Ottawa Public Library Board
October 15, 2012
A regular meeting of
the Ottawa Public Library Board was held on Monday October 15, 2012 at 17:00
hours at Ottawa City Hall in the Festival Control Room, 110 Laurier Avenue
West, Ottawa, ON.
Present: Chair Jan
Vice-Chair Jim
Danielle Lussier-Meek
Regrets: Amelita
Also Present: Chief Executive Officer Danielle
Div. Mgr. Facilities and Business Services Elaine Condos
Div. Mgr.
Service Excellence Monique
Div. Mgr. System-Wide Services & Innovation Jennifer Stirling
Manager, Financial Services Unit Brenda Gorton
Recorder Marc
Observer Jacques
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.
In Camera
Moved by Trustee Bergeron, seconded by
Trustee Zeidan to move in camera to discuss
personal matters about an identifiable individual and to discuss a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the board.
MOTION: BRD2012-0074
Moved by Trustee Thompson, seconded by Trustee
Bergeron to return to open session at 5:07 p.m.
Order of Friendship
Doc #C1: Order of
Moved by Trustee Zeidan, seconded by Trustee
Bergeron that Jana Folta, long-time volunteer and community
supporter, be awarded the Ottawa Public Library Order of Friendship in
recognition of her volunteer work and commitment to the Ruth E. Dickinson
Branch of the Ottawa Public Library.
Regrets were received from Trustees
Armit, Gourlay, and Qadri. Trustee Gauch
and Trustee Lussier-Meek joined by teleconference.
Declarations of Conflict of Interest
None declared.
Approval of Agenda
MOTION: BRD2012-0076
That the Ottawa Public Library
Board approve the agenda as presented.
of Minutes
MOTION: BRD2012-0077
Doc #2:
Confirmation of Minutes: September 10, 2012
That the Ottawa Public Library Board approve the minutes
dated September 10, 2012 as presented.
of Consent Items
That the Ottawa
Public Library Board approve the following on consent:
Doc #4: October 15/12: Governance and Audit Committee Report
Doc #5: October 15/12: Ontario Library Association (OLA)
Trustee Attendance
And to receive the following reports:
Doc #7: October 15/12: Chief Executive’s Report
Doc #8: October 15/12: 2012 Ottawa Public Library Board Work
Mid-Year Review
Doc #9: October 15/12: 2012 Strategic Work Plan Mid-Year
Doc #10: October 15/12: Revisions to Performance Reporting
Doc #11: October 15/12: 2012 Calendar of Reports, Outstanding
Inquiries, Motions and Unscheduled Reports
Doc #12: October 15/12: Monitoring Report: A.8 Communication
to the Board
Doc #13: October 15/12: Monitoring Report: A.27 Municipal
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA)
Doc #14: October 15/12: Q3 Financial Report
Temporary Bookmobile Service at Chapman Mills Public School
Trustee Wilkinson emphasized
the need to identify gaps in library service offerings within the city,
including the need to review current bookmobile service offerings. She inquired as to when the OPL bookmobile
service delivery report will be presented to the OPL Board. Danielle McDonald, Chief Executive Officer
stated that the report will be available in the first quarter of 2013. Jennifer Stirling, Division Manager, System-Wide
Services and Innovation, mentioned that the report will assess areas of the
city that are currently underserved by the bookmobile service. The report will provide the Board with a
comprehensive analysis of OPL bookmobile services, with appropriate recommendations
presented to the Board.
Chair Harder noted that the
report should assess the financial viability of the bookmobile service. The report should further include a review of
alternative service delivery channels, such as potential partnerships to provide
services, including an analysis on cost analysis for best practices.
MOTION: BRD2012-0080
Doc #6: Temporary
Bookmobile Service at Chapman Mills Public School
That a temporary
bookmobile stop be added to serve Chapman Mills Public School from October 22,
2012 to March 25, 2013.
Chair’s Remarks
Chair Harder gave her
verbal report.
Event for Newcomers
On September 25, the OPL hosted the Information and Networking Event for
Newcomers Starting a Business. Participants included
Invest Ottawa, World Skills, Paul Dewar’s Office, and OPL Business
Services. The event consisted of opening
greetings by Mayor Jim Watson and Danielle McDonald, CEO.
