
Ottawa Public Library Board

June 11, 2012


A regular meeting of the Ottawa Public Library Board was held on Monday June 11, 2012 at 17:00 hours at Ottawa City Hall in the Colonel By Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, ON.


Present:         Chair                                                                           Jan Harder

                        Vice-Chair                                                                  Jim Bennett

                                                                                                             Amelita Armit

                                                                                                             André Bergeron

                                                                                                             Keith Egli

                                                                                     Patrick Gauch

                                                                                     David Gourlay

                                                                                                             Christine Langlois

                                                                                                             Shad Qadri

                                                                                                             Marianne Wilkinson

                                                                                                             Rose Zeidan


Regrets:                                                                                              Danielle Lussier-Meek

                                                                                                             Doug Thompson

                                                                                                             Tim Tierney


Also Present:Chief Executive Officer                                           Danielle McDonald

Div. Mgr. Facilities and Business Services          Elaine Condos

Div. Mgr. Service Excellence                                  Monique Désormeaux

Acting Div. Mgr. System-Wide Services and

Innovation                                                                  Jennifer Stirling

Manager, Financial Services Unit                         Brenda Gorton


Recorder                                                                                Marc Pellerin



1.     Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 17:01.

2.     Excused Absences

Regrets were received from Trustee Lussier-Meek, Trustee Thompson, and Trustee Tierney.


3.     Declarations of Conflict of Interest

None declared.


4.     Approval of Agenda



       MOTION: 044-12


Moved by Trustee Wilkinson, seconded by Trustee Gauch to approve the agenda as presented.




5.     Approval of Minutes



MOTION: 045-12

Doc #1 Approval of Minutes: May 14, 2012


Moved by Trustee Armit, seconded by Trustee Bennett to approve the minutes dated May 14, 2012 as presented.




6.     2013 Budget Process and Timelines

Chair Harder stated that the locations identified in the 2013 budget timetable and public consultation plan are subject to change.  Future direction will be provided by Ottawa City Council.



MOTION: 046-12

Doc #2 2013 Budget Process and Timelines


Moved by Trustee Bergeron, seconded by Trustee Wilkinson that the Board approve the timetable (subject to change) and the process for developing and approving the 2013 budget, as outlined in this report; and

That the Board direct staff to develop and present draft budget options for the Board’s consideration, based on the direction provided by Ottawa City Council.



7.     Governance and Audit Committee Report

Chair Harder referred to pages 6 through 12 of the report and asked that the column entitled “City of Ottawa Management Team” be removed from Policy B.4 Board’s Role.  The policy was accepted as amended.


MOTION: 047-12

Doc #3 Governance and Audit Committee Report


Moved by Trustee Gauch, seconded by Trustee Gourlay that the Board approves the following policies as revised: A.20 Directors’ Insurance, and B.4 Board’s Role (as amended).



8.     In Camera


MOTION: 048-12


Moved by Trustee Qadri, seconded by Trustee Egli to move in camera to discuss labour relations or employee negotiations.





MOTION: 049-12


Moved by Trustee Langlois, seconded by Trustee Zeidan to return to open session at 17:21.


9.     Chair’s Remarks

Chair Harder congratulated Trustee Tierney on his appointment to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Board.  Chair Harder further commended Trustee Thompson for recently being elected as a Director of the Ontario Chapter of the Canadian Water Resources Association.

An electronic copy of the Chair’s report will be forwarded to the OPL Board for information.


10.  Approval of Consent Items



MOTION: 050-12


Be it resolved that the OPL Board receive the following reports:


-     Doc #4:  June 11/12:        Monthly Report

-     Doc #5:  June 11/12:        E-books Update

-     Doc #8:  June 11/12:        2012 Calendar of Reports, Outstanding Inquiries,

                                                               Motions and Unscheduled Reports

-     Doc #9:  June 11/12:        Monitoring Report: A.1 General Executive


-     Doc #10: June 11/12:      Monitoring Report: A.5 Emergency CEO


-     Doc #11:June 11/12:       Monitoring Report: A.30 Protection of Branches




11.  P1 – West District Schematic Design

Richard Stark, Manager, Library Facilities Planning and Development gave an update on the West District Library Project.  The new West District Library will be approximately 24,000 square feet in size, pegged at an estimated cost of $6.97 million.  The construction project will be carried out in two phases, focusing both on the construction of the parking lot and the construction of the building itself. 


