that the OPL is the first library to develop the module.  No other system is available at this time.


Trustee Lussier-Meek asked about the possibility of deferring the development of the module in hopes that the module could be purchased at a lower cost in the near future.  C. Ginther responded that deferring the development of the module is an option.  The option to proceed at present would result in lower annual maintenance fees for the OPL.


Trustee Bennett inquired about the number of requests to purchase received.  Monique Brûlé, Manager, Collection Management, responded that approximately 800 requests per month are received.


Chair Harder asked as to how the module will be promoted to the public. 

J. Stirling mentioned that a communications plan will be developed.  Users will not only have the ability to make a suggestion to purchase from the OPL website, users will be directed to the module when searching for content on the OPL’s catalogue.


Chair Harder inquired about plans to reinforce the use of OPL’s current website to promote good news stories and seek public input.  She suggested that staff review the website’s potential in this regard.


Trustee Zeidan inquired about the module’s ability to process foreign language requests.  J. Stirling confirmed that users will have the ability to make requests in their language of choice.  C. Ginther added that the module will be Unicode compliant.


MOTION: OPLB2012-0091


That the Board approve the contract for the BiblioCommons “Suggestion to Purchase” module, which would increase the total amount spent with BiblioCommons in 2012 to $108,660.




14. Accessibility Position Statement


MOTION: OPLB2012-0092


That the Ottawa Public Library Board approve the revised Accessibility Position Statement.






15. Quarterly Reports


MOTION: OPLB2012-0093 & OPLB2012-0094


That the Ottawa Public Library Board receive the following quarterly reports for information:


1.    Q3 2012 Report on Major Capital Project                    


2.    Q3 2012 Performance Measurement















16. Monitoring Reports


MOTION: OPLB2012-0095, OPLB2012-0096, OPLB2012-0097


That the Ottawa Public Library Board receive the following Monitoring Reports for information:


1.   A.16 Technology                                


2.   A.17 Records Management


3.   A.31 Strategic Planning






17. 2012 Calendar of Reports, Outstanding Inquiries, Motions and Unscheduled Reports


MOTION: OPLB2012-0086


That the Ottawa Public Library Board receive this report for information.





18. Notices of Motion

There were no notices of motion.



19. Other Business

Trustee Wilkinson requested an update on the West District project.  Richard Stark, Manager, Library Facilities Planning and Development will forward updated information to the Board.



20. Inquiries

There were no outstanding inquiries.











21. Adjournment


Moved by Trustee Armit


That the Ottawa Public Library Board meeting be adjourned at 6:54 p.m.






Minutes approved by:                                                                  