FOPLA pot-pourri
On October 4, FOPLA hosted the 2012 book launch to
celebrate the fresh talent behind pot-pourri.
Trustee Bennett was in attendance as a guest speaker. Young authors read their poems and short stories to
a full house. Over 20 authors featured
in the collection, along with their family members and friends, gathered in the
mezzanine of the Main Library to celebrate the publication of their writing.
2013 Meeting Schedule
Chair Harder noted the possibility of a meeting date
change for OPL Board meetings in 2013.
Regularly scheduled Monday meetings may be moved to another day due to
holiday weekends regularly conflicting with meetings. Alternative options will be reviewed.
Claude Aubry Celebration
The naming
of the children’s room at the St-Laurent Branch will be held on October 20 in conjunction with the branch’s
50th anniversary celebration.
A bronze reading bench has been installed in the park area behind the branch
and will be unveiled on October 20 at 10:15 a.m.
eBooks and OPL: Advocacy in Action
Jennifer Stirling, Division
Manager, System-Wide Services and Innovation gave a PowerPoint presentation on
progress to date by the Canadian Urban Libraries Council (CULC) Taskforce pertaining
to eBook strategies for libraries.
The demand for eBooks has been skyrocketing. In 2010, OPL customers
downloaded 86,523 eBooks. In 2011, the demand has more than doubled to
233,755. Projected figures for 2012
indicate that by September, library customers will have already downloaded
317,378 eBooks. If these projections hold, the OPL will see usage almost double
to 423,171 by the end of 2012.
Library systems have relied on distributors to provide access to eBooks
to library customers. Distributors
bundle the purchased content, including the acquisition process, storage of
books and access mechanism all together. At present, there are no true ownership rights
to the materials purchased.
For the first time in history, libraries are faced with diminished content
available for purchasing. Some
distributors have instituted circulation limitations, and some have introduced
price increases. Libraries are also
faced with a changing market, with library staff required to familiarize
themselves with a range of new eReaders.
Despite the challenges, the OPL has worked to simplify the process for
OPL customers by instituting a single sign on feature, adding an account link
from the main page, simplifying direct customer support, implementing staff and
training programs, and participation in vendor advocacy.
Working with the Canadian Urban Libraries Council (CULC) Taskforce, a
statement of principles was developed for eContent, emphasizing the need for
libraries to purchase their own content from publishers, host their content,
and control how the content is accessed.
Negotiations have also been taking place with publishers, such as the
Canadian Publishers Council and the Association of Canadian Publishers to arise
with a solution.
The Canadian Urban Libraries Council (CULC) Taskforce has been working
to establish a process for which Canadian content could be stored. A Request for Information was released in May
2012. The Taskforce requirements are
currently being finalized in an RFP [Request for Proposal] process, to be
released in November 2012, pending new developments on publisher negotiations.
The OPL will continue to investigate eBook solutions. The overall goal is to integrate the content
in the main library catalogue to simplify access for library customers.
Chair Harder opened the
floor to questions.
Trustee Wilkinson inquired
about the number of participants involved in the RFP process. J. Stirling answered that all large Canadian urban
library systems forming part of the Canadian Urban Libraries Council
(CULC) have participated in the RFP process and have shared in the cost.
Trustee Zeidan asked as to
whether printed books are also provided with the purchase of eBooks. Monique Brûlé, Manager, Collection Management
explained that printed copies are provided in most cases, with audio books
sometimes included as part of the purchase.
Some eBook purchases will only include an electronic copy. Electronic books are stored in
Overdrive. When the eBook licence has
expired, the Library no longer has access to the content.
Trustee Bergeron inquired
about the origin of drastic eBook price increases for libraries, in comparison
to individual customer purchases. J.
Stirling responded that prices are set by publishers. Libraries are forced to pay up to three times
as much than individual customer purchases.
M. Brûlé added that distributors have also instituted circulation
limitations on purchased content by libraries.
Trustee Egli inquired about
the libraries’ ability to band together to explore new strategies and increase
their buying power. He further inquired
on existing strategies being explored by library systems in the United
States. J. Stirling answered that the
OPL is exploring a number of strategic approaches, such as partnering with 191
library systems as well as all large Canadian urban library systems. Strategies are also being explored by
American library systems.
Chair Harder inquired on the
Canadian Library Association’s involvement in the eBooks strategy. J. Stirling responded that there has been no
involvement from the Canadian Library Association.