R. Stark introduced Emmanuelle van Rutten, Associate Architect, Moriyama & Teshima Architects.  Emmanuelle van Rutten gave a PowerPoint presentation on some of the West District Library’s schematic design elements, as well as the public consultation process used to shape the project.


Chair Harder inquired about the possibility of moving the front entrance door forward.  Ms. Van Rutten will explore the possibility of moving the front entrance door.  She further added that there is an exit staircase located near the entrance door that may pose limitations.


Trustee Langlois asked as to whether or not the terrace would be connected to the roof of the existing building, and further inquired about the possibility of expanding the terrace to the roof of the existing building.  Ms. van Rutten confirmed that the terrace is of the same height as the building roof.  Part of the considerations will be the addition of weight to the roof of the existing building.


Trustee Zeidan asked as to whether or not users of the meeting rooms would have access to kitchen or washroom spaces during closed library hours.  Ms. van Rutten answered that the public would have access to two washrooms during off hours and added that there is a small counter and sink in each meeting room.


Trustee Gourlay left at 5:42 p.m.


Trustee Bergeron inquired about the attractiveness of the view from the terrace.  Ms. van Rutten accredited the attractiveness of the view.


Trustee Gauch inquired about the sufficiency of parking.  Trustee Wilkinson noted that the building’s multi-use characteristic is intended to provide ample parking for all users.


Trustee Qadri inquired about the possibility of constructing a traffic circle as opposed to the establishment of a four-way stop intersection.  Danielle McDonald, Chief Executive Officer mentioned that staff will investigate the cost of constructing a traffic circle.


Trustee Gauch asked if details of the West District Library Information Session scheduled for Wednesday June 20 would be sent to members of the OPL Board.  D. McDonald confirmed that the notice will be forwarded to the Board.


12.  RFID Update

Jennifer Stirling, Acting Division Manager System-Wide Services and Innovation informed the Board that collection tagging at the Beaverbrook Branch has been completed.  The Stittsville Branch is listed as the next branch to undergo RFID collection tagging.

J. Stirling presented a video demonstrating the functionality of the RFID technology at the Hazeldean Branch, with emphasis on the self-check equipment as well as the sorter.

Several questions were asked by OPL Board trustees and answered by OPL staff, regarding the functionality of RFID tags and the RFID system as a whole.


MOTION: 052-12

Doc #7 RFID Update


Be it resolved that the OPL Board receive the RFID Update Report.




Councillor Wilkinson left at 17:54.


Councillor Egli left at 17:58.


13.  Engagement and Advocacy Update

Maureen McEvoy, Manager, Communications and Community Relations gave a PowerPoint presentation on OPL’s latest engagement and advocacy efforts.


The OPL is currently taking an integrated approach to achieve results, by means of engagement, advocacy, and branding.  The OPL uses a wide range of vehicles, from the website to print materials, to promote Library programs, services and events to show how the Library is relevant.

Social media has been widely used by Communications and Community Relations (CCR) to better understand the interests of customers and to be responsive to them.  As well, the OPL website plays a role in maximizing the exposure of social media interaction, with the addition of the Twitter feed and blogs on the website’s homepage.  Engagement is facilitated through a number of other ways such as branch events, fostering of partnerships, and technology as a whole.


The focus on advocacy is also included in CCR’s strategy.  Building understanding of the issues faced by the public library and the value it offers to the community is an incremental task and the OPL will have to seek every opportunity to tell its story.  Thanks to the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries, the OPL has a solid base from which to do this work.


In terms of branding, the OPL has an integrated approach for program promotion.  CCR develops consistent materials and promotes system-wide programs through multiple channels.  Because of the range of offerings and target markets – and partnerships, a series of campaigns were developed, each with its own theme.  Digital signage is being installed in many branches across the system thanks to financial support from the Friends of the Ottawa Public Library Association (FOPLA).  The signs are used to showcase monthly updates to promote events, programs and other offerings.  The OPL also has template approach for branch promotion to ensure that OPL customers have access to the high quality offerings in whichever branch they access.



MOTION: 051-12

Doc #6 Engagement and Advocacy Update


Be it resolved that the OPL Board receive the Engagement and Advocacy Update Report.




14.  Adjournment



MOTION: 053-12


Moved by Trustee Qadri to adjourn the meeting at 18:23.




Minutes approved by:                                                                  