Trustee Langlois inquired
on existing partnerships with associations of university libraries pertaining
to eBook strategies for libraries. J. Stirling responded that only public
library associations have been involved to date. The OPL will be working with other libraries
to achieve best solutions.
2013 OPL Draft Operating & Capital Budget and Estimates and Nine
Year Capital Forecast
Danielle McDonald, Chief
Executive Officer gave a PowerPoint presentation on the 2013 OPL Draft Operating
& Capital Budget and Estimates and Nine Year Capital Forecast.
The budget process was set in June 2011 as per City Council’s
directive. Boards received their
pro-rated share of 2.5% tax increase. In
developing the operating budget, a number of guidelines were considered including
the fulfillment of mandatory requirements, the maintenance of existing programs
or service standards, the support of RFID as the Board’s key strategic
priority, and the development of options for the Board’s consideration for any
discretionary funding. The 2013 funding
request is pegged at $1,415 million, consistent with City Council’s
The preferred Draft Operating Budget option
recommended by the Finance and Budget Committee focuses on the acceleration of the Emerald Plaza renewal and expansion
project, focuses on the rollout of RFID to a total of three branches, and also
supports $75,000 in RFID-related training and $135K in base transfer to the
capital PAYG (pay as you go). With the
OPL’s 2012 net operating budget amount of $41.161 million and the increased
2013 operating request of $1.4 million, OPL’s 2013 net operating budget request
is pegged at $42.5 million.
The 2013 OPL Draft Capital Budget request is pegged at $3 million. As per the Finance and Budget Committee’s
recommendation, the preferred Draft Capital Budget would largely support the
acceleration of Emerald Plaza as a renewal priority. The option focuses on the implementation of
RFID in three branches, focuses on the OPL’s digital channel, provides funding
for alternative library services, and includes a $135K base transfer from
operating. With the addition of the
lifecycle estimate of $0.475 million, the total capital request is pegged at
$3.5 million.
D. McDonald
summarized the Nine Year Capital Forecast.
The development of the Nine Year Capital Forecast supports OPL’s three
primary service delivery channels, including all of its 33 branches, OPL’s
digital channel, as well as OPL’s alternative library services. The primary focus consists of the
implementation of RFID within a self-funded approach. The capital forecast supports the OPL Board’s
renovation priorities. The long term
goal emphasizes the funding of any additional FTEs for growth and reinvestment
within the current budget. The long term
plan allots some funding towards the exploration of non-branch community
channels. The plan further proposes an
increase in the PAYG funding envelope by $1 million over the next 10 years to
address inflationary pressures. Overall,
the plan supports new capital projects, but no new FTEs for existing lines of
Trustee Wilkinson asked as to whether the
Nine Year Capital Forecast included a 2.5% tax increase applied to each year or
whether historic spending figures were used to forecast spending estimates. D. McDonald explained that a 2.5% tax
increase was applied for 2014, as per City Council’s directive. Beginning in 2015, more focus will be given
to OPL’s Radio Frequency Identification Tagging (RFID) initiative. The Nine Year Capital Forecast will be
revisited most likely in 2013 for planning purposes.
Trustee Zeidan asked as to
how the recommended three branches were selected to receive RFID rollouts. D. McDonald explained that a number of
considerations were taken into account such as technology costs, training
requirements, staffing costs, and renovation costs.
Trustee Zeidan inquired
about cost savings as a result of RFID implementation at the recommended three
branches. D. McDonald advised that the
cost savings achieved will result in funding for the West District Library additional
required staff resources.
MOTION: BRD2012-0079
Doc #3: 2013 OPL
Draft Operating & Capital Budget and Estimates and Nine Year Capital
That the Ottawa Public Library (OPL) Board
receive and table the 2013 Draft Operating and Capital Budget Estimates for
consideration at a subsequent meeting of the Board, to be held on 19 November,
2012; and
That the 2013 OPL Draft Operating and
Capital Budget Estimates be tabled with City Council for consideration at its
meeting of October 24, 2012; and
That the OPL Board receive the Nine-Year
Capital Forecast for information.
MOTION: BRD2012-0081
That the Ottawa Public Library Board meeting adjourn at 6:21 p.m.
Minutes approved by:
Chair |
Secretary |